CKSCP Board Meeting
July 10, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Mike Burns, Bob Derge, Bob Derge Jr., Steve Hirschberg, Jay DeWitt, Gail Bason, Susan Neaman, Sasha Etlin, Ann Lampe, and T.J. White.

Bob Herring previously distributed an agenda via email.


Meeting Minutes: Mike Burns advised that the minutes from June 13 were previously distributed, and he had received comments on some corrections and made those changes. He appreciates any comments from the board. Upon a motion by Susan Neaman and a second by Bob Derge, the minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Herring advised that Bob Derge Jr. previously sent out a treasurer’s report detailing 2022 budget activity and reflecting an unencumbered checking account balance of $23,466.11 and $22,121.65 in monies available for CKSCP projects. Jay DeWitt made a motion to approve the report. It was seconded by TJ White and passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Kharkiv Red Cross Visit: Sasha Etlin advised that he has spoken with Konstantin Bashkirov, and they are still working on getting the necessary approvals for a visit to Cincinnati late this month. Bob Herring has forwarded the necessary invitation and they still need to book tickets. Obviously, all travel to and from Ukraine is subject to change due to the ongoing Russian invasion. Gail Bason advised that she has had problems trying to talk with someone at Beacon orthopedics about a visit.

The planning committee will meet at 8:00 p.m. on July 14th to continue planning discussions.

Vadim Kovalenko’s Request for Support for an Ironman Fundraiser: Bob Herring previously sent out a Facebook link for a fundraiser Vadim is putting together and asked whether there were any objections to sending the link out to our supporter email list. There were no objections from the board members present.

Children’s International Day: Susan Neaman advised that she had no new updates on this event planned for September 24, 2022.

Letter from Victor Rudd: Bob Herring read excepts from a letter from Victor Rudd to CKSCP celebrating Independence Day.

Letter from Kharkiv Mayor Terekhov to Cincinnati Mayor Pureval: Bob Herring read the contents of the letter from Mayor Terekhov expressing a desire for forming a Coordination Council with representatives from Kharkiv’s Sister and Twin Cities for the purposes of providing support and ideas for the rebuilding of Kharkiv once hostilities are resolved. Bob hand delivered the letter to mayor Pureval’s office but has not yet had any follow up with his office.

Report from the Kharkiv School of Courage: Bob Herring previously sent out a report from Vladimir Bulba regarding how CKSCP donations have been used in the Kharkiv region. This accounting is related to the $5,000 CKSCP sent to the School of Courage group.

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO): Bob Herring provided a link to the CKSCP website recording of a song expressing solidarity with Kharkiv played by two cellists, one in Kharkiv and the other with CSO.


Request from Vladimir Bulba: Bob Herring previously distributed a request for funding for tools and equipment for the village of Dergachi in the Kharkiv Oblast. The request was for $3,333.11 USD. After discussion, Mike Burns made an amended motion to allocate $3,500 toward Vladimir’s request. The amended motion was seconded by Bob Derge and passed by unanimous voice vote. Sasha Etlin will coordinate wire transfer information with Bob Derge Jr.


Mural for Blink: Susan Neaman advised that they are still looking for a suitable wall for the mural. One was suggested on Dunlap Street, but Bob Herring and Susan felt that it was not in a location that would be viewed by many people.

News from Kharkiv: Sasha Etlin reported that there was shelling in Kharkiv today that hit a residential block and resulted in multiple deaths and injuries. Susan Neaman also reported that a school near Irina Bakumenko’s home was hit by bombs.


· Bob Herring advised that he ran into Chuck Hollis downtown, and he is still working on the possible emigration of Victoria to the US. It is not an easy process.

· Sasha Etlin reported that out of the 6 million people who have fled Ukraine about 3 million have returned thinking that the worst is over, but it is not, so casualties remain high.


The next regularly scheduled CKSCP board meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 8th. The meeting will be virtual on Zoom.

Bob Derge made a motion with a second from TJ White to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 p.m.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary