Andrew Wilkie

If I don’t get justice I may die without enough food, medicine and a place to call home. 

14 March 2023

Dear Andre Wilkie,

Victimisation is against the law and my victimisation has caused me detriment financially ecumenically and with any justice. Can you please respond tooth’s letter and meaningfully oppose my victimisation from the Australian Government? Currently I have not enough to eat, nor a phone, no equality before the law or access to it. Every day I live in poverty is another day that my family violence and tyrannical government victimisation wins. I am at risk of suicide under this oppression.

My heart is in the right place

I have campaigned against stigma prejudice and discrimination in regards to people who have a mental illness here:

Dr Mclean advocated against shame stigma and prejudice for most of his life. He has spoken from Parliament House in Canberra to The school of religious and philosophical studies in Montreal Canada. He has travelled the Australian continent speaking at local state and federal levels including Dubbo to Warnambool to Canberra Sydney and Melbourne. Here is a list of places he has spoken: 


Radio National 'Life Matters' program. Julie McCrossin-ABC, Triple J- Youth Network, Rachel Kerr (National), Tricia Duffield on Radio 2SM, Sydney, Martin Powley for ABC Gold & Sunshine Coasts, QLD, Fiona Sewell for ABC Radio Adelaide, Statewide afternoons, James Valentine for ABC Radio 702, Phillip Brady & Bruce Mansfield on Radio 3AW ‘Nightline’, John Weeks from Spectrum FM Radio, Stateline on ABC TV, Good Morning Australia with Steve Leidman, for 'Compulsive Executions' exhibition and book launch. Pieta O'Shaughnessy on Curtin Radio (Perth), Tony Wilson for Triple R (Melb), Felicity Biggins on Radio 2NUR in Newcastle, Video interview with Frankie Fathers, Reuters TV (International), ABC National, AM Program, Channel 31 News. JOY FM, The Today show with Steve Liedman, Mar 05, Radio National-Life Matters-Art and Psychosis, RRR-Schizophrenia, Local Radio, and ABC Regional, Dubbo, Two Panel interviews with students, McGill University, Montreal. 


'Rider of the storm', The Age, Michael Winkler, 'My Descent Into Madness'-Herald Sun, MCV-Reviewer, The Sydney Morning Herald - Reviewer Anne Deveson, about psychosis and art, Possible presentation on SBS's 'Masterpiece' program about art and mental illness, Sydney Morning Herald, Mental Health hits the Political Frontline.' 


Recovered, Not Cured Book Launch-Artholes Gallery, Fitzroy, art exhibition, Mental Health Reseach Institute-To researchers and biochemists, Forensicare, Fairfield-To inpatients and social workers/ psychologists, Early Prevention Psychosis (EPPIC)-To consumer groups, Presentation for Australian Centre for Youth Literature (ACYL) -To librarians and school teachers, Presentation for Australian Centre for Youth Literature (ACYL)-To 500 high school students, Baw Baw youth Network-To social workers and youth planners, Richmond Fellowship- Warnambool.-To consumers and their families, More talks to consumers at EPPIC, Royal Melbourne Hospital-with MHRI-'Psychosis and Cannabis' forum, St Andrew's Market-Mental Health Week, Forensicare, Thomas 


Embling Hospital, Mental Health Week, Presentation on autobiographical writing for high scvhool students at The State Library, Australian Centre for Youth Literature (AYCL) (All in 2003,04), Carer Consultant Group, North West Mental Health, Parliament House, Canberra, for 'SANE's Guide To Electoral Offices’, Personal clients, McGill University-Montreal, Paragraphe Bookstore-Montreal, Douglas Hospital-Montreal, Article for about psychosis and art, Review in hard copy Mail-out, USA and Canada, Guest speaker for the exhibition: (Sydney, May 05).

Consentual sex

Is my oppression because I had sex at the local police break up when I was twenty and authorities have denied me justice ever since? It was consentual sex. If it was not then prove me wrong and then further identify the decades long persecution that has redacted all prosperity from me and framed me politically with impunity in order to cause me maximum damage.

My rights.

Disability law in this country says a disabled person of which I am one because I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, ADHD, and now a brain injury, must have equality before the law and access to it. I don’t. How is it possible that in 49 years I have never had a lawyer to take one of my many justice issues over the line to be compensated? One thing I know there was never a caveat written into law in this country stating that I will never have a lawyer and I will never get any prosperity that overturns all other reasonable and rational human rights law this country has but so far thats been the case. Facts are that the charter of human rights and human rights of a person with a disability are not being upheld nor observed in my equity and equality when it comes to me and legal representation and that the charter underpins all laws in this country.

I am a failed whistleblower. 

I am a failed whistleblower at APRA, ASIC, AFSA and The Commonwealth Ombudsman. I was invited again to make a PID statement to the Commonwealth Ombudsman and I did on 27/02/2023. So far it has not been responded to. Whilst they delay - I suffer from not having enough to eat, not enough medicine, or a place to live with any security. I also have quite possibly a tumour at the back of my nasal cavity that is untreated. I asked the commonwealth ombudsman to respond urgently, but they have not.

