Letter to family and friends and colleagues

Dear friends, family and colleagues of Rich McLean,

I am in over my head with victimisation from The Australian Government.

This vile victimisation has already literally killed - and it will do so again without intervention.

The office of prime minister and cabinet have refused my FOI.

This would have revealed:

This oppression has forced my suicide - which was deemed ‘fatal’ - only to be covered up by authorities.

I have a cognitive brain impairment from the tragedy.

Since that tragic incident - I had lived for over two years under the care of authorities.

The same authorities that with police - locked me up as a political prisoknerand then oversaw the entirety of my belongings be taken to the tip.

I was rejected to a homelessness shelter.

I live on a disability support pension that does not cover my rent food and medicine.

This life is not sustainable - I have made a complaint to the commonwealth ombudsman because this victimisation is leading to more despair.

The problem is -the attorney general refuses to talk to me.

He oversees the commonwealth ombudsman and I am aware that this too will fail.

I feel I cannot work with the years long oppression that has been dealt to me and having a mental illness and further a silenced brain detriment.

Every time I was primed to receive money it was quashed by Government forces and the fact I am a scapegoat.

I can’t call Victoria legal aid - 

I have been rejected two workers compensations.

I have been rendered an infamous vagrant and someone who people react badly to when I ask for money because the system failed me and pointedly victimises me.

I can’t goon like this - other Australians have equality before the law and access to it.

But my identity is ruined years ago with the publication of my autobiography for which I was vilified and then fired from The Age.

My life was thrown into turmoil when my medication was rejected forcing me to use street drugs and I admit it.

The system wants to cause me harm and they are expecting every day people to tow the party line and blame my ‘illness’ again pathologhising me.

I did a PhD to prove I am nit ‘mad’ and passed - but no one likes someone clever, do they?

I am not mad - I am oppressed and I am victimised and I ask your attention to be drawn to my whistleblower statement at:


The failure this to be actioned I fear will actually kill me.

With no food medicine or place to be I will die… antis not hard to see that this movement oppression will be the causation of that.

I offered the Government solutions to this impasse and I implore you to help me:

Help me by investing in justice so that I may have enough to stay alive.

Help me by emailing your parliamentarians because my voice has been neutered and is of no value…go to your MP!

Believe me when I say we are not living in communist china - but I am living it every day and it is a brutal oppression that is causing me and has caused me much damage.

If nothing is done - I will be so financially abused that I fear I will will lose my life.

How much can one person take?

They took my job, my business, my website, my insurances, my conciliations, my home, my worldly goods, my mind, my physical health, my home, my freedom, my equality before the law and my access to it.

They took my life  that I survived and now there is a cover up about that.

I’m asking for your help.

It is an investment you will get back - my Pay ID is 0400639248.

It is unconscionable that the world has been fully aware of my victimisation and that good people allow evil to happen.

If you can do one thing today its share this so that my life is not taken once and for all and mental illness be blamed.

Dr Rich McLean