Dear The CEO and Principal Registrar of the Federal Court, Sia Lagos on 06/03/2023., Federal Court –, Federal Circuit and Family Court –

Please respond within 14 days as per legislation to: John Boyle,, Blinda Brady,, Miranda Holt, Guidestar:

'Supervisors and managers who receive disclosures must, as soon as reasonably practicable, give the information to one of the authorised officers listed in the preceding section. This should be by email or some other verifiable way. It is important that supervisors and managers request and receive an acknowledgment regarding the disclosure from the authorised officer to ensure that any disclosure is received by the authorised officer.

Authorised officers must take appropriate action within 14 days of becoming aware of the disclosure.

HCF insured benefit 300000 35023306 - TDX 1003339 - McLean.pdf
send this to the bastards copy.pdf
HCF insured benefit 300000 35023306 - TDX 1003339 - McLean.pdf

For the attention of: Sia Lagos.

3 March 2023

From Dr Richard McLean

No Fixed Address ,


Dear The CEO and Principal Registrar of the Federal Court, Sia Lagos, at email address

I protested items elongated victimisation and financial coercive control on 04/08/2022 in this video and I said I am immediately  at risk from the oppression.

 Shortly after this video was posted the police kicked in my door after elongated family violence and authorities acting to redact my prosperity and incarcerated me inside a hospital. Whilst I was a prisoner - they went to my home and destroyed everything I own. They took everything I have to the tip. 

It was overseen by the Footscray Police and The Weribee Mercy Hospital and additionally Salt Water Clinic with Kade Mollison. I was then rejected to a homelessness shelter with just a bag of clothes. I had identified to the Government I was at risk and even more harm has come to me as a result of the inactions of authorities.

 The following individuals have been authorised the following officers to handle public interest disclosures:

My letter today is in regard to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013  (PID Act) which promotes integrity and accountability in the Commonwealth public sector.

(Please excuse the copy and paste and disorganisation I have a cognitive brain impairment from a suicide attempt that this oppression pushed me to. It was deemed ‘fatal’ and I was found with no observable pulse having bled out and unresponsive. I now have a cognitive brain impairment and that is another issue that is covered up by authorities).

A recent cry for help in 2023 I can’t believe I am still protesting this treatment and barely no-one has intervened in a way which would solve the impasse:

The PID Act encourages employees, former employees, and others prescribed by the PID Act to disclose wrongdoing by public officials. 

The public officials I have been vilified with are the veneer of the Government facade.

Here is my home under surveillance in an audacious amount of audacity intimidating me and surveilling my home.

The PID Act provides protections for people who make disclosures and requires agencies to take appropriate action.

It is required that agencies take action including against Tim Gos at AFCA:

I am a democratic citizen of this country and I deserve to be represented as an equal citizen with access to services like AFCA. Tim Gos is just a puppet. He is the public official who is bound by the charter of human rights for a person with a disability including equality before the law and access to the law.

He absolutely knows where this is going and he is aware that he is going to deny me access to any prosperity and he is audacious in lying to my face when talking about this.

Likewise with Liz Lindsberg of AHRC who cleverly describes a way in which I lose a potential 1.5 million dollars to an insurance company who have rejected my income protection and TPD in which was an entirely NOT ‘impartial’ decision.

I know it was the Government blocking me because I approached TAL independently and they offered me a settlement. 

Application of the PID Act applies to 'public interest disclosures' made by public officials. 'Public officials' for the purposes of the PID Act covers persons working in, or with a relevant connection to, the Commonwealth public sector. 

I am public sector worker. (Or was) I have a DSS employment login. (See below).

This includes all APS entity heads and APS employees. Individual contracted service providers (contractors) to the Commonwealth and Commonwealth authorities are also considered public officials, and the employees of any contractors to the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority are public officials if they provide services for the purposes of the contract.

3. What is a Public Interest Disclosure?

A disclosure of information is considered a public interest disclosure (PID) if the disclosure is made by a current or former public official and the information tends to show, or the official believes on reasonable grounds that the information tends to show, one or more instances of 'disclosable conduct'.

'Disclosable conduct' includes a wide range of wrongful conduct engaged in by an agency, public official in connection with his or her position as a public official, or contractor in connection with entering into or giving effect to their contract with the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority. It includes (but is not limited to) conduct that is:

There are four types of PIDs under the PID Act: internal disclosures, external disclosures, emergency disclosures and legal practitioner disclosures. Generally public officials should make an 'internal disclosure' in the first instance (either to their immediate supervisor or manager or to an 'authorised officer’).

In certain circumstances, a disclosure may be made as an external disclosure to an outside person or body, such as the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

My Government employee login at department of social security. 

4. To whom can a PID be made?

All officers and staff can make a disclosure to their immediate supervisor or manager. Disclosures can also be made to the Chief Executive Officer and Principal Registrar (CEO) of both the FCA and the FCFCOA.

The CEO and Principal Registrar of the FCA has authorised the following officers to handle public interest disclosures:

The CEO and Principal Registrar of the FCFCOA has authorised the following officers to handle public interest disclosures:

Disclosures can be made directly to these authorised officers, including by email as follows:

However, disclosures can be in any form, including oral, but should ideally be in writing and accompanied by any supporting evidence. Whilst helpful, disclosures do not have to make specific reference to the PID Act – it is sufficient for them to identify any matter that might constitute 'disclosable conduct'.

The PID Act requires the agency to maintain confidentiality of the person making the disclosure unless otherwise authorised by that person. It is a criminal offence to reveal the identity of a discloser without their consent.

A disclosure may be made anonymously. Anonymous disclosures supported by sufficient evidence to justify an investigation will also be handled in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy.

Supervisors and managers who receive disclosures must, as soon as reasonably practicable, give the information to one of the authorised officers listed in the preceding section. This should be by email or some other verifiable way. It is important that supervisors and managers request and receive an acknowledgment regarding the disclosure from the authorised officer to ensure that any disclosure is received by the authorised officer.

Authorised officers must take appropriate action within 14 days of becoming aware of the disclosure.

The date is 03/03/2023.

I require a response preferably immediately but by law by 17/03/2023.

I have alreadymacde a PID following this one at the beginning of this letter.

Another one was made after I was invited to submit one from The Commonwealth Ombudsman.

That disclosure of 27 Feb 2023 is following and it is sub section of this broader PID.

My PID to the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 27/02/2023.

27 FEBRUARY 2023. Dr Barran Dodger  Read The Scapegoat - Introduction (Barran Dodger 2023). Dear Commonwealth Ombudsman:  Please see attached bibliography (In apple format in EndNote). Failing to respond and acknowledge this PID will cause even more harm than has already occurred and may even kill me so please kindly acknowledge my solution (Richard Mclean 2023). The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Government) provides support and protection to persons who make disclosures under the Act.  I have identified the support and protection I seek (richard mclean 2023). I make this disclosure under great duress, angst and mental degradation and overwhelming dismissive buearocracy.  I am afraid it will fall over because the attorney generals office refuse to acknowledge my calls or emails and send me to the ombudsman (Charan Naidoo 2021, Richard Mclean 2023). I cannot go on like this with even IGIS protecting the family violence my former partner enacts upon me in its financial control (richard IGIS 2021). 

I beg of you to accept my valid PID and disclosable conduct of this disclosable conduct which is NOT ok  (Richard McLean 2023). I can provide all the evidence for all of it. I need immediate relief from further oppression victimisation and the torture of my life. I’m not perfect I’ve made mistakes and I’m a sinner. I’ve apologised but I will do it again (Richard Mclean 2023). Remember I did all this advocacy for for others (Richard McLean) off my own bat and I love people and the earth even though I’ve been let down. My life is no longer physically possible, economically sustainable or financially viable in the current political/social climate and intervention from the Ombudsman is essential in order to save my life. This oppression has left me damaged with a brain impairment  (Marcia Chew; Mercy mental Health Saltwater Clinic 2023) after an injury deemed ‘fatal’ (Weribbee mercy 2021) occurred inside Weribee mercy hospital in which they owed a duty of care.

Please have a heart… This conspiracy for which I admit I play a part has taken my reputation, my job, my insurances, my rights, my settlements, my equality before the law and access to it. It’s taken my freedom, my possessions, my memory, my health. It’s taken my friends and family because in frustration I’ve been needy of or attacked those that ‘help’ but often in my heart not enough for allowing this beast to literally kill me from which I was revived. I have been set up fail, incarcerated, discriminated against, violated, beaten up , viciously attacked, sexualised as a child, rejected, inspected , investigated, exploited and denied the agency to complain. Then when I did find the courage to complain I was victimised for it and suffered detriment in all ways.

I offer this solution (Richard Mclean 2023). It will let me live. Please acknowledge it because I can’t keep suffering this life in an inequitable unfair and unbalanced way in which I am the bad guy and scapegoat. I’m literally fighting a cast of thousands of public officials - I know that I’ll be sacrificed - killed - before liability is admitted. Then mental illness and drugs can be blamed and everyone will be off the hook. Let’s face it no one cares if I die because I did and was revived and I was the only one that opposed my oppression that caused it. But you don’t need to admit liability.

Disclosable conduct:  Every public official is bound to act within the charter of human rights. It’s not brave or courageous to reject someone like me. You know who IS brave under the circumstances and duress? ME! I compiled a list of what’s not ok and what is the disclosable conduct I am reporting (Richard McLean 2023). It’s not right and it’s also not legal. It’s disclosable conduct. 

I have proven a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. I have no access to the law.  The attorney general rejects me as does every other Government department, My human rights destroyed, This elongated financial abuse led me to a ‘fatal’ injury and another cover up with the hospital, I have death threats, I’ve been attacked by Government thugs inside a hospital, Run over by a car, My dog injured, I can’t go to police and so far rejected whistleblower, My possessions destroyed, I’ve had no access to the law thats meaningful proportionate to my situation, Framed by a powerful lawyer Russell Ball who advises Government policy (Balland partners 2018), Rejected by parliamentarians, My business destroyed, my electronic identity in my email destroyed, I’m treated with contempt, I have been robbed systemically intentionally and maliciously with intentions to cause harm. The harm came and then it was covered up. The harm is still occurring after my possessions were destroyed overseen by the hospital caring for me and the police protecting me.



Why I can make a PID: Introduction.

I can legally make this PID  statement to be investigated because I was a service provider under a Commonwealth contract  (Graeme Head; NDIS Quality and safeguards Commission 2019) and a DSS Government employee login (DSS` 2019).  The term ‘employee’ proves I am an employee or worker for the purposes of workcover which is denied for me at ComCare and AAT. It is within the work cover ministers remit that if liability cannot be established within 21 days it is their responsibility but he and my lawyer refuse to ledger the issue or respond tract on my behalf to quantify a response.  Michaelia Cash refused to intervene when I guessed the AAT was doomed after I lost at AFCA and AHRC. After years of no legal representation and profound detriment I finally wrote to the Australian legal bar who declined to respond to this email that also was ignored by DDLC, MHCC, MHLC, Justice Connect, Victorian LegalAid and The Law Institute of Victoria (Richard McLean 2022). I am a Human Rights award winning author (Richard Mclean 2002) and artist, now experiencing a nightmare that I could never conceive was even possible to a middle class white male in Australia.

To lose your home in a fire.

Some people have lost their homes to fire and that is a tragedy. I lost my home and all its contents because of a conscious and planned malice. It is evil. It is systemic and it is intelligent it is conscious and it is also intended. To cause me harm and this victimisation is abhorrent and against the law. It is dealt to me via proxy of other bodies whereby any issue I had fell outside the remit of the agency I protested at. This has been the demonstrable sin of my suffering through Government tyranny. In February in 2023 the contents of my home were taken to the tip by my landlord Hung Ho and overseen by the community mental health team and hospital that supposedly cared for me. In addition the police who are supposed to care for citizens and have a duty of care to account forest stolen or damaged goods refused to intervene when the contents of my life - everything I owned earned and cherished was destroyed with impunity. After they had finished with the untidy business of my life in which I had been the victim of an intelligently designed vagrancy, Weribee Mercy Hospital rejected me into a homeless shelter. All I had with me was an old phone, the clothes my back and a small brown paper bag of ill fitting tshirts given to me in my two month hospitalisation. It was more so a method to silence me as an outspoken political prisoner.

The engagement


Holding on to dear life

I am currently grasping to any strand of sensibility and hope that I can attach to. Whilst not one person can be held accountable for my traumas, systemic failures of public health policy along with medical professionals derelict of duty of care has brought me to this ongoing agony. I recognise that to this point, my behaviour, language and peaceful protest may have been instrumental in the situation and interpreted as confrontational. I am a forthright and direct person. I am cognisant enough to realise that once a starts to gather speed, it becomes a perpetual force that consumes everything in it’s path. No matter what the initial cause was for the tragedy that is growing after now having reached a critical mass and affecting me on an exponential level paramount to torture. I could not report my own torture to the NDIS, Police, Hospital, friend or family member nor my homelessness to Sheena Jack from HCF or Jacquelyn Symes from parliament. Because my identity was treated with such gaslighting and contempt I changed my name to Barran Dodger and it is from that identity I emailed every single parliamentarian with zero response.



My previous truce didn’t work

I offered a truce to the Government (Richard McLean 2021) regarding my oppression. Charan Naidoo representing attorney general Mark Dreyfus’ office refers me to the Ombudsman (Charan Naidoo 2021) rejecting any responsibility. His office still refuses to acknowledge me (Richard Mclean 2023). At first the OAIC said my FOI of the OPMC was too ‘voluminous’  (OAIC; OAIC 2022) then rejected it (Petra Gartman; Office of Prime Minister & Cabinet 2022).  The Ombudsman’s own literature states defines a complaint an implied or express statement of dissatisfaction where a response is sought is reasonably to expected and legally required and this is such a complaint worthy to qualify for a PID.

I’ve pissed off at least two powerful people. 

The profound victimisation and economic disadvantage I have suffered from Steve Iasonidis‘ rejection of a settlement in which we were engaged to be married and in which lived together (Biggins and Scott Real Estate) and in which he exploited me (Rebecca Badenoch 2020) underpins it.  I have also been framed by Russell Ball who is influential on Government policy (Balland partners 2018) and acted to silence evidence (richard mclean dr whittaker 2017) that was due before a court for malpractice but never heard has caused me profound damage.  I attempted to gain justice after years of oppression. I requested my FOI from the OPMC to unravel the reason behind it but they cite I ‘don’t exist’ (Petra Gartman; Office of Prime Minister & Cabinet 2022). But I’ve spoken all over this country (Richard McLean) in a courageous advocacy. Rejecting my FOI elongated the family abuse and massive potential financial detriment I suffered and illustrates systemic corruption. It would have revealed my public role and corruption at AFCA, AHRC, Police, and Attorney General. It would have revealed the psychometric profiling of me Tony Riddell speaks of in this candid recording (Barran Dodger and Tony Riddell 2022). I would reveal I was engaged to former ASIO employee Steve Iasonidis. Riddell reveals the methodology of government tyranny that aims to sacrifice me. I had to reverse engineer this gas lighting from humble beginnings at local levels to the very top.


I will provide evidence to come from HCC, MHCC, The Police, IBAC, The Victorian Inspectorate,The Ombudsman that evidence has been silenced. Now I am infamous and cannot even go to legal aid (Rich Mclean 2023). I am not an equal citizen in this country because I haven’t legal representation resulting in my release from vagrancy. A disabled person having no representation is in spite of Australia being a  signatory to (united nations Convention of human rights for people with a disability) which states I must have equality before the law and access to it. I don’t and I demand it. Currently I have been discriminated against, I am exploited, I have had the sanctity life removed, and I have had my property and my prosperity redacted. In addition I have no equality before the law or access to it. To illustrate this I wrote to the Governing body of all lawyers detailing my universal rejection from dozens of enquiries and received zero response (Richard McLean 2022). It’s no surprise I am psychometrically profiled as Tony Riddell says (Barran Dodger and Tony Riddell 2022) and rejected any help from Victoria Legal Aid (Rich Mclean 2023).

Attorney General who oversees Ombudsman

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus refuses to acknowledge me (Richard Mclean 2023). It is now demonstrable that my ‘fatal’ injury (Weribbee mercy 2021) resulting in my brain impairment (Marcia Chew; Mercy mental Health Saltwater Clinic 2023) was the result of Government torture. The hospital owes me a duty of care and a settlement and this needs to be immediately acknowledged. I have cared for human rights in my advocacy (Richard McLean) and spoken all over this country and what I have given on a personal level is way out of proportion for what I have received.

Disability discrimination

The Disability Discrimination act (Disability Discrimination Act 1992) forbids discrimination on the basis of disability but when my autobiography (Richard Mclean 2002) was published I was vilified publicly by Sunday Herald Sun (Richard Mclean / Editor 2002) and within three weeks lost my job at The Age. I was a marked man again from that point. The victimisation I have suffered systemically in this document is palpable. The legal definition of victimisation is when someone “subjects or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment”. The definition of ‘detriment’ can be non-economic loss economic loss physical injury or impairment including psychiatric injury. I have suffered all three.  The list of potential financial detriments that were intentionally redacted from me over time in a political way is formidably large at over twenty million dollars (Richard Mclean 2023). According to The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s own charter the response to this document  must be respectful, impartial, confidential, transparent, procedurally fair, accessible and responsive. My hope for an immediate outcome which will cease my torture is clearly noted (Richard McLean 2023). I don’t expect much more than what a person is dignified to have. Already my applications to the CDDC scheme have been ignored.

Fearing I’ll be sacrificed

On 16th Sept 22 my PID was rejected (.Judi Authorised officer; Commonwealth Ombudsman 2022). But this PID includes disclosable issues including a contravention of the law, systemic corruption, conspiracy perverting the course of justice, maladministration, an abuse of public trust, wastage of public money, and conduct that is a danger to health, safety or the environment. Tony Riddell who is is only one of three people in Australia with his clearance of counter terrorism and risk management detailed to me ‘psychometric profiling’ that is utilised by The Government in order to destroy people.  He detailed how they ‘sacrifice bad apples’ rather thank blame the ‘bad barrels makers’ (Barran Dodger and Tony Riddell 2022). I knew I’d be destroyed with further demonic style victimisation and further character assassination if I didn’t make a stand.

Prejudicing me

Dr Horgan praised my dexamphetamine (Dr david Horgan 2016) which I had an amazing life on and then would not prescribe it after my suicide. Weribee Mercy detail the cessation of my Dex as the cause for my suicide attempt (Mercy mental Health 2021). It is clear I have used street drugs to mimic the effect but salt water clinic refuse to prescribe it. This is malpractice. I demand the script. Under the guise of government/legislative procedures and policies, those who have sympathised with my struggles are quickly stymied and silenced by the lack of resources, information they can share with me or personal reason to prejudice me from the public domain.  They can also prejudice me from the private or professional domain as Dr Horgan has done.


I was happy creating and studying and as soon as people wed me money my persecution began and I was vilified. Here is a black SUV profiling my home in 2021 (richmcleanart 2021). With the benefit of hindsight we are now learning that the decisions made by senior public health officials was far from ideal (Greg Hunt 2020). Consequentially, benefitting the people that had more money and were not scapegoats easy to exploit. I’ve been vulnerable and with low incomes and poverty has affected my health.  A Magistrate rejected my AVI (Our reference: RQ22/00794 Agency reference: FOI/2022/045; Magistrates court 2021) when I attempted to gain access to a settlement from Iasonidis. I knew he would kill me because he admitted to me being at murders and I was scared. The Government protects him by the OPM refusing my FOI (Petra Gartman; Office of Prime Minister & Cabinet 2022). ASIC reject my FOI telling me to call police (Adriana Bianchi; ASIC 2022).  Given meagre supports I am capable of amazing things (Dr Richard McLean 2020). Greg Hunt - silenced evidence  in the wWhittaker case (Greg Hunt 2020). A screen snapshot of my business website (Dr Rich McLean 2017) My business website that Micron 21 destroyed (James Braunegg; Richard Mclean 2021) . They did it with impunity and the telecommunications industry ombudsman covered it up as well as SFBEO. It was registered at ASIC and they allowed it to be destroyed.  Grindr user tells me Steve wants my husky ‘dead’ (Grindr User 2021) because he was found to have embezzled a million dollars. I cannot report the death threat to police.  Neuropsychological exam demonstrates (Marcia Chew; Mercy mental Health Saltwater Clinic 2023) the damage the demonstrated oppression has caused in my cognitive brain impairment. I write to Michaelia Cash (Richard Mclean 2020) with no intervention.  OPMC - refused my FOI (OAIC; OAIC 2022) which is in itself unlawful. Tim Gos - AFCA - set me up (evidence to come).  Liz Lindsberg - Free kicked a 1.5million dollar deal in a way not impartial (evidence to come),  AFCA head - Banned me. Work safe Minister - banned me. Simon Birmingham - Rejected my CDDC scheme. Paul Fowler - rejected my workcover at ComCare on two different reasons. Workcover sent it to ComCare and Paul Fowler was the old boss at worksafe. Thats called corruption. APRA - Rejected whistleblower. AFSA - rejected Whistleblower. Steve Iasonidis - A former public service official who exploited me in his personal life (Carm caputo 2011). Head of AGIS - Did not investigate and protected Steve Iasonidis. Head of ASIO - David Irvine - He supported Steves exploitation of me. I actually committed Centrelink fraud for even having a pension. Michaelia Cash - refused to intervene in AFCA AHRC and ComCare / AAT. Russell Ball - framed me as an extortionist and destroyed my access to the law. Head of  Weribee Mercy - James Lye - Covered up settlement for damage to me whilst under their care. Salt Water clinic - did the same.  Dr David Horgan - praised dexamphetamine then rejected me-thats malpractice.  ASIC, APRA, AFSA, The Commonwealth Ombudsman I have been a failed whistleblower until now.  Because of Russell Ball my evidence was silenced by the heads of these agencies: (name) HCC, (name), MHCC, (name) The police including Christopher Roberts, (Sue) IBAC, (name) The Victorian Inspectorate, (name) AHPRA, (name) NHPOPC, (name) The Ombudsman - Ben Calder. Attorney General Victoria refused to respond to me. Deborah Glass refused to respond.  Micron 21 - James Braunegg maliciously destroyed my business and website and with it my digital identity (James Braunegg; Richard Mclean 2021). Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman protected the destruction of my business.  So did Small Business and Family Industry Ombudsman. This Government abuse is demonstrable and damaged me and I suffered what was deemed a ‘fatal’ injury inside Weribee mercy (Weribbee mercy 2021) for which I have a brain impairment (Marcia Chew; Mercy mental Health Saltwater Clinic 2023). My heart ceased due to lack of blood (Mercy mental Health 2021). A hospital owes a duty of care whilst in their custody. The apology was abuse. Show me the money.  I am banned at AFCA to Jeffrie Tricka where I lost over 2 million dollars (Diana Ennis 2022). They knew I was in financial distress . They were supposed to come to determinations for marginalised people within 4 weeks (AFCA 2019).  HCF refused to pay workcover refused to pay. Mr Iasonidis incarcerated me rejecting a settlement and I could not get a lawyer. My AVI on him was denied (Our reference: RQ22/00794 Agency reference: FOI/2022/045; Magistrates court 2021). I lost over 1.5million in financial detriment at AHRC. I am a failed whistleblower at ASIC APRA AFSA and formerly Commonwealth Ombudsman.

family violence is not ok

I am under family violence from Mr Steve Iasonidis (Carm caputo 2011) who enacts coercive financial control bye refusing a settlement and threatening to kill my dog (Grindr User 2021). IGIS refuse to investigate the his actions from the five year relationship in which we were engaged to be married and he exploited my nest egg. I applied for an IVO but it was rejected (Our reference: RQ22/00794 Agency reference: FOI/2022/045; Magistrates court 2021). He received a carers pension for being with me and earned upwards of $30000 a month whilst I was on a pension. I was living off a TPD insurance from Health Super for which I was paid one unit of $83000 but I had 8 units of cover. The Government refuse to acknowledge the relationship. I became ill in Feb 2021 (Moore) from an unfavourable sexual abuse case where I was the victim. I also knew I had been framed. The magistrate threw it out as ‘doomed’ to fail. My HCF income assist rejected. My workcover rejected. Work Safe have banned me. 

Systemic corruption

Paul Fowler was the old boss at worksafe who sent me to ComCare where he rejected me. This is corruption. I was contracted to work only inn Victoria under a statutory agency of Vic. First it was for reason (x) then they rejected it because of (y). I have a Government employee login. Bill Shorten refuses to get back to me. Member Purnell and Kate Watson acted outside the remit of the charter of human rights when they delayed my payment and rejected it. HCC, MHCC, Victorian Inspectorate, The Police, IBAC, The Ombudsman, AHPRA and NHPOPC failed to intervene both in original malpractice by Dr Whittaker in which his neglect led to my overdose. I had acquired a recording of the malpractice which was for the reason of checking my reality because my perceptions have been unreliable. It was innocuously taken and this was silenced universally. His lawyer Russell Ball intervened in agencies and acted to harm me. He informs the ombudsman (Balland partners 2018) where I am a failed whistleblower and advises the Government on policy. After my suicide attempt I discovered the FOI from HCC which detailed Russell Ball framing me as an extortionist and this is why I had failed for so long and this demonstrates the harm this man caused me.

THE SOLUTION (Richard Mclean 2023)


Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

1992, D. D. A.

AFCA (2019).

Badenoch, R. (2020). "Steve Iasonidis lawyer rejects me."

Bianchi, A. (2022). ASIC reject my FOI and PID. ASIC.

Braunegg, J. (2021). R. Mclean.

caputo, C. (2011). Rich Mclean Gives Steve Iasonidis the engagement ring. youtube, Rich Mclean.

Chew, M. (2023). CONFIDENTIAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT. Footscray, Weribee Mercy Hospital: 7.

Dodger, B. (2023). Introcuction: The Scapegoat.

DSS` (2019).

Editor, R. M. (2002). MY DESCENT INTO MADNESS. Herald Sun, Sunday Herald Sun.

Ennis, D. (2022). AFCA.

Estate, B. a. S. R.

FOI/2022/045, O. r. R. A. r. (2021). Magistrates court rejection of AVI. M. court.

Gartman, P. (2022). Rejection of FYIfrom OPM ‘doesn’t exist’. O. o. P. M. Cabinet.

Government Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

Head, G. (2019). N. Q. a. s. Commission. Melbourne.

Health, M. m. (2021). FOI Request.

Horgan, D. d. (2016). Dr Horgan praises dexamphetamine.

Hunt, G. (2020).

IGIS, r. (2021).

McLean, D. R. (2017). ""

McLean, D. R. (2020). "A Splice of my Life."

McLean, R. "Advocacy."

Mclean, R. (2002). Recovered not cured a journey through schizophrenia, Allen and Unwin.

Mclean, R. (2020). Dr Mclean writes to Michaelia Cash.

McLean, R. (2021). I offer a truce to the Attorney General and the Government.

McLean, R. (2022).

McLean, R. (2022). Dr Mclean writes to Australian Legal bar.

McLean, R. (2023). 25.03.2023 immediate outcomesto the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and victimisation.pdf.

Mclean, R. (2023). 25.03.2023 potential financial detriments not paid or rejected for dr ich mclean.

Mclean, R. (2023). I call Attorney General’s office and am rejected.

Mclean, R. (2023). "I offer a solution to the impasse."

McLean, R. (2023). "It is NOT ok that the following things have happened. It details the public servants of disclosable conduct:."

mclean, r. (2023). "support and protections."

Mclean, R. (2023). What happens when I call Victoria legal aid. Youtube, Rich Mclean.

mercy, W. (2021). "Hospital notes cite injury as ‘fatal’."

Naidoo, C. (2021). "Charan naidoo representing Mrk Dreyfus refers me to the Ombudsman."

nations, u. (Convention of human rights for people with a disability).

OAIC (2022). Dr Mclean’s FOI from OPM was ‘too voluminous’ and needed an extension. OAIC. Australia.

officer, J. A. (2022). PID-2022-100021. C. Ombudsman. Commonwealth Ombudsman.

partners, B. (2018). "Ball and Partners selfdescribed responsibilities and qualities." 2022.

richmcleanart (2021). "A black SUV investigates my house."

Riddell, B. D. a. T. (2022). YouTube.

Riddell, B. D. a. T. (2022). barran Dodger meets Tony Riddell former SAS commander. YouTube.

User, G. (2021).

whittaker, r. m. d. (2017).

The link to the endnote library is here.

I have detailed a list of the evidence I present in this document that is in addition to the Commonwealth Ombudsman PID above as an extended PID to the federal circuit court and ATT to Sia Lagos and other officials that are able to receive the complaint that needs urgent addressing

I protested items elongated victimisation and financial coercive control on 04/08/2022 in this video and I said I am immediately  at risk from the oppression.

Shortly after this was posted the police kicked in my door after elongated family violence and authorities acting to redact my prosperity and incarcerated me inside a hospital. Whilst I was a prisoner - they went to my home and destroyed everything I own. They took everything I have to the tip.

It was overseen by the Footscray Police and The Weribee Mercy Hospital and additionally Salt Water Clinic with Kade Mollison. I was then rejected to a homelessness shelter with just a bag of clothes. I had identified to the Government I was at risk and even more harm has come to me as a result of the inactions of authorities.

A recent cry for help in 2023 I can’t believe I am still protesting this treatment and barely no-one has intervened in a way which would solve the impasse.

My Government employee login at department of social security.

My PID to the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 27/02/2023.


