An Appraisal on Television Rating Points System

Suppose current TRP systems are traceable by using technology which covers all the viewers as whole, took no time in accumulation then the requirement of small size probable analysis will be minimal, Need the connectivity of advance techno specify equipment at cable operators, satellite televisions, DTH, IPTV'S control rooms which will determines the acute data base of television viewer ship and connectivity of all these with main body, circulate the whole country's data in fraction of time. Almost all infrastructures are available just needs a proper integrate invention to make an unique productive matrix with the long term view of accuracy and cost effectiveness to provide real-time time data. Perhaps 50 percent out of all the viewers ship data will be released then this would be in Millions as compare to current sample system and so many innovations and probable analysis can come after the same regarding liking or disliking with respects to different age group or else.

Now an even newer industry body called Broadcast Audience Research Council seeks to setup an almost real-time audience metrics system. Plans for this was announced in March 2008 and work is said to be in progress. Time is just racing away incessant technological encroachments are holding the nerve of progress one after another incredible system has been introduced numerous are in waiting list it's the magic of 21st century's generation came out by the grace of old heritage and its nonstop enhancement.

Increase in inhabitants is generating the necessities of living which crafts life extremely systematic however the race of expansion never stops its demanding to move ahead. Now improvements are greatly depend on inclusion to generate an overwhelm productivity by the accuracy of data and Television Rating Points System is one of blueprint of the same.

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Television was initiated in India 15 September 1959. Currently 515 channels are available in the country out of which 150 are pay channels as per the TAM Annual Universe Update - 2010, India now has over 134 million homes (out of 223 million) with television sets, of which over 103 million have access to Cable TV or Satellite TV, including 20 million homes are DTH subscribers. In Urban India, 85% of all households have a TV and over 70% of all households have access to Satellite, Cable or DTH services.TV owning households have been growing at between 8-10%, while growth in Satellite/Cable homes exceeded 15% and DTH subscribers grew 28% over 2009.

Huge viewer ship always forces for the growth of TV viewer ship measurement system, which provides Ratings point, determines the worth of commercial gain of channels. An accurate TRP system always provides the proper feed for the eligible entity.

Television ratings in India

INTAM is the electronic rating agency functioning in India. 'People meter' are installed in sample homesand these electronic gadgets continuously record data about the channel watched by the family members and the agency prepares a national data on the basis of its sample homes readings.

AMap is providing highly reliable and quality data on television ratings; it is the Asia's largest overnight panel encompassing 6,000 Metered Homes provides ratings as early as next day.

Recently A committee submitted its report on current system of TRP measurement to Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni, headed by Amit Mitra (FICCI Secretary General) regarding small sample size used by the two existing rating agencies in India, recommended an increase in the sample size from 8,000 homes to 30,000 urban and rural households.

Suppose current TRP systems are traceable by using technology which covers all the viewers as whole, took no time in accumulation then the requirement of small size probable analysis will be minimal, Need the connectivity of advance techno specify equipment at cable operators, satellite televisions, DTH, IPTV'S control rooms which will determines the acute data base of television viewer ship and connectivity of all these with main body, circulate the whole country's data in fraction of time. Almost all infrastructures are available just needs a proper integrate invention to make an unique productive matrix with the long term view of accuracy and cost effectiveness to provide real-time time data.

Perhaps 50 percent out of all the viewers ship data will be released then this would be in Millions as compare to current sample system and so many innovations and probable analysis can come after the same regarding liking or disliking with respects to different age group or else.

When statistics available then probability needs to be the next

Now an even newer industry body called Broadcast Audience Research Council seeks to setup an almost real-time audience metrics system. Plans for this was announced in March 2008 and work is said to be in progress.