

The fortunate Yaku this week is Fully Concealed Hand. Easy and simple. One of the most basic Yakus, 1 Han but with full potential. Try to combine more Yakus to achieve a big win!


The fortunate Yaku this week is All Triplets. Last week's fortunate Yaku requires you to resist the urge to call tiles. Yet this week's Yaku allows you to Pon as much as you want!Give it a try?


The fortunate Yaku this week is Blessing of Heaven. Like its name, to achieve this Yaku, you will need the blessing from the Mahjong God. Could this week be the week?


The fortunate Yaku this week is Dragons. Having 3 sets of the Dragon triplets can bring you a big win, yet sometimes just use one Dragon triplets for a quick win is also a great choice. Especially when you have lots of Doras!


The fortunate Yaku this week is Local Yaku: Big Wheels. Wheels, wheels, and more wheels! While trying to achieve this Yaku, note that the 7 Pin pairs this Yaku requires don't include 1-Pin and 9-Pin.


The fortunate Yaku this week is Pure Straight. Although this Yaku itself is not a big Yaku, just 2 Han, you can combine multiple Yakus to make it powerful, like Half/Full Flush, Pinfu, and more!


The fortunate Yaku this week is Seven Pairs. The advantage is that it's hard to defend. Others can't easily know you're trying to go for Seven Pairs or which tile is your Tenpai. Try to achieve it and catch others off guard!


The fortunate Yaku this week is Local Yaku: Uumensai. This is like the opposite Yaku of Full Flush, because in order to achieve it, you need to have a hand with Man, Pin, Sou, Wind, and Dragon tiles.


The fortunate Yaku this week is Under the River. Sometimes the tile you want won't show up until the last minute. Maybe this week you will get the chance to Ron the last tile, and achieve this Yaku!


The fortunate Yaku this week is Mangan at Draw. The magic Yaku that can let you win points even when it's a Draw. Please note that you can't achieve this Yaku when someone else called your discarded Terminal or Honor tiles.