Why I can make a PID: Introduction.

To lose your home in a fire.

The engagement

Holding on to dear life


My previous truce didn’t work

I’ve pissed off at least two powerful people.


Attorney General who oversees Ombudsman

Disability discrimination

Fearing I’ll be sacrificed

Prejudicing me


family violence is not ok

Systemic corruption

THE SOLUTION (Richard Mclean 2023)

Death. As a registered NDIS provider I could not report my own ‘fatal’ injury not my own persecution or torture to the NDIS.

Steve iasonidis tells me about his job at ASIO and that he can’t put it on Facebook. There is no question the relationship existed.

Chris Roberts of Footscray Police silences evidence and makes me feel ‘less than death’. Later on I would commit suicide from the same type of abuse and it still exists today.

Police kick in my front door to cuff me and hospitalise me, 2021, 22.

I give Steve iasonidis the engagement ring in 2011.

I am beaten up violently inside a public hospital Weribee Mercy after I have already suicided in that facility. I am re traumatised again and again.  The thug that broke my nose had a t-shirt with my unique tattoo on it. That I think was a sign to say the power of what they can do that only I would know. Later - years later whilst on the run from police because they threaten me with the mental health act a friend puts me in a cheap backpackers to hide - and he lives next door.

Two units of cover are standard in 2007 - I was paid in 2008 and I was only paid one unit although I claim to have paid for eight.

The police kick in my door. 2021. If I were rich, they would not have kicked in my door.

The evidence from the hospital that my suicide attempt was deemed ‘fatal’ and that I now have a Bain impairment from it - and I never worked again.It was committed with an agreed legal contraband but Ben Calder from the ombudsman saw no issue whatsoever.

I record evidence of the police kicking in my front door - because I have no money they can act with impunity and later on they did: Whilst I was incarcerated from November 2022 to Jan 2023 the hospital, salt water clinic including my contact person Kade Molloy and also the police oversaw the destruction of everything I own. It was ordered by Hung Ho of Edithvale - who knew about the conspiracy because I had asked him to get a response from Dan Andrews but he refused to.They destroyed by clothes my pics of my nana my photos my bed my shelves and everything I owned. Then  the hospital rejected me to a homelessness shelter with just a brown paper bag of tshirts. The Government medicate me for ‘delusions of persecution.’

2 units are standard in 2007 not one in 2008, this is from health supers own product disclosure statement.

Health super payout was incorrect amount

Discharge summary evidence after my suicide attempt - ‘no psychotic symptoms’

Steve iasonidis used to supply me with drugs its no secret we used to get high

Evidence of health super document in 2006

Health super payout of one unit of cover TPD

Evidence of exit statement in 2006 - payout of one unit of $83000 but I was insured for eight (8)

Evidence my fees reflected eight units of cover at $1.05 per unit.

Payment summary on 29/02/2008 TPD payout.

The bank cheque for $72810 that was deposited in 2008 for one unit but I was insured for eight.

My management costs at two different times - compare the fees I paid

Management costs $120.15 and fees of $134.98

Sheena Jack refuses to communicate with me anymore after ruling that I will not be paid income assist and she affirms I will be blocked from the organisation and also rejects giving me ‘the investigation’ and that I have no lawyer as in opposition to human rights charter for people with a disability

AIA refuse to acknowledge the TPD claim of eight units-they know I have no lawyer and I am banned at AFCA

The coin forge take money out of my account and then refuse to pay me $50000 that I won. Bendigo bank refund the fraudulent transactions of about $8000 but $19500 remain. Some was refunded - but not all. How is this possible? They too know I am banned at AFCA

Cc: Rich McLean

I am rejected some of my FOI from mercy health covering up the suicide and my treatment and it still is today

I read from another whistleblower how ‘DARVO’ is deployed blaming the victim. I am further rejected from the Victims of Crime Commissioner

Thats weird I just maybe imagined I won $40000 and Bendigo bank refused to investigate it.


My certificate of service from NWAMHS - ‘workcover’ is under my ‘membership number’ but I never received workcover in 2004 just like now in 2021, 22 and 23.

THIS IS MY EMPLOYEE DETAILS ON THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT WEBSITE. My current workcover is rejected because I am not an ‘employee’ for the purpose of the SRC act. Rubbish it clearly states on the ndis commission website a worker can be a sole trader contractor or volunteer. A

Thats a shame Work safe banned me. I could have used their help. The old boss at worksafe Victoria was the same person that rejected my claim later on at Comcare. Thats called corruption. I was only legislated to work within Victoria so my claim is not a comcare issue it is with work safe.

AFCA HAD ONLY FOUR WEEKS TO MAKE A DETERMINATION FOR A MARGINALISED PERSON MINE TOOK OVER A YEAR AND A HALF - I threatened to call them out on it - so they banned me. What democratic citizen gets his rights withheld costing millions from a government statutory agency designed to assist with money issues?

Thats weird I can’t seem to send a crime report to police.

3-6 weeks for an outcome, but mine took over a year and a half

Police have looked up Steve iasonidis and know hes my former partner - here footscray police refuse to act.

Tim Gos of afca absolutely is guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Here he is with an immense amount of audacity that he is untouchable… and he denies me my overdue settlements.

The moment  that Liz Lindsberg from AHRC drops the $1.5 million dollar bomb on me that the ‘impartial’ dispute that was scheduled at AHRC was now cancelled and that TAL - the insurer have said they wont attend. In time I could have used that TPD and income assist with my brain detriment. I sent this to finance minister Birmingham at for the CDDC scheme and was rejected.

I call Footscray Cops for the purpose of reporting the conspiracy and my injustice and give them a serve



I wrote Sheena jack

The AHRC now respond to me after my 1.5 million dollar settlement was pre kicked to the opposition. Caroline Tjoa is the person who is the ‘Delegate to the President’

Attorney general Michaelia Cash wont respond to my 2 million loss at AFCA where I was also banned and the AHRC where Lost 1.5 million dollars and then onto the AAT where I predicted I would lose. It is signed by a non - person. The current attorney general Mark Dreyfus won’t respond to me.

Nice work Bizcover you get insurance in case your business is damaged. How is it you rejected every single thing I ever claimed for?

The attorney General’s mark Dreyfus’ department got my email lost! Bummer. They forward me onto the ombudsman - where I have already made a disclosure as a PID.

The prime minister didn’t think much of my complaint about systemic injustice

ASIC have a role in superannuation - they could solve my problems surely? No I am a failed whistleblower at ASIC.

Hang on on 17/06/2020 AFCA knew of my financial difficulty. Surely they would not leave me hanging for over a year and a half

Im a failed whistleblower at APRA

Wager beat is an illegal casino that takes money from your account. Bendigo bank are a corrupt bank who allows this to happen without compensating you anything whatsoever.

14 December 2021 there it is - I begged the attorney general to help.

Micron21 destroy my business with impunity along with my digital identity. The telecommunications industry ombudsman condone it and so does the SBEFSO. don’t care and ASIC refused to comment.

Dr Daniel McCurdy was on point. Sexual abuse and ‘psychosis’ are linked. Who’d have thought?

27/07/2022 I am threatened with hospital by salt water clinic unless I front up for an injection to stop my ‘delusions’. Later salt water clinic would oversee the destruction of my entire home and contents, along with the police - who obviously act to protect individuals and stolen damaged or lost property.

The NDIS have absolutely not supported my economic participation and they have reneged on the cost of reasonable and necessary supports.

I am literally beaten up inside a hospital I had already died in and revived by a Government thug.  Later when released the police would run me out of town and the offender would be in the room next door.bAlso that next day - I am run down in the street by an out of control car and both my dog and I are injured.bThey knew I couldn’t stop - otherwise Id be locked in hospital. My lawyer said did I have a number plate because it may have been the police who ran me down. That makes me feel safe.

My PID to the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 04/08/2022 just before I was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital

Death. As a registered NDIS provider I could not report my own ‘fatal’ injury not my own persecution or torture to the NDIS.


Steve iasonidis tells me about his job at ASIO and that he can’t put it on Facebook. There is no question the relationship existed.


Chris Roberts of Footscray Police silences evidence and makes me feel ‘less than death’. Later on I would commit suicide from the same type of abuse and it still exists today.


Police kick in my front door to cuff me and hospitalise me, 2021, 22.

5. Procedure for handling and investigating disclosures

The disclosure today ion 03.03.23 is that:

Steve iasonidis enacts family violence.

It must stop with a legal equitable and just settlement of assets.

Steve iasonidis was pivotal in incarcerating Dr Mclean as punishment for attempting gain access to his superannuation.

This systemic persecution ended up murdering Dr Mclean.

Steve is proven to be engaged to me for a period of five years.

I demand whistleblower protection because of this:

That he has acted with great privilege and power with a silent conceited amount of privilege in the form of money  is family violence that comes in a form of financial abuse co created murderous intent and that we wished such harm on Dr McLean he suffered a fatal injury.

This was after he was framed by Mr ball and lost VCAT case and another VCAT case framed as an extortionist and could not report crime to police. Further he expressed regret at losing his virginity at the local police break up publicly in a book to Debbie Morgan.

The police reacted in a way that could cause damage to Dr Mclean and framed him and slandered him as a sexually violent man.

Nothing could be further than the truth it was consentual and it was homophobic reaction rangers to Rich’s blossoming sexuality and further that The office of Prime Minister and Cabinet refuse Richard McLeans FOI acts to elongate what this is:

That additionally that the office of prime minister and Cabinet and Centrelink and ASIO (who preach family values) and AGIS and The Tax Deportment need to acknowledge the fact of the relationship and reverse the persecution of Dr Rich Mclean into not physically harming, but maiming Steve Iasonidis at least financially to the tune of half of what he is worth for Dr Mclean.

To not immediately demand this causes Dr Mclean harm.

Harm is intended for Dr McLean and he is universally exploited.

He has lost out at all levels of Government framed by Steve iasonidis and Mr ball of ball and partners who framed Dr McLewan Internally to Government agencies as an extortionist.

This was another reason for Dr Mclean’s persecution by the cat team. When they came for that first hospitalisation McLean explained precisely the persecution that was occurring to him:


On 18th jan 2020 I write to Christopher Roberts at Footscray police who acted with a conspiracy to silence evidence and I report it makes me feel less than death. I am already a suicide survivor now an overdose. Later this would lead me to actually suicide and it be deemed fatal - only to have it covered up.

An authorised officer must use their best endeavours to assess a disclosure, including whether it should be allocated to another agency, within 14 days of receiving it. They may obtain information from such persons and make such inquiries as they think fit.

Once a disclosure has been allocated, an authorised officer will inform the discloser. If allocated to another agency, the authorised officer will also notify the principal officer of any agency to which the handling of the disclosure is allocated. If an authorised officer decides that a disclosure should not be allocated, they will inform the discloser of the reasons for this and any other courses of action that might be available.

Once a disclosure has been allocated for handling under the PID Act, the CEO and Principal Registrar will have the disclosure investigated unless the disclosure does not, to any extent, concern serious disclosable conduct, the disclosure is frivolous or vexatious, or the information is the same or substantially the same as a disclosure that has been or is being investigated.

The principal officer may nominate an investigator and will inform the discloser that an investigation is to take place and the estimated length of the investigation. An investigation report must be completed within 90 days of the matter being allocated for investigation, unless the Ombudsman has extended that period by an additional period.

When the investigation is completed, a copy of the report will be provided to the discloser.

6. Protections provided under the PID Act

The PID Act provides the following protections for persons who make a PID:

These protections do not necessarily protect the discloser in relation to their own wrongdoing, where they have been involved in the misconduct they are reporting. These protections are also not available to staff who make intentionally false or misleading disclosures.

7. Assessing the risk of reprisals and providing confidentiality – arrangements to protect employees from harassment and disadvantage

The principal officer (or their delegate) will assess the risk that reprisals may be taken and take reasonable steps to protect public officials from detriment or threats of detriment relating to PIDs. Where necessary, this can be done with reference to guidelines on the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s website. Reasonable steps may include:

8. Review of process and outcome

Complaints regarding the way a disclosure is handled can be made directly to the Commonwealth Ombudsman. The Ombudsman may also investigate matters referred directly to the Ombudsman’s Office.

Thanks for going over $60-70000 worth of invoices and finding only one that had an error.

I just wish to state that the Government and everyone in it are my nemesis.

That is because my former partner Steve Iasonidis is a former ASIO agent and owes me a just and equal and legal settlement. But as he said he would kill me I held off for a while. 

He still owes it to me and the detriment of not having an equitable settlement is called financial control; much like he had in our 5 year relationship in which we were ended to be married.

You can see here in this video me giving him the ring:

I give Steve iasonidis the engagement ring in 2011. 

At the same time as me buying him Gucci ring, I was living on a disability pension and a settlement from a total permanent disability payout of $83000 from 2008.

In your role, you are a public authority and act for members of the public. The charter of human rights for a person with a disability had fundamental rules and ethics for our society. It states I must not be taken advantage of, discriminated against, have property (or money) withheld, be tortured, deprived of life or importantly for me: have access to the law and equality before the law.

Framed by the information in this letter, I wondered if you may indulge these values in your dealings with me?

This includes of course, having access to lawyer.

I may be paranoid but I think some people may want to do me harm?

I am beaten up violently inside a public hospital Weribee Mercy after I have already suicided in that facility. I am re traumatised again and again.  The thug that broke my nose had a t-shirt with my unique tattoo on it. That I think was a sign to say the power of what they can do that only I would know. Later - years later whilst on the run from police because they threaten me with the mental health act a friend puts me in a cheap backpackers to hide - and he lives next door. 


What is a public authority?

(1) For the purposes of this Charter a public authority is—

(a) a public official within the meaning of the Public Administration Act 2004; or

A public official under the Public Administration Act 2004 includes employees of the public service, 

No. 43 of 2006

Authorised Version incorporating amendments as at 6 April 2020

You have certain obligations as a public authorities, specifically:

38 Conduct of public authorities

There is a set of values under mining Australian laws and the public government officials it employs. It is called the  declaration of human rights of disabled persons.

In it it states on the human rights to protection against exploitation, discrimination, and abuse for people with a disability, of which I am one.

Freedom From Exploitation, Violence And Abuse

Human Rights

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that are intrinsic to every person by virtue of their status as a human being.

Adequate standard of living and social protection[edit]

Two units of cover are standard in 2007 - I was paid in 2008 and I was only paid one unit although I claim to have paid for eight. 


Article 28 requires that States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions, and shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this rights without discrimination on the basis of disability.

People with a disability must also have Equal Recognition Before The Law And Access To Justice and that is stated and ratified by the Australian Government on 2008 in the Convention on the rights of people with disabilities

It includes a section on Housing And Support

Access to housing is a fundamental human need and a core element of the human right to an adequate standard of living.  

In order to effectively exercise their housing rights, many persons with disability require social support services to provide personal care, domestic services and living skill support.  Access to social services is also a core element of the human right to an adequate standard of living.

FROM THE NDIS ACT 2013 ‘THE ACT’ reflects the values of the UN Convention On The Rights Of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD), 2006

The Convention entered into force on 3 May 2008. Australia ratified it and its Optional Protocol on 17 July 2008, joining other countries around the world in a global effort to promote the equal and active participation of all people with disability in society.

In particular it states that:

6)  People with disability have the same right as other members of Australian society to respect for their worth and dignity and to live free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.

 (7)  People with disability have the same right as other members of Australian society to pursue any grievance.

The police kick in my door. 2021. If I were rich, they would not have kicked in my door.The evidence from the hospital that my suicide attempt was deemed ‘fatal’ and that I now have a Bain impairment from it - and I never worked again.It was committed with an agreed legal contraband but Ben Calder from the ombudsman saw no issue whatsoever. 

I believe I can prove that a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice has happened and that movement was been the causation of my untimely and tragic ‘fatal’ injury in Weribee mercy hospital in Feb 2021.

Perverting The Course Of Justice?

The offence of Perverting the Course of Justice is contained in section 319 of the Crimes Act 1900 which states that a person who does any act, or makes any omission, intending in any way to pervert the course of justice, is liable to imprisonment for 14 years.

What Must Be Proven?

To find a person guilty of this offence the prosecution must prove each of the following matters beyond a reasonable doubt:

I record evidence of the police kicking in my front door - because I have no money they can act with impunity and later on they did: Whilst I was incarcerated from November 2022 to Jan 2023 the hospital, salt water clinic including my contact person Kade Molloy and also the police oversaw the destruction of everything I own. It was ordered by Hung Ho of Edithvale - who knew about the conspiracy because I had asked him to get a response from Dan Andrews but he refused to.They destroyed by clothes my pics of my nana my photos my bed my shelves and everything I owned. Then  the hospital rejected me to a homelessness shelter with just a brown paper bag of tshirts. The Government medicate me for ‘delusions of persecution.’

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic) ensures that people who report improper conduct and corruption in the Victorian public sector (whistleblowers) can do so in the knowledge that they will be protected.

Protections include keeping the identity of the person reporting improper conduct confidential and protecting them from reprisals including bullying, harassment or legal action.

2 units are standard in 2007 not one in 2008, this is from health supers own product disclosure statement. 

Health super payout was incorrect amount

Discharge summary evidence after my suicide attempt - ‘no psychotic symptoms’









Steve iasonidis used to supply me with drugs its no secret we used to get high Evidence of health super document in 2006Health super payout of one unit of cover TPD

3 August 2006 

Mr Richard Mclean 7 Eighth Street EILDON VIC 3713 

Dear Mr Mclean 

Health Super Member Number: 9783679 

In accordance with your instructions for the payment of your superannuation benefit, we enclose the following: 

an Australian Tax Office ETP Payment Summary and cheque payable to MR R W MCLEAN for $1,779.53 

To assist you in understanding how your benefit has been calculated, we have also enclosed your Health Super statement as at 03/08/2006. 

You should read your Health Super Statement and this letter together as they constitute your exit periodic statement as required by the Corporations Act. 

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relations Team on 1800 33 17 19

Yours sincerely 

Brett Gibbons

Customer Relations Manager 


Tax File Number received ✓ email received ✓ beneficiaries provided  


Section 1Health Super statement 

Mr Richard McLean 7 Eighth Street EILDON VIC 3713 


OPENING balance 01/07/2006 

account type: 


what’s been put in? 

from 01/07/2006- 03/08/2006 

what your employer(s) paid in 

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) 

Additional employer contributions 

what you’ve paid in 

Combine or amounts transferred in 

Your personal contributions 

what the Government has paid in 

Government Co-Contributions (net) 

investment earnings (net) 

From your investment choice(s) 


$0.00 $0.001 




what’s been taken out? 

from 01/07/2006 - 03/08/2006 

Health Super fees 

Administration fee 

Government taxes 







This may include a benefit transferred in from another section of the Health Super Fund or from an external fund. If part of this amount represents a transfer of a defined benefit amount, then please refer to your Health Super defined benefit statement and explanatory notes for further information. 

Investment and asset fees have been deducted from Health Super's investment returns before these returns are credited to your account at the end of the reporting period. These fees are for services provided by professional investment managers of the Health Super Fund, including investment manager fees and costs associated with the purchase, sale and administration of investments. There may also be a fee to cover the general cost of administration. These deductions are borne indirectly by the members of the Health Super Fund and may affect the return to your account. If you would like more information about these fees, contact Health Super on 1800 33 17 19. 

your balance 

CLOSING balance 03/08/2006 


Member Number:

date of birth:

eligible service date (for tax): 

9783679 08/04/1973 08/11/2004 

Compulsory Contributions Tax (15%) 

Compulsory Surcharge Tax 

insurance premiums 

Death and/or permanent disablement 

Income protection 

amounts withdrawn 

Amounts withdrawn 

Surcharge figures may relate to more than one financial year and are provided to us by the Australian Taxation Office. 


Surcharge does not apply to superannuation contributions made after 1 July 2005. 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 


preservation components of your benefit 

The table below details your Member Investment Choice option(s) investment returns) that your superannuation has been invested in, 01/07/2006

(and the respective month-by-month, since 

2.41% 0.86% 3.21% 0.96% 

-2.71% 0.92% 

option(s) % 


Jan Long-Term Growth Feb Long-Term Growth Mar Long-Term Growth Apr Long-Term Growth May Long-Term Growth June Long-Term Growth 

July Long-Term Growth Aug Long-Term Growth Sept Long-Term Growth Oct Long-Term Growth Nov Long-Term Growth Dec Long-Term Growth 

how much were you insured for? 

2.40% 1.44% 2.71% 

-1.28% 2.94% 2.20% 

The boxes below give details of your insurance cover in the last 60 days prior to leaving Health Super on 03/08/2006. Your insurance ceased on 03/08/2006 and you do not have the option to continue this insurance cover with Health Super. For more information, read our Product Disclosure Statement available at If your entitlements include defined benefits then, please refer to your defined benefit statement and explanatory notes. 



if you become permanently disabled 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super

unit/s (cover): 0 unit(s) ($0.00 total) 

amount*: $2,266.53lumpsum ($0.00 + $2,266.53

* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 


if you die 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super

unit/s (cover): 0 unit(s) ($0.00

amount*: $2,266.53 lump sum ($0.00 + $2,266.53

* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 


if you become temporarily disabled 

This is known as income protection. 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super 

no. of units: 0

amount*: $0.00 per month for up to 2 


* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

your transactions 

deposits into your account

date transaction type source 

Investment earnings

03/08/2006 InvestmentEarnings(3) 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 



tax net 


your transactions 

deductions from your account date transaction type 


01/07/2006 ManagementCosts 03/08/2006 ManagementCosts SUBTOTAL



AccountKeepingFee AccountKeepingFee 


-$75.40 $68.38 -$7.02 $16.39 


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 


-$75.40 $68.38 -$7.02 $16.39 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

Other management costs $ 1.38(4) Total Fees $ 8.40 (5) 

The total fees you paid includes fees deducted directly from your account (see transaction listing above), excluding any relevant insurance premiums, and approximately $ 1.38 of "other management costs" that have been deducted from your investment earnings before they were applied to your account. Where any management costs or expenses are tax deductible the benefit of any deduction is passed onto members through the declared investment returns for each option. Therefore the actual costs charged are net of the tax deduction. 

This forms part of your periodic exit statement. 

your contributions after this payment 

Any contributions received for your account prior to you leaving Health Super have been paid to you. As such, there are no outstanding contributions. 

your insurance continuation option 

All your insurance cover ceased on the date you exited Health Super. No continuation option is available. 


These entitlements are based on information currently available about you as at the date of this Statement. Health Super has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this Statement but cannot accept liability for acts or omissions based on its content. Health Super reserves the right to correct any error or omission. This Statement is subject to the Health Super Trust Deed, any applicable insurance policy and government legislation. Please advise Health Super should any of your personal details appear incorrect. This statement contains general advice. Before acting on such advice, consider your own personal circumstances and Health Super’s Product Disclosure Statement or seek appropriately qualified advice. Investment returns fluctuate & past performance is no guarantee of similar future returns. The benefits described are not guaranteed. 

HEALTH SUPER PTY LTD | ABN 97 084 162 489 | AFSL No. 246492|RSE Licence No. L0000482 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

3 August 2006 

Mr Richard Mclean 7 Eighth Street EILDON VIC 3713 

Dear Mr Mclean 

Health Super Member Number: 9783679 

In accordance with your instructions for the payment of your superannuation benefit, we enclose the following: 

an Australian Tax Office ETP Payment Summary and cheque payable to MR R W MCLEAN for $1,779.53 

To assist you in understanding how your benefit has been calculated, we have also enclosed your Health Super statement as at 03/08/2006. 

You should read your Health Super Statement and this letter together as they constitute your exit periodic statement as required by the Corporations Act. 

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relations Team on 1800 33 17 19

Yours sincerely 

Brett Gibbons

Customer Relations Manager 


Tax File Number received ✓ email received ✓ beneficiaries provided  


Section 1Health Super statement 

Mr Richard McLean 7 Eighth Street EILDON VIC 3713 


OPENING balance 01/07/2006 

account type: 


what’s been put in? 

from 01/07/2006- 03/08/2006 

what your employer(s) paid in 

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) 

Additional employer contributions 

what you’ve paid in 

Combine or amounts transferred in 

Your personal contributions 

what the Government has paid in 

Government Co-Contributions (net) 

investment earnings (net) 

From your investment choice(s) 


$0.00 $0.001 




what’s been taken out? 

from 01/07/2006 - 03/08/2006 

Health Super fees 

Administration fee 

Government taxes 







This may include a benefit transferred in from another section of the Health Super Fund or from an external fund. If part of this amount represents a transfer of a defined benefit amount, then please refer to your Health Super defined benefit statement and explanatory notes for further information. 

Investment and asset fees have been deducted from Health Super's investment returns before these returns are credited to your account at the end of the reporting period. These fees are for services provided by professional investment managers of the Health Super Fund, including investment manager fees and costs associated with the purchase, sale and administration of investments. There may also be a fee to cover the general cost of administration. These deductions are borne indirectly by the members of the Health Super Fund and may affect the return to your account. If you would like more information about these fees, contact Health Super on 1800 33 17 19. 

your balance 

CLOSING balance 03/08/2006 


Member Number:

date of birth:

eligible service date (for tax): 

9783679 08/04/1973 08/11/2004 

Compulsory Contributions Tax (15%) 

Compulsory Surcharge Tax 

insurance premiums 

Death and/or permanent disablement 

Income protection 

amounts withdrawn 

Amounts withdrawn 

Surcharge figures may relate to more than one financial year and are provided to us by the Australian Taxation Office. 


Surcharge does not apply to superannuation contributions made after 1 July 2005. 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 


preservation components of your benefit 

The table below details your Member Investment Choice option(s) investment returns) that your superannuation has been invested in, 01/07/2006

(and the respective month-by-month, since 

2.41% 0.86% 3.21% 0.96% 

-2.71% 0.92% 

option(s) % 


Jan Long-Term Growth Feb Long-Term Growth Mar Long-Term Growth Apr Long-Term Growth May Long-Term Growth June Long-Term Growth 

July Long-Term Growth Aug Long-Term Growth Sept Long-Term Growth Oct Long-Term Growth Nov Long-Term Growth Dec Long-Term Growth 

how much were you insured for? 

2.40% 1.44% 2.71% 

-1.28% 2.94% 2.20% 

The boxes below give details of your insurance cover in the last 60 days prior to leaving Health Super on 03/08/2006. Your insurance ceased on 03/08/2006 and you do not have the option to continue this insurance cover with Health Super. For more information, read our Product Disclosure Statement available at If your entitlements include defined benefits then, please refer to your defined benefit statement and explanatory notes. 



if you become permanently disabled 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super

unit/s (cover): 0 unit(s) ($0.00 total) 

amount*: $2,266.53lumpsum ($0.00 + $2,266.53

* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 


if you die 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super

unit/s (cover): 0 unit(s) ($0.00

amount*: $2,266.53 lump sum ($0.00 + $2,266.53

* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 


if you become temporarily disabled 

This is known as income protection. 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super 

no. of units: 0

amount*: $0.00 per month for up to 2 


* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

your transactions 

deposits into your account

date transaction type source 

Investment earnings

03/08/2006 InvestmentEarnings(3) 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 



tax net 


your transactions 

deductions from your account date transaction type 


01/07/2006 ManagementCosts 03/08/2006 ManagementCosts SUBTOTAL



AccountKeepingFee AccountKeepingFee 


-$75.40 $68.38 -$7.02 $16.39 


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 


-$75.40 $68.38 -$7.02 $16.39 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

Other management costs $ 1.38(4) Total Fees $ 8.40 (5) 

The total fees you paid includes fees deducted directly from your account (see transaction listing above), excluding any relevant insurance premiums, and approximately $ 1.38 of "other management costs" that have been deducted from your investment earnings before they were applied to your account. Where any management costs or expenses are tax deductible the benefit of any deduction is passed onto members through the declared investment returns for each option. Therefore the actual costs charged are net of the tax deduction. 

This forms part of your periodic exit statement. 

your contributions after this payment 

Any contributions received for your account prior to you leaving Health Super have been paid to you. As such, there are no outstanding contributions. 

your insurance continuation option 

All your insurance cover ceased on the date you exited Health Super. No continuation option is available. 


These entitlements are based on information currently available about you as at the date of this Statement. Health Super has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this Statement but cannot accept liability for acts or omissions based on its content. Health Super reserves the right to correct any error or omission. This Statement is subject to the Health Super Trust Deed, any applicable insurance policy and government legislation. Please advise Health Super should any of your personal details appear incorrect. This statement contains general advice. Before acting on such advice, consider your own personal circumstances and Health Super’s Product Disclosure Statement or seek appropriately qualified advice. Investment returns fluctuate & past performance is no guarantee of similar future returns. The benefits described are not guaranteed. 

HEALTH SUPER PTY LTD | ABN 97 084 162 489 | AFSL No. 246492|RSE Licence No. L0000482 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

Evidence of exit statement in 2006 - payout of one unit of $83000 but I was insured for eight (8) 






Evidence my fees reflected eight units of cover at $1.05 per unit. 


Payment summary on 29/02/2008 TPD payout. 

The bank cheque for $72810 that was deposited in 2008 for one unit but I was insured for eight.  

3 August 2006 

Mr Richard Mclean 7 Eighth Street EILDON VIC 3713 

Dear Mr Mclean 

Health Super Member Number: 9783679 

In accordance with your instructions for the payment of your superannuation benefit, we enclose the following: 

an Australian Tax Office ETP Payment Summary and cheque payable to MR R W MCLEAN for $1,779.53 

To assist you in understanding how your benefit has been calculated, we have also enclosed your Health Super statement as at 03/08/2006. 

