Our Aim

Christa-Delphia or Christ's Place of Brethren

"Christa" can be taken as "from Christ" or "belonging to Christ" and Delphia standing for "Brother" or "from a brother" which means "Christadelphia" stand for a" brother from Christ" or represents the community of Brethren (and sisters) of Christ.

Those brethren of or in Christ are also called Christadelphians, which also means "Brothers in Christ" or indicates "Brothers belonging to Christ".

A Worldwide community

All over the world you shall be able to find small and/or bigger groups of people who consider themselves as brothers and sisters in Christ. They are not such big communities as you shall be able to find in the main churches of Christendom. Christadelphia is part of Christianity, or belonging to the churches who consider themselves to be united under Christ.

All over the world many denominations can be found in Christendom and Christianity. People have to realise that those differences are not as innocent at first sight as may turn out.

For that reason Christadelphia want to show people why and how important it is to choose a good denomination, by which we mean a denomination which follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Throughout history there have always been people who sincerely tried to follow those teachings.

Scattered throughout the world, one can find to this day such “monks” or “eccentricities” who find it more important to live according to the teachings of Jesus than to a particular ecclesiastical or church doctrine that would not be conform to Jesus' teaching. Christ's doctrine should be followed by all those who call themselves Christian. But lots of Christians do not follow Jesus his neither Biblical teachings but follow man's doctrines and even do not worship the same Unchanging God as Jesus did.

Those following Biblical doctrine may be in the minority, but are not negligible. You should look around you and perhaps would be surprised to find such non-trinitarian people in your neighbourhood or in your province.

Not all non-trinitarian Christians are Christadelphians or Brothers in Christ. As members of Christadelphia we want to propose to you to look for and to become a member of our community.

We want to call people to become a real Christian by becoming a real follower of the real Christ and to be baptised in Jesus name. To reach more people we use the internet where our community is present with different websites.

Presenting inviting Christadelphian people

This website and other Christadelphian websites want to show the world that every person can become a brother or relative of Christ and come closer to the Unique God.

We want people to come to know that special Nazarene master teacher or rebbe Jeshua, who is in English-speaking regions better known as Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help them understand that Jesus is the way to God and how he gives us the opportunity to join those members who are approved to enter the Kingdom of God. For us that entrance to this Kingdom is a very special goal for which mankind is in a race. Nobody should miss it out. It is our hope that many people would be answering the Call of God, and shall be prepared to respond positively and accept Jesus as their saviour.

For those people who have found for themselves that they should keep to the Biblical doctrines and should live in union with Christ, Christadelphia want to offer them a roof above their head. We want those who really want to follow Jesus as the son of God and our Messiah, to embrace in a loving community of like-minded people.

We invite all people to come to read and study the Holy Scriptures or Bible, the infallible Word of God and Guide for life, giving power to change. In all our communities or ecclesiae, we have Bible study groups and offer Bible study classes and Bible seminaries.

As a spiritual City with followers of Christ we welcome all people who are sincerely interested to learn more about Jesus, God, the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of heaven, and are willing to face the matter concerning a God the son and God the Father and other gods.

We give out a hand to all who want to believe in Jesus the son of God. Only by daring to come out of the world and showing the world we prefer living in the world of God, we shall be able to reach more people, giving them an opportunity to believe with us in the hope manifested in Christ. A hope beyond the grave.

Presenting two names

Christadelphia want people to know the two most important names of Scriptures.

First there is the Set Apart or Holy Name of the Highest Eternal and everlasting God. Jesus came unto the earth to show the people how the Scrolls reveal God's Name and possession. Jesus also wanted to have God's Name be known and better understood by more people, not only just the Jews. From the Book of books, the Bible, we do know we too have to sanctify and proclaim God's Name.

The other name we have to talk about is the name of the sent one from God. That not all-knowing son of man who was declared by God Himself to be His only begotten beloved son, died to show God's righteousness and to redeem those who receive this sacrifice by faith, and for what he did and got made higher than before, we should remember his name too and be thankful for his ransom offering.

We in Christadelphia want others also to see we should become united with that Nazarene man, the rebbe Jeshua (Yehoshua/Jehoshua -short: Jeshua - later changed to Issou or Jesus). All over the world we want others to know who Jesus really is and what he has done for mankind.
We also want to let others know how important it is those two names become not intermingled and that those two different characters shall keep their own identity with their own attributes.

But nobody may forget that there is only One Name above all other names, and that is the Hashem or Name of the God Jehovah, Which may not be misused, but should be profaned, hallowed and praised.

Relatives of Christ

In Christadelphia we want to follow Christ and do like him, following the Will of God. By doing so we may become relatives of Christ.

“"For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother."” (Mt 12:50 NAS95)

“14 "You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15 "No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” (Joh 15:14-15 NAS95)

We want others to know that the Will of God is also that people shall believe in His son Jesus Christ and keep his commandments.

“Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."” (Joh 6:29 NAS95)

“23 This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. 24 The one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. We know by this that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.” (1Jo 3:23-24 NAS95)

It is Christ himself who has given the name "Christ's Brethren" to those who do the will of God.

“For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father;for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,” (Heb 2:11 NAS95)

“Then Jesus *said to them, "Do not be afraid; go and take word to My brethren to leave for Galilee, and there they will see Me."” (Mt 28:10 NAS95)

“Looking about at those who were sitting around Him, He *said, "Behold My mother and My brothers!” (Mr 3:34 NAS95)

“For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;” (Ro 8:29 NAS95)

Christadelphian people call others to come to believe in Jesus Christ and to accept him as the son of God who has become the first born of the New World to which we all may belong if we keep to the commandments of God.

This website is like an invitation for you. Inviting you to go with us on the right but narrow road, the path laid out by Christ, a path of life going up with us to the light, to pass through the small gate, walking up to the entrance of God's Kingdom where there shall be peace for ever.