Manifesting God's Glory

Manifestation of God

The members of Christadelphia are convinced that all people all over the world would be able to get a glimpse of God, though God is an invisible Spirit Being.

Within the Holy God His creation people should be able to see the Work of God and come to know the Power of God.

All living beings should see how the Glory of God fills the whole Earth.

“But as sure as I live, and that the whole earth is filled with the glory of ADONAI {Jehovah God},” (Nu 14:21 CJB)

The manifestation of God can particularly be seen in the display of His character and attributes.

When the first Adam fell he no longer displayed the image of his Creator, before having reflecting God’s nature, then after his rebellious act against God was thrown out of the Garden of Eden, he became estranged.

“So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.” (Ge 1:27 CJB)

“So he drove the man out, and he placed at the east of the garden of ‘Eden the k’ruvim and a flaming sword which turned in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.” (Ge 3:24 CJB)

God’s purpose is that men and women should become manifestations of Himself. We all should become godlike.

Manifest Source of All

Invisible God

One of the difficult things for most people is that they can not see God, Him being invisible. This makes that many do not want to believe in God or that others made themselves a god that they can see or was seen by many, like Jesus.

The Great Source or beginning of everything is the "I Am that I Am" Who no man can see.

“No one has ever seen God, not so much as a glimpse. This one-of-a-kind God-Expression, who exists at the very heart of the Father, has made him plain as day.” (Joh 1:18 Message)

“Then I will remove my hand, and you will see my back, but my face is not to be seen.” (Ex 33:23 CJB)

“16 However, because of this I received mercy, that by means of me as the number one example, Christ Jesus might display all long-suffering as a model to all those future believers in him, resulting in everlasting Life. 17 Now, to the King of all future periods of time–incorruptible, invisible, absolute God –honor and glory throughout all future periods of time! Amen!” (1Ti 1:16-17 mhm)

But is not because man not able to see God, that we would not be able to get an impression of Him or should not be able to see how He is and how He works.

God Revealed in the Angels

Angels messengers of God

Angels, which are messengers or agents of God, displayed the joy of God, carried the Name of God and at the Exodus and at Sinai showed the power and glory of God.

“when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38:7 CJB)

“10 And the angel said to them: “Do not be frightened. For, behold, I declare to all of you a great joy for all the people. 11 Because today there was born to you in David's city a savior who is Lord Messiah. 12 And this will be your sign–you will find an infant wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of celestial armies praising The God and saying: 14 “Glory to God in the heights, and on earth peace among men of goodwill!”” (Lu 2:10-14 mhm)

“So she named ADONAI who had spoken with her El Ro’i, (God of seeing) because she said, “Have I really seen the One who sees me (and stayed alive)?”” (Ge 16:13 CJB)

“ADONAI appeared to Avraham by the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to the tent during the heat of the day.” (Ge 18:1 CJB)

“20 "I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. 21 Pay attention to him, listen to what he says and do not rebel against him; because he will not forgive any wrongdoing of yours, since my name resides in him.” (Ex 23:20-21 CJB)

“19 Next, the angel of God, who was going ahead of the camp of Isra’el, moved away and went behind them; and the column of cloud moved away from in front of them and stood behind them. 20 It stationed itself between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Isra’el—there was cloud and darkness here, but light by night there; so that the one did not come near the other all night long.” (Ex 14:19-20 CJB)

“ This is the person that was in the congregation in the desert to whom the Angel spoke at Mount Sinai. He spoke also to our forefathers who received Living Words to give to us.” (Ac 7:38 mhm)

God’s angel proclaimed His Name and character to Moses;

“compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and truth” (Ex. 34:6, 7).

God Revealed in Christ

Emmanuel, God with us

The eternal all-knowing God from the beginning of the universe let the world come into being by His Word, and when man revolted against Him He gave His word there would come a solution for fall of man out of the seed of a woman.

Through His prophets God let them tell about Him and when the time had come that the son of man, seed of Abraham and seed of David, seed of the chosen woman, came to earth, that only begotten son of God could tell more about the One Who had sent him to earth.