You should read your Health Super Statement and this letter together as they constitute your exit periodic statement as required by the Corporations Act. 

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Relations Team on 1800 33 17 19

Yours sincerely 

Brett Gibbons

Customer Relations Manager 


Tax File Number received ✓ email received ✓ beneficiaries provided  


Section 1Health Super statement 

Mr Richard McLean 7 Eighth Street EILDON VIC 3713 


OPENING balance 01/07/2006 

account type: 


what’s been put in? 

from 01/07/2006- 03/08/2006 

what your employer(s) paid in 

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) 

Additional employer contributions 

what you’ve paid in 

Combine or amounts transferred in 

Your personal contributions 

what the Government has paid in 

Government Co-Contributions (net) 

investment earnings (net) 

From your investment choice(s) 


$0.00 $0.001 




what’s been taken out? 

from 01/07/2006 - 03/08/2006 

Health Super fees 

Administration fee 

Government taxes 







This may include a benefit transferred in from another section of the Health Super Fund or from an external fund. If part of this amount represents a transfer of a defined benefit amount, then please refer to your Health Super defined benefit statement and explanatory notes for further information. 

Investment and asset fees have been deducted from Health Super's investment returns before these returns are credited to your account at the end of the reporting period. These fees are for services provided by professional investment managers of the Health Super Fund, including investment manager fees and costs associated with the purchase, sale and administration of investments. There may also be a fee to cover the general cost of administration. These deductions are borne indirectly by the members of the Health Super Fund and may affect the return to your account. If you would like more information about these fees, contact Health Super on 1800 33 17 19. 

your balance 

CLOSING balance 03/08/2006 


Member Number:

date of birth:

eligible service date (for tax): 

9783679 08/04/1973 08/11/2004 

Compulsory Contributions Tax (15%) 

Compulsory Surcharge Tax 

insurance premiums 

Death and/or permanent disablement 

Income protection 

amounts withdrawn 

Amounts withdrawn 

Surcharge figures may relate to more than one financial year and are provided to us by the Australian Taxation Office. 


Surcharge does not apply to superannuation contributions made after 1 July 2005. 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 


preservation components of your benefit 

The table below details your Member Investment Choice option(s) investment returns) that your superannuation has been invested in, 01/07/2006

(and the respective month-by-month, since 

2.41% 0.86% 3.21% 0.96% 

-2.71% 0.92% 

option(s) % 


Jan Long-Term Growth Feb Long-Term Growth Mar Long-Term Growth Apr Long-Term Growth May Long-Term Growth June Long-Term Growth 

July Long-Term Growth Aug Long-Term Growth Sept Long-Term Growth Oct Long-Term Growth Nov Long-Term Growth Dec Long-Term Growth 

how much were you insured for? 

2.40% 1.44% 2.71% 

-1.28% 2.94% 2.20% 

The boxes below give details of your insurance cover in the last 60 days prior to leaving Health Super on 03/08/2006. Your insurance ceased on 03/08/2006 and you do not have the option to continue this insurance cover with Health Super. For more information, read our Product Disclosure Statement available at If your entitlements include defined benefits then, please refer to your defined benefit statement and explanatory notes. 



if you become permanently disabled 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super

unit/s (cover): 0 unit(s) ($0.00 total) 

amount*: $2,266.53lumpsum ($0.00 + $2,266.53

* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 


if you die 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super

unit/s (cover): 0 unit(s) ($0.00

amount*: $2,266.53 lump sum ($0.00 + $2,266.53

* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 


if you become temporarily disabled 

This is known as income protection. 

currently eligible: No

your cover immediately prior to 

leaving Health Super 

no. of units: 0

amount*: $0.00 per month for up to 2 


* if applicable this amount may include defined benefit entitlements. 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

your transactions 

deposits into your account

date transaction type source 

Investment earnings

03/08/2006 InvestmentEarnings(3) 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 



tax net 


your transactions 

deductions from your account date transaction type 


01/07/2006 ManagementCosts 03/08/2006 ManagementCosts SUBTOTAL



AccountKeepingFee AccountKeepingFee 


-$75.40 $68.38 -$7.02 $16.39 


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 


-$75.40 $68.38 -$7.02 $16.39 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

Other management costs $ 1.38(4) Total Fees $ 8.40 (5) 

The total fees you paid includes fees deducted directly from your account (see transaction listing above), excluding any relevant insurance premiums, and approximately $ 1.38 of "other management costs" that have been deducted from your investment earnings before they were applied to your account. Where any management costs or expenses are tax deductible the benefit of any deduction is passed onto members through the declared investment returns for each option. Therefore the actual costs charged are net of the tax deduction. 

This forms part of your periodic exit statement. 

your contributions after this payment 

Any contributions received for your account prior to you leaving Health Super have been paid to you. As such, there are no outstanding contributions. 

your insurance continuation option 

All your insurance cover ceased on the date you exited Health Super. No continuation option is available. 


These entitlements are based on information currently available about you as at the date of this Statement. Health Super has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this Statement but cannot accept liability for acts or omissions based on its content. Health Super reserves the right to correct any error or omission. This Statement is subject to the Health Super Trust Deed, any applicable insurance policy and government legislation. Please advise Health Super should any of your personal details appear incorrect. This statement contains general advice. Before acting on such advice, consider your own personal circumstances and Health Super’s Product Disclosure Statement or seek appropriately qualified advice. Investment returns fluctuate & past performance is no guarantee of similar future returns. The benefits described are not guaranteed. 

HEALTH SUPER PTY LTD | ABN 97 084 162 489 | AFSL No. 246492|RSE Licence No. L0000482 

This forms part of your exit periodic statement. 

My management costs at two different times - compare the fees I paid


Management costs $120.15 and fees of $134.98


Sheena Jack refuses to communicate with me anymore after ruling that I will not be paid income assist and she affirms I will be blocked from the organisation and also rejects giving me ‘the investigation’ and that I have no lawyer as in opposition to human rights charter for people with a disability

From: Harriet Wilkinson-Bibicos Subject: FW: Response required, Thanks from Dr Rich McLean 

Date: 7 June 2022 at 12:52 pm


Dear Dr McLean,

I am resending this as I noticed your second email address is spelt incorrectly. Kind regards,


Harriet Wilkinson-Bibicos 

Executive Assistant to the CEO and Managing Director 

Level 8, 403 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 

M 0431 834 327


From: Sheena Jack

Sent: Tuesday, 7 June 2022 10:27 AM

To:; Subject: RE: Response required, Thanks from Dr Rich McLean 

Dear Dr McLean,

I refer to your letter and email to me, both dated 2 June 2022. 

I can confirm that a full investigation has been undertaken and this has reconfirmed our position. 

HCF Life strongly rejects the allegations set out in your letter and maintains its position that your claim under your Income Assist policy was correctly declined. 

I understand that this decision is not the answer you wanted, but our decision is final and therefore we can no longer correspond with you on this matter. 

Yours sincerely, Sheena Jack 

From: Rich McLean <

Sent: Thursday, 2 June 2022 10:35 AM

To: LifeClaims <>

Cc: Richard McLean <> Subject: Response required, Thanks from Dr Rich McLean 


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. 

ATT: Sheena jack 

A response is required by 3pm tomorrow afternoon. 

This is not extortion. 

It is a forgiving opportunity that will guarantee you personally, a liberation from prosecution in the high court of Australia. 

I hope you are well. 

Indeed, it is almost unfathomable the extent to which this systemic oppression has vindicated and vilified me. 

Bit like a James Bond film!

I look forward to your response. 

Hopefully we can move forward in the atonement and forgiveness of your role in the conspiracy to manslaughter, and your exoneration of all responsibility that is your part in the movement, I’m not entirely sure that you were aware of. 

Kind Regards, 

Dr Mclean 


NBL The conversation with Scott Niven may be used as evidence as well as this email. 

02.05.2022.she ena.jac...ess.pdf 

02.05.2022.she ena.jac...ess.pdf AIA refuse to acknowledge the TPD claim of eight units-they know I have no lawyer and I am banned at AFCA

Dr Richard McLean

Emailed to: 

Dear Mr McLean 

4 May 2022 

Claim Number: 25125

Fund: Health Super Pty Ltd

Policy number: MP9875

Re: Your complaint regarding the Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) benefit amount 

We were informed on 26 April 2022 of your complaint regarding the benefit amount paid for your TPD claim. 

In this letter, we’ve set out our understanding of the complaint, how we’ve investigated your concerns, and the outcome. 

If you’re not completely satisfied with our response, you’re entitled to lodge an additional external complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA’s details are at the bottom of this letter. 

The issues you raised 

In the complaint dated 26 April 2022, you raised the following issue: 

You are of the view that AIA has incorrectly paid your TPD benefit. Specifically, you have noted that AIA paid one unit of TPD cover in the amount of $83,100.00 and consider you were entitled to three units of TPD cover. 

Accordingly, you are seeking payment of an additional two units of TPD cover. 

Our response 

We acknowledge your position that AIA has incorrectly paid your TPD benefit. We have investigated your concern and provide our findings below: 

On 21 March 2007, AIA received your claim for a TPD benefit for the medical condition of schizophrenia which was first diagnosed in approximately 1993. An initial assessment of the claim was undertaken on 26 March 2007 and at this time AIA established your date last worked as 2 December 2015. 

As part of the assessment process, AIA sought confirmation of your insurance cover from Health Super (the Fund). On 4 April 2007, the Fund confirmed the following: 

You joined the Fund on 8 November 2004.

You were a member of Division B2 as you joined the Fund after the Policy 

commencement date of 1 July 2004.

You were automatically insured for one unit of Death and TPD insurance cover. 

As of 2 December 2015, the applicable sum insured for your TPD claim was $83,100.00. 

In addition, the Group Life (Death & Total and Permanent Disablement) Insurance Policy No. MP 9875 (the Policy) details the insurance cover provided to new members of Division B2 as follows: 

New Members: Division B2 

1. Automatic cover 

- Members of Division B2 joining the Fund on or after the Policy Commencement Date (“new members”) will be automatically insured for 1 unit of Death and TPD cover. 

2. Additional cover: new members working over 20 hours per week 

- New members of Division B2 who are gainfully employed for 20 hours or more per week averaged over 3 consecutive months may apply to the Company for additional units (in addition to the automatic cover above) as follows: 

a. if aged 59 years or under: 

b. if aged between 60 and 69 years: Death only cover to a maximum sum insured of $5 million. 

Whilst we acknowledge that the Policy provides opportunity for you to obtain additional units of cover, our records do not indicate that you made an application or had an application approved for additional TPD cover prior to your date last worked of 2 December 2005. 

In this regard, we confirm that as of 2 December 2005 you were a new member of Division B2 and held one unit of Death and TPD insurance cover. Accordingly, we maintain the view that AIA has made payment of the correct sum insured amount of $83,100.00 on 19 December 2007. 

We understand you may find this outcome disappointing and in the event you have evidence that additional units of TPD cover were approved and provided to you, we encourage you to send this information to us so we can reconsider our position. 

If you need more information 

You may request a copy of any documents and information we’ve relied on in investigating your complaint. Let us know, and we’ll respond to your request within ten business days. 

If for some reason we can’t provide the information, we’ll let you know in writing within ten business days and provide an explanation. We’ll also let you know what you can do if you disagree. 

Your right to lodge an external complaint 

If you are not satisfied with our final response, you may lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA): 



Phone: 1800 931 678

Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 

Melbourne VIC 3001 

Time limits may apply to complain to the AFCA and so you should act promptly. To find out more about any time limits you can refer to the AFCA websites noted above. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at your earliest convenience by emailing

Kind Regards, 

M Clark 

Michael Clark

Senior Customer Resolution Specialist AIA Australia 

Hang on Michael…don’t you know I am banned at AFCA?The coin forge take money out of my account and then refuse to pay me $50000 that I won. Bendigo bank refund the fraudulent transactions of about $8000 but $19500 remain. Some was refunded - but not all. How is this possible? They too know I am banned at AFCA

From: Rich McLean Subject: Fwd: Your Casino Account 

Date: 17 September 2020 at 3:17 pm


Cc: Rich McLean 


This has happened on numerous occasions - whereby I deposit, it does not go there and they say it is the banks problem. Am I able to re-claim all of my deposits to the coin forge please? It is about $5000

I can come in and sign.

Please let me know next steps.


Rich McLean: 


I demand you refund me the money <image0.png> 


Rich McLean

Registered NDIS Provider | Arts-Life-Coach | Artist | PhD Researcher | Victoria University

Discover my art & work @

Call me on +61 400639248

Email me at 

I acknowledge the Indigenous people as the traditional custodians of the land where we live, learn & work. 

This email sent from my iPhone 

On 17 Sep 2020, at 2:34 pm, Support <> wrote: 

##- Please type your reply above this line -## 

Customer Support Team (_) 

Sep 17, 2020, 4:33 AM UTC 

Hello Richard,

We hope this email finds you well. 

We have checked the transaction made on 2020-09-16 23:23:56 GMT for a deposit of 70.00 AUD and it shows that it was not successful.. 

We would suggest to contact the bank regarding this matter so they can further check this for you. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have a different concern, we're just here 24/7. 

Best Regards,

Customer Support Team

* Please visit us and bookmark our new address to keep enjoying our great games: 


I am rejected some of my FOI from mercy health covering up the suicide and my treatment and it still is today



I read from another whistleblower how ‘DARVO’ is deployed blaming the victim. I am further rejected from the Victims of Crime Commissioner 

 Thats weird I just maybe imagined I won $40000 and Bendigo bank refused to investigate it. SUPERANNUATION WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PAID FOR A PERSON WORKING FOR THE NDIS by CSC  

My certificate of service from NWAMHS - ‘workcover’ is under my ‘membership number’ but I never received workcover in 2004 just like now in 2021, 22 and 23. THIS IS MY EMPLOYEE DETAILS ON THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT WEBSITE. My current workcover is rejected because I am not an ‘employee’ for the purpose of the SRC act. Rubbish it clearly states on the ndis commission website a worker can be a sole trader contractor or volunteer. A


Thats a shame Work safe banned me. I could have used their help. The old boss at worksafe Victoria was the same person that rejected my claim later on at Comcare. Thats called corruption. I was only legislated to work within Victoria so my claim is not a comcare issue it is with work safe.

1 Malop Street Geelong VIC 3220

PO Box 279 Geelong VIC 3220

Telephone 1800 136 089 Fax 03 4243 9321 

4 August 20220 

Richard McLean

2 McCubbin Street Footscray VIC 3011 

Dear Mr McLean,

I am writing about your complaint concerns regarding lodging a WorkCover claim. 

I have listened to the recording of the telephone call you made to this office on 1 August 2022. On the recording, you can be heard making abusive and insulting comments to our Advisor who took your call, despite being asked on a number of occasions to stop. WorkSafe takes such behaviour seriously, we have a zero tolerance approach of abuse, threats, intimidation or harassment of our staff. WorkSafe advises that your behaviour poses an unacceptable risk to the safety and wellbeing of our staff and organisation. 

We expect our officers to treat you with courtesy and respect. We expect this courtesy to be returned. 

I can hear on the recording that you are frustrated with the actions and the time our office needs to consider your complaint. However, if you continue to speak to our officers in this way, we may have to limit your contact with us to email contact in future. 

I have spoken with the advisor handling your case. He is currently making enquiries about your complaint and will contact you when he has more information. 

Yours sincerely 



Centralised Complaints Team WorkSafe Victoria 


AFCA HAD ONLY FOUR WEEKS TO MAKE A DETERMINATION FOR A MARGINALISED PERSON MINE TOOK OVER A YEAR AND A HALF - I threatened to call them out on it - so they banned me. What democratic citizen gets his rights withheld costing millions from a government statutory agency designed to assist with money issues? Thats weird I can’t seem to send a crime report to police.

 3-6 weeks for an outcome, but mine took over a year and a half

Police have looked up Steve iasonidis and know hes my former partner - here footscray police refuse to act.


Tim Gos of afca absolutely is guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Here he is with an immense amount of audacity that he is untouchable… and he denies me my overdue settlements.


The moment  that Liz Lindsberg from AHRC drops the $1.5 million dollar bomb on me that the ‘impartial’ dispute that was scheduled at AHRC was now cancelled and that TAL - the insurer have said they wont attend. In time I could have used that TPD and income assist with my brain detriment. I sent this to finance minister Birmingham at for the CDDC scheme and was rejected.



I call Footscray Cops for the purpose of reporting the conspiracy and my injustice and give them a serve




to the super fund that secures your lifestyle

product disclosure statement 

Prepared 31 May 2004 

call click post 

1800 33 17 19 697 Burke Road (Locked Bag 27) 

Camberwell VIC 3124 

Health Super Pty Ltd ABN 97 084 162 489 AFS Licence No. 246492

remember super is a long-term investment 

If you leave Health Super within a few years of joining, it is possible you may get back less than the amount of contributions paid because of the investment returns earned and fees deducted. It pays to think long-term, and to look at your investment choice (see pages 22 and 23). 

need to know more? 

Securing your lifestyle 



about Health Super

your account type

your new account features preservation

leaving your job 

what gets put into your account? 

salary sacrifice

personal contributions combining your super returns by investment choice 

what gets taken out of your account? 

Health Super fees

Government taxes

death and disablement premiums income protection premiums 


complaints privacy policy 

inside back inside back 

2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 


12-13 14-15 16-17 22-23 

32-33 34-35 42-43 44-45 

cover cover 

Have a read of the section on your account. If you have any further questions about Health Super, please contact us (see our contact details on the back of this booklet). 

When asking for further information, Health Super will provide all the information required to assist you in making an informed assessment about the investment performance, management and financial condition of the Fund. 

listening to you 

We aim to provide you with the highest quality products and services. See page 57 to see how we handle your enquiries and complaints, and resolve disputes. 

about your new super account 

Product Disclosure Statement for Health Super 

This booklet was prepared on the 31 May 2004 as the Product Disclosure Statement for Health Super. It sets out all the main features of Health Super. The date you join is provided to us by your employer. We are required to give you this Product Disclosure Statement within 3 months of you joining the Fund. 

Health Super is dedicated to the Health and Community Services Industry. Many of the terms used in this document are explained on page 55-56, and some general information on the Fund is included on page 4. 

choosing a fund 

This booklet provides important information about the features, costs and risks of investing your super with Health Super. If you have a choice about whether to choose Health Super or not, this booklet will help you compare the features of Health Super to other superannuation funds. 

You should read this document before you make a decision to use Health Super as a superannuation fund. As we are not a public offer fund, there is no cooling off period available to you. 

the benefits and risks of your super 

Health Super allows you to save for your retirement in a low-cost, tax effective environment in a way that suits you personally. It also lets you choose investment strategies that best suit your needs and attitude towards risk. 

how to get more information 

If you want more information, simply contact Health Super (details on the back page). If you need information about the Trustee, or Health Super, please contact us. 

updating information 

This Product Disclosure Statement sets out the main features of your Health Super product as at the date of its preparation. Information about your product is subject to change from time to time. If any changes to your product occur after this brochure is published, and those changes are not materially adverse, the updated information will be available at any time on our website at A paper copy of any updated information will be provided without charge on request by contacting us on 1800 33 17 19. If the changes are materially adverse, we will produce a new or supplementary Product Disclosure Statement

You need to be aware that: 

• your investment may rise and fall;

• if you leave within a few years of joining, you may get back less than the amount of 

contributions paid because the level of investment returns of the Fund, the Fund’s charges, and the effect of tax. 

www. healthsuper. com. au

about Health Super 


lifestyles of health workers for over 37 years 

For over 37 years, Health Super has been a leading industry superannuation fund that caters exclusively for the Australian Health and Community Services Industry. It has over 190,000 members, 1,400 employers, and $3.8 billion in assets under management. 

owned by our members 

Health Super caters to a whole range of health organisations – from hospitals to aged care facilities. Better still, as a not-for-profit industry fund we are owned by our members, so all our profits go back to members. 

a balanced Board 

Health Super is responsible for the management of investment decisions. We have a balanced Board of Directors, which means that there is an equal representation of employer and member Directors. 

To see the representatives on our Board, go to 

extra services 

You have access to many extra services, many at reduced rates, through our Member Privileges providers – Australian Unity and Limon Remcon Financial Services Limited. 

private health insurance – personal cover for illness, injury and hospital costs. ✔ personal insurance protection plan – incorporating term life, trauma and 

income protection insurance. 

home and contents insurance – protection for your home and contents. 

financial planning – get professional, tailored financial advice through Health Super Financial Planning. Health Super Financial Planning is a subsidiary of Health Super Pty Ltd. Call 1300 78 02 23 or visit 

Call 1800 24 77 73 to apply, buy or get a quote from Australian Unity or Limon Remcon Financial Services. 

2 Securing your lifestyle 

Health Super receives a contribution from the Member Privileges Providers towards the promotion costs of the Member Privileges Program. 

investment managers 

Health Super use a range of specialists to look after the Fund and its investments. These are known as ‘Fund Managers’ and they monitor specific types of investments such as Australian and international shares, property, alternative investments, cash, and fixed interest. For socially responsible investments, we hire different Fund Managers to monitor these investments. A list of these Managers and their websites is on page 29. 

Every year, we publish a list of our Fund Managers in our Annual Report, or you can go online to 

what advice can we give you? 

about Health Super 

at a glance 

personal financial advice Health Super is unable to 

provide personal financial advice. 

If you want specific advice about your financial needs and objectives you will need to contact Health Super Financial Planning on 1300 78 02 23 because they are licensed to provide personal advice as a financial services licensee for a fee.Your employer must not give you advice about this Fund or recommend any other financial product unless licensed to do so. 

Health Super Financial Planning is a subsidiary of Health Super Pty Ltd. 

general advice Health Super Pty Ltd, the 

Trustee of Health Super, is licensed to give general advice about the Fund’s features. 

www. healthsuper. com. au

did you know? 

To see our latest monthly returns, go to our website, www. healthsuper. com. au 

your account type 


If you move jobs, this is likely to affect your insurance cover. 

See page 36 

You will join Health Super ‘Scheme’ when you or your employer elected Health Super as your super fund. For many people, this is automatic. An account is set up in your name from the date provided to us by your employer. 

started/resumed working in the Health Care Industry? here’s what happens when you join 


for your details


a ‘Scheme’ account


in a default option



We rely on your employer to send their payroll to us. This is where we find out you have become a new member of Health Super, and why it may take some time to hear from us. This can vary from 4 weeks to 4 months.

If you start working in the health care industry with an employer who is registered with Health Super, you will be allocated a Health Super ‘Scheme’ account. This is an account where your employer contributes 9% of your salary each year. 

This is known as Superannuation Guarantee (SG).

We will invest your super into an investment choice option based on your age. You need to double-check that this is what you want us to do. 

See pages 22-23.

When you join ‘Scheme’, you receive automatic insurance. The type of insurance you can get will depend on your age and the number of hours you work. 

Find out more on page 39.

4 Securing your lifestyle 


account are you in? 

how your new ‘Scheme’ account works 

To help you understand super, and how it works, here is a simple guide to your ‘Scheme’ account, and the options you have available to you. 

your account type 

what’s put into your account?

what’s taken out of your account?

what your employer(s) pays in by payroll

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) 

These are compulsory contributions your employer must pay. The amount for 2003/2004 is 9% of your salary. The 9% will continue unless changed by legislation. 

Salary sacrifice amounts from your pay (pgs 12-13)

Health Super administration fees (pgs 32-33) 



what you can pay in (pgs 14-17) 

your personal contributions 

This is when you top up your super, and can include contributions made by your spouse. 

combine or amounts transferred in 

This is when you roll in super from your other super account(s).

Australian Government taxes (pgs 34-35)

Compulsory Contributions Tax 

Currently at a rate of 15%. 

Compulsory Surcharge Tax 

If you earn over $94,691 for the 2003/2004 financial year, you may have to pay more tax.



interest earnings (pgs 22-23) 

Interest earned from your investment choice(s) 

These are earnings you receive on your account. They can be either positive or negative. The earnings depend on the way you’ve chosen to invest your super (known as your chosen investment choice) 

(pgs 22-23). 

insurance premiums (pgs 42-45) 

This insurance protects you for emergencies. 

The cost is taken out weekly, and depends on your age and the number of hours you work. 


www. healthsuper. com. au

did you know? 

If you have opened a super account for your spouse, or you have a Health Super ‘Spouse’ account, your account works in exactly the same way as a ‘Scheme’ account. The only real difference is that your insurance options are quite different (see page 39), and that there are reduced tax rates on superannuation investment earnings. 

A spouse can be a wife/husband or your ’de-facto’. The Government’s current definition of ‘Spouse’ does not include a person who lives separately on a permanent basis, or a same sex partner. 

your new account features 


information can you get? 

As a Health Super member, there are lots of features of your account. Here is a summary of the key features. 


Go to to: 

✔ register for online account access;

✔ download the latest brochures;

✔ use our interactive calculators;

✔ view your contributions for the past 3, 6 and 12 months;

✔ calculate your insurance benefits and get an account balance; ✔ check and update your personal details; 

✔ view and nominate your beneficiaries; and

✔ view and apply to change your investment choice. 

To register for online account access, call 1800 33 17 19 or go to and fill out the online registration form.



Your Health Super Account Manager is there for: 


6 Securing your lifestyle 

your new account features 


If you need information about your account, Health Super is just a phone call away. Our knowledgeable and friendly Customer Relations Team can give you the attention and personalised service you deserve. Call 1800 33 17 19, our lines are open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm AEST. 

change your details 

You can notify us if you change contact or employment details. 


You can consolidate all your super accounts into one. 

personal contributions 

You can make after-tax personal or lump sum payments. 

salary sacrifice 

You can pay pre-tax payments into super. 

investment choice 

You can choose from a range of investment options to suit your needs. 

re-commence work 

If you re-commence work with a registered Health Super employer, you can consolidate your Health Super account with a new Health Super Scheme account. 

Tax File Number 

You can confidentially provide your details to us. 

death and disablement insurance* 

You can protect yourself and your family should something unfortunate happen. 


You can nominate your beneficiaries to receive your entitlements if you die. 

spouse contributions 

You can make super contributions for your spouse. 

Health Super Allocated Pension 

You can use your super to provide regular pension payments in your retirement. 

your super options 

You can make personal appointments with our Retirement Planning Consultants to find out about your options in retirement. 

account balance 

You can get estimates of your account balance. 

benefit estimates 

You can get estimates of your retirement benefits. 

early release 

You may be able to access your super on financial hardship or compassionate grounds. 

Family Law 

You can access information on benefits relating to a Health Super account in the name of your spouse or ex-spouse. This is provided your request complies with the Family Law legislation allowing splitting of superannuation accounts and not otherwise. 

Superannuation Surcharge Tax 

You can get information on the Government Surcharge from the Australian Taxation Office. 


You can use our complaints resolution process and if dissatisfied, you can apply to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal. You can appeal to the Tribunal. 

multilingual services 

You can obtain multilingual assistance with your super. 

* The type of insurance you can apply for will depend on your age, the super account you have, and the number of hours you work (averaged over 3 consecutive months).


Under the terms of our financial service licence, our Account Managers and Customer Relations Team can give you general advice, not personal financial advice. Should you require personal financial advice, call Health Super Financial Planning on 

1300 78 02 23. 

www. healthsuper. com. au


Superannuation is a long-term investment for your retirement. The Commonwealth Government has placed restrictions on when you can access most of your superannuation savings. 

two parts of your super 

There are two parts of your super: non-preserved and preserved benefits. 

your super



This is super that does not have to be kept in super until retirement.You can only access part of your account balance when certain conditions are met. 

However, if you roll in ‘non- preserved’ monies (also known as ‘unrestricted non-preserved’) from another superannuation fund into the Fund, these monies are accessible at any time. 


This is super that can be accessed at any time. No payment restrictions apply. These are usually your personal contributions made before 1 July 1999.You can access this super at any time.


Preserved contributions consist of: 

8 Securing your lifestyle 


can you take out your super? 

do you have a spouse account? 

If you have a Health Super Spouse account, when you can access your super depends on whether or not you are employed or have never been employed. 


never been employed 

If you are a Health Super Spouse member and you have never been gainfully employed, all contributions made and all investment earnings of the Fund, must be ‘preserved’ until you reach age 65, or die.

currently or have been employed

If you are a Health Super Spouse member who is currently or has been gainfully employed, all contributions made and all investment earnings of the Fund must be 

‘preserved’ until your preservation age (aged 55 onwards) or you die.

in severe financial trouble? 

Conditions exist for the early release of your Health Super entitlement in the event of severe financial hardship or compassionate grounds. 

A copy of our fact sheet Guidelines for the Early Release of Benefits is available at www. healthsuper. com. au 

general superannuation information 

1 what happens if my account has less than $1,000? 

If you have less than $1,000 in your super account, you are covered by Member Protection provisions. This ensures the administration fee does not exceed the investment earnings credited to your super account. 

2 why do you need my tax file number? 

Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, we must request your TFN and forward it to the ATO so they can assess any possible surcharge liability. If you do provide your TFN to us, we will use it only for the purposes outlined in the legislation. However, if you do not, you could be paying unnecessary tax. 

Your TFN will remain confidential but we may disclose it to the Trustee of another superannuation fund or to a retirement savings account provider, if you choose to transfer your benefits in the future. However, you can request in writing for us not to do so. 

