"An inhibited mind and body cannot bring out the expressive abandon of dance. Besides finding your feet, you also should find a voice and vision."
- Kumudini Lakhia

Here are a few documents that you can read to understand more about Bharatnatyam and it's the central essence of expression of oneself.The documents include how Bharatnatyam is a tool for communication, how technology can be used to identify various mudras along with a guide to help you navigate through Bharatnatyam and it's foundation.
Indian Classical Mudra Classification using HOG features and SVM classifier/International journal of Electrical and computer Eingineering
Extended program foundation /Mahatma Gandhi Institute under the guidance of the Ministry of human resources, Teritiary activities and Scientific research
Website citations
along with the website you can also find in which pages the contributions from the sites were used in our project
Page Indian culture / page Science integration and Initiation in home page 2015. Bharatanatyam (Bharathanatyam) - Most Significant Indian Dance Form. [online] Available at:
Page Socio-emotional and Questionnaire 3 (gaining ground knowledge) editor 2011, Available at
Page Indian culture and influence over souls in the home page 2015. Difference Between Bharatnatyam and Kuchipudi Dances - General Knowledge Today. [online] Available at:
Page Indian culture and Futuristic approach research Available at
Socio-emotional page and survey developement
Raja Vidya , 2022 , Available at :
Science Integration /significance and symbolism
2O'Shea, Janet (2003). "At Home in the World? The Bharatanatyam Dancer As Transnational Interpreter" .
United nations official website,
India today,2023,
Tejshree , 2015,
Books citations
Along with the Book , Publisher , Writer and year , you can also find the page's whose content is inspired from the mentioned books
[Indian culture and forming quesstionnaires]
Scholars, Board of. The Natyashastra of Bharatamuni. Sai Satguru Publications, A division of Indian Boos Centre
[Scientific Integration]
Saroja, Vaidyanatham. The Science of Bharatanatyam . 2015: Kanishka Publishers.
[Futuristic Approach]
S., Dr. Bhayalekshmy. Approach to Bharatanatyam. Abhishek Prakashan, 2009.
[Influence over souls ]
R.P, Kulkarni. The Theatre According to the Natyasastra of Bharatamuni . Kanishka Publishers, 2008.
. Micky, Dr. Verma. Bharatanatyam. Abhishek Prakashan, 2009.
Bharata- The Natyasastra . Sahitya Academy, 2007
[Indian culture]
"Development of the Repertoire in Bharata Natyam", Journal of the Madras Music Academy, Madras, 1991: 95-134.
Dr. Raghavan V, Smt. Ramani Nandini. Journey through a Tradition ( Kandapp-T, Balasaraswati Bharatanatyam Technique),.
[socio emotional and Nukkad Natak cript inspiration]
Banerjee Utpal, Vankataraman Leela. Exquisiteness of Indian Classical Dance (Rasa & Bhava). Gurgaon : Shubhi Publication, 2017
[Futuristic approach]
Kapila Vatsyayan (2008). Aesthetic theories and forms in Indian tradition. Munshiram Manoharlal.
Suggested Books to read for more information
Ghosh Manmohan, Natyashastram ascribed by Bharat Muni, IV literature, and ancient Indian Dance
Venkatraman Padma, A time to Dance
A collection of pieces from multiple authors, Bharathanatyam Text & Digest
Morelli Sarah, A Guru’s Journey Pandit Chitresh Das and Indian Classical Dance in Diaspora
Raman Jayanti Bharatnatyam the Dance of India Grammer and technique
Nandikeshvara, Abhnaya Drpanam (Translated exempt from this classic)
Dhananjaya, Danshrupakam (Translated exempt from this classic)
Suggested Links to read for more information
Dictionary for Bharatnatyam
Learn about Classical Dances of India
Learn about Bharatnatyam and it's History
Apart from the above mentioned resources, we were also able to receive valuable information from the following people in the form of interviews. We would like to extend our special thanks to all of them for contributing greatly towards our projects.
Ms. Sonia Midha (Mother of Pratishtha, a special child in class 6th)
Ms. Pratima(Mother of Tavish, a special child in class 7th)
Ms. Mauli -Special educator and coordinator at Prabhat an awakening NGO.
Sanil Sir -Bharatnatyam teacher at Aravali International school.
G. Parvathy - Bharatanatyam student for 6years