Unitarian Universalism


Watch the video below to learn about the beliefs of the Unitarian Universalist faith community...

House of Worship Visit

Visit All Peoples Unitarian Universalist congregation in Louisville - Sundays, 11 am-12 pm (Zoom)

or check out the video below for a recorded service from First Unitarian Church of Louisville

Reflection Questions

You may opt to reflect and respond to each of the questions below, or only those that stir a response in you. Make this reflective process your own and feel free to add any additional thoughts or information learned to your journal.

  • Make a note of any interesting facts you learned about Unitarian Universalism. Was this surprising to you? Are there elements that resonate with your own worldview?

  • How do you respond to the seven principles of UU?

  • Aside from these seven principles, Unitarians have no firm doctrine or sacred texts. What is your reaction to this, in relation to your own worldview?

  • What is something you saw in the service that resonated with you?

  • What questions do you have about the religion/aspects of the service?

  • Did you see your own spiritual practices reflected at any point in the service?

  • Did you feel connected to your own faith at any point in the service?

  • Is there anything from this experience that you can carry with you as you continue on your own personal faith journey?

If you decided to attend or view a UU house of worship service, please consider these questions as well...

  • What is something you saw in the service that resonated with you?

  • What questions do you have about the religion/aspects of the service?

  • Did you see your own spiritual practices reflected at any point in the service?

  • Did you feel connected to your own faith at any point in the service?

  • Is there anything from this experience that you can carry with you as you continue on your own personal faith journey?