CKSCP Emergency Board Meeting
February 25, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Gail Bason, Mike Burns, Bob Derge, Jay DeWitt, Sasha Etlin, Steve Hirschberg, Ann Lampe, Susan Neaman, and T.J. White.

Bob Herring stated that the purpose of the meting was to discuss various ways that CKSCP could respond in support of our colleagues in Kharkiv following the invasion by Russian forces. He also shared recent messages from several of our friends and colleagues in Kharkiv detailing the conditions there during the invasion. Several other members also mentioned messages they have received from Kharkiv.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Response:

· Susan Neaman reported that she had spoken with representatives from Norton Advertising and Lamar Advertising regarding the rental of billboard space along I-75 and I-71 expressing CKSCP support for Ukraine. Norton quoted a cost of $3500 per billboard plus $575 to print vinyl for each billboard for a four-week period. Lamar quoted a highly discounted price of $2,000 each for a digital message which would rotate with 5-6 other ads for an 8 second span each continuously for the same four-week period. She noted that the Lamar option could be put in place very quickly. It was noted that the message on the digital option would need to be very short and clear. “We stand with Ukraine” or We stand with our Sister City”, along with our logo, was suggested. It was noted that we could work with Lamar to craft the best wording for the message.

· Bob Herring reported that the range of costs for a one-time ad in the Enquirer would be from approximately $4000 for a half page to $8000 for a full page.

· After discussion, there was support from the members present to pursue the Lamar ad option and forgo an Enquirer ad due to excessive cost related to limited exposure. Susan Neaman proffered a motion to authorize the expenditure of approximately $4,000 to provide two digital message boards, one on I-75 and the other on I-71 per the Lamar proposal. The motion was seconded by Gail Bason and passed by unanimous voice vote.

· Bob Herring shared a draft statement from CKSCP regarding our support for Ukraine. A suggestion was made that CKSCP submit a version of this statement to the enquirer in the form of an editorial comment. Bob will tweak the statement to fit the format for an editorial.

· Susan Neaman expressed support for somehow garnering financial assistance for folks in Ukraine, especially in Kharkiv. She noted that there were several funds being established for assistance purposes. After discussion, the board was supportive of creating a separate support account where individuals could donate to an assistance fund targeted to needs in Kharkiv. It was noted that it was perhaps a little premature to establish exactly where any funds generated would be directed, but this could be managed as the situation develops further. Bob Herring will include a link to our website in the editorial and the website will include a link for donations.

· Bob Herring advised that a demonstration in support of Ukraine was held in Loveland, Ohio and asked whether we should plan or organize something for Fountain Square. The board was supportive of such an action but felt that we should see what others do and perhaps coordinate with the City of Cincinnati. (Subsequent to the meeting, a planned demonstration was announced for Fountain Square at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, February 28, 2022.) All available board members and CKSCP supporters are encouraged to attend.

· Bob Herring advised that he has been in sporadic contact with the Mayor’s office regarding the passage of a resolution of support tentatively set for action at the March 2, 2022 Cincinnati City Council meeting which is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. He asked others to plan to attend, and he would forward more details once he hears back from the Mayor’s office.

· Susan Neaman suggested that we also reach out to our friends and colleagues in Kharkiv for ideas on how we can best funnel any support funds we raise to serve their needs.

· All the members present expressed their appreciation for Bob & Susan keeping them up to date on messages and activities in Kharkiv.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 p.m.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary