Winter Holidays in Kharkiv and Cincinnati

The first of what has become an annual exhibit in children's art, Winter Holidays is a joint project of the Cincinnati-Kharkiv Sister City Partnership and the Kharkiv-Cincinnati Sister Partnership.

Children's drawings and paintings are the perfect way to show that in spite of being across the ocean from each other and having different cultures and traditions, the people in both cities have very similar feelings and emotions about winter holidays. Enjoy the bright colors and unique images of the young artists' works.

Iryna Bakumenko
President KCSCP

We hope you enjoy this exhibit and see beyond the shapes and colors into the hearts of the artists to begin to understand what they experience with it's cold and the days are short, when we celebrate this season.

Bob Herring President CKSCP

Art work by students from the following schools is included in the exhibition.
Cincinnati Mercy Montessori, Nativity, and Purcell Marian High School
Kharkiv I.Repin Art School #1 and Kharkiv Art School #133 Lyceum of Arts

Sergii Grichanok
Curator of the Exhibit