

Sikhism is a monotheistic faith emerging from and remaining concentrated in the Punjabi region that traverses Northern India and Eastern Pakistan. The Sikh religion came into focus during the late 15th century and draws its tenets of faith, meditation, social justice, and human equality from a scripture called the Guru Granth Sahib.

The first spiritual leader of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, lived from 1469 to 1539 and taught that a good, spiritual life must be intertwined with a secular life well-lived. He called for activity, creativity, fidelity, self-control, and purity. More important than the metaphysical, Guru Nanak argued, is a life in which one enacts the will of God. Guru Nanak was succeeded by a subsequent line of nine gurus, who served as spiritual leaders. The tenth in this line of successors, Guru Gobind Singh, named the scriptures as his successor. This was the end of human authority in the Sikh faith and the emergence of the scriptures as a singular spiritual guide.

Today, the more than 28 million estimated adherents of Sikhism are largely concentrated in India, making it the seventh-largest religion in the world. (The Best Schools)

Reflection Questions

You may opt to reflect and respond to each of the questions below, or only those that stir a response in you. Make this reflective process your own and feel free to add any additional thoughts or information learned to your journal.

  • Make a note of any interesting facts you learned about Sikhism. Was this surprising to you?

  • Which of the 10 principle beliefs included in the above article most resonated with you? What similarities or differences do you note from your own worldview beliefs?

  • What did you notice about the Sikh worship service (Sikh Gurdwara)? What surprised you?

  • What questions do you have about the religion/aspects of the service?

  • Did you see your own spiritual practices or beliefs reflected anywhere therein?

  • Is there anything from this experience that you can carry with you as you continue on your own personal faith journey?