CKSCP Board Meeting
May 9, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Mike Burns, Bob Derge, Bob Derge Jr., Jay DeWitt, Sasha Etlin, Steve Hirschberg, Ann Lampe, Gail Bason, TJ White, and Susan Neaman.

Bob Herring previously distributed an agenda via email.

Meeting Minutes: The April 11, 2022 minutes were not reviewed. Approval of the April & May minutes will be on the June 13th agenda.

Proposal from M2U: Bob Herring presented a request from representatives on the M2U fundraising program which asked for CKSCP to consider acting as the pass through agency for another fundraising campaign like the campaign previously coordinated through John and Francie Pepper and geared toward P&G Alumni. After much discussion regarding the work involved for Treasurer Bob Derge Jr., Bob Herring, and TJ White, the board decided that it was not able to take on this task.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Derge Jr. Provided a report on fund raising revenues and disbursements and the unobligated fund balance involved with the recent campaigns. He noted that the $20,500 in promised funding for Chuguiv has not yet been sent because he needs a banking destination. Accounting for the Chuguiv payment, we currently have an unobligated balance of approximately $15,300. A total of $314,192 in contributions for the Red Cross, M2U and Perogies for Peace campaigns have come through CKSCP. The Perogies for Peace funds have only been program sponsorships. The event ticket receipts were managed separately. TJ White has handled mail merging and sending out donation confirmations.

Bob Derge Jr. was asked whether he could handle another fundraising campaign. He responded that it would depend on the type of campaign. The Red Cross campaign was manageable, but having multiple campaigns going on at the same time is very problematic in terms of separating funds, etc.

Steve Hirschberg made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Susan Neaman and passed by unanimous voice vote.


Vladimir Bulba Proposal for Kharkiv Region Assistance: Bob Herring advised that Vladimir Bulba has submitted a request for CKSCP funding for the “Kharkiv School of Courage” to reimburse costs associated with the provision of drugs and other personal care items by volunteers to needy recipients in and around Kharkiv. Most of their work has been supported by a separately managed Go Fund Me page. He stated that the current shortfall is just under $4,000. After discussion, Susan Neaman made a motion to allocate $5,000 of unobligated funds to the Kharkiv School of Courage efforts. The motion was seconded by Bob Derge. Under discussion on the motion, Bob Derge Jr. advised that he needs the banking information for the group to transfer funds. Ann Lampe indicated that she would work on getting the banking information. The motion than passed by unanimous voice vote.

Immigrant & Law Center: Ann Lampe advised that Julie Leftwich will be conducting and informational Zoom meeting at 10:00 a.m. on May 25, 2022 for those folks who have indicated an interest in learning more about how we might get involved in Ukrainian refugee immigration to Cincinnati and other areas.

Enquirer Editorial: Bob Herring discussed the content of a recent editorial opinion by an individual advocating that CKSCP lead efforts to resettle Ukrainian refuges in the Cincinnati area. It was decided not to respond to the editorial at this time.

Edward Glaeser Request: Bob Herring presented a request form Mr. Glaeser asking that CKSCP participate in a letter writing campaign to congressmen in support of funding for the rebuilding of Ukraine at the end of the war. The board felt that this endeavor should be undertaken when the timing of such a campaign is appropriate.

Cincinnati Magazine Contact: Bob Herring advised that board members may be contacted by a Cincinnati Magazine writer regarding an article she is doing on our relationship with Kharkiv.

Benefit Concert: Bob Herring advised that Mark Jeffries is working on a concert to benefit Ukraine to be held on May 21, 2022. The concert will be at Walnut Hills High School.

Perogies for Peace: Several board members who attended the Perogies for Peace event on May 8th reported that it was well done and well attended.

Peace & Justice Group: Bob Herring advised that the Peace & Justice Group will be holding a discussion on Ukraine on May 31, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Francis DeSales Church in Walnut Hills.

Kharkiv Marathon: Bob Herring advised that Mary Beth Dongler contacted him in support of Cincinnati runners going to Kharkiv to run in the marathon once the war ends and reconstruction efforts are underway. This was put on the back burner for now, but he encouraged others to think about what we can do to help revive Kharkiv once the hostilities end.

Conflict of Interest Policy: Bob Derge Jr. made a motion, which was seconded by Ann Lampe, to adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy previously discussed by the board. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Privacy Policy: Bob Derge Jr. made a motion to adopt the Privacy Policy previously discussed by the board with the removal of language specific to the Red Cross fundraising. The motion was seconded by Susan Neaman and passed by unanimous voice vote.

Merefa Request: Sasha Etlin advised that Merefa Mayor Veniamin Sitov has reported that Merefa was able to get funding for a generator though a separate grant resource, so they did not use the $24,000 CKSCP provided for the purchase for that purpose. He respectfully requested that Merefa be able to use the funding for the purchase of medical equipment and supplies. Mike Burns made a motion to authorize the rededication of the funds to the proposed new purpose. The motion was seconded by Susan Neaman and passed by unanimous voice vote.


· Sasha Etlin advised that he attended a presentation a Maple Knoll Retirement Community and provided an update on the current situation in Kharkiv. He was invited to participate by Marilyn and John Braun. He also advised that Brookdale will also do a program.


The next regularly scheduled CKSCP board meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13th. The meeting will be virtual on Zoom.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary