Update from Kharkiv - March 12

Purcell Marian High School and School #116 planned a student exchange for March 2020 that was canceled due to the pandemic.  A Zoom meeting between PMHS and #116b students was in the planning stages in February but was canceled due to the Russian invasion.

From AB
School #116
Saturday, March 12, 2022

We are safe for now, in Ukraine but far from bombs. We have been in Kharkiv for 9 days since the beginning, but decided to leave to a safer place. Things are very difficult and as you might have seen our city is damaged massively. We don’t know what to do, just waiting for the things change for better. We can’t leave Ukraine as my husband and my father are not allowed to cross the border. There is only hope left for us. I want this war end soon, there are thousands of people being killed. Women children… there is less and less food supplied to markets all over Ukraine, people sitting in the shelters and just trying to save their lives . We did nothing to deserve this. Life will never be the same:

Purcell Marian students are collecting medical and personal care items that will be transferred to Matthew 25 Ministries for shipment to Ukraine.