3 what if I lose touch with Health Super? 

We are required to report lost members to the ATO if we have: 

www. healthsuper. com. au

leaving your job 

if you have taken a break (e.g. changed jobs) 

your account type: Shelter

If you’re changing jobs, or leaving the health industry altogether, your super account balance may be moved from your ‘Scheme’ account into a ‘Shelter’ account. 

This could also be when you cease employment with a Health Super employer or become a lost member (see page 9). The way this account works is the same as your Scheme account, but there may be changes to your insurance cover. 

how this account works 

top up 

Your account is topped up with Superannuation Guarantee contributions (if you get them) + any member/employer voluntary contributions. 

fees investment 

We will deduct 

fees, any insurance

premiums and + what your 


Government taxes. 

investment choice has earned (positive or negative returns). 

your insurance: As a 'Shelter' member, you can apply for insurance. The type of insurance you can get will depend on your age and the number of hours you work. Find out more on page 39. 

boosting your account: See ‘what gets put into your account?’ on page 11. options when you re-commence work 

Depending on 

= your account balance 

If your new employer is registered with Health Super

If you re-commence work with a registered employer,* a Health Super Scheme account may also be set up for you. You will then have two options. 


Transfer your existing Health Super ‘Shelter’ account into your Health Super ‘Scheme’ account to consolidate your super and save on unnecessary fees. If you choose this first option you may not be able to withdraw non-preserved monies. 


Retain your Health Super Shelter account giving you membership in both schemes. **

If your new employer is not eligible to be registered with Health Super

You can still request your new employer to contribute to your Health Super Shelter account on your behalf. We will also accept your own voluntary contributions.^

10 Securing your lifestyle 


happens when you leave your health job? 

* A registered Health Super employer is one who operates within the Health and Community Services industry and has agreed to contribute superannuation monies on behalf of its employees in accordance with the Health Super Trust Deed

**If you choose this option, you will maintain all of the privileges associated with your Health Super Shelter account, however an additional account administration fee will be payable. 

^ If you are less than 65 years, you must have worked at least 10 hours in one week within the last two years. If you are aged 65-75 years, you must work at least 10 hours per week. 

If your new employer operates within the Health and Community Services Industry, they can register with Health Super by calling on 1800 13 30 50

what gets put into your account? 

www. healthsuper. com. au 11 

salary sacrifice 

at a glance 

available with 

Health Super Scheme, Spouse and Shelter accounts.


There are no fees charged by us for salary sacrifice.


your super by using part of your salary 

Want an easy, hassle-free way to boost your super and your tax savings?

Use salary sacrifice to grow your super and score tax advantages. Just ask your employer to put some of your salary directly into your super before it has been taxed. 

With salary sacrifice you can: 

did you know? 

You do not pay Fringe Benefits Tax on salary sacrifice amounts that go into your super. And, depending on your personal circumstances and how much you salary sacrifice, you may be able to drop your salary to a lower income tax bracket. 


Salary sacrifice may reduce your taxable income, consequently, the amount of SG that your employer is required to pay may also be less. 

12 Securing your lifestyle 

salary sacrifice 

why it pays to salary sacrifice 

Salary sacrifice boosts your savings for tomorrow, and may also reduce the amount of income tax you pay today. Here’s how. 

Your gross salary 

Less salary sacrificed into super Your adjusted salary 

Less income tax 

You now have

An income tax saving of $900! 


$3,000** $37,000 



* Based on current tax scales, excluding Medicare Levy. 

** Subject to 15% employer Contributions Tax (in this case $450), and possibly Surcharge Tax. 


For example, year. Without income tax. 

lets say you’re on a salary of $40,000 a salary sacrifice, you’d pay $8,172 in 


If you decide to salary sacrifice $3,000 of your salary into your super before income tax is taken out, your taxable income reduces to $37,000. So the amount that you can be taxed is also reduced. 


From your adjusted taxable income, you pay $7,272 in income tax. Compared to the original income tax amount of $8,172. That’s a tax saving of $900! 

how to salary sacrifice 

can you salary sacrifice? 

This depends on your employer. Check with your HR or Pay Officer to find out if you can salary sacrifice. If you have more than one employer, you will need to check with each employer individually. 


Calculate online how much you can boost your super with salary sacrifice at 

www. healthsuper. com. au 

www. healthsuper. com. au 13 

personal contributions 

top up 

whenever you like, with as much as you like 

Whether you want to tuck away $20 or $10,000, with personal contributions you have the flexibility to top up your super account (after tax) whenever you like, with as much as you like. 

With personal contributions, you can: 

at a glance 

available with 

Health Super Scheme, Spouse and Shelter accounts.


There are no fees for making personal contributions.

who can top up? 

To make personal contributions, there are certain requirements you need to meet. 


Your super doesn’t work like a bank account. If you top up your account, it is preserved until retirement age. 

14 Securing your lifestyle 

Government Co-contribution – earning less than $27,500*? 

If you top up to $1,000 into your super through regular or lump sum contributions, the Government will match on a dollar-for-dollar basis. To qualify for contributions, you must make personal super contributions from your after-tax income, and have super contributions made by an employer in the same year. The ATO will reimburse you by putting the money back into your nominated super account (*assessable income and reportable fringe benefits). Co-contribution rates will increase from 1 July 2004. 

why make personal contributions? 

This graph shows how much better off you would be at age 60 if you made regular contributions from just $20 a week, instead of relying solely on your employer’s contributions. 

contributing a little or a lot makes a big difference! 

Let's say you're 30 years old and you're on a salary of $35,000. Look at how much you can expect to have at age 60 with personal contributions of $20, $50 and $100 a week. 

$900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 

$774,384 on 

$100 a week 

$518,795 on 

$50 a week 

$365,442 on 

$20 a week 


on your employer’s contributions alone 

personal contributions 

super amount 

how to make personal contributions 

There are two main ways to make a personal contribution.You can contribute a set amount with each pay period (known as regular payroll deductions) or any amount whenever you like (known as lump sum payments). 


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 

number of years 

Assumptions: A yearly net earnings rate of 6%, employer SG contributions of 9% and taxable base salary of $35,000 with a yearly increase of 2% for both the salary and the personal contributions, consistent with inflation. 

Source: Quoted with permission from Health Super Financial Planning, March 2004. 


what is it?


sign and send

Regular payroll deductions

Putting aside a set amount on a regular basis directly from your pay into your Health Super account. 

Payroll deductions are paid from your after-tax salary each pay period.

Just nominate a $ or % amount of your pay to go into your super, at no extra cost.

Return your form to your HR or Payroll Officer.

Lump sum payments

Depositing any amount, whenever you like into your Health Super account. 

Lump sum payments are one

off payments that you make from your own pocket, after tax, into your Health Super account, as often as you like.

Pay by cheque directly into your Health Super account at any time – you can change the amount and frequency of your deposits to suit your needs.

Return your form and cheque (payable to Health Super Fund) 

to Health Super.

As each financial situation is different, you may wish to consult a Health Super Financial Planner before you top up. Call 1300 78 02 23. 

spouse top ups 

You can make personal contributions on behalf of your spouse. A tax rebate of up to $540 per annum may be available to the person contributing on behalf of a low-income or non-working spouse. 

did you know?

Personal contributions don’t affect your super tax concessions. 

The Commonwealth Government sets a limit on the amount of concessionally taxed super you can receive at retirement. This limit is known as your Reasonable Benefit Limit (RBL).Your personal contributions don’t count towards your RBL (only the investment earnings that you make on these contributions). 

www. healthsuper. com. au 15 

top up by direct 


Want to top up your super by direct debit? 

That's fine with us. 

Call 1800 33 17 19 or go to www. healthsuper. com. au for a form. 

did you know? 

Any personal contributions you make now cannot be taken out until you are at least 55 – 60 years old (depending on when you were born) and permanently retired from the workforce. Only personal contributions made before 1 July 1999 can be taken out before you reach this age. 

Call 1800 33 17 19 if you need more information. 


combining your super 


in super from other super accounts 

Putting all your super into the one Health Super account will save you time, hassle and money. It’s likely you have super from previous jobs sitting around in other super funds. And even if they’re only small amounts, every little bit helps to top up your super. 

By combining all your accounts into one, manageable, low-cost Health Super account, you’ll: 

at a glance 

available with 

Health Super Scheme, Spouse and Shelter accounts.


There are no fees from Health Super for combining other super amounts.


You may incur exit fees from your other super fund/s. Check with the administrator of your other fund/s before combining. 

16 Securing your lifestyle 

why combine? 

combining your super 

low fees

Save on fees by paying one low account administration fee. And there are no entry or exit fees.


Health Super offers different member investment choices to suit your individual approach to investing and your investment needs.


You can take your Health Super account with you to any employer in the Australian health care and community services sector. This means you only have to keep track of one super account.


Health Super’s returns over the long-term are very competitive. Better still, unlike some other funds we return our profits back to you.


When you combine your old super accounts into Health Super, all the parts of your benefit are maintained. For example, if you choose to rollover your super into our Health Super Scheme, you can still access any non-preserved amounts rolled into it.

extra services

Access to financial services and products, many at special rates for members: 

Health Super Financial Planning – call 1300 78 02 23 Health Super Member Privileges – call 1800 24 77 73.

how to combine your super in three simple steps 

1 Collect the number of forms you need

You will need to use one form for each additional account. If you require more forms 

you can print the form from our website at 

2 Complete the forms with all your details

If you don’t supply the information requested, your application may be delayed. 

3 Sign and send off your application form(s) 

lost accounts? 

If you think you have missing super accounts, use the ATO's free online SuperSeeker tool to help you find your lost super accounts. For more information, go to

www. ato. gov. au

www. healthsuper. com. au 17 

did you know? 

Member investment choice lets you choose from a range of different investment options that suit you. It also gives you the flexibility to change the way your super is invested as your circumstances change. 


Historically, growth assets like shares carry a higher level of risk but achieve a higher return over the long-term. 

member investment choice 

18 Securing your lifestyle 


a way to invest your super 

Now you have the freedom and control to choose how your super is invested. 

With member investment choice, you can: 

The five options are all different and each is designed to suit a particular type of investor. 

Depending on the type of option you choose, your money may be invested across asset classes such as shares, property, fixed interest and cash.You need to be aware that investing in Health Super, and choosing an investment choice option is quite different from putting your money in a bank account because the return you receive is not fixed, like bank interest rates, but varies depending on the value of the assets. 

what does Health Super invest in 

The five Health Super member investment choice options invest in up to seven asset classes. These are: 

member investment choice 

growth assets 

interest-bearing assets 

These seven asset classes have different characteristics in terms of the level of investment returns and the degree of risk and volatility to which your super may be exposed. 

two types of assets 

asset types

where do the returns come from?

growth assets 

There are three types of growth assets:


2. property 

3. absolute return funds.

3. Absolute return funds, also known as hedge funds, are a fairly recent 

development in the Australian investments market. They constitute an asset class in which fund managers use a range of strategies and techniques to invest in assets which have relatively low correlation with traditional asset classes (such as shares, fixed interest, etc.).

interest-bearing assets 

There are two types of interest- bearing assets: 1. fixed interest 2. cash.

1. Fixed interest includes bonds and corporate debentures, and are issued to investors who lend money to governments or corporations looking to raise capital. 

2. Cash investments include investments in short-term money markets such as bank bills and treasury notes, as well as deposits at banks.

For more information on asset classes, log onto our website at 

www. healthsuper. com. au 19 

member investment choice 


imagine you had $20,000 to invest... 

One way to look at how different asset classes perform over time is to imagine you had $20,000 to invest in 1988. The graph below shows how your money would have grown had you invested in each of the five asset classes since January1988. 

Source: Watson Wyatt Worldwide 2004 (based on gross returns, no allowance has been made for investment fees or tax) 

helping you understand the principles 

You may have heard of the saying: ‘The higher the risk, the higher the return’. This is what it means. 

If you had invested $20,000 in cash in 1988, you would have outperformed inflation, had a smooth ride and accumulated $68,321. If you had invested your money in Australian shares, after wearing all the short-term ups and downs of the share market, you would have accumulated $96,830. 

$114,646 E. $96,830 F. $97,588 G. $99,212 H. 

International shares Cash


Absolute return 

$62,333 $68,321 $33,419 $95,057 


Risk is the probability that your total investment returns may rise and fall in value over time and the potential amount of the fall. Different types of asset classes carry different levels of risk.


Return is the change in the value of assets. A net return is what you earn on your investment after fees and taxes are deducted. Health Super credits members on a net return basis.

Health Super’s five investment options invest across different asset classes, carry different levels of risk, and produce different levels of returns over time.

risk/return chart of the member investment choice options 


20 Securing your lifestyle 


Long-Term Growth Medium-Term Growth 

Balanced Short-Term Conservative 

This diagram shows you that our Long- Term Growth investment option carries the highest level of risk, but also has the potential to generate the greatest investment returns. 


three ways Health Super manages your investment 

The Trustee of Heath Super manages investment risk by not putting all your eggs in the one basket. Basically, your super is spread: 

1. across a number of asset classes;

2. across specialist Investment Managers;

3. across a number of investments, e.g. different shares. 

By spreading your super this way, Health Super aims to achieve the best possible return over the long term while minimising investment risk. 

get involved with your super 

Did you know that you too can choose the investment risk you’re exposed to? 

All you have to do is pick the investment strategy that suits you and hold onto it for a long period of time. It is important to give your super time to grow and ride the short- term ups and downs of the investment market. 

making sure you have enough 

Inflation is the increase in the general cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Inflation tends to rise each year, effectively meaning that your money buys less over time. That's why the investment objectives for each of the five options are measured in terms of exceeding inflation. 

To keep pace with, or ahead of, inflation requires investing in assets that have the potential to grow at a rate faster than inflation. To see how different asset classes have outperformed inflation since 1988, see the chart on page 20. 

Now that you have read about the basics of investing, you can test your knowledge. Log onto our website and take our investments quiz. 

member investment choice 


The higher the proportion of your investments in growth assets, the more likely that the returns will outperform inflation over time. 


As most of our membership is under age 50, our 'Long- Term Growth' option is the most common investment option. This has the highest level of risk. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 21 

member investment choice 


Past returns are not an indicator of future earning rates. 


ways to invest your super 

risk profile 

investment objective 

investment period 

Long-Term Growth 


To achieve a return, after fees and taxes, that exceeds inflation by at least 5.0% p.a. measured over rolling five-year periods. 

7 years or more 

Growth: 90% Interest-bearing: 10% 

Medium-Term Growth 


To achieve a return, after fees and taxes, that exceeds inflation by at least 4.0% p.a. measured over rolling five-year periods. 

5 years or more 

Growth: 70% Interest-bearing: 30% 


In some years, returns may be negative, which may decrease your account balance. 

22 Securing your lifestyle 

asset allocation 

chance of negative returns 

risk/return graph 

SRI option available 

returns as at 30 June 2003 (%) (this is not SRI) 


1 in 4 years 

Long-Term Growth 


1 in 5 years 

what it invests in~ 

■ Australian shares 35% ■ International shares 35% ■ Property 10% ■ Alternative investments 10% ■ Australian fixed interest 5% ■ International fixed interest 5% 

■ Australian shares 27.5% ■ International shares 25% ■ Property 10% ■ Alternative investments 7.5% ■ Australian fixed interest 24% ■ International fixed interest 6% 


Medium-Term Growth 

✓ yes 

1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs 

-3. 02 -2. 60 4. 10 

✓ yes 

1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs 

-1. 00 -0. 90 4. 40 





Short-Term Conservative 




To achieve a return, after fees and taxes, that exceeds inflation by at least 3.5% p.a. measured over rolling five-year periods.

To achieve a return, after fees and taxes, that exceeds inflation by at least 2.5% p.a. measured over rolling three-year periods.

To achieve a return, after fees and taxes, that exceeds inflation by at least 1.0% p.a. measured over rolling three-year periods.

5 years or more

3 years or more

Up to 3 years

Growth: 50% Interest-bearing: 50%

Growth: 30% Interest-bearing: 70%

Interest-bearing: 100%

1 in 8 years

1 in 16 years


■ Australian shares

■ International shares

■ Property

■ Alternative investments

■ Australian fixed interest ■Internationalfixedinterest 17.5% 

17.5% 17.5% 10% 5% 32.5%

■ Australian shares 10% ■ International shares 10% ■ Property 5% ■ Alternative investments 5% ■ Australian fixed interest 35% ■ International fixed interest 25% ■ Cash 10%

Cash 100%





Short-Term Conservative 





✓ yes

✓ yes

✕ no

1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs

1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs

1 yr 3 yrs 5 yrs

n.a. n.a. n.a.

2.46 1.80 4.90

4.64 5.00 5.00

member investment choice 

~ These graphs refer to the targeted strategic asset allocation. The actual asset allocation for any investment option as at 1 July 2003 might differ from the target. 

All asset allocations for investment choices were reviewed on 1 July 2003. The Balanced option was a new investment choice option. 

As at 31 May 2004, alternative investments means absolute return funds only. However the Health Super Trustee may include other assets in the future. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 23 

investor profile questionnaire 

a guide 

to what type of investor you are 

Answer these 10 simple questions to find out what type of investor you are. 


your answers your score

strongly agree




strongly disagree

risk and return 


[1] [1] 



[2] [2] 



[3] [3] 



[4] [4] 



[5] [5] 



5 You are prepared for your investment to move up and down in the short term, as long as it outperforms inflation.






a comfortable retirement 

[5] [5] 


[4] [4] 


[3] [3] 


[2] [2] 


[1] [1] 



3–5 yrs [1] 

3–5 yrs [1]

6–10 yrs [2] 

6–10 yrs [2]

11–15 yrs [3] 

11–15 yrs [3]

16–20 yrs [4] 

16–20 yrs [4]

20+ yrs [5] 

20+ yrs [5]

your total

* Source Retirement Income figures ABS 2001 ** Source Australian Life Tables 2000 

24 Securing your lifestyle 

a guide to your investor profile 

Now you have answered the questions, match your score to your investor profile in the table below and read the description. 

your score your investor profile description 

investor profile questionnaire 

0 - 10 


The Low-risk investor: 

11 - 20 


The Cautious investor: 

21 - 30 


The Balanced investor: 

31 - 40 


The Adventurous investor: 

41 - 50 


The Aggressive investor: 

www. healthsuper. com. au 25 

innovative default strategy 


do we ‘default’ your super to if you don’t choose? 

If you don’t make an investment choice, then your super will be automatically defaulted into an option according to the Health Super Lifecycle Default Strategy. This is a set- and-forget strategy, which is based on your age and is structured as follows. 

The Lifecycle Default Strategy will automatically act as your investment strategy unless you make an active investment choice 

how does the Lifecycle Default Strategy work? 

If you are in the Lifecycle Default Strategy and under the age of 50, your superannuation will be invested in the Long-Term Growth option. When you turn 50 years old, your super will automatically be switched to the Medium-Term Growth option. When you turn 60, your super will automatically be switched to the Balanced option. 

The switches will become effective from the 1st day of the month following your 50th and 60th birthday respectively. 

your age

your investment choice option

under age 50

Long-Term Growth

age 50 to 60

Medium-Term Growth

at age 60


26 Securing your lifestyle 

why has this Lifecycle Default Strategy been introduced? 

The Board of Health Super have introduced this innovative Lifecycle Default Strategy after extensive research and in consultation with our investment consultants, Watson Wyatt Worldwide. 

Here are some reasons why we’ve constructed the Lifecycle Default Strategy the way we have. 

innovative default strategy 

recognising higher earnings potential 

Members under the age of 50 generally have a higher investment earnings potential because they have time on their side to manage investment risk more effectively.

encouraging confidence to ride the ups and downs 

Those members with a higher investment earnings potential can invest in growth assets and be confident in the knowledge that they will be more tolerant to any short-term ups and downs that come from volatility of the share market.

making sure your money keeps growing in retirement 

Members approaching retirement need to maintain their investment earnings potential by investing in growth assets because they have to ensure their savings last them through their retirement years.


If you don’t choose an investment option, we will invest it according to the Lifecycle Default Strategy. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 27 


did you know? 

If you choose SRI, Health Super will only invest your super in shares of socially responsible companies. 


In the long-term, SRI investments may be more volatile than other forms of shares. 

socially responsible investments 


in socially responsible shares 

With Health Super, you can use your investing power to support companies and organisations that meet certain standards for social, environmental or ethical operations. Take a look at how you can take an ethical stance and invest in Socially Responsible Investments (SRI). 

available with these options 

The following member investment choice options allow you to invest your super with socially responsible investments: 

1. Long-Term Growth;

2. Medium-Term Growth;

3. Balanced;

4. Short-Term Conservative. 

a stringent screening process 

Health Super engages Fund Managers who use screening processes to select companies who are considered for inclusion in Health Super’s SRI options. Consideration for inclusion requires companies to meet certain social, environmental or ethical standards. 

If Fund Managers do not perform against set criteria, their contract is reviewed or terminated. 

28 Securing your lifestyle 

with SRI your super is invested in socially responsible companies 

socially responsible investments 

companies we don’t invest in 

If a company is materially involved in certain negative activities, it may be excluded from Health Super’s SRI option, depending on each individual Fund Manager’s approach. These negative activities include: 

companies we consider 

On the other hand, if a company is engaged in, or has positive policies in relation to one or more of the following activities, they are considered for the SRI option: 

overseeing your investments 

Three Fund Managers have been selected to oversee the investments in SRIs. 

Fund Manager 

Perennial Investment Partners

responsible for 

Australian SRI shares

visit their website 

www. perennial. net. au

ABN - AMRO Asset Management Australia

International SRI shares

www. abnamro. com. au

BIAM Australia Ethical International Fund

International SRI shares

important tips 

www. healthsuper. com. au 29 

did you know? 

You can find out more about the SRI Fund Managers by visiting their websites. 

You can also log onto 

for links to all three Fund Managers’ websites. 



Switching regularly may have a negative impact on your account balance. 

Reacting and switching

because of ups and downs in

the market may have a 12% significant impact on how

much you end up saving for 10% your retirement. For example,

in this graph, if you had

8% chosen to invest in Australian

shares in 1988 and kept your

Annualised return (%pa) 6% money there for 15 years, you

would have earned 10. 4%

4% p.a. By missing just the 10

best performing days, your

return would have reduced to

2% 8.2% p.a. That’s a big 

difference and loss to how 0 much you save for your


missing the best days: 1988 – 2003 


flexibility for you 

Health Super allows members to change investment choice options up to a maximum of 12 times a financial year. That’s even more flexibility for you. 

When you make your investment choice switch, it will be effective on the first day of the following month. 

how much does switching cost? 

Your first voluntary switch in any financial year is free. Subsequent requests for investment switches in that year will each incur a $25 switching fee. This will be debited from your account, and is the only fee applicable to investment choice switches. 

If you request the Lifecycle Default Strategy as your preferred investment strategy, then automatic switches between the different lifecycles will not incur any switching fees. 

If you request a switch to socially responsible investments, then that request will count towards the switching fees. All subsequent switches in that year will incur the $25 switching fee. 

things you should know about switching regularly 


30 Securing your lifestyle 

entire period 


missing 10 best days 


missing 20 best days 


missing 30 best days 


missing 40 best days 


missing 50 best days 

Source: Watson Wyatt Worldwide, 2004

what gets taken out of your account? 

www. healthsuper. com. au 31 

Health Super fees 


fees does Health Super take out? 

If you compare Health Super’s fees to other retail super funds, you can see that our fees are low. We are not driven by needs of external shareholders and deliver all net profits back to you. 

establishment fee 

this is the fee some funds charge to set up member accounts 

contribution fee 

this is the fee some funds charge for the initial and every subsequent contribution made 

withdrawal fee 

this is the fee some funds charge for each member withdrawal (including any installment payments and final payments) 

termination fee 

this is the fee some funds charge when you close your account with them 

switching fee 

this is the fee charged when members switch between investment options offered

the first switch request in a financial year is free, after which the switching fee is applied, with a maximum of 12 switches per year 

adviser service fee 

this is the fee the advisers of some funds charge when they give members advice about their superannuation 

administration fee 

this is an asset-based fee to cover the general cost of administration and is deducted from the earnings before returns are declared 

investment management fee 

this is an asset-based fee for managing investments (refer to table at right for further details) this fee is deducted from the earnings before returns are declared 

issuer fee 

this is the fee charged by some funds to oversee their fund’s operations and for providing members with access to their fund’s investment options 

expense recovery fee 

this is an estimate of the out-of-pocket expenses some trustees are entitled to recover from their fund 

member fee 

this is a member account-keeping fee and is charged annually to members’ accounts or on a pro-rata basis 

what the market charges Health Super’s fees 



Scheme and Spouse: nil 

Shelter: the first three withdrawals free each financial year – $50 thereafter. 


first switch FREE, $25 thereafter 


up to 0.10% of assets 

0.03% to 0.89% of assets 



$52 p.a. 

32 Securing your lifestyle 

what’s taken out of your earnings? 

There are two fees taken out of earnings (not directly out of your account). These are known as ‘investment management’ and ‘administration’ fees. 

The table below expresses the ‘investment management’ fee (as at 31 May 2004) as a percentage of the Fund’s assets, and as a dollar example of someone who’s got $10,000 in their account. 

Health Super fees 

IMF regular (%)


IMF regular $
















investment management fee 

Long-Term Growth 

Medium-Term Growth 


Short-Term Conservative 


a quick example 


$89 $70 

$52 $37 


So you’ve seen our low fees and what we take out of earnings, how does this work? 

Let’s take an example. Imagine for a moment that you have $10,000 in your super account, and you’ve chosen the Long-Term Growth Regular investment choice option (without SRI - see page 28). Here’s what you can expect to pay. 

Remember, you don’t have to open your wallet and pay these directly. These fees come out of your super account or the super earnings. 

fee type fee dollar amount

member fee $52 p.a. $52

max. administration fee 0.10% $10

investment management fee 0.63% $63

Total - $125

The Trustee reserves the right to change fees. Any increase in fees will communicated to members by mail. 


In some instances, changing investment choice options may result in an increased investment management fee. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 33 

did you know? 

All investment earnings are credited to your account - we do not hold over returns to hide under- performing years. 


did you know? 

If you combine another super account into Health Super, there will be no tax payable (except in limited circumstances). 

earning more than $94,691? there’s Surcharge Tax 

An extra charge is levied on the surchargeable superannuation contributions of higher income individuals ($94,691 is the 2003/04 threshold). The charge (known as Surcharge Tax) is based on your adjusted taxable income plus your total surchargeable contributions and reportable fringe benefits total. The rate of Surcharge depends on your adjusted taxable income. The percentage rate can fall between 0.00001% and 15% tax. 

government charges 

34 Securing your lifestyle 


tax does the Government charge? 

tax on money into Health Super 

No tax is paid by the Fund on the contributions you make into the fund from income on which you have already paid tax (after-tax income). 

Health Super is required to deduct tax of 15% on: 

✓ the contributions your employer(s) makes for you (known as Superannuation Guarantee); 

✓ any contributions paid from income on which tax has not been paid (e.g. through salary sacrifice arranged with your employer). 

Online service:, accessed 31 May 2004 

tax on money transferred into and out of Health Super 

There is no tax if you transfer money from one super fund to another, unless the amount transferred contains an untaxed component (this is a termination payment direct from an employer or a payment from a certain superannuation funds, for government employees). The ATO determines your Adjusted Taxable Income for Surchage purposes. 

An untaxed component attracts 15% tax on contributions, and may also be subject to the superannuation tax Surcharge. 

tax on investment earnings of Health Super 

Investment earnings by Health Super are taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, with capital gains taxed at a discounted 10%. 

tax on payments from Health Super 

You may have to pay tax when you draw money from Health Super. This amount paid will depend on your own circumstances, including your age, how long you been in a superannuation fund, and how your super benefit is paid. 

have you given us your Tax File Number? 

It pays to give your Tax File Number (TFN) to Health Super when you join. You do not have to do so, but if you do not provide your TFN you may pay tax at a higher rate than necessary. 

If you do not have a Tax File Number, contact the ATO on 13 10 20. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 35 

‘your super account comes with insurance cover to help you prepare for any emergency’ 

from 1 July 2004 our new insurer is 


insurance is available with Health Super? 

As a health worker, you’ve probably seen first hand just how devastating the unexpected can be. When something unforeseen or sudden happens, be it an illness or an accident, you know the impact (both physical and financial) it can have on a person and their loved ones. 

So what about your own life and your family’s? If an emergency was to happen, are you really prepared? 

With Health Super, not only can you get great insurance cover with your super account, but you can tailor it to suit your lifestyle. 

types of insurance 

As a Health Super member you can pick-and-choose the type and level of insurance that suits you. Here are the types of insurance Health Super offers. 

death and disablement 

A one-off payment for you and your family if you cease employment because you become totally and permanently disabled or die. This provides some peace

of mind that you and your family are protected if something happens to you. 

see page 42 

income protection (IP) 

A monthly pay packet of $750 for up to 2 years (after a 90 day waiting period)

if you become temporarily disabled while employed. You can also apply to increase this. see page 44 

36 Securing your lifestyle

what are your options? 


with what you've got? 

To stick with what we’ve given you (see your Welcome Letter ) do nothing. Just tuck your form away somewhere safe so you have a record of it.You may need it at a later date to check your level of insurance cover. 


want to opt-out of some or all of your insurance? 

