Dr Rich Mclean is a homeless million dollar scapegoat of The Australian Government and he has proven it.His victimisation was instrumental in his suicide attempt  (there is now a cover up about that), and it continues to persecute him to this day systemically politically and personally.

The following letter is in reaction to his rejected whistleblower statement and Public Interest Disclosure at The Attorney genreals office of 19.05.2023.

Dr Rich Mclean detailled the evidence of corrupt conduct of public officials and a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

 The Attorney general's department in doing so has forfeited its own policy on the Convention of Human Rights of a person with a disability.

This email/message is written by Dr McLean in the voice of his Power of Attorney Suellen green. It is meant to be sent to all Australian parliamentarians and will be proof read by Suellen and sent on 22 may 2023.

Dr Rich Mclean and his beloved husky backwhen they had access to a car and the shell of a home they could squat in.

Friday, 19 May 2023

Calling scapegoating out and putting it right.

Dr McLean has been homeless recently and for the last two weeks has lived without hot water, a home, the internet, washer and dryer, or stable place to call home. He suffers apparently from schizophrenia, ADHD and a cognitive brain impairment caused by a suicide attempt that Dr Mclean says was not mental illness related but because of finacial abuse and conspiracy. 

He has a national profile (see wikipedia) and has been awarded a Dr of Philosophy, working with young people and imagining a postman future framed by quantum super intelligence.

In the distant past though - he has been an advocate for those experiencing mental illness and their carers for thirty years. He wrote a human rights award-winning autobiography that was named SANE Australia's 'Book of the Year' in 2022.

His former place of work The Herald Sun vilified and humiliated him publicly for the courageous autobiography and following his place of employment at The Age where he was a news graphics artist and illustrator fired him after five years of service in a job he loved.

Lived together with his former partner for five years from 2010-2015. the relationship was not in question - here is Rich giving Steve the engagement ring. Legally he is owed a settlement but the Federal Government protects his former partner because he was an ASIO employee. His former partner was earning $40000 a month whilst Dr Mclean was forced to accept a DSP of less than $500 per week and it is clear in hindsight that Dr McLean was exploited - especially after the chance discovery of Mr Iasonidis additionally claiming a carers pension for being engaged to Dr McLean to embolden his wealth and exploit his own partners' illness.

Dr McLean acted in a way that was fraudulent by claiming a pension for five years whilst engaged to be married - but that injustice is peanuts compared to his being forced to accept the pension by his then partner that both exploited him and was malicious in its financial control. Dr Mclean acting ethically and without consent declared the relationship but his former partner demanded he say they broke up and go back on it. This is called family violence via means of coercive financial control and it is never ok.

This financial control is to this day enacted by his now former partner Stefan Iasonidis enacts and to this day Mr Iasonidis both controls his finances - which the Government elongates and supports - and threatens to kill him and his dog. Every day Dr Mclean lives in poverty without a settlement is another day that family violence wins and another day that The Australian Government has exploited Dr Mclean for 'madness' in effect throwing him under the bus whilst Mr Iasonidis is protected by the likes of ASIO, Centrelink, The Tax Department, ASIO and AGIS who refuse to investigate the exploitation. Very recently ASIC has also refused to intervene.

Dr Mclean indeed suffers from mental illness. That is an extra reason to help him and support him - not to vilify him as 'mad' to the exclusion of all other actual justice issues. The time to help him is now before either he or his beloved dog are killed or he suicides from the ungodly victimisation and financial detriment.

He lives with death threats after his AVI was rejected.

He is a rejected whistleblower, he cannot go to the police and in his fifty years has never had a lawyer to take issues to task for a measurable outcome. He had a lawyer John Boyle but now after engaging Dr Mclean for over six months and never arriving at justice Mr Boyle then dumped all of his cases and is holding Dr Mclean's evidence to ransom unless nearly $50000 is paid. Mr Boyle's actions are abhorrent in that he has exploited a vulnerable person with a mental illness and cognitive brain disorder who was homeless and extracted his evidence and then billed him for no result and lastly is holding him for ransom.

The human rights charter for a person with a disability says a disabled person must have equality before the law and access to the law and neither is true.

As a democratic citizen of the country with a clean criminal record, he has been banned from AFCA, causing massive detriment and further homelessness.

The OPMC refuse his FOI, which would reveal his advocacy and his former partner, saying that documents 'cannot be found or do not exist.’

He made a complaint about a GP in 2017 and the GPs lawyer was Russell Ball - a lawyer who informs Government policy and advises the Ombudsman. Since then he has been exploited as 'mad' and victimised politically and systemically causing much detriment and despite enormous efforts has never been able to engage a lawyer for his many injustice issues.

This victimisation has caused detriment in economic, physical, emotional and other ways such as everything he owns being destroyed. Victimisation is against the law.

His CDDC scheme for compensation for the financial detriment at the Department of Finance has been rejected.

This profound discrimination victimisation and vilification of him being 'ill' to the exclusion of all other factors led to his suicide attempt inside Werribee mercy hospital in Feb 2021. It was described in the hospital FOI as a 'fatal' injury and 'lethal' attempt from which he now suffers a cognitive brain impairment. There is now a cover-up at the hospital owed him a duty of care to keep him safe and further a cover-up in Government agencies not to compensate Dr McLean for the injury. Valiantly Dr Mclean protested his fatal injury from which he was revived from death at HCC, MHCC, The police, IBAC, AHPRA, NHPOPC, and The Ombudsman to a universal whitewashing of the tragedy.

