True Gospel

A world of variety and lots of truths

A multicoloured world

We live in a varied where one can find all sorts of people. You may see people with different coloured skin, coming from different cultures, having different faiths and worshipping different gods.

All over the world there are people, who might have different customs, but who are united with one faith and one hope. They all have faith in Only One True God Whom they take as their caring Guide. They all live with the desire for God's blessings and want to do God's Will.

Dwelling in God's shelter, they all live with the hope to enter one day in God's rest.

Feeding on God's Word, they want to be as siblings for each other, brothers and sisters in Christ. Having faith in God's Purpose, they want to learn more about that God and therefore diligently try to read daily His given Word, Which can be found in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. Adhering to that Word (the Bible), people in Christadelphia believe it has the power to change.

A True Gospel given to mankind

Christadelphians believe God has given His Word to mankind, as a guide and help to educate, showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word of God we in Christadelphia are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

“16 All Scripture is God-breathed and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for readjusting everything, for disciplining in righteousness. 17 Thus, the man of God may be completely prepared for every good work.” (2Ti 3:16-17 mhm)

We believe that throughout that Book of books is given the hope for a better world and a future which shall bring a non-ending peace for all who shall be enabled to enter the Kingdom of God.

That Bestseller of all times brings us the True Gospel in which all people should come to believe. And man shall have to come to see they better live by that Gospel truth instead of clinging to human doctrines.
We believe the revelation of God is more important than any revelation of man.

Good News brought by men of God

Inspired by God, men of faith wrote down His Words, to shed a light on the Plan of God and how man lived, and has to live, in relation to his Divine Creator.

The sent one from God, the Nazarene rebbe Jeshua, better known as Jesus Christ, the son of God, told more about that marvellous plan and how we should prepare ourselves to become partakers of it. Jesus also asked his disciples and followers to spread that Good News or Gospel that he brought.

It is that true Gospel Christadelphians also want to share with the world.

Good News of Jesus Christ

Jesus, the Nazarene master teacher, spoke many times to a multitude of people. Lots of people might have come out of curiosity or wanting to hear his lovely stories and see what miracles he could do.

Jesus made it clear all things he did, he could only do because his heavenly Father allowed him to do such things or to say such words. For Jesus, it was clear more people had to come to know that One eternal Source. Jesus also wanted people to know that God’s purpose is to fill this earth with people who willingly manifest His glory, that is, His character of “lovingkindness and truth” in perfect completeness, sharing God’s undying divine nature. (2 Peter 1:1-11)

Jesus told many stories concerning a better world to come, where there would be love and peace for ever. He also taught people how to pray for the coming of that world where every body would live according to God's Will. (See The lord's prayer)

Can you call purgatory and hellfire good news?

Denominations of news of damnation

In Christendom there are many denominations who claim to be bringing the Gospel or Good News. We of Christadelphia can not call their frightening words of damnation Good News. We seem to have a totally different view of a loving God. We can not believe in a loving God would sent His children to be tortured for some time in purgatory or tortured by hellfire for ever. Christadelphian people as believers of a loving God, can't believe God would sent any one to hell.

The idea of purgatory and hell as places of torture is not Biblical. Real Christians or real followers of the real Christ go for the real God and for the Biblical Truth.

The True Gospel brings good and pleasant news

The Bible does not offer such a picture of a cruel God Who would love His children to be tortured by devilish demons to burn without an end in hellfire.

Promised redemption and happiness

Those praying that God His Will would be done in heaven and on earth (Matthew 6:10), express their hope in the promised land and world of which is spoken throughout the whole Scripture. We believe in that promised redemption and happiness.

One of the Good News facts is that Jesus, the seed of David and son of Josef, is that promised seed of the woman, so many had waited for, for years. He continued to explain the Words of God, like the previous prophets did, and came to show the way to God.

The Good News for mankind is that this man of flesh and blood was willing to do the Will of God and to give his body as a ransom for man's sin. He became victorious over sin and showed the way for us to be able to do that too. Letting his body to be put on a tree we are cleansed.

Our nature of evil

Another part of the Good News is that our nature of evil, rebellious, self-centeredness which leads to death, can be overturned. We can change by the infallible Word of God. The Bible has that Power.