The Word having become flesh

God's nature is "Spirit", and forms therefore an absolute contrast with human nature, which is limited in mind, weak in character, and perishing in death. God as an eternal Spirit, which means He has no birth or beginning and no death or end, by His Word let other things or beings come into existence. He did that with the first man from the earth (the 1st Adam) as well with the second Adam.

The thought, mind and purpose of God was expressed in speech and later personally in the likeness of Adam’s flesh as the Son of God, “the only begotten of the Father” by the overshadowing power of the Holy Spirit. By the Voice of God a promise was made in God's Royal Garden (the Garden of Eden).

Thousands of years later that promise made in the Garden of Eden became fulfilled by the Speaking of God, His Word, becoming in the flesh. Born of the flesh, the son of man, brought the world of God closer to this world. He brought, in a way of speaking, God to us, or made it possible to have God with us. therefore he received also the name Immanuel or Emmanuel "God with us".

“ In the beginning the Word existed, and the Word faced toward The God, and the Word was divine.” (Joh 1:1 mhm)

“ So the Word became flesh and tented among us, and we viewed his glory–a glory like that of a father's only-begotten son. This Son was brimming with unmerited favor and truth.” (Joh 1:14 mhm)

“ No one has ever seen God. The only-begotten god, favored by the Father, explains Him.” (Joh 1:18 mhm)

“ So the angel answered her: “Holy Pneuma will come over you and the Most High's power will overshadow you. As a result the One to be born will be also called Holy, God's Son.” (Lu 1:35 mhm)

That Emmanuel or Immanuel born in 4 BCE is not an incarnated god like so many want people to believe. Called Immanuel does not mean to be Jesus being God.

The El Elyon or Most Almighty God had chosen to be a Father for that one coming from the Essene young girl Miriam (Myriam), better known in English speaking countries as Virgin Mary or the Madonna Maria.

“I will be a father for him, and he will be a son for me. If he does something wrong, I will punish him with a rod and blows, just as everyone gets punished;” (2Sa 7:14 CJB)

“Therefore {Jehovah} ADONAI himself will give you people a sign: the young woman will become pregnant, bear a son and name him ‘Immanu El. (God is with us) (Isa 7:14 CJB)

“ “Look! The virgin will be pregnant and will give birth to a son and they will call his name ‘Immanuel’ which is translated to mean, ‘With Us The God.’ ” (Mt 1:23 mhm)

God's manifestation as the son of God

In the way Jesus came to earth, being placed in the womb of that young Essene girl, we find the work of the genuine Spirit of God. In Christendom we do find many who do not want to accept that Jesus only came into exist when God started his life in the womb of Mary. God let us know that everyone who confesses openly his faith in Jesus Christ — the Son of God, who came as an actual flesh-and-blood person — comes from God and belongs to God. We do believe much more people should come to believe in Christ him being the son of God. Certainly when we do know that everyone who refuses to confess faith in Jesus has nothing in common with God. This is the spirit of antichrist that we heard was coming.

“2 In this way you will know the Pneuma of The God: every inspired message that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh comes from The God. 3 And every inspired message that does not confess Jesus is not from The God. And this is the inspired message of the antichrist which you heard was coming and is already now present in the world of humanity.” (1Jo 4:2-3 mhm)

Jesus a flesh-and-blood human being

Those earning the title Deceiver and Antichrist

We should be aware that there are a lot of smooth-talking charlatans loose in the world who refuse to believe that Jesus Christ was truly human, a flesh-and-blood human being. The Bible tells us that in fact they are the ones who earn the true title: Deceiver! Antichrist!

“ For many deceivers have left us and gone back into the world-order of humanity. These deceivers do not confess that Jesus Christ came in flesh. These are the deceivers and the antichrist.” (2Jo 1:7 mhm)

It are not those who decline the Trinity as a false teaching, but it are those who profess the Holy Trinity.

Radiance of God's glory

The world has to know that Jesus made in the form of Godby his birth, him being “the image of the invisible God”, is “the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature”. Jesus is the reflection of God. (Phil. 2:6; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3). He has declared the Father, and manifested His name (John 1:18; 17:6, 26).

