Download personal internet search

dowNload internet search system without tracking $ 15

Personal Internet Search, project Unhide - personal search engine for laptops and PCs, with one-click installation, without editing incomprehensible configuration files and compiling. This is a search without ads, without hiding information and without tracking, which works on the internal ip address the modern Internet, most of the sites are hidden, by all kinds of DMCA acts and abuses, or ousted from the search results by advertising. Ordered site advertising or SEO promotion pushes other sites out of the search results in 100 sites. So, in these 100 sites, 80 will be advertising and SEO, and you will see 20 honest sites. For 10 search queries, you will see 200 sites, out of tens of millions, created by people. This is the unintentional concealment of information that the Unhide project fights against (from the English Un - De, and Hide - to Hide). The second main problem that personal search solves is tracking requests and transitions to sites, with the maintenance of a police dossier for each and with advertising prosecution of Internet users. You have the right to confidentiality and it is illegal to monitor you, but no one guarantees these rights to you. Therefore, download and install a personal Internet search Unhide on your computer and stop your tracking on the Internet! And thirdly, personal search on your computer does not show you advertisements, it gives you pure search results that are relevant to search queries. It is more pleasant to read such an output, and it is more pleasant to store your information at home - the search database in an open format is stored on your hard drive, and not on your uncle's server.

The Windows browser, Microsoft Edge, which understands HTML pages in UNICODE format, is suitable for using personal Internet search. Set the address on the home page - this is a personal search on the "loopback", without leaving queries on the network. Also, in order to avoid tracking requests, it is not recommended to connect the search to the address bar of the browser - otherwise information about your search requests will be transmitted to third sites to which you go. Use your personal Internet search in new browser tabs or in its home page!

Personal internet search for the notebooks is run

Personal internet search control panel on the screen

The size of search results in the demo version of the search is limited to 5 page addresses. The registered version does not have this limitation, the normal issue is 400 addresses with page descriptions, however, you can set the issue size up to 10,000 addresses!

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a registration key for the personal search program for $ 15, you can use it for free online, on the public website. However, in this case, there is a possibility of the provider logging your requests, although there is practically no advertising and information hiding. The recommendation is still to use personal search on your computer, so that search queries are not transmitted over the network, and to the server with tracking!

Installation instructions. Download the PersonalInternetSearch archive from the folder below and unpack it with a free 7zip archiver with a password: cyborg Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 from the InstallFirst folder first, and start the search installer by clicking. Select the installation folder on drive D or C, whichever you have more space, and check "create a shortcut on the desktop". That's it, the program will install and run.

Make a shortcut from the icon on the desktop, and drag it to the startup folder: Win + R: shell :: startup So the program for collecting web pages for search will start automatically when you turn on the laptop and work in the background. The Hide button hides the program in the system tray, and the checkmark of the same name automatically does this when the program starts.

Choose an additional language to English, the pages in which you usually read. Personal search supports most of the world's languages. If it's not ru, then clear the default database with the button and click Start Search - the program will start looking for pages for the UnhideDB.txt database

Note that the program itself searches for pages in the background and adds them with keywords to the database in order to answer your search queries quickly in the database. Therefore, the personal search control panel should always be running, and possibly minimized to the tray - this is how the program creates a large database with a speed of 1,000,000 address checks per day and with the addition of 10,000 pages per day, depending on the speed of your Internet -connections!

For all questions: Talomir Mirotal at Skype search

Seller contact: Talomir Mirotal at Skype search, email