Media As Tool

When the growth rises, accountability of media is crucial to expand the positives and negatives of any entity and engenders solutions for the betterment as media is a pragmatic tool never prejudice towards meticulous aspect endeavor to find out the absolute

value out of any issue.Just imagine a flute as instrument, in the hand of an expert provides amazing melody but when it is being used by a deficient individual then we can hear an intolerable sound which only can highlight it's user among several listeners. Media is just like a flute has its own brain which conducts the recognition of events Brain of media can be fluctuated by the worth of it's entity if it's being hold by the competent personalities, can provide A spring of stimulation being with a taste of professionalism as well proceed behalf of the requirements. Media is the voice of every generation which caters every class of audience and their uncountable issues due to price war and intense rivalry media is bound to emphasize very sensitive issues with vast intensity on the otherhand they can be utilized by extremely valuable entity. Media is a vital instrument to create illusions for gripping the general mass to

provide a direction of their liking if its being with value fortitude then it's a great conviction otherwise provides a very cheap exposure and creates very special character as role model. Media has turned out to be an usual feed for all class of people, haves its numerous benefits and some of drawback it's entirely depend on its viewers how they are taking the same.