He was then vilified by the police who, with the mental health act threatened him with incarceration despite his being owed millions of dollars in detriments, settlements, insurance, and compensation.

This was a political scapegoating war whereby his prosperity was actively consciously and maliciously withheld from him. Because he could not pay rent he was squatting. Under the threat of incarceration, he was then run out of town by police - and he is from authorities in numerous hotels and hostels where he couldn't be found. On one such morning, he and his dog were run over by an out-of-control car and both were injured. He got up and left the scene before police arrived; as he could not afford to be sectioned by police into the same environment where his tragedy occurred; but then again it may well have been a Government car that had maimed him. 

The police finally waited until he returned to his squat then proceeded to violently kick in his door cuffed him and hospitalised him as a political prisoner for two months. Whilst incarcerated the hospital and the police oversaw Hung Ho - his now former landlord - destroy everything he owns by clearing his house out and taking everything he owned to the tip. Werribee mercy hospital was then rejected into a homeless shelter with just the clothes on his back.

At the same time this brutal victimisation occurred this is conservatively what he was owed at the time of this financial persecution and political scapegoating:

$250000 Former partner settlement

$75000 HCF income assist

$250000 Impairments benefit from 2006 for work cover

$250000 Workcover entitlements from 2021

$83000 Extra unit of cover from an insurance claim in 2008

$50000 Compensation for his brain detriment

$200000 Compensation from his 2017 malpractice case

That's 1.1 million dollars.

It is hard to imagine to this day he still cannot get a lower, he cannot go to the police, and he is a rejected whistleblower already both at The federal Court and The Health Department.

This is what scapegoating is.

He has been robbed of his prosperity, his job, his passions and of his equality before the law and his access to it in opposition to all ethical underpinnings of Australian democracy and human rights for people with a disability.

He still has not been paid his work cover since Feb 2021. Despite being contracted to a Victorian statutory authority work safe (who have now banned him), directed him to ComCare. Comcare at first rejected his psychological injury on those grounds but then changed the reason to he is 'not an employee for the purposes of the SRC act.' When his case fails - he will have the opportunity to lodge it in the federal court. But Dr Mclean already is a rejected whistleblower from the federal court but unwittingly they have stated they are satisfied 'he was an employee at DSS.' This alone should get his work cover detriment paid. And if it misruled that he was NOT an employee despite the federal court's statement - then WHO is he insured by?

The workplace minister Danny Pearson returned Dr Mclean's protest about this but did not conclude payment. It is legislation that if liability is not determined, then it is the responsibility of the minister or the agency within 21 days of the claim being made. So - where is the money?

93 Provisions to apply where employer does not meet liabilities

Source: https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-09/13-67aa046 authorised.pdf

Dr McLean has proven his worth and intelligence many times by selflessly advocating for others but now he is vilified for 'mental illness' and consciously redacted all prosperity and robbed because of it in a universal victimisation. He is a clear scapegoat of the Australian Democracy. It is putting him and his dog's life at risk from the death threats he receives - and of potential suicide, as I have witnessed he is at risk. That is because I am his carer and his power of attorney.

Public officials including parliamentarians are required to act within a human rights charter and always act ethically. It is within the remit of every parliamentarian to act now in a political way to avoid further systemic injustice to Dr McLean and an ever closer potential tragedy that won't just be another suicide - it will be state-sanctioned murder.

Ways you can act:

Force his work cover to be paid,

Force a settlement from his former partner,

Force HCF to pay for his income assistance,

Force a settlement with the institutional child sexual abuse scheme,

Find him a lawyer who can defend his many injustices,

Protect him from the brewing violence threat.

At the least make a ruling for an AVO against Stefan Iasonidis towards Dr Mclean.

Suellen Green.

Power of Attorney for Dr Rich Mclean.

Dr Rich Mclean - Advocacy

Dr Rich Mclean is as of 19/05/2023 in marginalised housing with no hot water. He is on internet via his phone which is less than dial-up-speed. There is no washing or drying and he relies on an NDIS support worker in order to live a 'normal' life of just getting a coffee and going to the dog park with his beloved husky. (Who has been threatened to be killed).

Dr Mclean is accepting donations into his justice.

His payID is 0400639248 and this will immediately relive him of being needy for food, an internet connection, a telephone in ordert to protest his injustice.

He has organised a contract in which is from The Law Depot - this document guarantees that any investment from $50 up to $5000 will not only be paid back but paid back three times the amount once the various detriments and compensations are eventually paid.

His persecution cannot last forever but sadly it is money he is missing right now and your investment in justice - which he will pay back - is welcomed.

Email him now at  richarddrawsstuff@gmail.com to be sent your copy of the contract from The Law Depot which will be signed by him and his power of attorneySuellen green for your generous investment opposing Government tyranny.

It is a way you can immedictely help Dr Mclean and also invest in justice in order to be compensated for you believeing in him and his cause to be relieved of what this is - him being a scapegoat. There is no winning - there is only the opportunity that he will be releived of torture should the real purpetrators be called out.

35023306 McLean Claim review committee decision.pdf