September 30 - October 4, 2019

I will not be at school on Monday or Thursday of this week. These are the last two golf tournaments. I shouldn't be out any more.

Monday:Please read the following article. If we have time on Friday, we will have a debate on overpopulation. Please pick a side (yes it is a problem or no it is not a problem). After reading this article. You will write and turn in your position in the bin. The writing should have an opening statement, reason for your belief and at least two supporting facts. If you finish this before coming to class, please have something to do in the class. Maybe work on KI 2 or something.

Tuesday:Demography Lecture

    • Tuesday HW:Read KI2.

Wedesday:Demographic Transitions

Thursday:Watch Babyland. Will instruct Mr. Macdonald the sub to show the video.

    • Thursday HW:Research your side on the population argument. You are to come in with either a printed copy

Friday:Map Test

    • Friday HW:Work on Project

Project time!

Here is the information for the country project. I will show you examples on Tuesday.