Eduardo Casais

At the present moment, the researcher’s lines of interest: algae culture, culture requirements and biomass characterization; biotechnology applications, such as biofilter, with special attention to the applications in the aquaculture industry; interactions of the microbiota with species of the genus Ulva, to understand the chemical communication systems that control the behaviour of the Ulva-bacterial community holobiont and implications to its culture in IMTA-RAS; study the green tides in Galicia to describe it, explain and develope models to predict it and make proposals for the economical exploitation of this resource and the management rules to control its impact on the shellfish livestock habitats.

More in detail, the research lines in development:

  • The PhD thesis, which objectives are describing the chemical profiling of Ulva-bacteria community holobiont and propose chemical markers to explain the implications of this behaviour strategies in the culture of Ulva, acting as a biofilter, in a fish farm.
  • The study of green tides in Galicia, in collaboration with local shellfish guilds, to model it and test exploitation and management techniques