“Sachin Tendulkar” The Heart Of India Undoubtedly A Bharat Ratna

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A man was landed on globe almost 38 years back specifically intended, equipped with the talent of soaring class got the fate of universe, combination of love and dedication has made him as genius on earth.Sachin has out beaten the pressure by his simplicity towards his career, life and structured his own Status which will instigate one generation to another.So many times he felt the height of gratitude when his energy was entirely utilized, appeared by an amaze outcome, symbolize the modern era, doesn't has any assessment with Sir Donald Brad, represented the grassroots of the world cricket. How can we compare an old magnificent

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heritage with the most contemporary tower? Now he is in the age of 38+ years, playing from almost 22 years, fully fit keen to play like a 16teen years chap that's the spirit always distinguish him from others as well he is very courteous and polite towards his family and

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friends, now he is being with the highest level of stardom but always believe in down to earth approach that makes him more presentable, Seamlessly he is the most adorable heart of India undoubtedly A true Bharat Rtatna, has own weakness to get out on

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slow medium pace in swing low bounce bowlers. Hansie Cronje was the foremost example of the same. Current statistics illustrate the domination of his class on world cricket but some of elite individuals are gearing up to beat the ratio of Sachin. Jacques Henry Kallis is going to be the major threat for Sachin's competence in one day as well as test match horizon. He is just 35+ with ironic fitness and overwhelms records if he will be played for four years as contrast to Sachin's one year he can be anywhere.

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Rick Pointing is another threat just 37+ with terrific fitness but his game is going to be declined due to poor Australian team combination, generates huge pressure on his shoulders, Sachin's one years play will be sufficient to beat him all the

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way. prominently current cricket arena doesn't, has marvelous bowlers collection, always provides a free hit to make some more golden years for the class of Sachin. So be ready and beware Mr. Sachin, your work is still pending at least two years play can fix yours as

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well as Indian cricket's name forever in the history book. This will be a test for BCCI and its love with the pride of country. How long they will manage to hold a champion like "Sachin Tendulkar"? Author: Ashish Bordiya