Redemption in Film & TV

Redemption is defined as the act of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. Throughout life, we all find ourselves in need of redemptive grace at some point - from others and often from ourselves. How do we find redemption? Who do we deem worthy of redemption? Keep these things in mind as you peruse the following material.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Clip from the movie & commentary clip on how Charlie finds redemption through a selfless act of contrition (some language is questionable in the second clip - apologies!)

Les Miserables

The Bishop/Valjean's Soliloquy

Harry Potter & the Sacred Text

"Talons & Tea Leaves" episode

(you may need to scroll down to the appropriate episode)

Reflection Questions:

  • How did you understand redemption within your own worldview before exploring it in pop culture?

  • How did seeing examples of redemption in pop culture help evolve your understanding of the theme?

  • Do you agree with how redemption is represented in these movies/podcast?

  • Were these references you had seen before this retreat? If so, did this explanation of redemption change your perspective of them?

  • Are there any other pop culture examples of redemption that this reminded you of?