Whistleblower Statement Sent as of 06/02/2023

hi there it's Dr Richard McLean this is my whistleblowing statement for the Australian public and for the police and people who can receive it and Opera I mean Asic at apra at afsa and the Commonwealth ombudsman

um I'm a legitimate government employee because I have a Department of Social Security login and um I'm a person who is able to make this statement to a person who is able to receive it please will someone help me I'm 49 years old and I've never ever had a lawyer who has acted to resolve any of the following to a degree in which I live with enough prosperity for just a basic life

I'm a person with a disability and it's against the charter of human rights of people with a disability in this country that I don't have equality before the law or access to the law

I wish to say straight up that this oppression from the Australian government has literally murdered me I suffered a fatal self-inflicted injury in werribee Mercy Hospital in February 2021 from which I was accidentally found with zero pulse unresponsive and I was revived from certain death

there is no records for that abandonment of Duty of care and for the movement of Oppression which led me um to that tragedy

because harm has been wished upon me and harm happened to me a little bit about me I'm a former human rights awarded author and I've got a public profile um I have now have a brain cognitive impairment and and also a mental illness I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was about 21. I'm suffering greatly um I've got the evidence of um that years of Oppression which was the Fatal self-inflicted injury inside Werribee Mercy hospital 

after that my life got worse there's no room for Joy there's no room for a job there's no room for friends there's been no peace for me for quite a few years now there is no money and my reputation is in tethers the protest of my treatment only saw me further ostracized abused and neglected 

there's no compensation from the hospital I just wish to say so far that I'm a failed whistleblower and whistle while I was in this country have a hard time I'm a failed whistleblower at Asic at Opera at afsa and the Commonwealth Ombudsman and today I share this video to them to reintroduce this whistleblowing document

the issue goes back in his multi-tiered and it goes back in a number of ways um a malpractice case happened in 2017 um with a doctor called Dr Whitaker I don't wish any harm on Dr Whitaker and I want nothing to happen to Dr Whitaker he's a good doctor um um he made a mistake though um now I went to him and I said I was suicidal I recorded it off the cuff because I was testing my reality my reality in my perceptions has a way of being um not accurate to reality so I was testing it I recorded a conversation with him and I forgot about it now afterwards I had a fatal a suicide attempt from medication which he prescribed in the same session that I said I was suicidal um I brought it up um as a complaint after I found my suicide attempt and I'd moved house and um to this um it was unbelievable what happened I didn't know but I was framed of some kind of extortionist by Mr Russell ball he is a lawyer who informs government policy and advises the national ombudsman I was framed as an extortionist for having made that innocuous recording of the GP as I said I wanted to test my own reality as to see what I was saying was making sense he then acted with impunity with much money and extraordinary political power to silence the evidence and I've never ever had a lawyer and that was never taken to court as a malpractice case he silenced me at the following places Millennium Medical Center the health complaints commissioner the mental health complaints commissioner the police ibac nhp APC Opera and up to the Commonwealth ombudsman now he's a person who informs government policy and advises the ombudsman

I only realized that this was the case after I received a freedom of information from the health compliance commissioner in which he um slanted me internally to these government organizations as a government Informer and as a government aligned employee and with extraordinary power now the other issue that I have is that of my former partner Steve isonides we were together for five years from 2010 to 2015. he's a very clever person I don't wish him harm like he wishes May harm um he worked for Apple first and then he worked for Azo he owes me a fair equal settlement for our five-year relationship in which we're engaged to be married currently he's threatened via social media to kill me and kill my dog this is I can't accept that

um whilst he was earning upwards of thirty and forty thousand dollars a month working for the Secret Service I was on a Disability Pension and doing a master's degree in education and I was actually fundraising for The Royal Children's Hospital the banksia unit um of young people and teenagers affected by mental illness 

 I used my book called broken the monster in what do you love as a key mechanism in which to raise funds and do a book launch for The Royal Children's Hospital my intentions have always been the best

um yeah I wish to say further on the a whole lot of financial issues that I'm redacted from getting and that is because I'm banned at Africa the Australian Financial complaints Authority that is because I threatened to name staff 

as time went on I knew I was framed in a conspiracy and I started to record the evidence of that this has led to my financial destruction and it's also LED um amazingly to my literal death which I was revived from certain death and um to which there is no recourse or um compensation for that I would have received compensation had I not have been banned from Africa now it goes right to the top

I've worked solely and with great um resilience to try and oppose the tyranny of government oppression and the Office of Prime Minister and cabinet have now refused My Freedom of Information after first acknowledging that it had over a thousand matches that would be um that would be true because in actual fact um I'll just go into some advocacy here I have a national profile

 funnily enough I am the author of recover not cured a journey through schizophrenia and I've advocated against shame stigma and Prejudice for most of my life 

I've spoken in Parliament House in Canberra the officer prime minister and cabinet would have a record of that all the way across to the school of religious and philosophical studies at McGill University in Montreal Canada and I've traveled to the Australian continent speaking at local state and federal levels including dubbo to warnable to Canberra Sydney and Melbourne and this is just a brief list of places that I've spoken 

Radio National life matters program with Julie mccrossen on the ABC ABC Triple J youth witness youth network with Rachel Kerr Tricia Duffield on radio 2sm Sydney Martin powley for ABC gold and Sunshine Coast Queensland Fiona Sewell for ABC radio Adelaide Statewide afternoons James Valentine for ABC radio 702 Phillip Brady and Bruce Mansfield on three aw Nightline John weeks for spectrum FM radio Stateline and ABC TV good morning Australia with Steve leadman for my my ex Exhibition at Art Halls gallery and book launch Peter O'Shaughnessy Curtin radio Perth Tony Wilson for Triple R Felicity Begins for Radio 2 Nur in Newcastle I did a video interview with Frankie fathers for Reuters TV which was International I was on ABS ABC national am program Channel 31 News Joy FM um um a radio National Life matters art and psychosis um special special I was on Triple R again for talking about schizophrenia I was on local radio and ABC Regional radio for ABC and um I was on interview panels with students from the girl University in Montreal um print media articles and reviews include um an article for Michael Winkler for the age and I used to actually work as a illustrator for the age that was before this article came out about my book called my descent into madness from The Herald Sun thanks Herald Sun for vilifying me and allowing me to um lose my job at the age um I was um I was in MCV by a reviewer the Sydney Morning Herald and devison rest in peace a clinical Psychiatry news about psychosis and art possible oh there was a possible presentation on sbs's Masterpiece program that didn't happen and I've actually spoken in Parliament that was recorded in in the Australian newspaper and that was called um oh no sorry that was in the Sydney Morning Herald mental health hits the political front line my presentations include um a presentation at Art horse Gallery where the book host came out I was at um Regular um person who presented at the mental health research institute to researchers and biochemists I've spoken to forensic here the psychiatric prison in Fairfield to inpatients and social workers and psychologists I've been speaking at the early prevention psychosis Senator epic to consumer groups I've spoken to the Australian Center for Youth literature for aycl the Librarians and school teachers there really appreciated my input I did a presentation for Australian Center for Youth literature I'll send that to 500 students at one time um Bob or youth Network to social workers and youth planners the Richmond Fellowship warnable to Consumers and their families more talks to Consumers at Epic the real Royal Melbourne hospital with mental health research institute I had a special guest speaking for um psychosis and cannabis Forum there I've I've spoken at Saint Andrews market for mental health week forensic care Thomas assembly Hospital Mental Health Week a presentation an autobiographical writing for high school students at the State Library um Northwest area carry Consultant Group I've actually spoken in Parliament House for um saying's guide to electoral officers and I've had a lot of personal clients as well I've been across the ditch to McGill University in Montreal and paragraph bookstore and even Douglas Hospital in Montreal and McLean Hospital I've had articles in e-clinical Psychiatry news about psychosis and Art reviews in World schizophrenia.org hard copy mail that USA and Canada and I was the guest speaker for opening the Sydney exhibition called Art against stigma in Sydney in 2005. 

um I just want to say that um I've really tried my best to use my experience to um better Australian society and I think I've done a pretty good job now all of that would be recorded in National Archives and it would be recorded at the Office of Prime Minister and cabinet especially now that I've got a former partner who's an Azo employee and that I'm banned from various fundamental federal agencies the office and prime minister and cabinet have now refused my freedom of information and I'm rejected at the Australian Human Rights Commission for actually detailing all this and trying to um get my Justice um in actual fact there was a case before the Australian Human Rights Commission with Liz Lindbergh about my rejected super and tpd payment that I was rejected from Australian super and um I've got evidence that they've free kicked that to the opposite team tal underwriting and in that we can be certain that the Australian government is behind my persecution that is because I reached out to t a c JTL so it can't remember otherwise and I've reached a tiny settlement so this profound oppression and victimization has already seen my fatal injury and that's been covered up 

