Benjamin Bubb PTA

Welcome Bubb Community!

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We hope everyone had a great summer and is ready for classes. Your Bubb PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is excited to help kickstart the school year with you!

The Bubb PTA is a non-profit, volunteer led organization that supports school staff and helps build community with funding and volunteers for school programs and community events, including our annual walkathon and silent auction fundraisers. Find out more about the PTA, the programs we support, or become a member.  


Walkathon! - September 27th Learn more 

Bubb PTA welcomes you!

The Bubb Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is planning lots of exciting programs and events for this year.

Here’s how to join in the fun:

A friendly reminder to log your volunteer time with the PTA. Volunteer hours enable us to apply for grants as well as maintain our non-profit status. You can log hours on the binder in the school office or online. Please consider all phone calls, meetings, emails, events (including set-up and clean up), any preparation work at home, travel time, etc. If your child's teacher or the PTA asked you to do it, include your time!! Thank you! 

Parents, grandparents, friends and community members can help earn money for Bubb PTA through various rewards programs. It’s simple — for every dollar you spend, Bubb gets a percentage back. And, there is no fee for enrolling in any of the programs! Please see our Rewards Programs web page for complete details.

PTA General Meetings

General Meetings are held five times a year on the 4th Tuesday of September, October, January, March, and May. Meetings will take place in the Bubb Multi-use Room (MUR) unless advised otherwise.  All are welcome to attend, but you need to be a PTA member to vote on funding and program activities!

Meetings this year are currently scheduled for the 4th Thursday of: 

General meeting minutes are viewable by PTA members upon request.  Please contact our PTA Secretary if you are interested.

PTA Documents & Forms

Below are some documents and forms you may find useful as a Bubb PTA member and/or volunteer:

For website issues please contact