Robot models

2022 "I admit I went a bit crazy with the second one"


This is a series of 3 robotic models created for a university module. Concepts for a space-surfing rocket barrel, a mecha feline deity and a pizza cutter motorcycle were iteratively sketched then iteratively modelled for the final result.

Overall Process

Each design started with a set of keywords and a mood board for the robot and its intended environment. Around 10 preliminary sketches were created, iterating and experimenting with designs, then about 5 refinement sketches were created focusing on more detailed changes and tweaks until a final design was reached, which was redrawn from multiple angles and polished for a final sketch. Next came modelling; using the sketches as reference, a simple blockout was created, then a first pass of the final model with all of the details, followed by polishing and corrections to reach the end result of the model. The models went from keywords to the end result in the span of a week each.


The Monobarrel is effectively a rocket with legs surfing on a hoverboard. It features an eye and a front shade hood for seeing ahead, propellers, guarded knees with stable feet, and a recurring four-point-star shape to signify that it's surfing around in space, in low orbit around an alien planet. Aside from the thrust of itself and its board, a propeller aids in dragging it forward when low enough to suck in air, with filters outside of the intake carefully measuring the amount of air to roughly determine the Monobarrel's distance from the planet at all times, keeping it afloat with adustments. Why does it surf up there? Just for its own recreation.

Sketch of the Monobarrel.
Model of the Monobarrel.
Wireframe of the Monobarrel.

Leonine Quietus

Leonine Quietus is a colossal cat deity mech that plays with the Earth as if it were a ball of yarn, playfully raining down untold annihilation on the doomsday that it caught sight of our blue marble. Its design combines a cat aesthetic - notably with the head shape and recurring pawprint and ear motifs - with divine imagery such as a swirlng tail, wing-like shoulders, twin shields, floating appendages and both solar and lunar theming throughout. Its most distinctly mechanical features are its crablike hydraulic arms connected to the body by sprawling tangles of humungous wires. It is the reincarnation of Brychni two thousand years after her death, twisting her final wish to bring joy to humanity by inadvertently taking all the joy for itself.

Skech of Leonine Quietus.
Model of Leonine Quietus.
Wireframe of Leonine Quietus.

El Vágó

This sentient steampunk pizza cutter rolls through uncut pizzas as many times as it takes to properly slice them. It features an on-off flippable switch and sports a motorcycle-like design, where its large main wheel is for standard use, while the rear spikier wheel is for particularly hard crusts. Its exhaust propels steam upwards safely away from the pizza, while its headlight and side magnifying-eye aid in seeking where to cut. As the smallest of these robots, a series of nuts and bolts connect its pieces together. "El Vágó" as a name is just a pun on the Hungarian word for something that cuts apart.

Sketch of El Vágó.
Model of El Vágó.
Wireframe of El Vágó.

Site font: Atkinson Hyperlegible

Apart from the above, all content was created by me, CactusMagelord, unless otherwise stated.

"No, the Monobarrel is NOT a sideways trash can."