
This is a select list of my creations put into distinct categories for easy navigation. Click any creation to learn more.

If you're looking for a full alphabetical list of my creations, head to the Creations page.


2023 UPCOMING "A prototypical idea: why not overheat to freeze?"

Freezing World Pentalogy

Coming soon.

2021"Only the utmost creativity in my titles"

hoverboard game

This is a time-trial racing game created in UPBGE (a version of Blender that ports its removed game engine to newer versions) for a college assignment. It features one decorated track, a sense of solitude, a number of checkpoints and interesting controls where leaning forward or back on your hoverboard affects acceleration and steering inversely to each other.

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2021"Soaring sky-ships sleep soundly"

Blood and Sea-Races

This is a prototype of a TTRPG (tabletop role-playing game) created for a university module. It features pairs of players working together in ships, racing against other ships using creative thinking and statistical advantages.

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3D Animation

2023 "Solar shield, lunar sword, and stellar soul"

Brychni, Knight of the Night Sky

This is a rigged and animated female knight model designed and created from the ground up, themed around the sun, moon and stars. The initial design was heavily altered by the time of the final animation.

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2022"Toy trains and plastic wings"

First Fable's train game cutscenes

As part of a university module to create a game with environmental storytelling, I made an opening and ending cutscene for a game set on a train where you play as a wounded bird. At first the world seems cartoony but real, and then it's revealed the bird is a plastic toy in a toy train set.

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2020"Crime in the kitchen"

E4 Rolling Pin Ident

This is a 30-second animation created as a college assignment, where we were tasked with creating an ident as if we were working for the television channel E4. This ident is quite story-heavy, telling the tale of a rolling pin regretting rolling a piece of dough, but being forgiven by a gavel in a cosmic judgement environment.

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2020"A hop through the caverns"

Cardboard Box Animation

This is a short animation of a sentient cardboard box in a dimly-lit cardboard cavern, innocently hopping along from shadow to shadow until it hops beneath the camera and we lose sight of it.

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3D Models

2022"I admit I went a bit crazy with the second one"

Robot models

This is a series of 3 robotic models created for a university module. Concepts for a space-surfing rocket barrel, a mecha feline deity and a pizza cutter motorcycle were iteratively sketched then iteratively modelled for the final result.

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2020"The wallpaper of the skies"

Arcadia wallpaper

This animated double-height wallpaper is loosely based on Skies of Arcadia, an RPG released for the Dreamcast in 2000. It was created using 3D models with toon shading and a noisy freestyle outline for a hand-drawn feel. It has an "awake" and an "asleep" version.

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2021"And in a .blend of a chest, so far beyond reality"

Chest of Marbles

This is a 3D model made off of a real-life mini chest full of marbles, using photos as reference and as texturing for the chest. The marbles were manually approximated, and warm/cool lighting was added to give the chest a sense of wonder.

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2020-2022"Guardian of the sofa"

Cactus Plushie

This is a model of a cactus plushie slumped on a sofa, made to look fabricy and stitched, yet with the magic orbs still floating and glowing. The pillowy shape was created with proportional editing. The original was made in 2020, and an updated version was created two years later.

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2D Artwork

2022"Trek through Terraria's dungeons"

Mechanic visual narrative

This is an 18-panel visual narrative, not dissimilar to a comic, depicting the story of Terraria's Mechanic in a pixelated simple art style, but with attempts to shade and colour-balance each panel. It was created for a university module.

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2021"A guilty pirate fails to strive"

Judgement of the Starry Seas

This is a four-page comic created for a college assignment, continuing the story of my E4 Rolling Pin Ident but now combined with a retelling of the real E4 pirate ident that inspired the narrative ident in the first place. It uses limited colour for emphasis in the twisting storyline.

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2020"Skateboards aren't skates"

JSR Cactus

This piece of artwork recreates my CactusMagelord avatar in an urban style inspired by Jet Set Radio, but with a skateboard instead of roller skates. It features heavy use of dithering for shading and effects, and has an angular sharp appearance.

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Icons & Emotes

2021"Starry-eyed stars"

Stardust emotes

This is a set of white pixelated animated emotes meant for Discord use, primarily featuring a star character's various emotions but also recreating a few popular emotes in the same style. These are fit for white-background use thanks to their outlines.

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2015-"Three lines and two dots through history"

CactusMagelord profile pictures

This is a collection of my profile pictures over the years, used across various platforms. The basic cactus-and-orbs design stays the same, but it evolved and changed over time, including getting new animations and new variants like seasonal changes or bonus additions.

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Any credits or acknowledgements for content on this page are located in the individual pages for each portfolio piece instead.

Site font: Atkinson Hyperlegible

Apart from the above, all content was created by me, CactusMagelord, unless otherwise stated.

"Don't forget, this portfolio is only some of my creations. Go to Creations if you wanted to look through every single one."