The attorney general 

The attorney general Mark Dreyfus refuses to acknowledge me and his office decline to speak to me and he oversees the commonwealth ombudsman. This would simply prove a systemic oppression of me from the Australian Government and proves the victimisation and redaction prosperity and justice that led to my suicide attempt - considered fatal injury that I was revived from. I have been victimised by The Australian Government and the persecution and family violence forced my suicide. I survived that ‘fatal’ suicide attempt inside Weribee Mercy Hospital in Feb 2021 from the coersive financial control that had dogged my life. Now there is another cover up.

My previous story made public.

I wrote an autobiography. When it was published the Herald Sun Vilified me and I lost my job at the Age where I was an illustrator and news graphics artist.

Ethics meant to do no harm

I am a Dr of philosophy and ethics means to do no harm. But great harm is burdened to me and occurred tome and it is still being dealt to me every day.

It was a set up

I wrote to then attorney general Michaelia cash about the corruption at AHRC and AFCA and my prediction I would loosely work cover at AAT.  She sent me to the SANE help line - my autobiography which was awarded a human rights award was also awarded SANE Australia’s ‘Book of the year’.

Framed also by a lawyer

Little known to me at the time I had been framed by Russell Ball who informs Government policy and advises the ombudsman over a malpractice case by which a GP gave me drugs to overdose on when I clearly described being suicidal. I did overdose weeks later and I made the complaint. I only record things to check my reality is right as I suffer from schizophrenia. 

My second suicide attempt

I was revived from death and now I have an acquired brain injury. I have no support from the NDIS who are awaiting an occupational therapists assessment for SILS package.

My former partner

I was enged to Steve Iasonidis - an ASIO employee and he exploited me for my disability nest egg from health super. IGIS refuse to acknowledge the relationship existed. He owes me a fair legal amicable separation of assets. He tried to claim the carers pension from centrelink in order to exploit me. The tax department wont answer and neither will any Government department. The Office of Prime Minister and cabinet refuse my FOI - in itself a crime.

Work Cover

Likewise at my workcover hearing in three weeks - I have no lawyer and Kate Watson now acts outside her remit as a person bound by the charter when she forces it to go ahead. She is a lawyer who is defending the Governments decision and has also worked in the Government - this battle is inequitable its unfair unbalanced and doomed from to fail. It is also illegal for any public official and especially a lawyer to act outside the charter of human rights for people with a disability and that includes me having access to my own lawyer. Its not my fault I can’t get a lawyer… I have tried. Its going ahead and I am going to lose probably $600000 or a TPD claim. They are arguing that I am not an employee for the purposes of work cover and the SRC act. This is despite the ndis commission stating:

Under the NDIS Commission, a worker is anyone who is employed or otherwise engaged to provide NDIS supports and services to people with disability. Workers can be paid or unpaid, and can be people who are self-employed, employees, contractors, consultants, and volunteers.

If liability cannot be ascertained in a work cover case in Victoria legislation states that it becomes the ministers duty to make payment within 21 days because it becomes a liability of the agency. You would think that to solve this financial impasse I could simply write to the work place minister which I did to no response. Ou would think then it would be easy to get my lawyer John Boyle to demand a response from him - but he does not. No matter what I do I cannot get it over the line.

No-one is responsible

No one will take responsibility for the victimisation that literally killed me. …and lets be fair, if I died - who would care? I already did - and not a tear was shed. The police are not responsible for the entire contents of my home destroyed. Comcare are not responsible for me not getting a lawyer. The hospital are not responsible for my suicide - they saved me. The NDIS centrelink the community care team I’m now medicated by are not required to find me a home. My mother is not responsible that I am broke. Sane australia are not responsible for matters of politics. Micron 21 are not liable for destroying my business - I was conspiratorial. It is not the remit of VOCAT to compensate me for being violently beaten up - I was the attacker. Its not the remit of the redress scheme to compensate me for being sexualised as a child because these things take time. Its ok for every friend to say I need to ‘live within my means’ and not lend me money - but they have a job and rights of normal citizens. Its ok AFCA banned me - I was a threat. Work safe banned me too for the same reason and thats a good an ‘out’ as any. It is not the fault of Allen and Unwin that my reputation be ruined - they were advancing my writing career. Its not The Age’s fault that I don’t work there any more…its just how the roster fell. Not one doctor or psychiatrist is accountable for my harm - it was me who is troublesome… because I am mad. 

Government oversight


I hope you will ledger me justice

I have tried in vain to get justice with every person institution agency or politician but it’s impossible.  The FOI’s framed by this letter will shed the light. It will save my life. YOU, Andrew Wilkie, could save my life.

What you can do:

I am being tortured

I forgive everybody and myself moving forward and beyond a simple life any detriments I recoup will go to advocating for the trans the gay the black the very young and the very old. The survivors of child sexual abuse, Survivors of sexual violence, and I I will even support those who have been offenders and are acknowledging of their crimes and want a second chance.

That charity is set up under a trust fund.

Dr Rich McLean