You can choose to flick your income protection and/or disablement and/or death insurance. If you are a new member, you must opt-out within the first 30 days of getting your Welcome Letter

You can:

• Opt-out of everything: This cancels all your insurance.

• Opt-out of income protection insurance (Scheme members only): 

This leaves you with death and disablement insurance. • Opt-out of disablement insurance 

(if you’re a Scheme member, this also flicks your income protection): This leaves you with death only insurance. 

Please think carefully before opting-out of any insurance. 

If you wish to re-apply for insurance at a later date, you will need to satisfactorily complete a Confidential Personal Statement, and meet underwriting conditions. 


want to reduce or get more insurance cover? 

You can reduce or apply to increase your insurance at any time. See page 38 for more details. 

when you take leave 

What happens if you take leave without pay or are on maternity/paternity leave? You can continue your insurance for up to 12 months (from the time your period of leave commenced) provided: 

www. healthsuper. com. au 37 

insurance with your account

work less than 20 hours a week? 

If you work less than 20 hours a week, you cease to be eligible for income protection. You must notify us so we can stop deductions, and rebate you from the time you joined the Fund (if applicable). 


The date you joined your employer in the Health and Community Services Industry. 


Your cover ends upon your written request or when you stop being a Health Super Scheme member.* 

* Additional conditions also apply. 

See ‘when you are no longer insured’ on page 49 and ‘when won't your income be protected?’ on page 50. 


insurance do you get with your account? 

As you move from job to job, your insurance cover can move too.

As a Health Super Scheme member, you get started with an automatic, basic level of insurance cover. This changes according to the type of account you have – so be aware that if your account type changes, so will your cover. 

automatic insurance with Scheme accounts 

up to age 59 

If you have a ‘Scheme’ account, you’re under age 59 and work more than 20 hours a week (on average over 3 consecutive months) you’ll automatically get: 


The date you joined your employer in the Health and Community Services Industry. 


Your cover ends upon your written request or when you stop being a Health Super Scheme member.* It also ends on your 70th birthday. 

38 Securing your lifestyle


When your super is moved to a Shelter account, we will send you a letter. Within the first 30 days from the date of this letter you will: 

• be automatically insured if you die or become disabled (provided you had this cover in your Scheme account); 

• have the option to continue your death only cover, which will become effective after the 30 days; and 

• be no longer covered for income protection from the date of resignation. 

This means that if we don’t hear from you within 30 days, your death and disablement insurance (if any) will cease. 

re-applying or applying for insurance in Shelter/Spouse accounts 

As a Shelter/Spouse member you can apply or re-apply for insurance at any time. 

up to age 59 

If you have a ‘Shelter or Spouse’ account, you’re under age 59, have at least $1,000 in your super account and work more than 20 hours a week (on average over 3 consecutive months) you can apply or re-apply: 

insurance with your account 


Your insurance will start from the date AIG Life accepts your request for insurance cover. 


We will stop your cover if you request us to or if you leave Health Super.* 


Your insurance will start from the date AIG Life accepts your request for insurance cover. 


We will stop your cover if you request us to or if you leave Health Super.* Any insurance also ends on your 70th birthday. 

‘your insurance may change depending on your situation...’ 


For both Spouse and Shelter accounts, our insurer AIG Life, requires you to complete a Confidential Personal Statement, and you may have to meet underwriting conditions. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 39 

did you know? 

If you resign, any income protection insurance will cease straightaway. Any death and disablement insurance you had could also end.* 

If your break in service is longer than 4 weeks (for full/part-time) or 8 weeks (casual), Health Super sends you a letter about your options. Your super may be moved to a Health Super Shelter account, in which case your insurance will change. 

* Additional conditions also apply. See ‘when you are no longer insured’ on page 49 and ‘when your income won’t be protected?’ on page 50. 

did you know? 

If you re-join Scheme from a Shelter account, you will receive only the automatic level of Scheme cover, and will have to re-apply for additional insurance for which you may have been previously accepted. 


about your insurance with Health Super 

at a glance 

^ The cost of your insurance cover is deducted from your Health Super account. This will appear on your super Statement

To help cover cost of administration, Health Super will receive remuneration from AIG. This will be to the value of one cent per dollar cost of a unit of death, disablement and income protection that our members receive. 

great value 

insurance at your fingertips 

Health Super has a range of insurance options you can choose from. What’s more, the cost comes out of your super account – not directly from your pocket. So it’s easier for you. 

This booklet tells you how to:

✓ estimate how much cover you'll need (see page 46);*

✓ choose your insurance type and pick your level of cover;

✓ change your insurance at any time - increase*, reduce or opt-out, and more. 

* Subject to satisfactorily completing a Confidential Personal Statement and meeting underwriting conditions. 

here’s what you can get 

The type of insurance you can have depends on the type of account you have with Health Super – Scheme, Shelter or Spouse. Here’s how it works. 

account type

death and disablement (see page 42)

income protection (see page 44)







did you know? 

If you're a Scheme member with automatic insurance, you're covered for death, disablement and loss

of income as a result

of sickness or injury for just $2.75 a week.*

* Subject to conditions 

‘it’s easy, the cost just comes out

of your super account not your wallet. . .’ 

40 Securing your lifestyle 

1 Provided you work at least 20 hours per week (on average over 3 consecutive months). 

2 For super accounts over $1,000. Eligible for death and disablement insurance only if gainfully employed and work for at least 20 hours per week (on average over 3 consecutive months) at the time of applying for insurance cover. 

who receives my death benefit? 

If you haven't already done so, you can nominate whom to leave your death benefit to if you die. Simply complete a Nominating your beneficiaries form. If you die while a member of Health Super, we will pay your death benefit to one or more of your dependant/s and/or legal personal representative. 

It’s important to note that your nomination is only a guide for the Health Super Trustee who is obliged to pay your death benefit in accordance with the Trust Deed

and superannuation laws. You can download the latest copy of the Trust Deed from www. healthsuper. com. au 


how to change your insurance 

At Health Super, we understand the importance of peace of mind. If something should happen to you, you want to make sure you and your family will be able to cope. That’s why you can apply to increase your level of insurance

at any time. 

Here’s how to change your insurance. 

try our calculator 

As a guide to how much insurance cover you may need, log onto 

what does

20 hours mean? 

The 20 hours per week (on average over 3 consecutive months) includes all sources of employment including your primary job or other jobs you may have e.g. part-time jobs. 

where to start 

To help decide how much you’ll need:

• for death and disablement insurance, go to page 42. • for income protection insurance, go to page 44. 

For help reducing or cancelling your insurance, go to page 53. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 41 

death and disablement insurance 

at a glance 

available with 

• Health Super Scheme, Shelter and Spouse accounts.

* A premium loading may apply if your application does not meet the standard underwriting conditions (see page 53). 


with a one-off payment if you die or become disabled 

Sometimes things in life don’t always go as planned. That’s why it’s important

to make sure you’re covered in case of the unexpected. With our death and disablement insurance, you can get a one-off payment if you cease employment because you become totally and permanently disabled, or die. 

great value insurance 

This insurance gives you so much for so little. The cost will depend on your level of insurance – that is, how many units of insurance you choose. 

To make it easy for you, the premiums are deducted directly from your Health Super account. It will impact on your overall super account balance, but you can monitor costs on your super Statement

how to apply for additional insurance 

See the ‘how to change your insurance’ section on page 41. 

how much additional death and disablement cover can you apply for? 

This will depend on the type of account you have (Scheme, Shelter or Spouse),

and the amount of hours you work a week (averaged over a consecutive 3 month period) at the time of your application. 

over 20 hours a week 

Scheme accounts: 

You can apply for up to $5,000,000 for death and $2,000,000 for disablement insurance. 

Shelter and Spouse accounts: 

You can apply for a maximum total of 8 units of death and disablement insurance if you have more than $1,000 in your super account.

under 20 hours a week 

Scheme accounts: 

You can only apply for a maximum total of 8 units of death and disablement insurance. 

Shelter and Spouse accounts: 

You cannot apply for death and disablement insurance, but you can apply for up to

8 units of death only insurance if you have more than $1,000 in your super account.

42 Securing your lifestyle 

24 or under 









































































































































When you apply for additional death and disablement insurance cover,

until the cover is accepted or declined, you will be covered in the interim for accidental death for the amount you applied or $250,000, whichever is less. 









































































































































death and disablement insurance 

choose a level of death and disablement insurance 

Use the table below to compare how much insurance you could get before and after 1 July 2004 according to: 

1 unit 

death & TPD

death only

$0.50 per wk 

$0.50 per wk 


$1.05 per wk 

$0.63 per wk 


new scale from 1 July 2004 

Age at 1 July 2004 

1 unit 

3 units 

$3.15 per wk 

$1.89 per wk 


5 units 

$5.25 per wk 

$3,15 per wk 


10 units 

$10.50per wk 

$6.30 per wk 

* Death only Cover is from age 60 onwards. The same conditions apply for death only cover. 

death and TPD: 

You can apply for

any number of units (see left table). Simply multiply the cost $1.05 per unit by the number of units you want. 

Imagine you want 15 units of cover. The cost would be: $1.05 per week x 15 units = $15.75 per week. 

old scale before 1July 2004 

death only cover 

You can apply for

any number of units (see table). Simply multiply the cost $0.63 per unit by the number of units you want. 

Imagine you want

15 units of cover. The cost would be: $0.63 per week x 15 units = $9.45 per week. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 43 

income protection insurance

get paid 

monthly if you’re unable to work 

Now you can get paid if you're unable to work temporarily. With Health Super's income protection insurance, you can apply to get paid up to 75% of your monthly pay packet for up to 2 years (after a 90 day waiting period).

This is paid if you become temporarily disabled while employed. 

Just choose the level of cover that suits you. 

at a glance 

available with 

44 Securing your lifestyle 

be careful not to under insure yourself 

Can you afford to live on $750 a month? If the answer is yes, the good news is

this is the amount of income protection cover you'll get automatically when you join Health Super as a Scheme member. If the answer is no, then you'll need to look at whether it is worth increasing your cover (refer to next page). 

when should you increase or cancel income protection? 

over 20 hours a week 

If you work more than 20 hours per week (on average over 3 consecutive months) you can apply for more cover as long as: 

• • • 

the increase in protection is up to a total of 75% of your gross income or $19,500 per month, whichever is less; 

you have death and disablement insurance with Health Super (you cannot have income protection insurance on its own); and 

you satisfactorily complete the Insurance Form and a

Confidential Personal Statement and meet underwriting conditions. 

If approved by AIG Life, your additional insurance cover begins from the date of letter of acceptance. 

under 20 hours a week 

If after your income protection has been accepted, your hours fall under 20 hours per week (on average over 3 consecutive months), you will cease to be eligible for income protection. It's important that you notify us immediately so that the premium deductions will stop. This will cease from the at date you advise us. 

You can reduce or cancel your income protection at any time. See page 53.

income protection insurance 

work out how much you need 

Your income is a valuable asset. So make sure you have enough cover in case something goes wrong and you can't work. Follow these steps to see how much income protection insurance you can get, and how to apply for more. 

1 Look at how much automatic income protection cover you can get. 

The automatic level of 2 units for a Scheme account is shown below. This gives you an income protection payment of $750 a month for only $1.70 a week. The cost for each additional unit (i.e. on top of the automatic 2 units) is also set out below (see step 2). 

number your annual of units gross 


75% of weekly your income cost* 

per month (income protection)

1 $6,000 $375 $0.85

2 (automatic level) $12,000 $750 $1.70

* The weekly cost is calculated on a 90 day waiting period. The waiting period commences from the date you are first examined and certified by a registered Medical Practitioner as being temporarily disabled. 

2 See how much it will cost to apply for up to 75% of your income. 

}< 40 years 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 

$0.64 $1.05 $1.46 $2.01 $2.64 

number your annual of units gross 


75% of weekly your income cost* 

per month (income protection)

3 $18,000 $1,125

4 $24,000 $1,500

5 $30,000 $1,875

10 $60,000 $3,750

20 $120,000 $7,500

30 $180,000 $11,250


Jenny is 39 and earns $40,000 a year as a Nurse, and she would like to insure herself for $1500 a month (which is 75% of her salary). That means she will need to insure herself for 4 units of cover. To calculate the additional cost, all she would do is this. 

1. subtract: First subtract her automatic number of units from the total number. (i.e. 4 units - 2 units = 2 additional units) 

2. multiply: Using the age table, she would multiply the number of additional units (i.e. in this case 2 units X $0.64 per week = $1.28 per week). 

3. add: Then she would add the $1.70 (automatic cost of 2 units) to the cost (i..e. $1.28 + $1.70 = $2.98 per week be deducted from her super account). 

your options when you get a pay rise 

You can increase your income protection insurance by no more than 2 units every 3 years with any salary increases. Just make sure you supply us your completed Insurance Form within one month of the effective date of your salary increase, and provide us evidence

of the increase.You will not be required to complete the Confidential Personal Statement. Call 1800 33 17 19 for an Insurance Form

no longer working? 

If you resign or become redundant, your income protection insurance will cease. 

how to apply for additional insurance 

See the ‘how to change your insurance’ section on page 41. 

cost of additional units 

(first 2 units $1.70) 

your cost per age additional 


did you know? 

As a Health Super Scheme member, you get automatic income protection cover. This means premiums are automatically deducted from your super account (unless you opt-out of income protection). 

'take the stress out of getting seriously ill by insuring part of of your pay...' 

did you know? 

The cost of income protection isn’t tax deductible on your

tax return, because the premium comes from your super account. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 45 

‘simple questions and examples

to help you’ 

estimate how much cover you may need


an example

your estimate

A. Think of your current debt levels. Include mortgage, car loans, personal loans, margin loans, credit cards, etc. How much does that add up to?

e.g. $400,000

B. Estimate how much a funeral, etc. would cost in case you die.


C. How much would you like to leave your family in case you die, after all the debts and expenses have been paid off?


D. Add up (A), (B) & (C).

This is an idea of how much insurance cover you may need.


estimate how many units you may need

E. How old are you currently?

35 years old

F. According to the scale on page 42, how much does one unit of death and disablement cover entitle you to?


G. Subtract (F) from (D). This will tell you how much extra insurance cover you need to cover all your debts.


H. To calculate how many units

of insurance cover you need, divide (D) by (F) then round up.

6 units

I. How much insurance cover does this give you with Health Super?

Multiply (F) by (H).


How much will this level of death and disablement insurance cost per week? Remember one unit of death and disablement insurance costs $1.05 

per week. Multiply (H) by $1.05.

$6.30 per week

How much will this level of death only insurance cost per week? Remember 1 unit of death only insurance costs $0.63 per week. Multiply (H) by $0.63.

$3.78 per week


This table should be used only as a guide. Health Super recommends that you seek financial advice to determine how much insurance cover is adequate 

for your needs. Call Health Super Financial Planning on

1300 78 02 23

insurance questionnaire 


your own level of death and disablement cover 

Don’t know how much death and disablement insurance you’ll need?

Don’t worry, we understand it can seem a little daunting at first. So grab your pen, and take a few minutes to complete the questions below. It should help you get

an estimate of how much cover you need, and how much you can expect it to cost. 

46 Securing your lifestyle 

how to apply for additional insurance 

Complete the Insurance Form and Confidential Personal Statement and send it in to us. See page 41 for more information. 

See how these members have used Health Super insurance to secure their lifestyles. 

why Mary’s family’s future is secure 

something about Mary 

As a Charge Nurse at a busy medical centre, Mary sees first hand the importance of disability insurance. She knows life’s full of risks and how easily someone could become a quadriplegic. And she knows how life-changing it would be if that happened to her. Mary wants to make sure that if something was to happen to her, then at least her husband and 3 children would be looked after. 

Mary says: ‘When I heard I could get automatic death and disablement insurance cover as a Health Super member, I went online to find out more.’ 

automatically insured for $57,100 

Just by joining Health Super, Mary could be automatically insured for $57,100 for death and disablement. All this for only $1.05 a week. Plus, with automatic insurance, Mary didn’t have to provide Health Super with any insurance application forms or evidence of health to receive $57,100 worth of cover. 

more cover, no hassles 

‘Getting $57,100 worth of insurance was great, but it wasn’t enough,’ admits Mary. ‘To properly look after the family, I wanted to be insured for much more’. 

So she applied for a total of 3 units of cover which would get her $171,300 of cover at a low cost of $3.15 per week. After meeting the necessary conditions, Mary’s application was approved. Her additional cover started from the date she received the letter of acceptance. 

‘That is such great value,’ Mary says. ‘I couldn’t get death and disablement insurance this cheap outside of Health Super. What’s better, the cost comes out of my super account, not directly out of my pocket.’ 


Age: 40 years old 

Status: Married with 3 children 

Career: Charge Nurse 

Works: newly employed at a large public hospital in Melbourne 

Loves: Her family 

why there’s no stress for Jess 

it could happen to you 

Last winter, Jessica went skiing at Thredbo with her friends. In one terrible moment,

her life changed drastically. She lost control of her skis and hit a tree. Jessica suffered multiple fractures and was taken to hospital. Given the severity of Jessica’s injuries, the doctors estimated that it would be at least a year before she would be fully fit and return to work. 

‘My life was turned upside down,’ says Jessica, ‘Aside from trying to recover from my injuries, suddenly I had to worry about how to pay rent and bills, buy food and survive being out of work for a year.’ 

relax, you’re automatically covered 

What Jessica didn’t know was that when she joined Health Super and she was employed for more than 20 hours a week, she got automatic income protection. Better still, it cost just $1.70 a week, which was deducted automatically from her super account. So after the initial 90 day waiting period, Jessica was able to get $750 paid to her monthly in arrears for up to 2 years. 

‘Look, every little bit helps. I got part of my pay packet when I didn’t have to work. I could just concentrate on getting better. It was such a relief when I found out I had some cover, but I wish I had looked into it more,’ she says. 


Age: 27 years old 

Status: Single 

Career: Aged-care worker 

Works: For an aged-care provider in Sydney 

Loves: Skiing 

These examples are illustrations only. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 47 

your death insurance cover 

your super account balance 

your death benefit (Government taxes apply if paid to a non-dependant) 

Total and Permanent Disablement

Total and Permanent Disablement means that you: - a) as a result of injury, sickness or disease: 

i) have not performed any work for an uninterrupted period of at least 6 consecutive months solely due to the same injury, sickness or disease; and 

ii) are attending and under the regular care and following the advice of, a Registered Medical Practitioner and have undergone all reasonable and usual treatment including rehabilitation for the injury, sickness or disease; and 

iii) after consideration of all the medical evidence and such other evidence as AIG Life may require, have become incapacitated to such an extent as to render you unlikely ever to be able to engage in your own occupation and any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, re-training and experience. 


b) have suffered the total and irrecoverable loss of use of : 

Only one benefit is payable and the amount payable upon permanent disablement must not 

exceed the death benefit.

Date of Disablement

The Date of Disablement is the later of the date on which: 

‘look after your kids even if you’re not around...’ 

your disablement insurance cover 

your super account balance 

your disablement benefit (Government taxes apply) 

death and disablement insurance 


your insurance if you die or become disabled 

what we pay if you die 

If you die while you're employed Health Super will pay your death benefit to one or more of your dependants and/or legal personal representative. 


what we pay if you become disabled 

If you cease employment because you are totally and permanently disabled, Health Super will pay you a lump sum disablement benefit. Here’s how we work it out. 


Want to know how to make your benefit last? Speak to Health Super Financial Planning on 1300 78 02 23

some definitions we use 

Basically, if you make a claim, AIG Life will apply these definitions as stated in the Group Life Policy Document to assess your claim. 

Here they are. 

48 Securing your lifestyle 

death and disablement insurance

when you are no longer insured 

Your Health Super death and disablement insurance cover will cease on the first occurrence of any of the following specified events: 

www. healthsuper. com. au 49

‘continue to care for people important

to you...’ 

did you know? 

While income protection cover ceases at age 60, you could be eligible to make a claim before your 60th birthday that is payable for up to a 2 year period

(i.e. before you turn 62). 

income protection insurance 


on income protection for total disability 

what does total disability mean? 

This means that due to illness or injury, you are: 

50 Securing your lifestyle 

income protection insurance 

did you know? 

Your monthly income protection payment does get taxed. It is regarded as taxable income and attracts the same tax as your wages or salary. 

This ‘Pay As You Go’ (PAYG) tax is deducted from the benefit before it is paid to you. 

You will be asked to provide Health Super with your Tax File Number (TFN), otherwise Health Super will deduct PAYG tax at the highest marginal tax rate. 

receiving your income protection insurance benefits 

Here’s what happens when you make a claim. 

1 Wait 90 days

If you’re unable to work due to illness or injury, you must: 

✓ have a Medical Practitioner assess you as being totally disabled, and unable to work (see above for the definition of total disability); 

✓ wait the 90 day waiting period before you can receive any income protection benefits. 

You are permitted to return to work for up to 5 days during the waiting period without affecting the waiting period. 

2 Receive your benefits monthly 

If you are still assessed by a Medical Practitioner as totally disabled, then you will receive your first payment 1 month after the 90 day waiting period has expired. Monthly income protection benefits paid to you are increased annually either by CPI or by 10%, whichever is less. 

when will the monthly payments be reduced? 

Your monthly income protection benefit will be reduced by any income you receive or are entitled to receive in respect to your sickness or injury. This includes any: 

www. healthsuper. com. au 51 

‘get back to work sooner’ 


income protection insurance 


income protection if you are partially disabled 

The income protection policy has a partial income benefit. Just be aware that this only applies when you return to work for at least 10 out of 14 days during the waiting period. 

what does partial disability mean? 

This means you: 

52 Securing your lifestyle 


questions answered 

how to make a claim 

Depending on your claim, you may be asked to provide further medical evidence or other information, i.e. an interview, financial information, etc., to assess your claim. 

Any additional information required by AIG Life in respect to the claim will be passed onto the Trustee. Throughout the process, the Trustee will be kept informed in regards to the claims progress. 

If in the opinion of AIG Life, you are assessed as being terminally ill and not expected to live for 12 further months, then AIG Life may approve payment of your death insurance cover in advance to you. 

can I reduce or cancel my insurance? 

Yes. Just fill out the Insurance Form and send it into us. We’ll reduce or cancel your insurance from the date we receive your request. But before you make that decision, also be aware that if you wish to re-instate your insurance later, then it will be subject to satisfactory completion of the Confidential Personal Statement and underwriting conditions e.g. health history. There is no automatic acceptance. 

what happens when I submit my application for extra cover? 

When Health Super receives your Insurance Form and the Confidential Personal Statement, we will forward it to AIG Life for assessment and approval. 

Depending on the information in your Confidential Personal Statement and the level of additional cover requested, AIG Life may ask you for extra information. This may include but is not limited to: 

your questions answered 

www. healthsuper. com. au 53 


your questions answered 

‘experts are

just a phone call away’ 

how much cover is enough? 

There isn’t a hard and fast rule with this one. It really depends on you and your lifestyle. And if you’re like most people, there is a risk that you may not have enough insurance now and later on. 

The important thing is to think about the future. Just because you’re insurable now, doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be in the future.You may also have an existing policy with another provider. Look at both policies, and work out what you need. 

There might be a risk that insurance with Health Super may not provide you with the same benefits that you have available under your existing policy. Also ensure that your insurance cover with Health Super is in place before you consider cancelling your existing policy. 

Think about getting advice. This is an important decision, and Health Super recommends that you get advice from either a representative of Health Super Financial Planning or your own adviser. They will thoroughly assess your needs so you choose the right amount of insurance appropriate to your needs. 

what if I work for an affirmative action employer or a sheltered workshop? 

If you work for an affirmative action employer or a sheltered workshop, certain conditions apply. 

affirmative action employers 

For example, if you work for an employer with affirmative action policies in relation to people with HIV/AIDS; and you contract HIV or AIDS before 1 July 2004; and make a death and disablement claim as a result of having HIV/AIDS, then you will not be covered. 

These affirmative action employers include, but are not limited to, the following: AIDS Action Council of ACT, AIDS Council of Central Australia, AIDS Council of NSW, AIDS Council of Housing Action Group of Victoria, AIDS LINE Incorporated, Adelaide HIV/AIDS Counselling Team, Australia Federation of AIDS Organisations, Foley House Incorporated, National. Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS, NSW Users and AIDS Association, Queensland AIDS Council, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Forum, QUIVVA, Tasmanian AIDS Council, The Australian AIDS Fund Incorporated, Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre, and Western Australian AIDS Council. 

sheltered workshop 

If you have a disability (either or both of a physical or intellectual nature); and work for a sheltered workshop or in an arrangement similar to a sheltered workshop, then you will not be covered for income protection at all.You should notify us immediately to opt out of income protection so we can stop deducting premiums. 

These employers include, but are not limited to, the following: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Council of ACT, AIDS Council of Central Australia, AIDS Council of NSW, AIDS Council of Victoria, Nadrasca Incorporated, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Scope (Victoria), and Yooralla Society of Victoria. 

54 Securing your lifestyle 


understanding investment terms 


absolute return funds 


asset allocation asset class 




default investment strategy derivative 


fixed interest securities growth assets 


interest-bearing assets 


also known as hedge funds, aim to provide absolute returns by operating in a variety of investment markets and are able to use a variety of non-traditional investment strategies to produce those returns. 

a resource, such as real property, cash, shares etc, belonging to a person, company, individual business or other party with the aim of producing future economic gain, such as income or capital gain. 

dividing investments across the different asset classes. 

a broadly defined category of financial assets. The seven major asset classes are cash, property, Australian and international fixed interest securities, Australian shares and international shares. 

a fixed-interest security, bonds are issued to investors by corporations, government and semi-government authorities, in return for cash. Bonds are considered to be relatively safe investments. 

a major asset class. This can include bank bills and treasury notes, as well as cash in the bank. Considered to be the least risky asset class for investment. 

a type of secured loan that is issued by companies to provide an income stream for assets of that company. Debentures generally raise money for 2 to 5 years. 

This is the investment strategy that applies to those members who DO NOT make an active investment choice. 

a financial contract that derives its value from an underlying security (like a share), liability or the index. Examples of derivatives include forwards, futures, options, share ratios, warrants and swaps. 

a risk management strategy where investments are spread across the asset classes, within asset classes and across Investment Managers. 

one of the seven major asset classes. Includes bonds, bank bills and debentures. 

a general term for assets such as shares, property and absolute return funds, which provide investment returns that outperform inflation over the medium to long term. 

refers to the increase in the general price of goods and services in the economy, measured in terms of movement in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). 

a general term for assets such as fixed interest and cash which represent borrowed funds, which are repaid with interest. 

this usually refers to a collection of investments of a particular Fund or Investment Manager. 

www. healthsuper. com. au 55 

56 Securing your lifestyle 





socially responsible investments 

switching time horizon volatility 

a major asset class. Includes investing in commercial, industrial and residential real estate. A growth asset which, over the long term, has generated higher returns than cash or fixed interest securities, but can also be volatile. 

the amount of money earned or lost in relation to a capital amount invested after fees and taxes are deducted – usually expressed as a percentage. 

the probability that actual returns will be different to the expected return. Generally, assets that carry a higher level of risk will provide higher returns over the long term. 

a security issued by a company to raise the capital it needs to fund a new business or to grow its current business. Also known as equities or stocks. Shares are a growth asset which can carry a higher degree of risk than other asset classes. 

investment in carefully selected companies that materially do not operate in the gambling, tobacco, alcohol, logging, etc industries, or do operate in environmentally beneficial technologies, recycling, education etc. Three Fund Managers have been appointed to carefully choose all socially responsible investments through a strict positive and negative screening process. 

a facility by which a member can move assets into different investment choice options. 

the number of years over which you will be investing. This includes years to retirement and years in retirement. 

the extent of fluctuation in share prices, exchange rates, interest rates, etc. Volatility is also used as to measure risk. 

about AIG Life - our new insurer 

Your insurance is with one of the world’s leading international insurance and financial services organisations - American International Group Inc. (AIG). As the world’s largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance, AIG and its member companies provide general and life insurance products for individuals, organisations and businesses in approximately 130 countries and jurisdictions around the globe. 

AIG Life is the trading name of American International Assurance Company (Australia) Limited (ABN 79 004 837 861 AFS Licence No. 230043).When dealing with AIG Life you have the confidence knowing you are dealing with the only AAA ‘insurer financial strength’ rated life insurance company in Australia as awarded by Standard & Poor’s (since July 1997). AIG Life is not owned by the banks. 

The insurance cover operates through a group life policy issued by AIG Life to Health Super for the benefit of members of Health Super Fund and subject to the policy conditions. 

To obtain a copy of the policy document, please call 1800 33 17 19. 

privacy policy 

When you join, your employer gives us your contact details, date of birth and Tax File Number. In accordance with the Privacy Act, we then use that information to: 

set up and maintain your account;

process contributions;

pay you;

correspond with your by email or letter;

research for any unclaimed benefits you may have; keep you informed; 

conduct research and get views on our services, existing and new products. Health Super’s Privacy Policy can be viewed at Should you 

wish to access the details of your personal information, or raise any concerns you may have about Health Super’s handling of your personal information, contact Health Super’s Privacy Officer on 1800 33 17 19. 

how we handle your enquiries and complaints 

need an interpreter? 

Call 1800 33 17 19, quote your Member Number and your preferred language and we will have someone return your call. 


quality certified 

In 1997, Health Super was the first superannuation organisation in Australasia to obtain certification under the ISO 9002 (now ISO 9001:2000) International Quality Accreditation Standards.

