CKSCP Special Board Meeting
June 1, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Mike Burns, Bob Derge, Bob Derge Jr., Frank Clark, Sasha Etlin, Steve Hirschberg, Ann Lampe, Gail Bason, TJ White, and Susan Neaman.

Bob Herring previously distributed an agenda via email.


Red Cross Visitors this summer: Bob Herring previously sent out information about a possible visit by Konstantin & Tatiana from the Kharkiv Red Cross sometime this summer. Susan Neaman was asked to provide additional information. She advised that the two prospective visitors need housing, probably in the form of a host family rather than hotel. She also advised that they will probably be seeking to establish more connections in the city and will want to connect with our Red Cross. A press conference will probably be scheduled, but we are not yet sure when the travel dates will occur. Susan Neaman, Ann Lampe, and Mike Burns expressed a willingness to provide housing. It was noted that Konstantin has a visa, but Tatiana does not, so some advance US Embassy approval will be needed. More discussion to follow on this topic.

Requests for Assistance: Bob Herring provided background information related to three recent requests for assistance from CKSCP.

1. Request to assist an international volunteer organization “Kh.Lib” which was directed to us by Jody Grundy.

2. There was a request from an organization in Kharkiv wanting CKSCP to help fund the purchase of a van to deliver medical and humanitarian supplies.

3. There was a request from United help Ukraine for assistance in acquiring medical supplies.

Treasurer Bob Derge Jr. advised that the current uncommitted balance in the fundraising account was $18,338.38. After discussion, the board decided not to provide the requested assistance because we want to focus on Kharkiv, and we have limited funds. TJ White and Ann Lamp volunteered to serve on a committee which will make a recommendation on what our focus should be regarding funding.


Jungle Jim’s Offer: Bob Herring advised that he was contacted by Mike Misada with information that Jim Bonaminio of Jungle Jim’s had offered to provide jobs and other assistance to the families of Ukrainian pilots who just completed training in Washington DC. The families decided that they wanted to stay in the DC area and Mr. Bonaminio indicated that he would provide aid to them there.

Mike & Mary Robinson Offer: Bob Herring advised that he was contacted by Mr. & Mrs. Robinson, and they are going to bring a Ukrainian to the ATP and the Air Force Marathon at Wright Patterson AFB.

CKSCP Memberships: Bob Herring noted that several website responders have indicated that they want to be members of CKSCP. Bob Derge Jr. reported that 5-6 people have sent in $25 membership dues.

United For Ukraine: Ann Lampe provided a report on the recent Zoom meeting with the group trying to facilitate the immigration of Ukrainians to the US. She advocated that board members view the recording of the meeting. There are individuals interested in sponsoring various Ukrainians.

Cincinnati Magazine Article: Bob Herring reported that the August edition of Cincinnati Magazine will feature An article by John Stowell on the sister city relationship with Kharkiv and include quotes and perspectives from himself, Susan Neaman, Vladimir Bulba, and others. Sash Etlin provided translation services for the interviews.

Children’s International Day: Susan Neaman reported that the event will be held in Burnett Woods on September 24th this year. She asked that all available board members pitch in and help with the event.

St. Francis DeSales Program: Bob Herring and Sasha Etlin spoke at an event last night at St. Francis DeSales providing their perspectives on the war in Ukraine and specifically the impacts in Kharkiv. Bob & Sonya Derge were in attendance. At the conclusion of the program donations were collected which will be forwarded to CKSCP.

Mural for Blink: Bob Herring presented a proposal from a group headed by Jody Grundy to paint a mural on a building in Cincinnati celebrating our relationship with Kharkiv. Bob and Susan attended a zoom meeting on the subject and will be doing a follow-up session tomorrow. It was estimated that the costs associated with such a mural will be in the $17,000-$19,000 range and the group is looking for sponsorships. A draft memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was prepared by Jenny Roesel Ustick who is a muralist and Associate Professor at UC. There was much discussion about the idea with board members supportive of the concept but concerned that providing the funding would take away from humanitarian funding efforts. After discussion, Susan Neaman proffered a motion that CKSCP provide up to a $5,000 commitment pending the negotiation of an acceptable MOU, the selection of an acceptable location, and the selection of an acceptable design. Frank Clark seconded the motion and it passed by a 9-2 vote with Bob Derge Jr. and Gail Basin voting no.

Childrens Art: Bob Herring reported that he participated in a 2-hour zoom meeting this morning with Shelly Komrska regarding an art exchange. More to follow on this subject.


Treasurer’s Report: Bob Derge Jr. provided a report on overall donations, fund disbursements to agencies and organizations in Ukraine, the fundraising account balance, and the CKSCP checking account balance. Net donations were reported to be $201,087.66. Disbursements to Mission to Ukraine, Merefa, Solonitsykva and Chuguiv totaled $200,587.66 with $500 held for postage and printing costs. The Pierogis for Peace donations totaled $46,905.54 with expenses reported at $4,085.54 which will be directed to World Kitchen. The net amount remaining in the fundraising accounts and unobligated is $18,338.38. Bob also reported that the projected checking account balance is $28,282.59.

TJ White made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Frank Clark and passed by unanimous voice vote.

Meeting Minutes: The May 9, 2022 minutes were previously distributed. Upon a motion by Bob Derge and a second by Gail Basin, the minutes were approved as submitted. Secretary’s Note: I forgot that we still need to approve some April minutes. I will have those for the June 13th agenda.


· Sasha Etlin reported that President Zelensky visited Kharkiv And was happy with what he saw. Mayor Terekhov has reported that 3,000 buildings have been damaged and 700 civilians killed during the war. He is planning to replace the old Soviet era buildings with modern structures.

· Ann Lampe reported that Vadim told her that the front of the war was mainly to the southeast.

· Susan Neaman reported that Denys advised that about 30% of the Donetsk area is now occupied by Russian soldiers.

· Gail Basin advised that Shelly’s son has made Ukrainian support T-shirts.

· Ann reported that Nadia has received funding for her certification education. She also advised that Shelly and the Mariemont arts group still have Ukrainian art note cards available. They are $20 for 10 cards.

· Bob & Sonya Derge advised that they have been checking the office every week or so but will be cutting back unless someone advises that a donation check is in the mail.


The next regularly scheduled CKSCP board meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13th. The meeting will be virtual on Zoom.

Frank Clark made a motion with a second from Gail Basin to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary