Viviana Peña

My research interest focuses on coralline red algae, an important group of calcareous red algae with a global distribution and marine ecosystem engineers of high associated diversity habitats such as maerl/rhodolith beds and coralligenous. My current research on coralline algae aimed to investigate fundamental aspects of taxonomy and systematics in order to be combined with aspects of interest to a wide research audience such as biodiversity, habitat conservation and ocean acidification (OA). Moreover, their extremely well-preserved fossil record allow us the tackling of interesting questions about their evolutionary history and (paleo)biogeography. My research is multidisciplinary with collaboration by researchers from worldwide. I am involved in research projects from Norway, Portugal, France and Brazil. In Norway, we are assessing the effects of salmon farming on maerl beds (“AKVAKYST 2020”). I am thesis advisor of two PhD students (one funded by the EU's Horizon 2020- Marie Sklodowska-Curie) and several undergraduates students. I teach Botany in the Degree of Biology at the UDC, Universidade Senior (UDC) and in the Master Interuniversitario de Bioloxía Mariña (UDC, USC and UVI).




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