We have successfully retained this certification ever since

(QMS no. A/95086) 

www. healthsuper. com. au 57 

HS_PDS 05/04 0461 

general enquiries 

will be acted on immediately 

detailed enquiries 

we require your detailed query or complaint in writing 

If we do not respond within 90 days or you are dissatisfied with the final decision, you may apply in writing to: 

The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Locked Mailbag 3060, GPO Melbourne 

VIC 3001. 

Call 1300 88 41 14 for more information. 


at your fingertips 


Email via 


Superline freecall 

1800 33 17 19 

Fax (03) 9813 3392 

contact us 

Manager Superannuation Services

Health Super Pty Ltd ABN 97 084 162 489 Trustee of the 

Health Super Fund 


697 Burke Road

(Locked Bag 27) Camberwell VIC 3124 Telephone (03) 9811 9444 

New South Wales 

PO Box 1611

Rozelle NSW 2039 Telephone (02) 9818 3012 

South Australia 

PO Box 2064

Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone (08) 8351 8511 



Health Super Pty Ltd ABN 97 084 162 489, AFSL No, 246 492 is the Corporate Trustee which administers the Health Super Fund under the

Health Super Fund’s Trust Deed. Health Super Pty Ltd, and the operations of the Fund are governed by the Superannuation Industry (Superannuation) Act 1993 and the Corporations Act 2001


The information provided in this Product Disclosure Statement is of a general nature only, and sets out the main features of the Health Super Fund. You should consider this Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision about whether to acquire the product.

This advice has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situations or needs. Past investment performance is no guarantee of similar future returns. 

This booklet is intended as a guide only. All death, disablement and income protection provided to members in accordance with the Policy Documents agreed to between Health Super and AIG Life. Health Super reserves the right to replace the Group Life Policy with AIG Life and to alter the terms and conditions of the Policy, including cover and premiums.

If you have any questions about insurance, please call Health Super on 1800 33 17 19

I wrote Sheena jack

From: Subject: 

Date: To: 


Rich McLean ATTSheenajack-youandHCFdonothaveimpunityfromtheCircuitCourtofAustralia,Datesofthecreationforyour PDFs that you have no evidence were sent to me

8 November 2021 at 6:36 pm

Life Feedback,, LifeClaims, The HCF Team

Richard McLean 

`Dear Giotta

...and Sheena jack, 

Regarding the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and the cross institutional framing maiming and desecration of my self my money my job my rights and my agency and voice as a human being, 

I warn you today 08/11/2021 

I warn you I have a PhD and am utterly capable now I am better off to see this through all on my own such is my evidence; yet I will engage litigation 

I’ll simply feed them facts like the above and the recordings and the ample other evidence and let them stitch you up 

A man has no mercy for those that acted with congruence to kill him

You will be held accountable

(Or a conciliation is welcomed - I’ll let you choose a mediator)

I expect this answer no later than next Friday COB - let this be fair warning to you all 

In regard to the PDS’s you ‘apparently’ sent to me when you agreed to accept my money in exchange for insurance: 

This document was Created on 12th of April

I joined the year beforte

You are really digging yourself in deep now amenity you? 




In addiction this policy, which you have no evidence was sent to me before it could be created on 12th April 2021 then modified later that day 

Which of course means that for the circuit court of Australia, I have 120-0% certifiable evidence that HCF: 

1. Acted in congruence with AFCA and others in systemic oppression to maim and desecrate me financially

2. That the creation date of these documents you claimed to send me back in 2020 would have been impossible 3. There is still no evidence that I left work because a prior existing condition

4. You and others may very well be held in litigious terms of your role in being a pawn in the veneer of the movement to desecrate me and maim me in all ways

5. In actual fact, when HCF and AFCA and The Banks and The Magistrate and others who amplified my stressors with the sexual abuse case I valiantly fought but was unaware I was being set up in...that is utterly provable.

6. A conspiracy to manslaughter from systemic oppression is coming

7. In fact - they attempted to prejudice me - as you have - by labelling me ‘psychotic’ but as you will see in the federal circuit court of Australia - that no delusions nor psychosis were present.

8. It was a sane reaction to stressors that were real including the prejudice and greedy co-conspiracy HCF had with other agencies

9. It is just as well I am alive - because you will now have to acknowledge your role in my killing / murder / manslaughter 

I am extremely serious when I speak of this litigious action I will take against you - and you do not even know why the original framing maiming and desecration even happened - you were just tapped on the shoulder and all to ready to prejudice someone through already existing prejudices that exist in society. 

This will be your downfall. 

As well of course - and the inaccurate and forged documents you claimed to send to me. 

Who ever did that - is in extremely serious trouble 

May I ask who author L37 is now - because it will come out in court. 

Also to come out will be the audio recordings of you ‘kicking the can down the road’ with Shannon Brooks and others - mere pawns paid by the man to tow the party line that resulted in my murder 

Do you really think its possible to die in a public hospital? 

I suggest you come back to me and offer a tidy sum or else not only will I gain the money you owe me, but I will utilise all the evidence I have to litigate against the cruel and inhumane and downright cowardly actions who are all at HCF - yes the minions and pawns and also the management and CEO 

Please forward this to them. 

Have a lovely day. 

RM ‘



Dr Rich McLean

I was murdered and survived - now they silence the justice for the murder and ‘fatal’ injury in hospital, from my flesh and blood to the ombudsman...I am presently systemically oppressed the movement to successfully desecrate me aid and abet my death 

No Dr or care

No one I cant trust

No one has my back

No voice or rights or litigation

No money & robbed of prosperity and heinously maimed & framed 

No money & robbed of prosperity and heinously maimed & framed 

I’m not a rapist extortionist pedo murderer or fucked a chicken; I’ve been framed prejudiced against judged oppressed and scapegoated personally publicly & professionally 

Whistleblower - you cannot take my soul 

The AHRC now respond to me after my 1.5 million dollar settlement was pre kicked to the opposition. Caroline Tjoa is the person who is the ‘Delegate to the President’


Attorney general Michaelia Cash wont respond to my 2 million loss at AFCA where I was also banned and the AHRC where Lost 1.5 million dollars and then onto the AAT where I predicted I would lose. It is signed by a non - person. The current attorney general Mark Dreyfus won’t respond to me.


Nice work Bizcover you get insurance in case your business is damaged. How is it you rejected every single thing I ever claimed for?

Level 2, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Nice Work 

You're covered!

Dear Rich Mclean 

Good news. Your Professional Indemnity & Public Liability with Vero is now in place. 

Policy Number Policy


Insurance Period 


PI & PL ‐ Vero

Professional Indemnity $5,000,000

Public Liability $20,000,000

For the period: 4.00pm Local Standard Time on 06 October 2020 to 4.00pm Local Standard Time on 06 October 2021 

Also attached are all the official documents: 

Your Declarations

Your Policy Schedule

The Policy Wording

The Terms and Conditions 

All your business details that you supplied to us are included in the "Your Declarations" section. We recommend that you carefully check these details, and if anything is wrong, incomplete or out‐of‐date please let us know soon and we will make any changes that are needed. 

Like all other insurances, your cover is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy wording and whilst we have worked hard to assist you it is very important that you read these Ts and Cs, understand your cover and ensure that this cover suits the needs of you and your business. 

If you need any changes or need a hand with something made please let us know as soon as possible. You can reach us on 1300 249 268 or drop us a line at and we will be happy to help you. 

Thanks for choosing BizCover, we appreciate your business. 

Yours Sincerely 

Michael Gottlieb 

BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769).

Mail to: Level 2, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

T: 1300 249 268 (1300 BIZCOVER) E: 

Our Terms and Conditions 

It is very important that you read these terms and conditions as they set out the arrangements between us. 

Duty of Disclosure Notice 

Before you enter into an insurance contract you have a duty to tell the insurer anything that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, may affect its decision to insure you and on what terms. 

You have this duty until the insurer agrees to insure you. 

You have the same duty before you renew, extend, vary or reinstate an insurance contract. 

You do not need to tell the insurer anything that: 

reduces the risk it insures you for;

is of common knowledge;

it knows or should know as an insurer; or it waives your duty to tell it about. 

If you do not tell the insurer something 

If you do not tell the insurer anything you are required to, it may cancel your insurance contract or reduce the amount it will pay you if you make a claim, or both. 

If your failure to tell the insurer is fraudulent, it may refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if it never existed. 

Claims Made & Notified Policy Notice – Relevant if

you purchase a Professional indemnity, Cyber liability, IT liability or Management Liability Insurance policy or where otherwise noted in the policy wording. 

The proposed insurance is issued on a ‘claims made and notified’ basis as specified in the policy wording. This means that the policy responds to claims first made against the insured during the policy period and notified to the insurer during that policy period. Refer to the policy wording for full details. 

Under Section 40(3) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) if the insured gives notice in writing to the insurer of facts that might give rise to a claim against the insured as soon as reasonably practicable after the insured became aware of those facts but before the insurance cover provided by the policy expires, the insurer is not relieved of liability under the policy in respect of the claim, when made, by reason only that it was made after the expiration of the period of the insurance cover provided by the policy. 

If during the policy period you become aware of circumstances which a reasonable person in your position would consider may give rise to

a claim, and which you fail to notify to the insurer during the policy period, the insurer may not cover you under the policy or a subsequent policy for any claim which arises from these circumstances. 

When completing the application, and at subsequent renewals, you are obliged to report and provide full details of all circumstances of which you are aware and which a reasonable person in your position would consider may give rise to a claim. 

It is important that you make proper disclosure (see Duty of Disclosure Notice, above) so that your cover under any policy is not compromised. 

Retroactive Liability 

The proposed insurance may be limited by a retroactive date either stated in the schedule or endorsed onto the policy. Where the cover provided by the proposed policy is subject to such a retroactive date, then the policy does not cover any claim arising from an actual or alleged act, error, omission or conduct occurring prior 

to such retroactive date. 

Agency Notice 

In effecting this insurance BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769) will be acting under an authority given to it by the insurer and will be effecting the contract as agent of the insurer and not the insured. 

General Advice Warning 

We do not recommend an insurance policy for you, we only offer the policies available to us from the insurers listed on our website. Any advice provided is General Advice only. 

General Advice is advice that has been prepared without considering your current objectives, financial situation or needs. 

Therefore, before acting on this advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your current objectives, financial situation or needs. If the advice provided relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a new insurance policy you should read the Product Disclosure Statement and/ 

or Policy Wording (available on our website) before making any decision about whether to acquire such a financial product. 

Renewing the Policy (including Auto-Renewal) 

We will send you notification of whether the insurer is prepared to negotiate to renew the policy and if so, on what terms, at least 14 days before the expiry date of your policy. 

Unless we require a new proposal or declaration from you to determine your premium or decide to offer renewal (we will tell you by email if this is the case), the renewal notice will show the premium for the new period of insurance and may also include notice of any changes to the terms of your policy. 

If you wish to take up such a renewal offer and you are happy the information is accurate and you have no further disclosure to make to insurers under your duty of disclosure (see Duty of Disclosure Notice, above), you will not have to do anything and if we do not hear from you 7 days before the expiry of your current period 

BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL No 501769).

Mail to: Level 2, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 | T: 1300 249 268 (1300 BIZCOVER) | E: BC1612 07/20 

of insurance we will automatically deduct / charge the renewal premium from your account / credit or debit card. If you do not wish to take up the renewal offer you must contact us before we deduct this payment which will be within the week before your policy expires. 

When you receive a renewal offer, you must tell us before expiry if the information contained in it is incorrect or incomplete and make such additional disclosure to us as is required pursuant to your duty

of disclosure. We will then consider the additional information and whether and on what terms we are able to arrange for policy renewal. 

If we are not able to automatically renew your policy we will send you an email notification for you to either complete your renewal online or to contact us. Please ensure you keep us updated of any change to your email address. 

Commission and Fees 

For each insurance product the insurer will charge you a premium. We receive from the insurer a commission that is a percentage of this premium, varying between 0% and 30%. 

We also charge per policy a platform fee of $20 to $200 (ex. GST) for the policies we arrange. This fee relates to the delivery of the service from BizCover to you including but not limited to the provision and maintenance of the technology platform and the services provided by BizCover’s consulting and administrative personnel. It is calculated based on factors including the work involved, the nature of your business and the product selected. 

If you elect to pay your premium by monthly instalments, we will also charge you an instalment administration charge of $8 per month (ex. GST). 

If you pay by credit or debit card we may charge you a card (including arrangement & handling) fee. This fee covers the cost of bank charges etc. associated with such facilities. 

All fees payable for services will be advised to you separately from your premium on the invoices we provide. 

Policy Cancellation 

You may cancel your policy at any time by providing written notice to us. The insurer may cancel your policy in accordance with the Insurance Contracts Act, 1984 (Cth). 

BizCover Remuneration Rights on Policy Cancellation 

On cancellation of any insurance policy effected through BizCover, unless the cancellation takes place within any applicable cooling off period, you agree that the commission and any fees paid to BizCover are non refundable to you and may be deducted by BizCover from any refund otherwise payable by the insurer to 

you on cancellation of the policy, irrespective of any terms to the contrary in the policy. 

Privacy Collection Notice 

We generally collect personal information from you or through service providers that act for us. However, there may be occasions when we collect it from someone else where they hold relevant information. 

We will use your personal information for the purposes for which

it was collected (usually to arrange a quote for insurance or an insurance policy for you; assist you with any claims you may make; or to contact you), other related purposes and for the other purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy. 

You may choose not to give us your personal information, but this may affect our ability to provide you with a product or service, including arranging a quote for insurance or an insurance policy for you, communicate with you or respond to your enquiries. 

We may disclose your personal information to insurers, our service providers our referral partners (if you purchased through us as a result of referral) and other parties, as detailed in our Privacy Policy. 

For more details on what personal information we collect, how we collect it and from whom, and how we hold, use and disclose your personal information please refer to our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy also provides information about how you can access your personal information, seek correction of it and complain about a breach of privacy law and how we will deal with such a complaint. 

You can access our Privacy Policy at or you can contact us and request a copy be sent to you. 

By mail: 

Privacy Officer

BizCover Pty Ltd

Level 2, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 

By email: 

Dispute Resolution 

We have complaint handling and internal dispute resolution procedures in place. This service is available to you free of

charge. Clients who are not satisfied with our services may

contact our Customer Resolution Officer on 1300 249 268 or to raise any concerns they have. We will respond to your complaint within fifteen (15) working days and if you are not satisfied with our answer and request us 

to do so, we will treat your complaint as a dispute. The matter will then be referred to our internal disputes resolution officer and they will respond to you within fifteen (15) working days. If you are still not happy with the outcome you may be able to have your matter considered by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides a free and independent dispute resolution service for consumers who have general insurance disputes falling within its terms of reference. 

Determinations of AFCA are binding on us but are not binding on you. Contact details for AFCA are: 

Phone: 1800 931 678


Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001 Website: 

Disclosure relating to Hollard International BV 

Hollard International BV is a shareholder in BizCover and via a related party, The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Limited, sells (non-retail) insurance policies through the brand RelyOn via the BizCover platform. 

BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL No 501769).

Mail to: Level 2, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 | T: 1300 249 268 (1300 BIZCOVER) | E: BC1612 07/20 

Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability For healthcare establishments and health professionals 

Your Declarations 

What you told us on 29 Sep 2020 

It is important that you check the information you have given us and notify us of any changes or corrections. This is an important part of your duty of disclosure. 

What is your occupation? 

Business address: 

Total Number of Staff (including Directors, Partners and Employees)? 

As at today's date does the insured have Professional Indemnity Insurance currently in force that has been paid for? 

Estimated Annual Revenue

Who is your current Professional Indemnity insurer? 

Please specify your revenue by business activity: Aged and/or Disability Care Worker

Art psychotherapy/Art therapy 

Are you appropriately qualified and/or have you completed the appropriate training to perform this activity? 

In the last 10 years, have any claims for a breach of professional duty been made against the Business, it's predecessors in business or it's current or former partners/principals/directors or employees? 

After enquiry, are you aware of any circumstances which may result in a claim against the business or any of its Partners, Principals, Directors or employees? 

Do you perform any medical treatments or procedures that are required to be undertaken by a qualified medical practitioner? 

Would you like to note your landlord on the Public Liability section of your Policy? In the last 10 years, has your business or you or any partner or director: 

Had any business insurance/liability claims?

Had any insurance declined or cancelled?

Suffered any loss or damage which would have been covered by the proposed insurance policy?

Been convicted of any criminal offence?

Been liable for any civil offence or pecuniary penalties?

Been declared bankrupt or involved in a business which became insolvent? 


You agree that: 

Aged and/or Disability Care Worker

2 Mccubbin Street, FOOTSCRAY, VIC 3011 1 



Insured through BizCover 

50% 50% 

Yes No 


No No 


Rich Mclean Owner 29/9/2020 

deciding to purchase. 


On‐line Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy Schedule (Effective Date: 06 Oct 2020) 



Broker Name: 

Broker Address: Health Care Services: 

Policy Period: 

Premium: GST:

Stamp Duty: Total: 

Indemnity Limit:

Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity: Basis of Limit:


Retroactive Date: Policy Form: Extensions: 

Optional Extensions: 

Sub‐Limits & Excesses: Endorsements: 



BizCover Pty Limited

Level 2, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 

Aged and/or Disability Care Worker Art psychotherapy/Art therapy 

From 06 October 2020 4 pm (Local Standard Time) To 06 October 2021 4 pm (Local Standard Time) 

$320.00 $32.00 $35.20 

$387.20 $5,000,000 

$15,000,000 Costs In Addition 


Inquiry Costs Excess: $250 Public Liability Excess: $500 Products Liability Excess: $500 

Unlimited , excluding known claims and circumstances

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice V8459 12‐16 (01‐08‐19_A) 

Compensation for court attendance, Continuous Cover, Dishonesty of Employees and Principals / Medicare benefits fraud, Extended Reporting Period, Former Subsidiary, Good Samaritans Act,Inquiry Costs (Sub‐limit: $500,000),Joint Venture Liability,Legal Consultation,Lost Documents (Sub‐limit: $500,000),Molestation Defence costs and inquiry costs ($50,000 sub‐limit), Newly Created or Acquired Subsidiary,Public Relations Expenses (Sub‐limit: $50,000),Run Off Cover,Sixty Day Reporting Period,Spousal Liability,Statutory Liability (sublimit: $50,000) , Student, volunteers, committee members and council members, Vicarious Liability for medical practitioners and locum tenens 

Sub‐Limit : Included Public and Products Liability Limit of Indemnity : $20,000,000 

Inquiry Costs: $500,000; Excess: as per Policy excess 

Abuse Exclusion with Defence Costs and Inquiry Costs Write‐back Endorsement 


Extension 7.11 'Molestation defence costs and inquiry costs' of the Policy is deleted in its 



The following is added as an Exclusion in Section 2 of the Exclusions to the Policy

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of: 

(a) actual or alleged abuse; or 

(b) any redress scheme or other arrangement established for victims of abuse; or 

(c) any actual or alleged failure to detect, act upon or prevent abuse. 

The Insurer will not defend any action, suit or proceedings, nor advance Defence Costs or Inquiry Costs in relation to any matter listed above. 


Notwithstanding section A 'Abuse Exclusion', the Insurer will indemnify the Insured for: 

A. Defence Costs arising from; and 

B. Inquiry Costs in respect of, 

alleged abuse, but not abuse allegedly perpetrated by: 

1. any person performing any volunteer service for or on behalf of the Insured; or 

2. any person the Insured knew or ought reasonably to have known had previously: 

2.1 committed abuse; or 

2.2 been convicted of abuse; or 

2.3 been the subject of a prior complaint in respect of abuse, 

provided that: 

(a) such indemnity is subject to the written consent of the Insurer prior to the incurring of the Defence Costs or Inquiry Costs

(b) this Extension will not respond to assist any Insured who has admitted verbally or in writing to the conduct as alleged or who by act or omission condoned such conduct; and 

(c) the total liability of the Insurer for all Defence Costs and Inquiry Costs under this Extension will not exceed $100,000 in the aggregate during the Policy Period. Any Inquiry Costs paid under this Extension shall be deducted from, and are not in addition to, the 'Inquiry Costs Limit' specified in the Schedule applicable to extension 7.7 'Inquiry Costs'. 

Further provided that in respect of Inquiry Costs:

(d) the notice requiring the Insured's response or attendance is first received by the 

Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period;

(e) such response or attendance arises directly from conduct allegedly committed by the 

Legal Advisor Named Firm: 

View Legal Consultation Hotline Details here: 

Insured in the course of conducting the Healthcare Services;

(f) the Insurer is entitled, at its discretion, to appoint legal representation to represent 

the Insured at the inquiry or hearing; and

(g) regular or overtime wages, salaries or fees of the Insured are excluded from this 


Notwithstanding extension 7.18 'Students, volunteers, committee members and council members', the definition of Employee shall not include any Volunteer when this Extension applies. 

For the purposes of this Extension, the definition of Employee is amended to include any past and/or present Student, but only in their capacity as such. 


For the purposes of clarification, under this Endorsement, 'abuse' includes, but is not limited to: 

i. any verbal, non‐verbal, mental or physical abuse of any person;

ii. sexual abuse, sexual assault, acts of indecency, sexual harassment or molestation; 

iii. neglect, deprivation, bullying, physical interference with any person or assault of any kind; 

iv. any verbal or non‐verbal communication, behaviour or conduct with, or having, a sexual connotation; 

v. any verbal or non‐verbal communication, behaviour or conduct intended to harass, abuse or humiliate, including but not limited to hazing. 

Healthcare Services Amendment Endorsement 

The Healthcare Services described in the Schedule are amended to include:

and any associated training activities.

Carer Outdoor Activity Exclusion Endorsement

The following is added as an Exclusion in Section 2 of the Exclusions to the Policy: 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any patient participation in outdoor, dangerous or physically strenuous activities, other than the below‐listed activities (including transportation to and from such activities): 

a) attending medical or healthcare appointments; 

b) attending gyms, swimming pools, or similare facilities, solely for purposes as directed by a medical or healthcare professional; 

c) trips to shops, cafes, restaurants, movies or parks; d) visiting other people in their place of residence.‐consultation‐hotline‐ details.pdf 

AAI Limited 

Liability & Profin Notification Centre GPO Box 346

Sydney NSW 2001

Fax: 1300 066 150 


Signed for and on behalf of AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Vero Insurance Issued in Sydney on 29 Sep 2020 

Claims Notification address and facsimile: 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability For healthcare establishments and health professionals 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy 

Introduction 1 Policy wording 1 1. Insuring clause 1 2. Limit of indemnity and maximum aggregate limit of indemnity 1 3. Defence costs 1 4. Excess 1 5. Aggregation of claims and notices 1 6. Insurance clarification 2 

6.1 Consumer Protection Legislation 2 6.2 Contractual liability 2 6.3 Intellectual property 2 6.4 Libel or slander 2 6.5 Liability for acts, errors or omissions of contractors and consultants 2 6.6 Privacy complaints 2 

7. Extensions 2 

7.1 Compensation for court attendance 2 7.2 Continuous cover 2 7.3 Dishonesty of employees and principals/Medicare benefits fraud 3 7.4 Extended reporting period 3 7.5 Former subsidiary 3 7.6 Good samaritan acts 3 7.7 Inquiry costs 3 7.8 Joint venture liability 4 7.9 Legal consultation 4 7.10 Lost documents 4 7.11 Molestation defence costs and inquiry costs 4 7.12 Newly created or acquired subsidiary 5 7.13 Public relations expenses 5 7.14 Run off cover 5 7.15 Sixty day reporting period 5 7.16 Spousal liability 5 7.17 Statutory liability 6 7.18 Students, volunteers, committee members and council members 6 7.19 Vicarious liability for medical practitioners and locum tenens 6 

8. Optional extension 6 

8.1 Public and Products Liability (claims made basis) 6 8.1.1 Section A – Public liability 6 8.1.2 Section B – Products liability 7 8.1.3 Limit of indemnity and defence costs 8 8.1.4 General exclusions (applicable to Sections A and B) 8 8.1.5 General conditions (applicable to Section A and B) 9 8.1.6 Definitions 9 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 i 

9. Exclusions 10 

9.1 Section 1 10 

9.2 Section 2 10 

10. Claims conditions 11. General conditions 12. Definitions Notices 

11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 17 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 



Please read the policy carefully to ensure that it meets your requirements. It is written on a claims made and notified basis, which means that, subject to the ‘Continuous Cover’ clause, it will only respond to claims first made against the insured and notified to the insurer during the policy period. 

Any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached shall bear that specific meaning wherever it may appear. 

You received important notices about your duty of disclosure, unusual terms in medical malpractice insurance policies and our privacy statement prior to purchasing this policy.The notices are replicated at the back of this document for your reference. 

Policy wording 

The Policyholder and the Insurer agree that the Insurer will provide insurance in accordance with the terms of this Policy

1. Insuring clause 

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any Claim first made against the Insured during the Policy Period and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period resulting from the conduct of the Healthcare Services

2. Limit of indemnity and maximum aggregate limit of indemnity 

The liability of the Insurer for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any one Claim first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity

The aggregate liability of the Insurer under this Policy will not exceed the Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity for all Claims first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period

3. Defence costs 

If the ‘Basis of Limit’ in the Schedule is specified as ‘Costs in Addition’, the Insurer will, in addition to the Limit of Indemnity, pay Defence Costs for Claims covered under this Policy, provided that if the total amount of compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses required to dispose of any one Claim exceeds the Limit of Indemnity, the liability of the Insurer for Defence Costs shall be only that proportion of them that the Limit of Indemnity bears to the total amount of compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses required to dispose of the Claim

If the ‘Basis of Limit’ in the Schedule is specified as ‘Costs Inclusive’, the Insurer will pay Defence Costs for Claims covered under this Policy, provided that the liability of the Insurer for compensation, claimant’s costs and expenses and Defence Costs in respect of any one Claim shall not exceed the Limit of Indemnity and the liability of the Insurer for compensation, claimant’s costs and expenses and Defence Costs in respect of all Claims shall not exceed the Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity

4. Excess 

If the Excess is specified as ‘Costs Inclusive’ in the Schedule, the Principal Policyholder must pay the amount of any compensation, claimant’s costs and expenses or Defence Costs that are collectively less than the Excess for any one Claim. The Insurer has no liability for the amount of compensation, claimant’s costs and expenses or Defence Costs that is less than the Excess for any one Claim

If the Excess is specified as ‘Costs Exclusive’ in the Schedule, the Excess does not apply to Defence Costs but the Principal Policyholder must pay the amount of any compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses that are collectively less than the Excess for any one Claim. The Insurer has no liability for the amount of compensation or claimant’s costs and expenses that is less than the Excess for any one Claim

The Excess is deducted from compensation, claimant’s costs and expenses or Defence Costs payable before the application of the Limit of Indemnity

The Principal Policyholder must pay the amount of any Inquiry Costs that is less than the Excess for any one notice. The Excess is deducted from Inquiry Costs payable before the application of the ‘Inquiry Costs Limit’ specified in the Schedule.The Insurer has no liability for the amount of Inquiry Costs that is less than the Excess for any one notice. 

The Principal Policyholder agrees that the Excess must be borne by the Principal Policyholder and is to remain uninsured. 

5. Aggregation of claims and notices 

All Claims arising out of, based upon, attributable to or in respect of a single act, error or omission or series of acts, errors or omissions consequent upon or attributable to one source or original cause shall be considered to be one Claim and shall attract one Limit of Indemnity and one Excess

For the purposes of extension 7.7 ‘Inquiry Costs’, all notices arising out of, based upon, attributable to or in respect of any one inquiry or hearing shall be considered to be one notice and shall attract one Excess

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 1 

6. Insurance clarification 

For the purposes of clarifying the scope of cover under 1. ’Insuring Clause’ of this Policy, civil liability includes: 6.1 Consumer Protection Legislation 

Claims for civil liability for compensation resulting from breach of a statutory duty under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) or similar legislation enacted for the protection of consumers, within any Australian jurisdiction including any amendment, consolidation or re–enactment of such legislation, to the extent that such Claims are not otherwise excluded under this Policy

6.2 Contractual liability 

Contractual liability, provided that: 

6.3 Intellectual property 

Infringement of rights of intellectual property, provided that the act, error or omission by the Insured is unintentional and is committed in the conduct of the Healthcare Services

6.4 Libel or slander 

Libel or slander, provided that: 

6.5 Liability for acts, errors or omissions of contractors and consultants 

Acts, errors or omissions of contractors and consultants, provided that the Insurer will only indemnify the Insured for its civil liability for the Healthcare Services provided by the contractor and/or consultant. Indemnity will not extend to the contractor and/or consultant who committed the act, error or omission. 

6.6 Privacy complaints 

Unintentional breach of any duty of confidentiality owed to a patient arising at law or any unintentional breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW), Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) or Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 or similar privacy legislation in Australia or New Zealand. 

7. Extensions 

These ‘Extensions’ are subject to all the terms of the Policy, unless otherwise stated.The total of all payments made under the ‘Extensions’ will be part of and not in addition to the Limit of Indemnity and the Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity, unless otherwise stated. 

