Welcome to the Encounter Interfaith Retreat

This retreat was 'live' in 2021, but the resources are timeless! We invite you to peruse the options for interfaith exploration below and select the experiences that are of most interest to you. Spend a little time each day or devote an entire afternoon to your reflection - choose your own adventure with us as we ENCOUNTER INTERFAITH!Questions? Need supplies? Want to chat with us? Contact us at campusministry@bellarmine.edu

Getting Started

Suggested Supplies

Photography Reflection

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Sometimes a picture can mean even more. A picture can represent something intangible or inexpressible in words. How we would like you to do this is to take a photo(s), find a photo you have already taken, or find a photo online that represents different abstract concepts related to faith. While we would prefer that you take these photos over the course of the retreat, we also understand that sometimes our surroundings can be less-than-inspiring.

Photo Journaling Prompts:

Faith Themes in Pop Culture

Choose a theme or several from below to explore those concepts as imagined within popular culture. Some of these topics may relate to a particular religious or nonreligious worldview, while many incorporate teachings and beliefs from several traditions, with plenty of room for "artistic interpretation!" We hope you can use these prompts as a starting point to think more about your own beliefs and those that differ to expand your perspective and understanding.

Agape Love

Life Purpose



Let's Get Spiritual

We invite you to engage in spiritual practice in different ways with us while you retreat. We have several opportunities to join us in real time - and even in-person - available throughout the retreat week. Check them out below!

Once you complete any of these activities, take a moment to reflect on the journaling prompts below:

The Agape Project

When beginning interfaith work, it is important to get to know other people of a variety of worldviews. Check out an episode of your choice from our Agape Project podcast to listen to interfaith stories of selfless, unconditional love in action within our campus community. Each podcast episode spotlights one member of our BU community - representing several different worldviews - through conversations with peer ministers. The podcast is accessible on all major podcast streaming services. 

Schedule an Agape Chat to talk with a Spiritual Peer Mentor (SPM) about your own worldview, spiritual practices, calling and purpose in life, and more! Email campusministry@bellarmine.edu to get connected to an SPM.

After listening to an episode of the Agape Project, consider these questions for your journaling response:

Interfaith Intersections

If you've never participated in one of our Interfaith Intersections/Satsang dialogues, or you've been to them all, we invite you to take a moment to listen to a recording from years past. Each dialogue brings together 3-4 panelists representing a variety of worldviews to share their experience of a specified topic for the month. Once we hear from each guest, all participants are invited to join in the conversation, sharing their own worldviews and responses to what they've heard. It's another great place to begin interfaith cooperation, and we hope you'll join us live for future dialogues!