The only way to defeat “this body of death” is to destroy that which has the power of death – sin“and sin is lawlessness.” (Romans 7:14-25: 1 Corinthians 15:56, 57; Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:4-10) Having to face the good and bad things in this world, we can be looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness, with the knowledge that we have received that needed ransom.

The Gospel lets us see that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation, but is really a God given Word which shall become a reality. It shows us also how there is evil in the world and how Satan or the devil is the adversary or opponent of God.

Jesus destroyer of the works of evil

We should be happy that by Jesus we can find a destroyer of the works of the devil. By him we can find the light and life.


all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

by always doing the Will of God, Jesus never sinned. Jesus not being a spirit like God, always was and stayed human, and as such got also confronted with human things like temptation. You should see that as an incredibly humbling process. Never did Jesus claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life, even obedient to the point death. God can not die but Jesus did. He died a selfless, obedient death — and the worst kind of death at that: a crucifixion, having his hands and feet crossed when placed or impaled on a wooden pole.

“8 And, having discovered himself in a human frame, he made himself lowly and became obedient until a death, and that a death on a torture stake. 9 Because of this The God highly exalted him, and graciously gave to him the name over every name. 10 So that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend –of those in heaven and those on earth and those buried underground, 11 and every tongue should make a confession that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God–the Father.” (Php 2:8-11 mhm)

Jesus the man of flesh, born of a woman

Born of a woman

People should be careful to hear the real Good News. For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward, then how will we escape if we ignore such a great deliverance?

Good News for mankind is that this man born out of a woman had the same nature as those he came to save (Hebrews 2) and has given us the possibility to tackle thoughts and actions of immorality, murder, envy, stealing, lying, and other evil deeds which are part of our nature. But we have the warning we may not say of that old nature or old self.

“19 Now fleshly works are obvious–sexual immorality, impurity, loose behavior, 20 idolatry, drugs for spiritism, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, selfishness, contention, divisions, heresies, 21 envies, drunkenness, revelries, and such things. I caution all of you, as I warned you earlier, that all those who continue to do these things will never inherit God's Kingdom.” (Ga 5:19-21 mhm)

Though Jesus also came “in the flesh” (1 John 4:1-6; Romans 8:1-4), nevertheless, by the Spirit and in a love for his heavenly Father’s Word and purpose for mankind, striving against all temptations, Jesus never once gave in to the flesh’s evil, selfish, ungodly impulses, even up to his agonizing death on a torturous stake. And that’s the victory he won!

“8 And, having discovered himself in a human frame, he made himself lowly and became obedient until a death, and that a death on a torture stake. 9 Because of this The God highly exalted him, and graciously gave to him the name over every name. 10 So that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend –of those in heaven and those on earth and those buried underground, 11 and every tongue should make a confession that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God–the Father.” (Php 2:8-11 mhm)

“21 For unto suffering you were called, because Messiah also suffered in your behalf, leaving you an example to be copied, so that you might continue to follow his footsteps. 22 Messiah never committed a sin, nor was deceit ever found in his mouth. 23 When being reviled Messiah did not revile in return, when suffering he did not begin to threaten. But rather he surrendered himself to the One who judges righteously. 24 He bore our sins in his body upon the Tree, so that we might discontinue sin and live in righteousness. “By his wounds you were healed.”25 For you were as sheep gone astray, but now you have turned back to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” (1Pe 2:21-25 mhm)

Good News of a High Priest and Mediator for us

Lots of people think we still need priests and theologians to lead to God and serve God. But the Good News is also that we do not have to bring any sacrifices any more and that we have now a High Priest seated next to God who also mediates for us.

“ For we do not have a High Priest unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but rather one who was tested in every way just as we have been tested, but without sinning.” (Heb 4:15 mhm)

“ In response to the above, holy “brothers” –partakers of a heavenly calling–thoughtfully consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.” (Heb 3:1 mhm)

“ Just as He also says in another place, “You are a priest forever according to the lineage of Melchizedek.” (Heb 5:6 mhm)

“ where a forerunner in our behalf, Jesus, has already entered, according to the lineage of Melchizedek, having become a High Priest throughout all future periods of time.” (Heb 6:20 mhm)

“ and to Jesus, to a mediator of a New Covenant –and to the blood of sprinkling which speaks in a better way than Abel.” (Heb 12:24 mhm)

We may never forget that there is Only One True God, and that man Jesus is our go-between to that God.