7.1 Compensation for court attendance 

The Insurer will pay the Policyholder compensation if legal advisers, acting on behalf of the Insured with the consent of the Insurer, require any Principal or Employee to attend court as a witness in connection with a Claim covered under this Policy first made and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period, but only in circumstances where the Policyholder actually pays the Principal or Employee for their time. Such compensation by the Insurer will be at the rate equivalent to such Principal’s or Employee’s daily take home salary or wage up to a maximum of $250 per person for each day on which attendance is required subject to a maximum of $10,000 for all persons for any one Claim

7.2 Continuous cover 

Where the Insured

then exclusion 9.1.1 ‘Prior Claims or Known Circumstances’ will not apply to any notification during the Policy Period of any Claim resulting from such facts or circumstances, provided that: 

(a) there is an absence of fraudulent non compliance with the Insured’s duty of disclosure and an absence of fraudulent misrepresentation by the Insured in respect of such facts or circumstances; and 

(b) the Policyholder has been continuously insured, without interruption at the time of the notification of the Claim to the Insurer, under a professional indemnity policy issued by the Insurer and was insured by the Insurer at the time when the Insured first became aware of such facts or circumstances; and 

(c) the Insurer may reduce its liability under the Policy to the extent of any prejudice the Insurer may suffer in connection with the Insured’s failure to notify the facts or circumstances giving rise to a Claim prior to the Policy Period

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 2 

7.3 Dishonesty of employees and principals/Medicare benefits fraud 

The Insurer will, notwithstanding exclusion 9.2.5 ‘Dishonest, Fraudulent or Criminal Acts’, indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any Claim first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period resulting from any dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission, including but not limited to Medicare Benefits Fraud by any Employee or Principal occurring or committed in connection with the Healthcare Services

The Insurer will pay Defence Costs on the basis already set out in this Policy

Nothing in this extension shall require the Insurer to indemnify any Employee or Principal who has perpetrated any such dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission or any Insured who by act or omission has condoned any such dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious act or omission. 

7.4 Extended reporting period 

In the event that this Policy is neither renewed nor replaced at the end of the Policy Period with insurance that covers substantially the same risk exposure as this Policy, the Principal Policyholder will be entitled to purchase an extended reporting period of 365 days. 

The Principal Policyholder will not be entitled to purchase an extended reporting period if the Policyholder is Insolvent during the Policy Period

The extended reporting period begins immediately following the expiry of the Policy Period and ends on the earlier of 4.p.m. L.S.T. on the three hundred and sixty fifth day thereafter, or at the time on the effective date on which the Policyholder obtains insurance that covers substantially the same risk exposure as this Policy

The additional premium for the extended reporting period will be 100% of the Full Annual Premium. If the extended reporting period ends because the Policyholder obtains insurance that covers substantially the same risk exposure as this Policy then the Insurer will retain a short term premium calculated at the pro rata proportion of the additional premium plus ten percent and the Principal Policyholder will receive a refund of any balance of the premium, unless there have been any notifications during the Policy Period or the extended reporting period, in which case no refund shall be given. 

The entitlement to purchase the extended reporting period lapses upon expiry of the Policy Period

The application to purchase the extended reporting period must be received by the Insurer prior to the expiry of the Policy Period, and payment of the additional premium must be made to the Insurer within thirty days of the same date. 

During the extended reporting period the Insured may continue to notify the Insurer of Claims, but only

Claims based on any act, error or omission committed or alleged to have been committed prior to expiry of the Policy Period

Any notification to the Insurer during this extended reporting period will be deemed to have been first notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period

7.5 Former subsidiary 

The indemnity provided by 1. ‘Insuring Clause’ is extended to cover the conduct of the Healthcare Services by any former Subsidiary of the Policyholder that is specified in the Proposal, provided that such indemnity shall only apply in respect of civil liability arising out of any act, error or omission occurring prior to the date such Subsidiary ceased to be a Subsidiary of the Policyholder

The Insurer will pay Defence Costs on the basis already set out in this Policy. 7.6 Good samaritan acts 

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of Claims first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period resulting from the rendering of or failure to render first aid and assistance in an emergency situation or accident, except when such Insured is engaged in a professional capacity by another person or entity. In the event of a conflict between this extension and exclusion 9.2.3 ‘Childbirth,’ this extension shall apply. 

7.7 Inquiry costs 

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured for Inquiry Costs, provided that: 

If there is an entitlement to indemnity for Inquiry Costs for an inquiry or hearing under extension 7.11 ‘Molestation Defence Costs and Inquiry Costs’ then there is no entitlement to indemnity for Inquiry Costs in respect of that inquiry or hearing under this extension. 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 3 

7.8 Joint venture liability 

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any Claim first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period resulting from the Policyholder’s participation in any joint venture in connection with the Healthcare Services provided that: 

The Insurer will pay Defence Costs on the basis already set out in this Policy. 7.9 Legal consultation 

The Policyholder is entitled to up to two hours legal advice from the ‘Legal Adviser’ specified in the Schedule (or their delegate) on any matter related to the risks insured under this Policy, except in relation to the scope of cover provided under this Policy, or claims, disputes or complaints against the Insurer, provided that: 

The cost of the legal advice is to be paid by the Insurer and not the Policyholder. 7.10 Lost documents 

The Insurer will, in the event of loss of or damage to Documents occurring in connection with the Healthcare Services, indemnify the Policyholder against all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Policyholder in replacing or restoring such Documents provided that: 

7.11 Molestation defence costs and inquiry costs 

Notwithstanding exclusion 9.2.5 ‘Dishonest, Fraudulent or Criminal Acts’, the Insurer will indemnify the Insured for: (a) Defence Costs for Claims arising from; and

(b) Inquiry Costs in respect of: 

any actual or alleged molestation of, interference with, mental abuse of or physical abuse of persons by an Employee or Principal of the Insured, but not by any person performing any volunteer service for or on behalf of the Insured, provided that in respect of Inquiry Costs

(iii) such indemnity is subject to the written consent of the Insurer prior to the incurring of the Inquiry Costs; and (iv) regular or overtime wages, salaries or fees of the Insured are excluded from this indemnity. 

Nothing in this extension shall require the Insurer to indemnify any Employee or Principal who has perpetrated any such act of molestation, interference, mental abuse or physical abuse or any Insured who by act or omission has condoned any such act. If it is found by way of an admission by the Insured, judgment or adjudication that such Insured did in fact commit or condone such molestation, interference, mental or physical abuse then any Defence Costs or Inquiry Costs indemnified under this extension must be repaid by such Insured within thirty days following a request by the Insurer for such repayment. 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 4 

The total liability of the Insurer for all Defence Costs and Inquiry Costs under this extension will not exceed in the aggregate, during the Policy Period, the ‘Molestation Defence Costs and Inquiry Costs Limit’ specified in the Schedule

7.12 Newly created or acquired subsidiary 

If during the Policy Period the Policyholder acquires or creates a new Subsidiary, the Policyholder will also include such new Subsidiary in respect of any Claim first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the period beginning on the date of acquisition or creation and ending sixty days thereafter or at expiry of the Policy Period, whichever is the lesser period, resulting from the conduct of the Healthcare Services by such new Subsidiary, but not in respect of any such Claim resulting from any act, error or omission occurring or committed prior to the date the Subsidiary was created or acquired. 

The Insurer may, at its discretion, offer to extend cover for such new Subsidiary beyond that period. In order for cover for such new Subsidiary to be extended beyond that period, the Policyholder must, prior to the end of that period: 

This extension does not apply to: 

7.13 Public relations expenses 

The Insurer will indemnify the Policyholder for Public Relations Expenses incurred by the Policyholder in respect of an Adverse Publicity Event that first occurs and is notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period

The total liability of the Insurer under this extension will not exceed in the aggregate the ‘Public Relations Expenses Limit’ specified in the Schedule during the Policy Period

The Principal Policyholder must pay an excess of the first $1,000 of Public Relations Expenses, for any one Adverse Publicity Event.The excess is deducted from Public Relations Expenses before the application of the aggregate limit stated in this extension.The Insurer has no liability for the amount of Public Relations Expenses that is less than the excess for each Adverse Publicity Event. The Principal Policyholder agrees that the excess must be borne by the Principal Policyholder and is to remain uninsured. 

7.14 Run off cover 

If, during the Policy Period, any of the following events occur: 

then this Policy will remain in force until the expiry of the Policy Period, but only in respect of a Claim resulting from any act, error or omission occurring or committed prior to the event described in parts (a) or (b) of this extension. 

7.15 Sixty day reporting period 

The Insured may continue to notify the Insurer of Claims up to sixty days after the expiry of the Policy Period, but only Claims first made against the Insured during the Policy Period and based on any act, error or omission committed or alleged to have been committed prior to expiry of the Policy Period

Any notification to the Insurer during this sixty day reporting period will be deemed to have been first notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period

7.16 Spousal liability 

If a Claim against an Insured includes a Claim against such Insured’s Spouse solely by reason of: 

then the Spouse’s legal liability for compensation resulting from such Claim will be treated for the purposes of this Policy as the liability of the Insured

This extension does not apply to the extent the Claim alleges any act, error or omission by such Insured’s Spouse

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 5 

7.17 Statutory liability 

Notwithstanding exclusion 9.2.6 ‘Employer’s Liability’ and exclusion 9.2.7 ‘Fines, Penalties, Punitive or Aggravated Damages’, the Insurer will indemnify the Insured

The cover provided under this extension will only apply to such pecuniary penalties imposed in the jurisdiction of Australia and pursuant to the laws of Australia. 

The total liability of the Insurer under this extension will not exceed in the aggregate, the ‘Statutory Liability Limit’ specified in the Schedule, and all payments will be part of and not in addition to the Limit of Liability

7.18 Students, volunteers, committee members and council members 

Part (b) of the definition of Insured is extended to include any natural person who is a past and / or present Student, Volunteer, Committee Member or Council Member, but only in their capacity as such and only to the extent the civil liability results from the conduct of the Healthcare Services

7.19 Vicarious liability for medical practitioners and locum tenens 

Notwithstanding exclusion 9.2.11 ‘Medical Practitioners’, the Insurer will indemnify the Policyholder against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any Claim first made against the Policyholder and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period based on vicarious liability of: 

(a) the Policyholder; or

(b) any Principal of the Policyholder whilst acting in a capacity other than as a Medical Practitioner

for any act, error or omission of a Medical Practitioner or any locum tenens in the conduct of the Healthcare Services

8. Optional extension 

8.1 Public and Products Liability (claims made basis) 

This extension applies where the ‘Public and Products Liability’ extension is noted as ‘Included’ in the Schedule. 8.1.1 Section A – Public liability 

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any Claim first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period for: 

(i) property belonging to any of the Insured 

(ii) property in the possession or control of any of the Insured; and/or (c) Advertising Injury

happening within the Territorial Limits as a result of an Occurrence and in connection with the Business less the amount of the ‘Public Liability Excess’ shown in the Schedule

However, the Insurer shall not be liable under ‘Section A – Public Liability’ for: 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 6 

8.1.2 Section B – Products liability 

The Insurer will indemnify the Insured against civil liability for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of any Claim first made against the Insured and notified to the Insurer during the Policy Period for 

(a) Personal Injury; and/or

(b) Damage to Property other than: 

(i) property belonging to any of the Insured 

(ii) property in the possession or control of any of the Insured; and/or (c) Advertising Injury

happening within the Territorial Limits as a result of an Occurrence and in connection with the Business and caused by Products less the amount of the ‘Products Liability Excess’ shown in the Schedule

However, the Insurer shall not be liable under ‘Section B – Products Liability’ for: 

Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 7 

8.1.3 Limit of indemnity and defence costs 

The total liability of the Insurer under this extension will not exceed the ‘Public and Products Liability Limit’ specified in the Schedule during the Policy Period which is independent of, and not inclusive to, the Limit of Indemnity

The Insurer will pay Defence Costs on the basis already set out in this Policy

8.1.4 General exclusions (applicable to Sections A and B) 

The Insurer shall not be liable under this extension for: 

1. (a) Personal Injury or Damage to Property caused by or arising directly or indirectly out of the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, release or escape of smoke, vapours, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids or gases, waste materials or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants into or upon any property, land, the atmosphere or any watercourse or body of water (including groundwater) unless such discharge, dispersal, release or escape: 

(i) is neither reasonably expected nor intended by any of the Insured; and

(ii) is the consequence of a sudden and instantaneous cause which takes place at a clearly identifiable 

point in time; 

(b) any costs or expenses incurred in preventing, removing, nullifying or cleaning–up any discharge, dispersal, release or escape as described in (a) above, unless such costs or expenses are consequent upon an unexpected, unintended sudden and instantaneous cause which takes place at a clearly identifiable point in time and results in Personal Injury or Damage to Property neither of which is otherwise excluded by this extension. 

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8.1.5 General conditions (applicable to Section A and B) 

8.1.6 Definitions 

For the purposes of this extension only the following definitions apply: 

5.1. 5.2. 

bodily injury, death, sickness, disease, disability, shock, fright, mental injury, mental anguish or loss of consortium resulting from any of them; or 

the effects of: 

(a) false arrest, false imprisonment, wrongful eviction, wrongful detention and humiliation; 

(b) assault and battery not committed by or at the direction of any of the Insured unless committed for the purpose of preventing or eliminating danger to persons or property; 

(c) libel, slander, defamation of character, unless arising out of Advertising Injury. 6. ‘Damage to Property’ means 

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9. Exclusions 

9.1 Section 1 

The Insurer shall not be liable in respect of: 9.1.1 Prior claims or known circumstances 

(i) which the Insured knew, prior to the inception of the Policy Period, might give rise to a Claim, liability, compensation, Inquiry Costs, claimant’s costs and expenses or Defence Costs which might be covered under this Policy

(ii) which a reasonable person in the Insured’s position would have thought, prior to the inception of the Policy Period, might give rise to a Claim, liability, compensation, Inquiry Costs, claimant’s costs and expenses or Defence Costs which might be covered under this Policy

(v) relating to or underlying any Claim made against the Insured prior to the inception of the Policy Period. 9.1.2 Retroactive date 

any Claim resulting from any act, error or omission occurring or committed prior to the Retroactive Date

9.1.3 Professional fees 

(a) any Claim for indemnity by the Insured for;

(b) any Claim solely for; or

(c) that part of any Claim that is in respect of,

professional fees or charges or the refund of professional fees or charges (by way of damages or otherwise). 9.2 Section 2 

The Insurer shall not be liable in respect of any Healthcare Services, Claim, liability, compensation, Inquiry Costs, claimant’s costs and expenses, Defence Costs or compensation for court attendance: 

9.2.1 Asbestos 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of asbestos, asbestos fibres or derivatives of asbestos, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to the provision of the Healthcare Services for any asbestos related disease. 

9.2.2 Assumption of liability 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any liability assumed by the Insured outside the normal course of the provision of Healthcare Services

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9.2.3 Childbirth 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of labour, which for the purposes of this exclusion refers to the act of giving birth and involves the following stages: 

9.2.4 Directors and officers liability 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of the Insured’s functions and duties as a director and/or officer of the Insured or any legal entity, corporation or other incorporated body. 

9.2.5 Dishonest, fraudulent or criminal acts 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any: 

(a) dishonest, fraudulent or malicious act or omission by the Insured; or 

(b) criminal act or omission or breach of any statute committed by the Insured with reckless or wilful intent. 

9.2.6 Employer’s liability 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of: 

9.2.7 Fines, penalties, punitive or aggravated damages 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of fines or penalties including civil penalties, punitive or aggravated damages. 

9.2.8 Goods sold, stored, supplied or distributed 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of the sale, storage, supply or distribution of any good or product other than any Claim which arises directly from a breach of professional duty during the actual provision of the Healthcare Services

9.2.9 Intoxicants and drugs 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any services rendered by any person while that person is under the influence of intoxicants or drugs or from any failure to render services competently or at all because of such influence, if such services were performed with the knowledge or connivance of a Principal

9.2.10 Liquidated damages 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of liquidated damages imposed upon the Insured by contract or agreement, except to the extent that the Insured would have been liable for that damage in the absence of any such contract or agreement. 

9.2.11 Medical practitioners 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of the liability at law of a Medical Practitioner to a patient, where such liability arises directly from the Medical Practitioner’s activities as a Medical Practitioner including, but not limited to diagnosis, treatment, medical advice, prescribing or supplying medication or a breach of any State or Federal health or medical laws or regulations in force in Australia and its external territories, except as provided for in extension 7.19 ‘Vicarious Liability for Medical Practitioners and LocumTenens’. 

9.2.12 Radioactivity 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or from the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear device or assembly, or a nuclear component thereof, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to ionising radiation sourced from radioisotopes or x–rays when used by qualified medical staff in any medical procedure or diagnosis. 

9.2.13 Related parties 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any Claim brought by: 

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9.2.14 Sanctions 

that would be in contravention of any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of Australia, the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America. 

9.2.15 Subrogation waiver 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any liability which is incurred or affected by reason of the Insured at any time entering into a deed or agreement excluding, limiting or delaying the Insured’s legal rights of recovery against another. 

9.2.16 Terrorism 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of: 

(a) any Act of Terrorism; or 

(b) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any Act of Terrorism

provided that this exclusion shall not apply to the provision of the Healthcare Services for any bodily injury, illness or disease caused by an Act of Terrorism

9.2.17 Trading debts 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any trading debt incurred, or any guarantee in respect of such debt given, by the Insured

9.2.18 War 

arising directly or indirectly from or in respect of any consequence of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to the provision of the Healthcare Services for any bodily injury, illness or disease caused by any event described above. 

10. Claims conditions 

10.1 Claims notifications 

Every Claim made against the Insured shall be notified to the Insurer as soon as practicable and in any event prior to expiry of the Policy Period, and every letter, demand, writ, summons and legal process pertaining to such Claim shall be forwarded to the Insurer as soon as practicable after receipt. 

All Claim notifications to the Insurer must be sent to the address next to ‘Claims Notification’ specified in the Schedule

It is the Insured’s responsibility to ensure that such notification has been forwarded to and has been received by the Liability & Profin Notification Centre. 

10.2 Claims co–operation 

In the event of a Claim the Insured will at all times and at its own cost provide the Insurer with all information, evidence, documentation, assistance and co–operation and will execute such documents, including signed statements and affidavits, which the Insurer reasonably requests. 

The Insured will at all times and at its own cost use reasonable endeavours to do and concur in doing everything reasonably practicable to avoid or diminish loss and to assist with the defence, investigation or settlement of any Claim

The Insurer may make any investigation it deems necessary. 10.3 Claims conduct 

The Insurer shall be entitled to take over and conduct in the name of the Insured the defence or settlement of any Claim and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any Claim

The Insurer reserves entirely its rights under this Policy, including its right to agree or deny cover while it assesses a Claim or conducts the defence.The Insurer’s rights under this Policy are not affected if it does not conduct the defence. 

Neither the Insured nor the Insurer will be required to contest or litigate any Claim if, in the opinion of Senior Counsel, reasonable attempts should be made to settle the Claim.The Senior Counsel shall be mutually agreed upon, or in the absence of such agreement, as nominated by the President of the NSW Bar Association (or the equivalent State orTerritory association).The cost to obtain the opinion will be advanced by the Insurer and treated as Defence Costs

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Senior Counsel shall provide the opinion in writing. In formulating the opinion Senior Counsel shall consider commercial matters including the amount of the Claim, the actual and potential loss (including Defence Costs) that may reasonably be incurred in contesting the Claim, the liability prospects and the prospect of recovering costs against the claimant in the event that the defence is successful. Senior Counsel shall also provide a settlement range within which reasonable attempts should be made to settle the Claim

If it is the opinion of Senior Counsel that reasonable attempts should be made to settle the Claim, the Insured shall not object to the Insurer’s attempt to do so. 

10.4 Claims settlement 

The Insured must not settle or offer to settle any Claim, incur any Defence Costs or otherwise assume any contractual obligation or admit any liability in respect of any Claim without the Insurer’s prior written consent. 

If the Insured objects to a proposal by the Insurer to settle or compromise any Claim payable under this Policy and wishes to contest or litigate the matter, then the Insured may so elect, but the Insurer’s liability in respect of any such Claim so contested or litigated will not exceed the amount for which, but for such election, it could have been settled or compromised by the Insurer, together with Defence Costs payable in accordance with the terms of this Policy and incurred up to the time of such election, subject to the Excess and to the Limit 

of Indemnity

11. General conditions 

11.1 Assignment 

This Policy cannot be assigned by the Policyholder. 11.2 Authorisation 

The Principal Policyholder is the agent for each Insured and each Insured is bound by any statement, act or omission of the Principal Policyholder for all purposes under this Policy, subject to 10.3 ‘Claims Conduct’ and 11.11 ‘Severability and Non Imputation’. 

11.3 Cancellation 

The Principal Policyholder may cancel this Policy at any time in writing to the Insurer. Upon receipt of such request, the Insurer will retain a short period premium calculated at the pro rata proportion of the Full Annual Premium for the time it has been on risk plus ten percent and the Principal Policyholder will receive a refund of any balance of the premium actually paid, unless there have been any notifications during the Policy Period, in which case no refund shall be given. 

The Insurer may cancel this Policy in accordance with the Insurance Contracts Act 1984. 11.4 Endorsements 

An Endorsement does not affect or increase the Limit of Indemnity, the Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity or any other term, except to the extent specifically provided in the Endorsement. Each Endorsement is otherwise subject to all the terms of this Policy

11.5 Goods and services tax 

The premium is the amount the Policyholder pays the Insurer for this insurance and it includes stamp duty, GST and any other government charges that applies. 

The Insured must inform the Insurer of the extent to which there is an entitlement to an input tax credit for that GST amount each time that it notifies a Claim under this Policy. No payment will be made to the Insured for any GST liability that it may incur on the settlement of a Claim if it does not inform the Insurer of its entitlement or correct entitlement to an input tax credit. 

Despite the other terms of this Policy, the Insurer’s liability to the Insured will be calculated taking into account any input tax credit to which the Insured is entitled for any acquisition which is relevant to the Claim, or to which it would have been entitled had it made a relevant acquisition. 

‘GST’, ‘input tax credit’, ‘acquisition’ and ‘supply’ have the meaning given in A NewTax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. 

11.6 Governing law 

The Policy will be governed in accordance with law of the State or Territory of Australia in which the Policy was issued. Any disputes relating to interpretation will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia. 

11.7 Interpretation 

In this Policy the singular includes the plural and vice versa.The neutral gender includes the female and male genders. 

A reference in this Policy to any legislation or legislative provision includes any statutory modification or re– enactment of, or legislative provision substituted for, and any subordinate legislation issued under, that legislation or legislative provision (whether of the Commonwealth of Australia or elsewhere). 

The titles and headings to the various sections of the Policy are included solely for ease of reference and do not in any way limit or expand or otherwise affect the terms of such sections. 

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11.8 Material change 

The Policyholder must notify the Insurer as soon as reasonably practicable of any material change in the risk insured by this Policy. The Insurer is entitled to amend the terms of this Policy and/or charge an additional premium based on the Insurer’s assessment of any change in the risk insured by this Policy. A material change in the risk includes, without limitation: 

11.9 Other insurance 

If at the time any Claim arises under this Policy there is any other insurance in force covering the same liability the Policyholder shall promptly give to the Insurer full details of such other insurance, including the identity of the insurer and the policy number, and such further information as the Insurer may reasonably require. 

11.10 Payment of Premium 

The Policyholder must pay the ‘Premium’ specified in the Schedule for the Policy Period to the Insurer by the due date.The due date is on or before ninety days after the inception date of the Policy Period or such other time that the Insurer agrees in writing. If the Policyholder fails to pay the ‘Premium’ by the due date, the Insurer is entitled to cancel this Policy in accordance with the Insurance Contracts Act 1984. 

11.11 Severability and non imputation 

Where this Policy insures more than one party, any failure on the part of any of the parties to: (a) comply with the duty of disclosure under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984;

(b) comply with any obligation under this Policy (other than the obligation to pay premium); or (c) refrain from conduct which is dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious, 

shall not prejudice the right of the remaining party or parties to indemnity under this Policy, provided that such remaining party or parties shall: 

(i) be entirely innocent of and have had no prior knowledge of any such failure; and 

(ii) as soon as practicable after becoming aware of any such failure, advise the Insurer in writing of all its relevant circumstances. 

11.12 Territorial and jurisdictional limits of cover 

This Policy provides cover for:

(a) any civil liability resulting from the conduct of the Healthcare Services anywhere in the world, except for any 

civil liability resulting from: 


(b) subject to (a), Claims made anywhere in the world, except for those Claims;

(i) brought in a court of law, arbitration, tribunal, forum or other body entitled to impose enforceable orders 

against the Insured in the United States of America; or

(ii) arising from the enforcement of any judgment, order or award in respect of any action brought in any 

court of law, arbitration, tribunal or other judicial body in the United States of America. 

For the purpose of this General Condition the United States of America includes its territories and protectorates. 

11.13 Variation of the policy 

No variation of this Policy will be effective, unless made by Endorsement. 12. Definitions

For the purpose of this Policy

Act of Terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), which from its nature or context is done for, or in connection with, political, religious, ideological, ethnic or similar purposes or reasons, including the intention to influence any government or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. 

Adverse Publicity Event means an event which, in the reasonable opinion of a Principal of the Policyholder, might cause the reputation of the Insured to be seriously affected by adverse or negative publicity. 

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Claim means: 

Committee Member means a natural person who is a member of a committee of the Policyholder. Council Member means a natural person who is member of a council or board of the Policyholder. Control has the meaning given by section 50AA of the Corporations Act 2001. 

Defence Costs means all necessary and reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Insurer, or by the Insured with the Insurer’s prior written consent, in defending, investigating or settling any Claim (not being claimant’s costs and expenses). 

Documents means deeds, wills, agreements, maps, plans, records, computer records, electronic data, written or printed books, letters, certificates, written or printed documents or forms of any nature (excluding any bearer bonds, coupons, bank or currency notes or other negotiable instruments) which is the property of the Policyholder or for which the Policyholder is responsible. 

Employee means a natural person (other than a Principal) employed under a contract of service or apprenticeship by the Policyholder and includes any trainee, casual, part–time, seasonal and temporary personnel. 

Endorsement means any document which is described as an endorsement to this Policy and intends to vary it. Excess means the amount shown in the Schedule except in respect of Inquiry costs in which case it means the 

amount shown in the Schedule as the ‘Inquiry Costs Excess’.

Full Annual Premium means the annual premium payable by the Principal Policyholder, including any additional 

premium which becomes payable in respect of the Policy Period.

Healthcare Services means the ‘Healthcare Services’ described in the Schedule, and no other, of the Policyholder

Inquiring Body means any official body or institution empowered by law to investigate the professional conduct of the Insured including but not limited to a coroner’s court, Royal Commission, statutory regulatory body, tribunal or legally constituted industry or professional board but excluding any parliament or any committee of a parliament. 

Inquiry Costs means necessary and reasonable legal costs and expenses incurred by the Insured arising out of any notice from an Inquiring Body requiring a response from the Insured or requiring the Insured’s attendance at an investigation, inquiry or hearing held before the Inquiring Body (not being Defence Costs). 

Insolvency or Insolvent means: 

Insured means: 

Insurer means AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Vero Insurance. Bizcover Online Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy V8459 12/16 15 

Limit of Indemnity means the amount specified beside ‘Limit of Indemnity’ as shown in the Schedule.

L.S.T. or Local Standard Time means the time in the State or Territory of Australia in which the Policy was issued. 

Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity means the amount specified beside ‘Maximum Aggregate Limit of Indemnity’ as shown in the Schedule

Medical Practitioner means a medical practitioner or dentist. 

Medicare Benefits Fraud means fraud against Medicare, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and other government programs administered by Medicare Australia by the payment of any benefit or funds to any person who had no legal entitlement to such benefit or funds. 

Merger or Acquisition means: 

Policy Period means the time between ‘From’ and ‘To’ noted beside ‘Policy Period’ in the Schedule

Policy means the Schedule, the terms of this document and any Endorsements

Policyholder means the firm or legal entity shown in the Schedule

Principal means a sole practitioner, a partner of a firm or a director of a company. 

Principal Policyholder means the Policyholder or if the Policyholder is more than one person or entity, the first person or entity listed as the ‘Policyholder’ in the Schedule

Proposal means the written proposal or declaration made by the Policyholder to the Insurer containing particulars and statements together with other information provided by the Policyholder

Public Relations Expenses means the reasonable costs, charges, fees and expenses of a public relations firm or consultant engaged to prevent or limit the adverse effects of or negative publicity from an Adverse Publicity Event, which the Policyholder may engage with the prior written consent of the Insurer, but only during the first thirty days immediately following the Adverse Publicity Event

Relative means an Insured’s

(a) Spouse

(b) parent; 

(c) children or siblings; or 

(d) the Spouse, parent, child or sibling of a Relative specified in a. b. and c. above. 

Retroactive Date means the ‘Retroactive Date’ as shown in the Schedule

Schedule means the current schedule issued by the Insurer to the Policyholder

Spouse means a lawful spouse, domestic partner (including without limitation same sex partner) or any person deriving similar status by reason of the common law or statute. 

Student means a natural person who is a student under the direction, control, or request of, or whilst undertaking any activity approved or recognised by the Policyholder

Subsidiary means a subsidiary of the Policyholder as defined in the Corporations Act 2001.

Volunteer means a person providing the Healthcare Services on a voluntary, unpaid basis for or on behalf of 

the Policyholder.

End of Policy wording 

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These notices do not form part of the policy. 