“ who though existing in a god's form did not consider retaining things equal to divinity–” (Php 2:6 mhm)

“ He is the image of the invisible God–the First-born of all creation –” (Col 1:15 mhm)

“ The Son is the very reflection of His glory and the very imprint of His substance. The Son upholds the Universe by his powerful declaration. After the Son made a cleansing of the sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in exalted places.” (Heb 1:3 mhm)

To many people forget that Jesus was seen by lots of people but that no one has ever seen God, not so much as a glimpse. When we look at Christ Jesus, though, we might also when we read carefully the bible catch something from God's character. This one-of-a-kind God-Expression, who exists at the very heart of the Father, has made Him plain as day.

“ No one has ever seen God. The only-begotten god, favored by the Father, explains Him.” (Joh 1:18 mhm)

With Jesus his words, his explanations of the Torah, he spelled out God's character in detail to the men and women God had given him. Jesus made God His very being known to them — Who God is and what God does —so that God and His love for him might be in them exactly as Jesus is in them.

“ “I manifested Your Name to the men whom You gave me from out of the world of humankind. To You they belonged, and You gave them to me, and they have observed Your Word.” (Joh 17:6 mhm)

“ And I have made Your Name known to them, and I shall make it known further, so the love which You loved me may be in them, and I in them.”” (Joh 17:26 mhm)

In the son Jesus the Father is seen

In Jesus the Father was seen, so whoever looks at Jesus Christ, should be able to get to know or to 'see' the One who sent him.

“ Also, the person beholding me is beholding the One who sent me.” (Joh 12:45 mhm)

It was God Who sent His only begotten beloved son. It was not God Who came to do if He was tempted (because God cannot be tempted) or faked His death (because God can not die). It was not death that came over God, but it was life, by life for life, which came over a death Jesus and over mankind, by the willingly atoning sacrificial blood of Jesus, as a blood of eternal covenant. Jesus brought life for the human race and was thus “the light of men”.

“ by the Word's agency was Life, and this Life was the illumination of humans.” (Joh 1:4 mhm)

“ The true Light that illuminates every person was about to enter the world of humankind.” (Joh 1:9 mhm)

“ I have come as a Light unto the world of humankind, so that everyone continuing to believe in me should not remain in the darkness.” (Joh 12:46 mhm)

“ among whom the god of this time period has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so that the Gospel's illumination–Christ's glory, who is the image of The God–does not radiate to them.” (2Co 4:4 mhm)

People from Christadelphia want to show others that light of life in which hope with a foundation is given to the whole world.

Light not of Jesus himself but of the Father

This light is not of himself but of the Father, because it started when God said,

"Light up the darkness!"

and that way our lives could be filled up with light as we shall be able to see and understand God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.

By using His Voice everything came into being, but also after the old world, now with Christ a new world. God's Word spoken in the Garden of Eden, saying there would come a solution by some one born out of the woman The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. The apostles could see the glory with their own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish. John the Baptist also pointed him out to be the one about whom was written so much in the previous ages.

“ Because The God is the One who said: “Let light shine out of darkness.” He is the One who has shined in our hearts for the purpose of illuminating them with the glorious knowledge of The God by Christ's face.” (2Co 4:6 mhm)

“14 So the Word became flesh and tented among us, and we viewed his glory–a glory like that of a father's only-begotten son. This Son was brimming with unmerited favor and truth. 15 John gave evidence regarding him. John is the one who cried aloud, saying: “The one who follows me ranks ahead of me, because he existed before me.” 16 Because we received from his fullness unmerited favor added to more unmerited favor. 17 For the Law was given through Moses, but unmerited favor and truth existed by means of Jesus Christ.” (Joh 1:14-17 mhm)

The declared son by his service to his Father has been raised to the manifestation of God in Divine nature

God's Voice saying My son and My servant who He approves

Jesus never said he was God, nor did God ever say that He was Jesus. The God Who does not tell lies, declared Himself by His Voice, Jesus to be His son and servant.

