CKSCP Board Meeting
June 13, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Mike Burns, Bob Derge, Frank Clark, Steve Hirschberg, Jay DeWitt, Gail Bason, and Susan Neaman. Bob Herring noted that several board members had notified him that they were unable to attend due to the area power outages. This included Sasha Etlin, Ann Lampe, and T.J. White.

Bob Herring previously distributed an agenda via email.


Meeting Minutes: Mike Burns advised that the minutes from April 11, April 24, and June 1 were previously distributed, and he had received comments on some spelling corrections and made those changes. He appreciates any comments from the board. Upon a motion by Susan Neaman and a second by Jay DeWitt, the minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Herring advised that Bob Derge Jr. was unable to attend the meeting, but he did send out a treasurer’s report in a recent email. The report indicated that $60,621.05 was obligated to the World Kitchen project, $20,162.38 was available for CKSCP projects and the unencumbered balance in the checking account is $23,521.13. Mike Burns made a motion to approve the report. It was seconded by Steve Hirschberg and passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Kharkiv Red Cross Visit: Bob Herring reported that he received two letters from Konstantin Bashkirov. The first letter was forwarded to the board and detailed the Kharkiv Red Cross’s use of funds which were supplied though CKSCP fundraising efforts. A total of $117,584 has been used for a variety of purposes including insurance payments for two volunteers, the purchase and supply of a special drug for a 9 year old girl, the purchase of a wide variety of other medications, the purchase and supply of food to families and individuals living in shelters, and the purchase of petrol for delivery and service vehicles.

The second letter expressed the groups interest in developing a rehab center in Kharkiv for the treatment of people injured by the war. Konstantin and Tatiana Zima would like to come to Cincinnati to personally thank donors and to discuss their needs related to the rehab center. They asked the board to suggest dates for their visit. After discussion, the consensus was that a visit during the first week in August would be the best and earliest choice for a visit. Bob herring will convey that information to Konstantin.

Bob Herring asked for ideas on what events and activities CKSCP could plan that would make the most out of their visit. He suggested an open house event where the invited attendees would include all who donated funds, Cincy 4 Ukraine representatives, Perogies for Peace representatives, representatives from Madeira and Wilmington, and representatives of the P&G alumni association. Frank Clark suggested adding representatives from the Vietnam Veterans group. Susan Neaman suggested adding Cincinnati City Council members. Clovernook Country Club was suggested as a possible venue. Mike Burns will check on the availability on either August 2nd or 3rd.

The discussion also focused on other possible venues where the visitors could tour and meet with local representatives. Drake Hospital, the VA Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Beacon Orthopedics were mentioned as potential sites. In addition, a visit to Cincinnati City Council during their August 3, 2022 meeting was suggested. Bob Herring will examine the possibility of getting on their agenda once the visit dates are confirmed with Konstantin. Bob will also check with Sasha Etlin to be sure that he is available for translation services. Housing options are open with Gail Bason, Susan Neaman, Bob Herring, and Ann Lampe being potential hosts. Steve Hirschberg suggested that a press conference might be a good vehicle to pursue for getting information out about their visit and the need for raising funds.


Flags of Ukraine Poster: Bob Herring had previously distributed some information on the possible development of a poster featuring Cincinnati area homes flying Ukrainian flags supporting our Sister City and Ukraine. After discussion, the concept was tabled for the time being while the board focuses on the planned visit.

Report to City Council: Bob Herring suggested that the timing was right to prepare a report to City council on all the activities that CKSCP has been involved in around fundraising and support of Kharkiv. Everyone agreed, so he will prepare a report for submission to City Council in advance of the August 3, 2022 meeting.


Mural for Blink: Susan Neaman advised that she and Bob Herring had attended a zoom meeting with the proponents of the project. They are not looking for CKSCP to be the major donor for the project. There was no other update information available currently.

Children’s International Day: Susan Neaman reiterated that the event will be held in Burnett Woods on September 24th this year. She asked that all available board members pitch in and help with the event.

Speakers Bureau: Bob Herring advised that CINUSCA was developing a roster of speakers who could provide presentations to Cincinnati area groups regarding the Cincinnati Sister City relationships. Jay DeWitt indicated an interest in being part of the speakers bureau.

Uniting for Ukraine: There was nothing new to report on this program focusing on immigration possibilities.


· Susan Neaman advised that she is concerned about war fatigue for our friends in Ukraine.

· Bob Herring asked for volunteers to work on the Kharkiv Red Cross visit. He suggested a meeting on either Monday or Wednesday of nest week (6/21-22). Frank Clark, Gail Bason, Susan Neaman, Jay DeWitt, and Mike Burns volunteered. Mike advised that he may not be able to participate in a meeting next week because he is traveling to Florida and will only have sporadic access to a WIFI.


The next regularly scheduled CKSCP board meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 13th. The meeting will be virtual on Zoom.

Gail Bason made a motion with a second from Steve Hirschberg to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary