Feeding Ministries

Full Ladle Kitchen

The Full Ladle Feeding Ministries are rewarding ministries for many folks at Christ Episcopal Church and also for others who are part of the greater Montpelier community. Every Wednesday, the Full Ladle Kitchen serves a nutritious noon meal to guests from our community. On average, we served 80 – 90 guests each week. Christ Episcopal Church is only one of a number of churches that collaborate together by providing hot meals for our community five days a week, fifty-two weeks a year.

To consistently serve the community in this ministry, we receive invaluable support from a number of area businesses. Most of our soups come from nearby restaurants, our bread, and pastries are donated by local bakeries, and we enjoy the talents of many parishioner-chefs, too. The Full Ladle Feeding Ministries operates solely on donated funds and volunteer labor. It takes a crew of dozen or more to provide the weekly meal.

We truly appreciate the generous support of the parish and the community. Please consider volunteering and spending a Wednesday morning some time with us at the Full Ladle Kitchen. The work is rewarding and fun, the company fantastic and you get to eat lunch!

Emergency Food Shelf

The Full Lade Feeding Ministries also sponsor an emergency Food Shelf that offers non-perishable food and sundries to our guests. The emergency Food Shelf is open on Wednesdays from 10 am to 12 pm. Contact our Church Administrator for more information.