““God is not a human who lies or a mortal who changes his mind. When he says something, he will do it; when he makes a promise, he will fulfill it.” (Nu 23:19 CJB)

“ Look! a Voice out of the Sky, saying, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”” (Mt 3:17 mhm)

“ And a Voice came from the cloud, saying: “This is my Son, the Chosen One–listen to him!”” (Lu 9:35 mhm)

“ “Look! My servant-boy whom I chose, My beloved in whom My soul delights! Upon him I will place My Pneuma. He will announce justice to the nations. (Mt 12:18 mhm)

“ Yet while Peter was talking, look! a shining cloud rested over them, and, look! a Voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my beloved Son whom I approve–listen to him.”” (Mt 17:5 mhm)

Jesus became approved because he always placed God's Will above his own wil.

“ “Father, if you wish remove this cup from me. However, let Your will occur and not my own will.”” (Lu 22:42 mhm)

Jesus knew very well he could not do all the things he did, without his heavenly Father who he considered to be greater than him.

“ You apostles heard that I said to you, ‘I am departing and I am returning to you apostles.’ If you loved me you would certainly rejoice, because I am going toward the Father, because the Father is greater than me.” (Joh 14:28 mhm)

When the time came, he set aside the privileges of his higher position which God had preserved for him and took on the status of a slave, even going so far to wash his disciples their feet. By also in other ways he served men and helped them to get over their bad feelings and their sickness. To god he offered himselffully to His service and suffering Jesus was made perfect, a full manifestation of his Father.

Jesus never claimed special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death — and the worst kind of death at that: an impalement, as a Salvation Pioneer making it possible for all to come to glory or bringing many sons to glory. And having been made perfect, he became to all those who obey him the source of eternal salvation, having arrived at the full stature of his maturity and having been announced by God as high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

“7 but rather he emptied himself of that, and took a slave's form, and became in the likeness of humans. 8 And, having discovered himself in a human frame, he made himself lowly and became obedient until a death, and that a death on a torture stake.” (Php 2:7-8 mhm)

“ For it was fitting for The God – for whom the Universe exists and from whom the Universe originates – in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the Chief Leader of their salvation by means of sufferings.” (Heb 2:10 mhm)

“8 With strong outcries and tears borne toward God he was favorably heard, and as a Son, he learned obedience from those things he suffered. 9 And having become perfected he became the One responsible for causing everlasting salvation to all those obeying.” (Heb 5:8-9 mhm)

Jesus raised to the manifestation of God in Divine nature

Neither did Christ presume to set himself up as high priest, but because of that obedience and of all what he did, giving his life for that of many, he was set apart by the One who said to him,

"You’re my Son; today I celebrate you!"

After his death Jesus was raised to the manifestation of God in Divine nature, inheriting a name greater than the angels, far higher than any angel in rank and rule, and glorifying God in the process.

“ And just so the Christ did not glorify himself in order to become a High Priest, but rather the One who spoke to him, said: “You are my Son. I, today, I have given birth to you.” (Heb 5:5 mhm)

“ The Son became so much better than the angels, becoming very much different compared to them by inheriting a superior name.” (Heb 1:4 mhm)

“9 Because of this The God highly exalted him, and graciously gave to him the name over every name. 10 So that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend – of those in heaven and those on earth and those buried underground, 11 and every tongue should make a confession that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God – the Father.” (Php 2:9-11 mhm)

For this reason also, Jesus being exalted by every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord sent by God, to the glory of God the Father, the Greatest God. Until that time to come lovers of Christ and lovers of God should let others know those two important names and gloify the God of Christ.

God Revealed in the Faithful

Faithful to the Bible

Faithful people

Throughout the ages there have always been people who kept faithful to the teachings from the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

The way how they preferred to keep to the words from the Book of books, shows to God how they do not want to incline to human doctrines but want to be faithful to the Biblical doctrines.

Reception of the Word of God is made the mark of the faithful as in the case of the judges of Israel. Jehovah God also asked not to not blaspheme or to curse God by a.o. making other gods. The faithful keep to the Only One God, the God of gods, Who is One and believe in that unique 'One' the Father declared him to be His son. The faithful believe also in Jesus as the consecrated and sent into the world, who died to show God's righteousness and to redeem those who receive this sacrifice by faith.

