Afterlife in

Film & TV

Many religions (as well as nonreligious worldviews) provide some ideas for what to expect when we finish our lives on Earth. Check out the following clips, to imagine a few of those possibilities.Many religions (as well as nonreligious worldviews) provide some ideas for what to expect when we finish our lives on Earth. Check out the following clips, to imagine a few of those possibilities.

Many religions (as well as nonreligious worldviews) provide some ideas for what to expect when we finish our lives on Earth. Check out the following clips, to imagine a few of those possibilities.

The Good Place

The point system


Doug Forcett, the man who got it right (well, 92% of it)

Pixar's Coco & Soul

Comparing the two movies' depiction of death and afterlife.

Heaven is for Real

Colton goes to Heaven

Down to Earth

Rising comedian Lance gets a second chance at life

Reflection Questions

  • How did you understand the afterlife within your own worldview before exploring it in pop culture?

  • How did seeing examples of the afterlife in pop culture affect your own understanding?

  • Do you agree with how the afterlife is represented in these movies/tv show?

  • Are there any other movies/tv shows depicting the afterlife that this reminded you of?