Brough Superior Motorcycles

Brough Superior Motorcycles - Original    

 A detailed history and pictures of original Brough Superior Motorcycles
can be found on the website Brough Superior.

Brough Superior Motorcycles - New Era    

 A company in France now makes new-era Brough Superior Motorcycles
which can be found on the website Brough Superior Motorcycles.

     "Brough Superior motorcycles...were made by George Brough in his Brough Superior works on Haydn Road in Nottingham, England, from 1919 to 1940. They were dubbed the "Rolls-Royce of Motorcycles" by H. D. Teague of The Motor Cycle newspaper. Approximately 3,048 examples of 19 models were made in 21 years of production; around 1/3 of that production total still exist." (Source: Wikipedia)

Organizations that support Brough Superior Motorcycles

Brough Superior Club

Brough Superior Motorcycles (Original)

Brough Superior Motorcycles (New-Era)

2013 Reunion of BFO and BSM at the Utah Bonneville Salt Flats

Family History of George Brough

George Brough and Brough Superior Motorcycles and Cars