“34 Jesus answered them: “Is It not written in your Law, ‘I said, “You are gods.”’35 If He said ‘gods’ against whom the Word of The God occurred–and the Scripture cannot be broken–36 are you Jews saying of the One whom the Father sanctified and sent forth into the world of humankind, ‘You blaspheme’, because I said I am a son of The God? (Joh 10:34-36 mhm)

“(22:27) "You are not to curse God, and you are not to curse a leader of your people.” (Ex 22:28 CJB)

Faithful having Jesus as their mediator, high priest and way to God

The faithful take Jesus as their cohen hagadol or high priest and do not follow their old natures in lust for filth, but choose to live, as brothers and sisters under Christ, their mediator.

“ For, there is one God! Also one mediator of humans–a human, Christ Jesus.” (1Ti 2:5 mhm)

“ and to Jesus, to a mediator of a New Covenant –and to the blood of sprinkling which speaks in a better way than Abel.” (Heb 12:24 mhm)

“ where a forerunner in our behalf, Jesus, has already entered, according to the lineage of Melchizedek, having become a High Priest throughout all future periods of time.” (Heb 6:20 mhm)

“ Jesus said to Thomas: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can approach the Father, if not through me.” (Joh 14:6 mhm)

Believing in that Nazarene man of God, those faithful are baptised into “the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19) which involves understanding, believing and obeying a body of truth defined in the Word of God.

Faithful, like the Christadelphians, by this become children of God – that is, “born from above”.

“22 So, when Jesus was raised up from those dead his disciples remembered what he said, and so they believed the Scripture and the word spoken by Jesus. 23 “2 This Jewish ruler approached Jesus at night and said to him: “Teacher, we realize you have come from God. For no one is able to perform these signs that you do if The God was not with him.” 3 Jesus responded to him: “I tell you this truth: Unless anyone is born from above he cannot experience the Kingdom of The God.” (Joh 3:2-3 mhm)

"Now Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover festival, and many believed in his name, beholding the signs he was performing. 24 But Jesus did not entrust himself to them because he knew all of them. 25 Also, because he had no necessity to have others testify about him, for he knew what was within humanity.” (Joh 2:22-25 mhm)

God-manifestation part of the daily living of the faithful

God-manifestation should be part of the daily living of the man or woman of God. They're trying to be Christ-like, living according to the commandments of God.

“ Godliness with contentment is a considerable gain.” (1Ti 6:6 mhm)

“ But, you, O man of God, flee from these things. Rather, pursue righteousness, godliness, deep conviction, benevolent empathy for others, endurance, meekness.” (1Ti 6:11 mhm)

“ But rather, what is proper for women professing godly reverence through good works.” (1Ti 2:10 mhm)

“ Then Jesus told them all: “If anyone wishes to follow me, he must first deny himself, and after picking up his own stake, follow me continually every day.” (Lu 9:23 mhm)

Faithful branches of the vine Jesus

Abiding in the teaching of Christ is essential, and by it we have, and manifest, both the Father and the Son who is the Real Vine, whilst we are the branches. When we are joined with Jesus Christ and he with us, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant.

“1 “I am the True Vine, and my Father is the farmer.2 Every branch in me not bearing fruit He removes, and everyone bearing fruit He prunes so that it may bear more fruit.3 You apostles are pruned ones by means of the Word that I have spoken to you.4 You apostles remain in me and I in you. Just as the branch cannot continue to bear fruit if it does not remain in the Vine, neither will you if you do not remain in me.5 I am the Vine and you apostles are the branches. The one remaining in me, and I in him, this person continues to bear much fruit. Because apart from me you apostles are unable to accomplish anything. (Joh 15:1-5 mhm)

Jehovah God shows Who He is when the apostles and faithful produce grapes and mature as Jesus his disciples.

“ In this my Father is glorified, that you apostles may continue to bear much fruit and show you are truly my disciples.” (Joh 15:8 mhm)

Faithful believers in Christ mirroring Jehovah God

Even now we are the sons of God as Children of God wanting to be like Christ and shall become practising righteousness just as that One is righteous (1 John 3), we are being changed into or conformed to the image of God’s Son, reflecting like mirrors Jehovah God.

