About Me

This page contains information about me, CactusMagelord. But you already knew that.

Who am I?

I'm a 21-year-old guy originally from Hungary but having lived in England for almost all of my life. As a person I'm quite quiet, what with having Selective Mutism and all, but I can get talkative in text or once I get comfortable. I've always had a connection to computers - I could type my name before I could handwrite it - and that's persisted into my adult life, where I plan to become a game designer.

I'm fascinated by the artistic interaction that games allow as a medium, being a Sonic player since childhood and otherwise enjoying titles like Terraria, Stardew Valley, old Mega Drive games and inspired by early-2000s titles like Jet Set Radio and Skies of Arcadia. I enjoy the lore and stories that can be told with even one component of a game, like through the music in Guilty Gear and Napple Tale, and I consume a wide variety of VNs hoping to one day make many of my own. In what I make, I'd like to strike a balance between overbearing simplicity and an acute attention to detail where it really matters.

What are my qualifications?

GCSEs all 7s or above, including Computer Science, Spanish, Latin, Geography, Higher English, Higher Maths, Triple Science

Cambridge Technical Diploma in Digital Media (D*D*), A-Level Maths (D), AS-Level Further Maths (B)

Working toward BA (Hons) Computer Games (Design)

What programs do I use?

Blender for 3D modelling, animation, and video editing.

Unity for most games, often with Visual Scripting. Soon changing to Godot for obvious reasons.

paint.net for all 2D artwork and editing, with the BoltBait plugin.

Audacity for occasional audio alteration.

ezgif and icoconverter for file conversion.

How can I be reached?

You can reach me on Discord at cactusmagelord.

Site font: Atkinson Hyperlegible

Apart from the above, all content was created by me, CactusMagelord, unless otherwise stated.

"I'm not actually a cactus nor a magelord. I prefer the cold to the desert anyway."