CKSCP Board Meeting
March 14, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Mike Burns, Bob Derge, Bob Derge Jr., Frank Clark, Sasha Etlin, Steve Hirschberg, Ann Lampe, Gail Bason, TJ White, Guennadi Maslov, and Susan Neaman. Jin Kong attended the meeting as a special guest.

Bob Herring previously distributed an agenda via email.

February Minutes: TJ White moved, with a second from Frank Clark, to accept the February 14, 2022 minutes as written. All were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Derge Jr. reported that our checking balance as of 3/1/2022 was $24,491.16. He noted that we recently received donations in the amount of $4325.00 and we will incur billboard costs in March. The CD balance is currently $10,261.00. TJ White moved, with second from Susan Neaman, to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


Ukrainian Red Cross Kharkiv Oblast:

· Bob Herring advised that Sasha Etlin has had preliminary discussions with Konstantyn Bashkirov with the Kharkiv Oblast Red Cross office. This is an organization that provides aid directly to the Kharkiv area. There are additional discussions planned for a zoom meeting tomorrow. They have expressed a need for food, warm clothing, and a coach bus for evacuations. There was additional discussion on how CKSCP could transfer any donated funds received to the Kharkiv Red Cross. Some members who were trying to send funds were encountering exorbitant transfer fees. Bob Derge Jr. will investigate the transfer options and report back.

Decision on Funds Received:

· There was a general discussion regarding what options there were for CKSCP to direct donations. The consensus was that donating to the Kharkiv Oblast Red Cross organization was preferred, if we can work out the details on how best to accomplish this option.


· Bob Herring reported that Joe Dehner has advised that he has a large Ukrainian painting and other Ukrainian and Kharkiv objects that he would be willing to donate to help raise funds.

· Bob also advised that he received a call from a woman in California asking about transferring medicine to Ukraine.

· Jin Kong advised that he spoke with a woman in the medical supply field who has contacts in Poland. The possibility of connecting with Nastya was discussed.

· Ann Lampe reported that Nastya was in Cincinnati and involved in seeking help securing tourniquets, gauze, and quick clot kits, and raising money to ship supplies to Ukraine.

· Bob Herring reported there was a concert scheduled at Walnut Hills High School to benefit Ukraine.

· Bob also reported that Bob Stevie was working on putting together a speaker’s bureau to talk with interested organizations, especially mentioning Seven Hills School.

· Bob reported on interest from Pastor Brian Ferguson with the First Lutheran and Philippus Church

· Bob also Bob shared emailed information from Suzy DeYoung regarding a Perogies for Peace event she is trying to organize. After discussion, a sub-committee including Bob herring, TJ White, Mike Burns and Ann Lampe will connect with Suzy in a zoom discussion at 7:00 on March 24th.

· It was also noted that a request from a church outside Warsaw, Poland was seeking contributions to assist in the care and feeding of 2000 refugees.

· Jin Kong provided advice on protecting our non-profit status by ensuring that we are staying within our mission statement for IRS purposes. We could also amend our mission statement to fit our new fundraising mission. He will forward IRS instructions.

· Bob Herring asked Jin Kong to discuss the draft Conflict of Interest Policy he previously sent out to board members. After discussion, Frank Clark made a motion to have a first reading on the Conflict of Interest Policy as an addendum to the CKSCP By-laws. The motion was seconded by Susan Neaman and approved by a unanimous voice vote.

· Bob Herring commented on the unprecedented name recognition opportunity CKSCP is realizing as we consider how to effectively aid our colleagues in Ukraine.

· Ann Lampe commented on a discussion she had with Jody Grundy regarding Cincy-4-Ukraine and Matthew 25. She felt that CKSCP needed to show up and be active at area events organized to support Ukraine.

· Frank Clark advised that he has been invited to a Vietnam Veterans board meeting to talk about what we are doing related to support efforts. The meeting is at Trios from 6-7 p.m. on April 2, 2022. Bob Derge Jr. advised that he could also attend the meeting.


· Steve Hirschberg reported that the billboard is up and running on I-71.

· Ann Lampe advised that she had received a call from Margie Carleton of What’s Up Wyoming asking about options to donate funds. She also advised that Vadim Kovalenko’s hotel was cooking for the military and others in need.

· Sasha Etlin commented that over 600 buildings in Kharkiv have been destroyed and over 500 have no heat. Mayor Terekhov has spoken with Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot about machinery for clean-up operations. There are long lines at pharmacies and the current conditions at the Kharkiv Zoo are dire.

· Bob Derge Jr. advised that the transfer fee for a $600 transfer was $60. Individual PayPal money had not yet transferred.

· Susan Neaman wished Gail Bason well with her upcoming surgery. Everyone concurred.


The next regularly scheduled CKSCP board meeting will be 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 11th. The meeting will be virtual on Zoom. It was noted that there will be several special meetings between the regularly scheduled board meetings.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary