CKSCP Board Meeting
February 14, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President, Bob Herring. Also present at the ZOOM meeting were Mike Burns, Sasha Etlin, Steve Hirschberg, Ann Lampe, Bob Derge, Jr, Bob Derge, and Susan Neaman.

January Minutes: Susan Neaman moved, with a second from Bob Derge, to accept the January 10, 2022 minutes as written. All were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Derge Jr. reported that our checking balance as of 2/1/2022 was $24,429.10. Susan Neaman moved, with second from Steve Hirschberg, to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


· Mike Burns reported that he has held off contacting probable presenters for the COIL program on Amalgamated Communities scheduled from September 16-24 in 2022 until after the meeting later this week regarding Denys Trachov’s family visit in March because some of the same people will be involved in his visit.

· Bob Herring asked for comments on the recent Zoom meeting with our colleagues in Kharkiv. Everyone who joined in felt that the meeting was very informative and helpful.

· Susan Neaman reported that the dates for Denys’s visit are going to change a little due to available flights and his intention to extend the visit until March 23rd. She advised that the Neamans will be hosting the family for some of the time with the Bahlers covering the rest of their stay. A Zoom planning meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on February 17th to work out some other details.

New Business:

· Susan Neaman reported that CINUSCA is still planning on the Children’s International celebration which will probably take place on September 10th from 11 am – 3 pm. CKSCP will probably handle media connections.

· Sasha Etlin reported that there was a Valentine’s Day event at the Kharkiv Zoo with children making Valentine’s Day cards. He also advised that Kharkiv was working with German consultants on extending the transit lines to the airport. Finally, he reported that 50% of Kharkivites have been vaccinated and the US Embassy in Kiev has temporarily relocated to Lviv. It was also noted that international flights from Ukraine have been suspended.

Around the Screen:

· Susan Neaman expressed concerns about the continuing troop buildup and what might happen in Ukraine. There was a discussion about whether there was anything CKSCP could do to support our friends in Kharkiv. Bob Herring will craft an email to our congressional representatives expressing our concerns. Other than that, the general feeling was that we could all stay in touch with our friends in Kharkiv and voice our support for them.

· Ann Lampe reported that Nadia was now out of the hospital and apparently on the mend from her allergic reaction.

Next Meeting: Monday, March 14, 2022.

Susan Neaman moved, with a second from Steve Hirschberg, that the meeting be adjourned. All approved and the meeting ended at 8:20 pm.

Submitted by Michael Burns, Secretary