Seaweeds and Global Change

Ongoing Proyects

Conservation of a key habitat of the European Atlantic coast: impacts, consequences and adaptive management measures for Kelp forests

Funding entity: Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y del Reto Demográfico

PIs: Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano

Dates: 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2021

Global and local impacts on Atlantic RHODOlith beds: Implications for estimates of blue CARbon ecosystem services — RHODOCAR

Funding entity: Marie Sklodowska-Curie action, EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

PI: Nadine Schubert (CCMAR – Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal)

Dates: 2019 to 2021

Long-term changes on seaweed communities of NW Iberia

Funding entity: UDC

PIs: Rodolfo Barreiro Lozano, Cristina Piñeiro-Corbeira, Sara Barrientos de la

Dates: 01/01/2014- ongoing

Asssessment of maerl-forming species of Norway (OTR1019).

Funding entity: The Institute of Marine Research (Bergen, Norway), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries (Norway)

PI: Viviana Peña Freire

Dates: 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2021


Funding entity: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries (Norway)

PI: Vivian Husa (Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway)

Dates: 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2021

Past Proyects

Estrutura de habitat, biodiversidade, bioatividade de produtos naturais, fotossíntese e monitoramento acústico de fundos de algas calcárias geniculadas na Baía de Arraial do Cabo, RJ.

Funding entity: Goberno Federal de Brasil.

PI: Ricardo Coutinho (IEAPM, Brasil).

Dates: 2016-2018.