it's really painful to die by the way it's really painful and it's even more painful to exist in the world where every single public official who is bound under the charter of human rights of people with a disability to act ethically that no one has crossed the floor on this issue when it comes to my systemic profound victimization victimization is a crime that is against the law in this country um and I do not accept that this is happening to me I don't accept that a person with a disability such as me has no access to the law or equality before the law despite the charter of human rights that is the foundation of all laws in this country I don't accept that a person came to suffer a fatal injury inside a public hospital with zero recourse I don't accept um that it is me who's identified as the bad guy when it's people with these things in common money power privilege all of many people could stop this instantly

um I don't accept that my business which I toiled over for 20 years it used to be richiemclean.com and then it was changed into richmclean.com today you was destroyed with impunity by government-linked web hosting company Micron 21 That Was Then covered up by the Telecommunications industry Ombudsman business.gov and my insurer businesscover.com

so I don't I don't accept that um malpractice occurred leading to my overdose in 2017 and I don't accept the fact that a person with money privilege and power as opposed to me who is easily identifiable as someone with mental illness and then vilified for it and scapegoated can act in a position of Monopoly of power and can actually systemically act in which to profoundly disadvantage me in all areas of life that man Russell ball who informs government policy and the ombudsman silenced that evidence I was not an extortionist and I've been framed in many other ways

 I was literally testing my reality to make sure that I was being sufficient in My Cry for Help and it's been a cry for help ever since and that evidence was silenced by you know Millennium Medical Center Health complaints commissioner mental health complaints Commission of the police Opera nhpc are back in the Ombudsman I've never ever had a lawyer at the same time as all this was going on my Recollections of sexual abuse from someone close to my family home were thrown out of court by Geelong vocab magistrate and she cited me as doomed to fail that's colorful language for someone who has survived child sexual abuse I suspect it was because I was scapegoated and I suspect it was because I was framed as an extortionist by Mr Russell ball and that had reached all avenues of um of legality in this country and that she was citing me or suggesting that I was in it for the money

um all along in from from that 2019 I was contracted to the ndis commission as an artist's life coach for the ndis and I love the work and I worked with many people who were marginalized who had severe mental health issues and I managed to have a good life advocating as I always had done in Australian community in my local community and I did it um and I was valued and I did it and I had a really good lot for a while but my clients rape and incest stories that I was narrating for his vocab case triggered my own three-year struggle with my own Justice when I was narrating his story in a document that was meant for vocab and I received my audio from the mail to prove that the hearing had ever existed because I was never there um that evidence for me arrived in the mail and it was deliberate that it was elongated and that it had come in the mail too late for my appeal to happen and in this I knew then that I was scapegoated and my reputation had been ruined and that my important work that had gone for a year and a half with my client who was my ndis client um was rendered illegitimate along with the distress of Being Framed I was triggered by my work and my workplace environment where I had looked after a particular client for over a year and a half and it triggered my own personal internal battle that was doomed to fail as the lady said I finished work on 19th of January 2021. I had Private health insurance from hcf income assistance and it never paid out and now I'm actually banned from contacting them my work cover was never paid and to this day it's before the aat and the combination of the detriment that I've that's occurred to me was really the thing that led to the suicide the causational thing wasn't really my mental health it was the profound systemic struggle that I'd had against powerful key political stakeholders and how they controlled every aspect of my life and absolutely forbade me from earning money and they forbade me and redacted my Prosperity from every single place that it could potentially come at the aat Kate will Kate Watson I think your name is is a lawyer who's defending the government she well knows that a person with a disability needs to have equal access to the law and equality before the law but she took it to the aat where it was defended and they they deny that I mean an employee for the purposes of the SRC Act however it clearly states on the ndis commission website that workers can be employees contractors volunteers or sole Traders I am not making this up I also have a department of success Social Security employee login I was Advanced paid covert money at the time of covert I was considered a regular employee

um this is still outstanding um everyone I know has put the emphasis on me for the suicide attempt and no one has taken responsibility for the profound injustices that have occurred um everyone I know in my life is an apologist for the following people Steve icinitis John Whittaker Russell Boyle Mark Dreyfuss Bill shorten and the prime minister every public servant has an obligation to act within the charter of Human Rights especially for those people with a disability you may notice my lips drop now that's from the um suicide attempt I have profound physical detriment from that suicide attempt for which there is no recourse and in actual fact when they apologized they apologized for returning a broken used toilet brush in my clothes to the Intensive Care Unit because he's because it is not their policy to give away Hospital property and with that vile apology came the audacious feeling from them that they could do what they want and they knew that I had no power but I have a voice and I have sentience and I have good will and I don't want to harm anyone additionally I don't want anyone to go to jail I don't want anyone to lose their job I don't want anyone to be incarcerated I refuse to act in the way in which I have been treated