“ For, there is one God! Also one mediator of humans–a human, Christ Jesus.” (1Ti 2:5 mhm)

Manifesting God's glory

Since Jesus committed no sin by manifesting God’s glory in his own flesh, living out the divine principle of suffering before glory, fulfilling God’s original purpose with His creation, therefore,

“God raised him up again, putting an end to the birth pains of death, since it was impossible for him to be held in its power.” (Acts 2:24; Romans 1:1-5)

By raising him from the dead, God furnished proof to all that Jesus is

“the Way, and the Truth, and the Life”,

as Jesus became

the firstborn of many brethren.” (Numbers 14:21; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Acts 17:31; John 14:6; Romans 8)

Good News for sinful man

The Good News for this world is that everyone, nobody excluded, can become a partaker in God's Grace and Glory. All can become partakers of promised redemption.

Whoever truly believes in their heart the true Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ, then God shall be as his Father of mercies. With the mercy of God those who believe in Christ as the son of God given to the world and the sent one and approved servant of God, can become relatives in Christ.

The Good News for the world is that God accepted the ransom Jesus paid. That sacrificial offering graciously accounts believers in Christ their faith as “righteousness” and freely forgives the sins of those who then:

  • Enter into a covenant relationship with Christ and his heavenly Father, the Only One God above all gods through faith by baptism “into Christ” and therefore like Christ, turn “from dead works to serve the living God” (Acts 2:36-41; Romans 6:10, 11; Hebrews 6:1, 2; 9:14; Galatians 3:26, 27)

  • Participate in fellowship with others in His son Jesus’ victory over sin (the atonement) in “the obedience of faith” and “walking in the Light” (John 8:12; Acts 2:42-47; 1 John 1:7; Romans 1:5; 8:12-17; Ephesians 5:1-21)

For all those who believe in Jesus Christ and his heavenly Father, the Promiser God and One eternal Source, and who are willing to act rightly on the call of God, and going for a life in Christ, shall not perish.

“ For by a single offering he has accomplished the perfecting of those who are being sanctified.” (Heb 10:14 mhm)

“ I in them and You in me, so that they may be perfected into one–so the world of humankind my know that You sent me forth, and You loved them just as You loved me.” (Joh 17:23 mhm)

“1 Therefore, there is no condemnation against those united with Christ Jesus. 2 For the spiritual principle of the life united with Christ Jesus completely liberated you from those principles of the sin and the death.” (Ro 8:1-2 mhm)

“8 If we should ever state: “I have never sinned, ”we cause ourselves to err and the truth is not in us. 9 Every time we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous so that He might release us from our sins, cleansing us from unrighteousness.” (1Jo 1:8-9 mhm)

Is that not Good News?

Inheriting the earth

Many who follow false teachings believe that when they die, they go to heaven or shall become a star in the sky. The Good News about when we die is, for all living beings happens the same, from then onwards they shall not feel anything any more - all pains shall gone - because they shall be just like animals and plants going to decay and decompose to become dust.

“19 After all, the same things that happen to people happen to animals, the very same thing—just as the one dies, so does the other. Yes, their breath is the same; so that humans are no better than animals; since nothing matters, anyway. 20 They all go to the same place; they all come from dust, and they all return to dust.” (Ec 3:19-20 CJB)

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; there is no longer any reward for them, because all memory of them is lost.” (Ec 9:5 CJB)

“Whatever task comes your way to do, do it with all your strength; because in Sh’ol, where you will go, there is neither working nor planning, neither knowledge nor wisdom.” (Ec 9:10 CJB)

Works of faith and spreading the Gospel or sharing Good News

It is when we are alive, kicking and well, we have to accomplish the things. It is now and not later that we have to do the things. That is the reason why Jesus told so many parables of servants who missed the coming of their lord.

It is now that lovers of Christ should do the works of faith and go out sharing their faith and the Good News, so that many more can be saved.

This is how by faith in the mercy, grace and truth of God we can receive the “Good News” (called the Gospel) and participate in God’s coming reign on earth through Jesus Christ, for

“The humble…shall inherit the earth”

in the resurrection from the dead

“on the last day.” (Matthew 5:5; John 15:12-17; John 6:40)

He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who does not believe shall be condemned. (Mark 16:16)