

Hinduism is regarded by some as the world’s oldest religion, likely dating back to what is known on the Indian subcontinent as the Vedic age. During this period, 1500–600 BCE, civilization transitioned from tribal and pastoral living into settled and agricultural living. From this emerged social classes, state-entities, and monarchies. The primary texts retelling this period of history are called the Vedas and would significantly inform the so-called Hindu Synthesis.

The Hindu Synthesis was a period of time, roughly 500 BCE to 300 CE, in which the precepts of Hinduism solidified from multiple intertwining strands of Indian spiritual and cultural tradition, emerging from a broad range of philosophies to share a unifying set of concepts. Critical among these concepts is the theme of the Four Purusarthas, or goals, of human life: Dharma (ethics and duties), Artha (prosperity and work), Kama (desires and passions), and Moksha (liberation and salvation). Other important concepts include karma, which asserts a universal relationship between action, intent, and consequences; samsara, the Hindu concept of rebirth; and a wide range of Yogic practices merging the body, mind, and elements.

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world today. More than one billion adherents comprise more than 15% of the world’s population. (The Best Schools)

House of Worship Visit

The Hindu Temple Society of North America live streams several daily prayer services:

Prayer services will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.:

Reflection Questions

You may opt to reflect and respond to each of the questions below, or only those that stir a response in you. Make this reflective process your own and feel free to add any additional thoughts or information learned to your journal.

  • Upon reading the 9 beliefs of Hinduism, are there any that align with your own personal worldview and/or with your faith tradition's established teachings?

  • Do you think the concept of Karma exists and occurs at the hands of a higher power? If not by a higher power, do you think it exists at all in the world?

  • Hindu is often considered the oldest surviving religion, preceding recorded history, and with no human founder. What implications might this have for modern day followers?

  • There are differing views of Hinduism as monotheistic vs. polytheistic. Some argue that the thousands of gods and goddesses represented throughout Hinduism represent many facets of the one true god. How does this compare to your own understanding of god or a higher reality?

If you decide to visit a Hindu house of worship service, please consider these questions as well...

  • What is something you saw in the service that resonated with you?

  • What questions do you have about the religion/aspects of the service?

  • Did you see your own religious practices reflected at any point in the service?

  • Did you feel connected to your own faith at any point in the service?

  • Is there anything from this experience that you can carry with you as you continue on your own personal faith journey?