Modernism Is an Art of Self Improvement

You are the only one who knows yourself better then anybody. (What’s your moral liking and disliking are the separate issues, varies person to person)

Self motivation is the best implement to get inspired by your own

(My communication isn’t well, don’t have dressing pattern, don’t know the blueprint of reading, writing, planning, working, interacting, Sitting etc. or well in so many fields do SWOT analysis, follow the professional (Observing, Meeting) by various medium (Television, Internet, Books, Personal summit) to learn the techniques to remove the weaknesses add it to the strengths set up with your goal by analyzing the threads, do practice again and again, get mastery, Increase productivity and win the race)

Learning is the source of motivation

(Each leaning provides a feel of individuality that’s sufficient for the self motivation)

Education is the continual process of learning

(Reading from the book s not the only means of education as it’s all over just see from your eyes and grab the prospects to learn useful things)

Instructors provide the medium of learning

(Eklavya was desire full to be like Dronacharya however he was a quiet instructor for him)

(Following anyone isn’t the hint of inspiration; it can be a part of erudition or attraction)

Where is learning there is the existence of vision

(Learning produces the visions and visions are ruling the world)

Visions are the foundation of every development

(Vision provides the configuration for activities)

Development shows the rate of modernism

(Development is the symbol of progression that’s the sign of modernism)

Modernism is an art of self development! Let’s be modern and make others modern