CKSCP Recent Activity

International Online Lecture Series:
War and Society in Ukraine

Students at Wright State University and V.N, Karazin Kharkiv National University will engage in a cross-cultural collaborative effort to understand the historical context of the current war between Russian and Ukraine and its impact on Ukrainian society. 

Participants will explore the following topics.

The lecture series will bring together students form both universities in a series of online meetings beginning March 21 and continuing through April 17.  

Organizers of the Lecture Series

Marking the Anniversary of the Russian Invasion

We gathered at the Presbyterian Church of Wyoming to mark the 2nd anniverary of Ukraine's fight for freedom.  Mayor Monic of Wyoming welcome everyone.  City Council Member Mark Jeffreys affirmed our partnership with Kharkiv, and Suzy DeYoung was presented with the Light of Ukraine Award from the US-Ukraine Foundation.

Iryna Bakumenko, President of the Kharkiv-Cincinnati Sister City Partnership and Konstantin Demekno, Head of the International Relations Department of Kharkiv shared messages for the people of Cincinnati.  You can listen to or read their remarks or download the audio file to listen to them.

Audio File Print File
Konstantin Demenko Konstantin Demenko
Iryna Bakumenko Iryna Bakuymenkp

 Melissa Monich
Mayor of Wyoming

Mark Jeffreys 
Cincinnati City Council Member

Suzy DeYoung
Founder of La Soupe

Coverage of the Candlelight Vigil
WCPO      Fox 19     WCPO 

Marathoners from Kharkiv will Run in the Flying Pig 2023

Wounded Warrior Maksym Pasichnyk and Ironman Vadym Kovalenko from Kharkiv, Cincinnati’s Sister City, will arrive May 3 to participate in this year's Flying Pig Marathon. 

In addition to completing the 26.2. mile course, their goal is to raise awareness and funds for a clinic to be built in Kharkiv to treat post traumatic stress disorder among soldiers, veterans and civilians who have suffered greatly due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

They will hold a Press Conference on Thursday, May 4 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 115 in City Hall.

Maksym Pasichnyk has served in the Ukrainian armed forces for 10 years. He took part in recapturing the Hostomel Airport near Kyiv.  As a paratrooper he participated in the battle for Mariuol and Shyrokine in 2022.  Maksym was wounded when he walked for 12 days over 120 km to escape the occupied area.  

He is in rehab and was given permission from the Ukrainian military to travel to Cincinnati to run in the Pig and raise awareness of the impact of the war.     Instagram Maksm Pasichnyk 

Vadym Kovalenko serves as the General Manager of the Aurora Hotel in Kharkiv and is the co-founder of the Chameleon Athletic Club.  He is participating in the Pig to raise awareness of the impact of the Russian invasion on the Ukraine military and raise funds to help underwrite the PTSD clinic.

This is his second Flying Pig Marathon.  Vadym was here pre-pandemic to run the hills of Cincinnati.  Instagram Vadym Kovalenko

All are invited to a Community Meet & Greet at the Streetside Brewery on Friday, May 5 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.  Maksym will share information about his experience followed by a Q&A at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m..  The Streetside Brewery is located at 4003 Eastern Avenue in Cincinnati’s East End.

Channel 5

Two runners from Cincinnati's sister city in Ukraine to race in Flying Pig Marathon

Tusculum Street Fest
CKSCP wass there June 17, 2023 to celebrate our Sister City Partnership and bear witness to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Juneteenth Parade in Cincinnati

The Cincinnati USA Sister City Association marched in the Juneteenth Parade  - Monday, June 19 - with representatives from Kharkiv, Mysore, Liuzhou and Gifu.

Vietnam Vets of Southwest Ohio
and Vietnam Veterans of America
Support the People of Ukraine

At its February meeting the members of Cincinnati Chapter 10
passed a resolution reaffirming the partnership between Cincinnati and Kharkiv.

Military attacks have resulted in hundreds of Ukrainian combat and noncombat deaths, though of injured and tens of thousands of war-weary refugees fleeing for the their lives.  The Chapter 10 resolution pledges solidarity with Ukraine.  In a show of this support, the chapter donated $500 to CKSCP.  The Vietnam Veterans of Southwest Ohio also supported CKSCP with a $500 check.

Frank Clark and Bob Derge, Jr. members of CKSCP receive the check from Vietnam Veterans Chapter 10