um so recently um I was squatting because um I couldn't afford rent um none of my injustices paid out and this world of Oppression which was very public um kept me silenced and in the dark and really used stigma shame and Prejudice the things I advocated against for many years against me and it had now become um my my Costa bear um the police and werribee racing hospital and everyone I knew oversaw me in a couple of years of vagrancy squatting at my place at tumor coven Street in footscray and hang ho Avenger failed my landlord while I was in hospital incarcerated as a political prisoner took my entire worldly possessions and took them to the tip that's my whole life that's my drawings that's my clothes that's my passport that's my documents that's my furniture they took it all to the tip when I left werribee Mercy Hospital recently only a few weeks ago they released me with only a paper bag full of clothes I wish to say that I was kept in hospital because I was distressed yes and whistleblowers don't have many rights in this country and whistleblowers also suffer profound neglect and abuse and victimization from a world that won't listen to their stories this distressed me it distressed me so much I wasn't working anyway but it really Amplified my inability to work [Music] um they they kept me in the hospital over two months because they said I had a cognitive brain impairment now that obviously is relating to the suicide attempt that was covered up they did a neurological test and they did an MRI but still they refuse to release those documents those documents might have helped me get a better deal with the ndis and they might have helped me um um to um get some help from myself and some assistance which I really desperately needed the hospital rejected me to a homeless shelter in West Melbourne with that paper bag full of clothes and from there I was threatened with incarceration because I'd used street drugs to mimic the feeling of um and the and the benefit of dexamphetamine treatment which Dr David Horgan from Q advocated for me for and which I was a grand success on in fact I did a master's degree I did a doctorate as a PhD student and I'm a doctor now and I ran my own business for two years I published books I published a diary of my life's work and I fundraised for for for for The Royal Children's hospital with a children's book in which I created and ran my own business for two years and I did it very successfully and ever since the incarceration in January 2021 they've rejected that that medication for me and I need it um so this has been my story um right now I don't have enough to survive the next Fortnight I don't have enough to um to eat and I'm with a delightful old man who's an 80 year old pensioner who's accepted me gratefully I was grateful to be accepted into his house and I just wish to say this is my whistleblowing statement I don't want much I just want a simple house with my dog and me and I would like to be um protected from oppression and I would like to have my voice heard and I would like to be valued as a member of Australian society and I would like to have equality before the law and access to the law I don't want to be persecuted by police and I don't want to be set up to fail or I don't want to be identified as someone who has done a criminal act such as defrauding the the tax system or um trying to get my ndis funds for my own purposes just to survive and I've done dodgy things to do that but I was being forced by the hand of Oppression which is led me to those Desperate Measures my name is Dr Richard McLean and I don't wish harm on anyone in actual fact the absolute opposite if you added up all the detriments that I'm owed to be paid right now it would be a grand amount however all right act with humility and a simple life lending from Buddhism and I don't wish for lots of money and I never have and in actual fact I've survived on very little for a long time I only want a simple life in a house with my dog and a car and a computer and I want to be able to get a coffee every day and I want to be able to recreate those links with my friends who have fallen victim to this in their victimization of me and I wish to recreate those friendships again and I wish to recreate a life I wish to recreate a life that's meaningful and I wish to recreate a life that has the potential at least the potential to get in touch with my family and friends again because so much has been lost I've acted with the best of intentions my whole life to make the world a better place and now it's up to Australia and all the people that I helped and all the people that guested me in their programs and all the people that invited me to speak with their programs to spread this message systemically and universally and ask for protection from oppression from Rich and ask for some justice and ask for some equality before the law and some access to the law I don't require much and in actual fact as I was saying I keep forgetting things because my memory is a bit mud nowadays that I've created a trust fund Baron dodger.com and what I plan to do with the detriment that is anything beyond a simple life for me is to create a charity an engine an on-for-profit which creates meaningful experiences for people who are marginalized and people who have no voice that includes people bereaved by Suicide it includes child sexual abuse victims it includes people affected profoundly by mental illness whistleblowers and sexual violence it includes the black the trans the very old and the very young all people who are marginalized and all people who need a voice these are my people those are the people that I want to help and those are the people that I will help God willing so thanks for listening to this message and um please share this story because um it's not sustainable this life for me and if I literally die before um this gets Justice it'll be a very sad story indeed thanks for listening