“ And so all of us, with faces unveiled, continue to reflect like mirrors YHWH's glory –continually transformed into the very same image, from glory unto glory–even from a Supreme Being who is Pneuma.” (2Co 3:18 mhm)

“6 Because The God is the One who said: “Let light shine out of darkness.” He is the One who has shined in our hearts for the purpose of illuminating them with the glorious knowledge of The God by Christ's face. 7 But, we possess this treasure in vessels of baked clay, so that the surpassing greatness may be the power of The God and not our own.” (2Co 4:6-7 mhm)

“ Because whomever He foreknew He also marked out in advance that they be conformed to the image of His Son that he might be the Firstborn of many brothers.” (Ro 8:29 mhm)

“ In this manner the children of The God and the children of the Devil are evident–every person not practicing righteousness is not from The God, nor is the person not showing compassionate affection to a fellow member.” (1Jo 3:10 mhm)

One with Christ to the glory of Jehovah God

All followers of Christ should be united in the same way as Jesus is united with his heavenly Father. The faithful are the ones who come together as brethren and sisters in Christ forming one unit, the ecclesia (church), the one body of Christ. Together they are spiritually one with Christ.

“16 The Cup of the blessing that we are blessing, is it not the blood of the Christ? The Loaf which we are breaking, is it not a sharing of the body of the Christ? 17 Because there is one Loaf, we many are one Body, for all of us are partaking from the one Loaf.” (1Co 10:16-17 mhm)

“12 For just as the Body is one and yet has many members, all of these members though many are one body–so also the Christ. 13 For as in one Body we were all immersed into one Pneuma–whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons–and all of us were made to drink one Pneuma.” (1Co 12:12-13 mhm)

“27 For all of you who were immersed into Christ have taken Christ upon yourselves. 28 None in Christ are viewed as Jews or non-Jews, as slaves or freeman, as male or female. Because all of you are one in union with Christ Jesus.” (Ga 3:27-28 mhm)

“ And these for the purpose of reorganizing the Saints for the work of servants. For the purpose of building up the Body of Christ.” (Eph 4:12 mhm)

Those faithful who take Jesus as their head through him take on the Name to the glory of God.

“ just as Christ is head of the Church, even a savior of that Body.” (Eph 5:23 mhm)

“ –so that he might present the glorious Church to himself without a spot, or a wrinkle, or any thing of the sort–but rather that it may be holy and unblemished.” (Eph 5:27 mhm)

“22 Also, the glory You have given to me I have given to them, so that they may be one just as we are one–23 I in them and You in me, so that they may be perfected into one–so the world of humankind my know that You sent me forth, and You loved them just as You loved me. (Joh 17:22-23 mhm)

Prospective manifestations of God as people set apart from this world

God cannot be seen but Jesus was seen for some time. Today we can not see Jesus either, so we have to go on the sayings of thos who saw him. But by reading and learning more about Jesus we can come to know him and his heavenly Father. By willing to come closer to Jesus Christ and his God, we can be named friends of Christ because Jesus has let us in on everything he heard from the Father. As brothers and sisters in Christ we are no more defined by the world than Jesus is defined by the world.

“ I am not saying you apostles are slaves, because the slave has no idea what his master is doing. But I call you friends because everything I heard alongside my Father I made known to you apostles.” (Joh 15:15 mhm)

“ These apostles are not from out of the world of humankind, just as I am not from out of the world of humankind.” (Joh 17:16 mhm)

Rea followers of Christ are not cheating on God, them not wanting just their own way, flirting with the world every chance they get, ending up enemies of God , but willing to do the Will of God, like Christ did, wanting to show the world that Jesus is the way to God. By Jesus we may find life and feel close to God.

“ Jesus said to Thomas: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can approach the Father, if not through me.” (Joh 14:6 mhm)

“ Yet a little while and the world of humankind will not see me. You apostles are going to see me, because I will live again and you will live.” (Joh 14:19 mhm)

Today we are either prospective manifestations of God as people set apart from this world, already bearing some Divine likeness, or manifestations of the carnally-minded, natural person abiding in death.

“ Adulteresses, do you not realize that worldly friendship means enmity with The God? Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world-order of humanity becomes an enemy of The God.” (Jas 4:4 mhm)

“ Little children, you are from The God, and because the One in you is greater than the one in the world-order, you have conquered them.” (1Jo 4:4 mhm)