The Boys of Summer
Kharkiv & Cincinnati

Baseball has come to Kharkiv and “Boys (and Girls) of Summer” are eager to learn about the game. The CKSCP Delegation that attended the Celebration of the Day of the City had the opportunity to meet with the players.

Their plan for baseball in Kharkiv includes the following:

  • training for the coaches on the techniques and strategies for player development.

  • learning the finer points of field maintenance

  • recruiting additional players to expand the number of teams.

  • teaching grade school and high school students about the game.

  • making baseball one of the great summer pastimes in Kharkiv.

The coaching staff had planned to come to Cincinnati to learn “all things baseball’ in early in 2018. CKSCP had created a program with the Reds, Cincinnati Recreation Commission and Knothole. Contacts were made with high school and university programs. Cincinnati was ready to share with them everything they wanted to know about baseball. Unfortunately, they could not obtain visas from the US Government since they don’t have “anchors” in Kharkiv, e.g., property, children, etc. to guarantee their return to Ukraine. CKSCP is working on “Plan B” to support their efforts to bring baseball to Kharkiv.

Baseball is introduced to Kharkiv at the city’s Sports Festival in Gorky Park. Kids of all ages take up the glove and try their best. Kharkiv’s Mayor Kernis stopped by to wish the team well.

The Next Generation

Mayor Kearnis

The Boys of Summer