Where can I find [something I mentioned in this guide]?

First, reread the sections of the guide to make sure you didn't miss anything upon first read - many people miss information. While most things I mentioned have hyperlinks with more information, some things may not be entirely obvious. I suggest using a search engine to look up the thing you're looking for, and going from there. Wowhead.com and Warcraft.wiki.gg are good resources for specific in-game items, abilities, npcs, etc. Otherwise, there's always Google.com, Bing.com. Duckduckgo.com, Yandex...

Is [this item] any good? Which items are the best for my class and spec?

The best way to answer this question is by looking at what the stats say on that item, and then comparing this to similar items. This generally answers most questions about whether something is good. You can also refer to the suggested stat priorities I mentioned.

Some items may be better than another item depending on the situation, but otherwise perform almost exactly the same. You can use addons to measure your DPS output when it comes to determining these small differences, or you can see how different items affect your stats. It's also important to know what stats do what for each class and spec, especially with mastery, to see how they affect your ability to survive and do damage. Finally, an item that may be good for you now might be less ideal when your gear changes, especially when it comes to gear obtained through RNG. It comes down to a mix between your preferences in play-style, analyzing what your twink might be lacking in that point in time, and seeing what you can get. The items in this guide are my suggestions, not words of law. 

I disagree with this guide on [this tidbit of information].

You are allowed to disagree - the information on this guide, while mostly crowd-sourced, is also tinged with my own perceptions and bias. It's always good to offer counteracting opinions, especially when the topic is more nuanced. That said, you should also be wary about how your own perceptions and bias influence your decision making, and possibly prevent yourself from seeing the big picture. Unless you're disagreeing with like, factual information...can't help you there unless you present compelling data.

What items can I get additional sockets on?

The availability of a socket proc goes as such:

Help, I'm dying! How stop?

There's a 99% chance you missed something in the guide, but please check the following:

The remaining 1% chance is that there is wonky scaling, especially if the thing you're dying to is doing thousands of HP in damage.

You didn't give details for the class/spec I wanted to play in the Classes section!

As mentioned, I listed popular options, and noted some good (and bad) alternatives at the bottom of the page. If you want to go for more niche options, you are welcome to explore yourself.

Why didn't you mention [newest, hottest obvious glitch or exploit]?

Sometimes, things are so outrageously buggy that the chance of them getting fixed is way too high to even bother bringing up. Things like the Tanaan gear and the Ooze trinket have been around for multiple years now, so that's why they're listed. Unless there's a sign that something won't be fixed, there's no point mentioning it. If it manages to last more than a couple months, I'll add them in. 

What about tertiary procs?

Sometimes, you'll get a random proc of a tertiary stat. Here's a list:

Most pieces can proc with tertiary stats, but pieces obtained from Dragonflight dungeons and rares while level 10-69, along with Timewarped pieces, are currently unable to proc tertiary stats. You can get tert stat procs on drops from Dragonflight rares if they are looted on toons level 1-9, but this is only optimal for building a level 10 twink.

What professions should I get?

This heavily depends on whether you are free to play or not, since getting specific items as free to play may require skilling specific professions, but here is what I suggest:

Permanent - Engineering is currently the best option for twinking due to the accessibility of travel it provides and the tinkers you can apply to your armor. This profession will make your life much easier, and if you want to go the extra mile, you can get Jeeves. If you are a Strength or Agility user then maybe Inscription for the shoulder enchants. If you are a spellcaster, you can opt to forgo Inscription since there is a spell power shoulder enchantment that doesn't require a profession to use. There are Tailoring leg enchants for intellect, but they require you keep the profession, so I don't suggest them.

Temporary - I suggest Leatherworking when you get your best in slot legs to apply the Pandaria leg enchants. You can drop it afterwards. Intellect users will either want to use the Leatherworking stamina leg enchant or use Tailoring leg enchants.

For Free to Play - I would advise reading the F2P Baseline Guide for the uphill battle you'll face.

Others - There are little benefits associated with Blacksmithing. If you're willing to risk a change in meta and don't mind regrinding professions when needed, you can pick up Alchemy. This will extend any potions or flasks you want to use, and give you access to the Alchemist's Flask, which gives +4 primary stat. This is mostly suggested for Intellect users, as there are Attack Power flasks that fill the role for other primary stat users.

What races are best to use?

The actual differences between races is extremely small, so play what you want!

....if you're asking that question though, you're either into minmaxing or struggle with independent decision making, so here's my suggestions:

First, if you are looking at pure base stat totals, Pokspell made a spreadsheet some time ago here. For racials...

I have thoughts and questions about this guide, where can I contact you?

Reach out to me on discord by going through one of the discords mentioned above. If you directly message me a question that could be answered through either reading the guide or using algebra, I will most likely not respond. Don't ask me how to do specific exploits, there's a good chance that I don't know, and there's probably a reason why you wouldn't already know. Also, I prefer front-loaded questions. 

Why don't you present armory links in your guide?

I'll start this off by saying that I don't personally find armories to be a helpful resource for figuring out how to gear a specific spec or build, and I notice people often trail off in the wrong direction when they rely on armories as a reference point. The gear displayed on a twink's armory might seem to be using might be outdated or experimental, or it might not be what's actually optimal. This is especially the case if someone is working off their own outdated knowledge of what's good" However, I know people like looking at "finished products", and I've certainly been asked to provide armory links.

So, here's some lists of 10s armories:
Pokspell's List (for DF, outdated)

DPook's List (for TWW)

Will I get banned for this?

Maybe! I can't make promises, but the thing I see people get banned for the most (or at least, what gets them flagged or reported for "hacking") is running multiple clients at once or interacting with the normie playerbase in Random Dungeons. I suggest not doing that if you're worried about getting banned. If anything else in this guide is something that Blizzard cares about people doing, they'd properly fix it or change how something operates. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Play at your own risk, only blame yourself if you get smacked.