Spirituality with Materialistic Life

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Spirituality is an unconditional subject which always believes in giving towards every particle of the universe being as a materialistic one its very important for us to give something to our self when we will be feeling that we are fed properly and able to understand the meaning of giving then we can be unconditional for others. Spirituality is having a very different sense of living which always believes in giving without taking anything always mind you that firstly you have to be

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unconditional for your self. Any body can start his spiritual vision by nourishing nature, loving animals and making atmosphere pollution free because here you can find pure unconditionality. Always remember about your wise full work of

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doing and living is being commended enough to justify your clarity before remembering the god because he is inside you. In the context of human mass we can be unconditional to make the feel of pure subjection but we need to be wise enough to justify that our unconditionality is being utilized in an inexcusable process then change the route of giving.

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Materialistic life is a give and take process of living when giving is being processed then certain things will be back again means balance between give and take is needed, slowly when giving will start to add supreme generation then you can find a “human of vision”.

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Every action has a reaction because energy is the source of generation which runs the whole universe, never dies, moves one shape to another but shapes always have its limitations to acclaim the objectives of living. Spirituality is a vision to

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gain a shape of justification as well energy inclusion. Author: Ashish Bordiya