Broker acting as agent for insurer 

In effecting this contract of insurance the broker will be acting under an authority given to it by the insurers and the broker will be effecting the contract as agent of the insurer and not the insured. Bizcover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AFSL 501769) arranges the insurance and AAI Limited (ABN 48 005 297 807) trading as Vero Insurance issues the insurance. 

Your duty of disclosure 

Before you enter into an insurance contract, you have a duty to tell us anything that you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, may affect our decision to insure you and on what terms. 

You have this duty until we agree to insure you. 

You have the same duty before you renew, extend, vary or reinstate an insurance contract. 

You do not need to tell us anything that: 

▼▼ reduces the risk we insure you for; or 

▼▼ is common knowledge; or 

▼▼ we know or should know as an insurer; or 

▼▼ we waive your duty to tell us about. 

If you do not tell us something 

If you do not tell us anything you are required to, we may cancel your contract or reduce the amount we will pay you if you make a claim, or both. 

If your failure to tell us is fraudulent, we may refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if it never existed. 

Claims made and notified basis of cover 

This Medical Malpractice Civil Liability Insurance Policy is issued on a ‘claims made and notified’ basis. 

This means that the Insuring Clause responds to: 

When the policy period expires, no new notification of claims or facts can be made on the expired policy even though the event giving rise to the claim against you may have occurred during the policy period. 

Retroactive date 

You will not be entitled to indemnity under your new policy in respect of any claim resulting from an act, error or omission occurring or committed by you prior to the retroactive date, where one is specified in the policy terms offered to you. 

Average provision 

If your policy provides for ‘Costs in Addition’ to the limit of indemnity and if a payment in excess of the limit of indemnity available under your policy has to be made to dispose of a claim, the insurer’s liability for costs and expenses incurred with its consent shall be such proportion thereof as the amount of indemnity available under this policy bears to the amount paid to dispose of the claim payments. 

Subrogation waiver 

This policy contains a provision that has the effect of excluding or limiting the Insurer’s liability in respect of a liability incurred solely by reason of the Insured entering into a deed or agreement excluding, limiting or delaying the legal rights or of recovery against another. 

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Privacy statement 

AAI Limited trading as Vero Insurance is the insurer and issuer of your commercial insurance product, and is a member of the Suncorp Group, which we’ll refer to simply as “the Group”. 

Why do we collect personal information? 

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. We collect personal information so that we can: 

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What we will do to resolve your complaint 

When you first let us know about your complaint or concern, we will review your complaint, consider the facts and attempt to resolve your complaint by the end of the next working day. 

If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 5 working days we will contact you to agree reasonable alternative time frames. 

We will endeavour to send you our final decision within 15 working days from the date you first made your complaint provided we have all necessary information and have completed any investigations required. If you are still unsatisfied with the final outcome at your request we can refer your complaint to our Customer RelationsTeam. Our Customer RelationsTeam will review your dispute, and respond to the dispute within 15 working days of your complaint being referred to them provided they receive all necessary information and have completed any investigation required. 

You can contact our Customer RelationsTeam by: ▼▼ Telephone: 1300 264 053 

▼▼ Email:

▼▼ Mail: Suncorp Internal Dispute Resolution, 

PO Box 14180, Melbourne City Mail Centre VIC 8001. 

What if you are not satisfied with our final Customer Relations Team decision? 

We expect our procedures will deal fairly and promptly with your complaint. However if you are not satisfied with our final decision there are external dispute remedies such as mediation, arbitration or legal action that you may pursue. 

AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Vero Insurance V8459 01/08/19 A 

The attorney General’s mark Dreyfus’ department got my email lost! Bummer. They forward me onto the ombudsman - where I have already made a disclosure as a PID. The prime minister didn’t think much of my complaint about systemic injustice


ASIC have a role in superannuation - they could solve my problems surely? No I am a failed whistleblower at ASIC.

Mr Richard McLean 2 McCubbin Street Footscray VIC 3011 

Email C/-: Dear Mr McLean, 

8 August 2022 


Policy: Claim no: Condition: 

Second Sickness Claim lodgement 5571724 – JLT Arts & Crafts Scheme C0122620

Adjustment disorder 

We refer to your recent claim submission in respect of the above noted claim.

As you will recall, your previous claim was denied on the basis that you were claiming a Sickness 

related benefit under the policy which provides cover for Injury only. (copy attached) Upon review of your most recent claim submission, we confirm; 

As previously advised, the policy is strictly a “defined benefits policy”, therefore, an Insured event must be triggered in order for a claim to be paid. This is finite and not open to, or subject to individual interpretation. Either an Injury has occurred as a result of an Accident, or it has not. In this instance it has not. 

Please see the relevant policy extracts as outlined below and over page: 

“AHI Standard Definitions

INJURY means bodily injury resulting from an Accident that occurs fortuitously to the Insured Person. 

Injury does not include: 


3. any degenerative condition. 

ACCIDENT means a sudden, external, unforeseeable and unexpected specific Event which occurs at a definable time and place. 

SICKNESS means illness or disease. PRE-EXISTING CONDITION means: 

2. in respect of Sickness: 

General Exclusions 

9. No cover is provided for any deliberate self-inflicted harm or Injury, caused or committed by the Insured Person, including suicide or attempted suicide, reckless misconduct or any criminal or illegal act. 

14. No cover is provided for any claim in relation to or in connection with a Pre-Existing Condition.” 

With consideration of the above policy extracts, 

Whilst we are not unsympathetic to your circumstances, or the series of many traumatic events that you’ve endured throughout your life, the policy was simply not designed to respond to any form of Sickness and therefore, we are unable to provide any form compensation in this instance. 

We trust that this review of your subsequent claim clarifies any misconceptions that you may have had in respect of the cover you held under the JLT Arts & Crafts Scheme. 

We understand that this is not the outcome you were hoping for, however, the determination was made in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions of the policy that is held by the Insured. 

Please be advised that AHI offers a formal Internal Complaint Resolution process that may further review the claim, should this be requested. If this is the case, then we would respectfully request that the Insured advises us of what particular aspect of our decision they remain dissatisfied with. Please find attached our Brochure with respect to our dispute resolution process. 


We have noted the links to some services which may be assistance to you. Should you wish to discuss this, please contact me on (02) 8667 3830. With regards 

Deegan Kennedy 

Claims Assessor 


Mr Richard McLean 2 McCubbin Street Footscray VIC 3011 

Email C/-: Dear Mr McLean, 

26 March 2021 


Policy: Claim no: Condition: 

We acknowledge

Insurance Services team and provide our claim number for your reference. 

We note that Mr Gordon referred your claim to us for assessment following your recent communications and subsequent request to submit a Sickness claim under the JLT Arts & Crafts Scheme Injury policy held with AHI Insurance. 

In review of your claim, we have taken into account all relevant claim documentation provided to us and the terms and conditions of the policy including the following materials: 

Upon review of the these materials, we are unable to reach a conclusion that differs from that of the advice already provided to you by Mr Gordon, that being; we are unable to accept liability of your Sickness claim as the Arts & Crafts policy provides cover for Injury as a result of an Accident only. 

The policy is strictly a “defined benefits policy”, therefore, an Insured event must be triggered in order for a claim to be paid. This is finite and not open to, or subject to individual interpretation. Either an Injury has occurred as a result of an Accident or it has not. In this instance it has not. 

Please see the relevant policy extracts as outlined below and over page: 

“AHI Standard Definitions 

INJURY means bodily injury resulting from an Accident that occurs fortuitously to the Insured Person. Injury does not include: 

Sickness Claim lodgement

5571724 – JLT Arts & Crafts Scheme C0122620

Adjustment disorder 

receipt of your Sickness claim c/- Mr Michael Gordon of the Local Community 


ACCIDENT means a sudden, external, unforeseeable and unexpected specific Event which occurs at a definable time and place. 

SICKNESS means illness or disease.”

In light of the provision of cover for Injury only, we are of the opinion that the noted policy definitions 

support our decision to decline liability in this instance. 

We understand that this is not the outcome you were hoping for, however, the determination was made in accordance with the relevant terms and conditions of the policy that is held by the Insured. 

Please be advised that AHI offers a formal Internal Dispute Resolution process that may further review the claim, should this be requested. If this is the case, then we would respectfully request that the Insured advises us of what particular aspect of our decision they remain dissatisfied with. Please find attached our Brochure with respect to our dispute resolution process. 

Should you wish to discuss this, please contact me on (02) 8667 3830. With regards 

Deegan Kennedy 

Claims Assessor 


Hang on on 17/06/2020 AFCA knew of my financial difficulty. Surely they would not leave me hanging for over a year and a half 

Im a failed whistleblower at APRA

From: Rich McLean <<>> Sent: Wednesday, 3 November 2021 11:38 AM

To: Info <<>>

Cc: Richard McLean <<>> Subject: Peter Dunstan does now acknowledge my emails 

EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear APRA, 

I attempted to make a whistleblower complaint 

However it was rejected from Peter Dunstan from AHPRA, despite my evidence below, and he refuses to reply 

The ombudsman, and IBAC will deny me as well. 

I have been framed 

I have been murdered for another conspiracy ending in my death I cannot report. 

I am blacklisted from litigation, and I have lost millions of dollars 

They will kill me 

And you are complicit as a stick in the faggot of oppression that has already resulted in my death 

In addition, my income assist is denied, I cannot report crime to the police, my former partner is an asio agent who swore to ruin my life 

I cannot access work cover, Paul Fowler from Comcare rejected my valid workers compensation claim - sending it to the AAT 

Work safe refused to acknowledge my request for assistance in my appeal to commcare Guess what Paul Fowler was the old head at Comcare - this is systemic corruption. 

It is now at the AAT - and they have a lawyer, in all my litigationand battles and the amount of prejudice and rejection and gaslighting blacklisting and ostracisation, I have never had one person represent me. 

Let alone explain,ain what this all means. 

The AAT has a lawyer, ( a lawyer representing the government), but I have already called the attorney generals office - and they rejected me and refused to speak with me. 

Michael Cash portfolio oversees Comcare and AAT and also AFSA who have blackmailed me out of over a million dollars. 

I emailed Peter Dunstan - with evidence contrary to the reason he rejected my PID in the I am a puyblkic government employee nd I have attached proof to this email 

I have not heard back 


Please take this to upper management or the director

I have included the email(s) below.

This will now be exposed on my whistleblower public disclosure - should it not be addressed. Thanks

So APRA please acknowledge this email


Rich McLean 

Dear Dr McLean 

Your email was received into our Public Interest Disclosure inbox. Public Interest Disclosures are disclosures by public officials of disclosable conduct (suspected wrongdoing) by/within a Commonwealth Government agency. Your email and past correspondence does not indicate that you are a current or former public official. Accordingly this matter is not being treated as a Public Interest Disclosure by APRA under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013. 

If you wish to seek independent legal advice, you can obtain this through contacting your local Law Society If you feel you need to talk to someone about support, you could call Lifeline on 13 11 14.




Senior Manager - Strategy & Risk

D 02 9210 3664 | E<<>> 


1 Martin Place (Level 12), Sydney, NSW 2000

GPO Box 9836, Sydney, NSW 2001

T 02 9210 3000 | W<<>


From: Rich McLean

Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 6:43:32 PM (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney


Cc: Richard McLean

Subject: PID whistleblower intentions pleas response with methodology and time scale to officially report and how 

EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe. 


I wish to state and make initial urgent contact that I wish to make a PID statement 

It will be quite lengthy as the heinous conscious and systemic movement to maim me in al personal professional and private ways and additionally desecrate my person victimising and vilifying me has its roots only clear now in hindsight. 



I have been murdered via conspiracy to kill, and found with no pulse as a 'fatal' injury as per the FOI 

Every agency and statuatory authority bank ombudsman and MPs down to my coffee guy has been informed and I have been gaslighted blacklisted and maimed framed and desecrated in every conceivable way. 

Its lucky I can dig nihilism and it gives me great strength that man made law cannot take my soul, and that I would bravely commit suicide in protest for a political cause and one that proved not one person has my back - true to this day. 

I am innocent and a public figure and I intend to either gain whistleblower stats so my needs are met. 

Otherwise as history shows and post my murder-suicide I will be further m,aimed in a movement that is silent and endemic. 

I was once niche famous now I am infamously framed.

I wish to state that my former partner was an asio agent and I know information contradictory to ethics. I have done a doctorate and ir means 'do no harm' 

I act today with intention to blow the whistle on a matter of vilification identification prejudice stigma and desecration in the victimisation of one single person that is so endemic and systemic that it simply cannot be ignored. 

In my death, they will blame readily exploitable structures in society with things I have been branded and labelled with 

I have a dire mental illness and permanent injuries from my fatal attempt in which I was reluctantly revived. 

I have faith in black humour and the paced but stressful and utterly maddening response to the gaslighting and blkacklisting that have seen me robbed of about 2000000 

I have not got a cent

I have my sentience and a pet dog and a corrupt computer and under investigation 

They will frame me kikill me or kick the proverbial can down the road aiding and abetting my death in a scapegoating manner in which they consciously or unconsciously pun their neurosis and sins on to send me out into the wilderness to die 

That pattern can happen in families and in societies 

Historically all the peace seekers healers prophets and avant guard revolutionaries were killed 

I was niow a co=ver up is so certain and I be so successfully framed I cant convince one person to report my death 

So I exist alone with god with the faith my resilience will carve me a peaceful life with enough to eat enjoying the breeze and my pet companion. 

Please acknowledge this email Thasmks

DFrv Rich Mclean 





This e-mail is intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed, and may contain secret, confidential or legally privileged information. 

If you have received this e-mail in error or are aware that you are not authorised to have it, you MUST NOT use or copy it, or disclose its contents to any person. If you do any of these things, you may be sued or prosecuted. 

If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately. 



ATT Peter

I am qualified to make a PID 

Unless you grant it I will hold you accountable in the eventual inquiry into my murder via a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and a systemic government desecration of my rights liberty and voice. 

All of which - was responsible for my death - I will also add your name to IBACS investigation currently underway. 

Am I eligible to make a PID?< for-disclosers#Am>

Current and former public officials are eligible to make public interest disclosures (PID).

This includes: 


Dear APRA, 

I attempted to make a whistleblower complaint 

However it was rejected from Peter Dunstan from AHPRA, despite my evidence below, and he refuses to reply 

The ombudsman, and IBAC will deny me as well. 

I have been framed 

I have been murdered for another conspiracy ending in my death I cannot report. 

I am blacklisted from litigation, and I have lost millions of dollars 

They will kill me 

And you are complicit as a stick in the faggot of oppression that has already resulted in my death 

In addition, my income assist is denied, I cannot report crime to the police, my former partner is an asio agent who swore to ruin my life 

I cannot access work cover, Paul Fowler from Comcare rejected my valid workers compensation claim - sending it to the AAT 

Work safe refused to acknowledge my request for assistance in my appeal to commcare Guess what Paul Fowler was the old head at Comcare - this is systemic corruption. 

It is now at the AAT - and they have a lawyer, in all my litigationand battles and the amount of prejudice and rejection and gaslighting blacklisting and ostracisation, I have never had one person represent me. 

Let alone explain,ain what this all means. 

The AAT has a lawyer, ( a lawyer representing the government), but I have already called the attorney generals office - and they rejected me and refused to speak with me. 

Michael Cash portfolio oversees Comcare and AAT and also AFSA who have blackmailed me out of over a million dollars. 

I emailed Peter Dunstan - with evidence contrary to the reason he rejected my PID in the I am a puyblkic government employee nd I have attached proof to this email 

I have not heard back

Please take this to upper management or the director

I have included the email(s) below.

This will now be exposed on my whistleblower public disclosure - should it not be addressed. Thanks

So APRA please acknowledge this email


Rich McLean 

Dear Dr McLean 

Your email was received into our Public Interest Disclosure inbox. Public Interest Disclosures are disclosures by public officials of disclosable conduct (suspected wrongdoing) by/within a Commonwealth Government agency. Your email and past correspondence does not indicate that you are a current or former public official. Accordingly this matter is not being treated as a Public Interest Disclosure by APRA under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013. 

If you wish to seek independent legal advice, you can obtain this through contacting your local Law Society If you feel you need to talk to someone about support, you could call Lifeline on 13 11 14.




Senior Manager - Strategy & Risk

D 02 9210 3664 | E<


1 Martin Place (Level 12), Sydney, NSW 2000

GPO Box 9836, Sydney, NSW 2001

T 02 9210 3000 | W<


From: Rich McLean

Sent: Thursday, 21 October 2021 6:43:32 PM (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney


Cc: Richard McLean

Subject: PID whistleblower intentions pleas response with methodology and time scale to officially report and how 

EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe. 


I wish to state and make initial urgent contact that I wish to make a PID statement 

It will be quite lengthy as the heinous conscious and systemic movement to maim me in al personal professional and private ways and additionally desecrate my person victimising and vilifying me has its roots only clear now in hindsight. 

I have been murdered via conspiracy to kill, and found with no pulse as a 'fatal' injury as per the FOI 

Every agency and statuatory authority bank ombudsman and MPs down to my coffee guy has been informed and I have been gaslighted blacklisted and maimed framed and desecrated in every conceivable way. 

Its lucky I can dig nihilism and it gives me great strength that man made law cannot take my soul, and that I would bravely commit suicide in protest for a political cause and one that proved not one person has my back - true to this day. 

I am innocent and a public figure and I intend to either gain whistleblower stats so my needs are met. 

Otherwise as history shows and post my murder-suicide I will be further m,aimed in a movement that is silent and endemic. 

I was once niche famous now I am infamously framed.

I wish to state that my former partner was an asio agent and I know information contradictory to ethics. 


I have done a doctorate and ir means 'do no harm' 

I act today with intention to blow the whistle on a matter of vilification identification prejudice stigma and desecration in the victimisation of one single person that is so endemic and systemic that it simply cannot be ignored. 

In my death, they will blame readily exploitable structures in society with things I have been branded and labelled with 

I have a dire mental illness and permanent injuries from my fatal attempt in which I was reluctantly revived. 

I have faith in black humour and the paced but stressful and utterly maddening response to the gaslighting and blkacklisting that have seen me robbed of about 2000000 

I have not got a cent

I have my sentience and a pet dog and a corrupt computer and under investigation 

They will frame me kikill me or kick the proverbial can down the road aiding and abetting my death in a scapegoating manner in which they consciously or unconsciously pun their neurosis and sins on to send me out into the wilderness to die 

That pattern can happen in families and in societies 

Historically all the peace seekers healers prophets and avant guard revolutionaries were killed 

I was niow a co=ver up is so certain and I be so successfully framed I cant convince one person to report my death 

So I exist alone with god with the faith my resilience will carve me a peaceful life with enough to eat enjoying the breeze and my pet companion. 

Please acknowledge this email Thasmks

DFrv Rich Mclean 




This e-mail is intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed, and may contain secret, confidential or legally privileged information. 

If you have received this e-mail in error or are aware that you are not authorised to have it, you MUST NOT use or copy it, or disclose its contents to any person. If you do any of these things, you may be sued or prosecuted. 

If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately. 



ATT Peter

I am qualified to make a PID 

Unless you grant it I will hold you accountable in the eventual inquiry into my murder via a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and a systemic government desecration of my rights liberty and voice. 

All of which - was responsible for my death - I will also add your name to IBACS investigation currently underway. 

Am I eligible to make a PID?< for-disclosers#Am>

Current and former public officials are eligible to make public interest disclosures (PID).

This includes: 




Wager beat is an illegal casino that takes money from your account. Bendigo bank are a corrupt bank who allows this to happen without compensating you anything whatsoever. 

14 December 2021 there it is - I begged the attorney general to help. 

From: Rich McLean

Subject: Hi agin its richie rich the failed post death whistleblower please be kind 

Date: 14 December 2021 at 7:56 pm To: 

Cc: Rich McLean 

Dear AG

After I was basically set up to fail year after year elongating the arena and amplifying the space I may kill myself in

And I was given zero support from hospital

And if I had cancer and was refused chemo that would be a crime

But me with a mental illness and now impaired brain function isn’t

And that the HCC and MHCC rejected that the illegal contraband I used to kill myself

Was not a problem

And Ben Caleder the ombudsman backed that

And the CEO of the hospital was so thrill he had immunity from prosecution

Because you know ive been framed

And I have a PhD so I should be cut down as some smart aleck

And be framed an extortionist a rapist a dog rooter and a pedi

And there are literally hit men at the door today

And I dont have a cebnt

And im on the Ndis but they won’t pay

And im seen as trouble but its designed that way

And AFCA hold over 1 million in determinations

And HCF have blacklisted me and banned me from accessing my income assist

And the Geelong Magistrate cooked my own child sexual abiuse case

Because you know Im mad an an extortionist (and I was not gifted 100K at that time and never gave it back)

And the fact im a nationally celebrated author

And that my former partner Steve Stefan stefen Iasonidis 11/12/1973 was an asio agent

And he financially coerced me and used me as a sex slave and company for his narcissistic will

And that whilst he earns 2-400k a year feathering his own nest, I was on $400 a week and expected to work whilst also studying And that it was illegal because I was on a DSP for some reason

And that I declared the DSP

And that he invested 1.3 million of tax payers funds made from the sale of coke

From a house he bought from proceeds of crime invested the money in an offshore tax haven

And got caught and had a 200k fine - so he could not support me - so he says and I did not understand

That I was advance played many movies in advance

That he may send his proxy out to kill me and maim me

And its worked

My health is getting ok-ish to bad/maimed from an aquired brain injury no one cares about

And my family abandoned me

And my friends have been picked oofff 


And I cant report anything to police 

Then IBAV and the VI reject me and so does the stste and national ombudsman and AFSA and ASIC for a valid whistleblower complaint 

You know because ive been conspired to be systemically oppressed so so much I decided death was honourable And the attempt was ‘a fatal injury’ and ‘Lethal attempt’ says the hospital 

And this could have all been avoided if Steve Iasonidis did not put a hit man on me and scare me so much that I dare not go after the half a million in super that he hold onto which is mine 

And im framed from getting any lawyer 

And the methodology is to keep me broke (at least im humble hahaha) 

And that there are BAAAD mojo crimes I know he was present at 

...and that I recorded him admitting the fraud because I was actually scared for my life he was such a psycho 

And I can play you that 

And I record things because I forget and reality check im not crazy 

Because people have framed me as such 

And that I had a public profile for 20+ years even speaking in parliament to Dubbo to Montreal to a human rights award a book of the year you know celebrated author 

And you know that I did make a complaint about a GP but AHPRA Australian medical review board and NHPOPC and the cops and the AHRC and equal opportunity any any litigation did not work so I fought on and unless im a masochist who loves to suffer - went through dying a couple times 

And I have evidence that all this occured

But you knew I was getting close

So Micron21 a company who hosts my website sends this: 



And they are with the government and they got as talon the shoulder and it ruined my business And the business people didn’t care or

The small business and family ombudsman

Or the telecommunications I dusty ombudsman 

So you know 

I have an AAT meeting tomorrow which is under AG’s portfolio and ive been ascribed by heaps of them... 


The government want to kill me or condones that I do 

And the government tomorrow at 2pm has a lawyer 

And that they’re going to bomb me to the dark ages 

Haha funny cause im a light worker with a hint of cheeky devil 

And im not afraid to die 

So go ahead and kill me 

Because the blood will be on all your hands at the following post humous site 

Because you robbed me desecrated me denied me and rendered me bereft of finance you took my reputation and led me down a road to set me up and all the evidence is there and you cant deny that 

I have a brain injury

And apparently a mentalillness

Greg Hunt didn’t care

No one does

That’s why as the most celebrated infamous vagrant im not afraid to die (again)

But until you make a truce with me the site will be up

Ive no choice but to oppose the government

My own way

Im not saying I would ever tip 10 litres of LSD into the water supply you know me and follow me plus im ethical about tripping Ethics means ‘do no harm’

When you dont react to this message

That hurts me

Because I may be dead

I am NOT suicidal


Happy days

Flowers and mung beans

Oh - can you get Micrton21 to give my site and evidence back please?

And reverse everything else too

Cheers thanks a lot

Oh justmone last thing - get me a lawyer to take Steve Iasonidis to town and get my 500k within a week and I won’t pursue this 


Oh justmone last thing - get me a lawyer to take Steve Iasonidis to town and get my 500k within a week and I won’t pursue this Oh and need whistleblower status

So you know im not framed

Like you have 

Thanks best wishes Dr Rich Mclean 


2 McCubbin St Footscray Vic 3011 


Micron21 destroy my business with impunity along with my digital identity. The telecommunications industry ombudsman condone it and so does the SBEFSO. don’t care and ASIC refused to comment.


Dr Daniel McCurdy was on point. Sexual abuse and ‘psychosis’ are linked. Who’d have thought?



27/07/2022 I am threatened with hospital by salt water clinic unless I front up for an injection to stop my ‘delusions’. Later salt water clinic would oversee the destruction of my entire home and contents, along with the police - who obviously act to protect individuals and stolen damaged or lost property.




The NDIS have absolutely not supported my economic participation and they have reneged on the cost of reasonable and necessary supports.

Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and Victoria on the

National Disability Insurance Scheme


Part 1 - Objective of this Agreement


1. Through this Agreement, the Commonwealth of Australia (the Commonwealth) and Victoria commit to improve the outcomes of people with disability by supporting them through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS; the Scheme), with the shared goal of increasing social and economic participation. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NOIA) and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

(NDIS Commission) are essential partners in the delivery of scheme objectives.


2. Through this Agreement, the Commonwealth and Victoria are committed to the delivery of the NDIS to ensure that it achieves the objectives set out in the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the NDIS Act).


3.  The NDIS will:

a. provide all eligible Australian residents with independence through access to a scheme based on insurance principles that guarantees lifetime coverage for participants for the costs of reasonable and necessary care and supports, including early intervention supports, to enhance their social and economic participation;

b. enable people with disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports;

c. provide an individualised approach to supporting people with disability based on a market approach;

d. provide safe and high quality supports to participants through national quality and safeguarding and market oversight arrangements; and

e. guarantee a sustainable funding model for the provision of disability supports to participants into the future.


4. This Agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth and Victoria in relation to governance, policy, quality and safeguards, market development and oversight and funding arrangements for the NDIS.


Part 2 - Parties and Operation of the Agreement


5. The Parties to this Agreement are the Commonwealth and Victoria.


6. This Agreement will commence on 1 July 2019.







7. This Agreement:

a. builds on the experiences of trial and transition in Victoria and nationally;

b. outlines the ways the Commonwealth and Victoria will work together on NDIS governance, funding and related policy matters;

c. supersedes the NDIS Heads of Agreement and the Bilateral Agreement for Transition to the NDIS between the Commonwealth and Victoria;

d. may be amended, according to the process set out in Part 9; and

e. exists until such time as it is revoked or replaced by a decision of the Parties.


8. This Agreement is interoperable with:

a. the NDIS Act and its associated Rules;

b. the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 2013 (the DCAF Act);

c. the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020;

d. the 'Principles to Determine the Responsibilities of the NDIS and other Service Systems -Applied Principles and Tables of Support (APTOS)' agreed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) on

19 April 2013, updated on 27 November 2015;

e. any National Partnership Agreements between the Commonwealth and Victoria which provides for payment from the DisabilityCare Australia Fund (DCAF);

f.  any relevant Commonwealth legislation; and

g. any relevant international agreements, which may be ratified from time to time, including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


9. This Agreement is also to be considered in conjunction with the following Victorian legislation, and any relevant Victorian legislation:

a. The Disability Act 2006;

b. The Guardianship and Administration Act 1986;

c. The Mental Health Act 2014;

d. The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006;

e. Information Privacy Act 2000;

f.  Health Records Act 2001;

g. Children and Young Persons Act 2005; and

h. Education and Training Reform Act 2006.


10.   Schedules to this Agreement include, but are not limited to:

a. financial contributions;

b. transitional provisions;

c. continuity of support;

d. market and workforce roles and responsibilities; and

e. interface between the NDIS and Victorian services.







Part 3 - Roles and Responsibilities


Shared responsibilities


11.  In addition to their shared roles and responsibilities outlined in existing frameworks and in Clauses 8 and 9, the Parties agree to:

a. support and promote the objectives and principles of the NDIS, as set out in the NDIS Act;

b. work together through the governance structures in the NDIS Act and in this agreement to minimise risks to the delivery of the NDIS and ensure Scheme sustainability;

c. work collaboratively, consulting with the NDIA and engaging with people with disability, their families and carers, on ongoing refinement of the policy settings of the NDIS, including its interface with other service systems and non-government and community-based supports;

d. work collaboratively, consulting with the NDIS Commission and engaging with people with disability, their families and carers, on ongoing refinement of the policy settings and operational arrangements relating to

the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, including its interface with other safeguarding systems;

e. consider reports on NDIS implementation, performance and outcomes, as well as impacts on other service systems, to inform their efforts to improve NDIS performance;

f.  participate in agreed evaluations and reviews, including by providing relevant information where available;

g. make financial contributions to the NDIS, as set out in Part 8;

h. where required, provide continuity of support for clients of Commonwealth or Victorian specialist disability programs who are found to be ineligible for the NDIS, to assist them to achieve similar outcomes, as set out in Schedule C of this Agreement;

i.  ensure the portability of NDIS supports between jurisdictions;

j.  identify and report issues to the NDlA or the Ministerial Council or responsible government, as appropriate, in a timely manner to ensure that the NDIS, and the legislation underpinning the Scheme, is operating as intended;

k. coordinate and promote links between the NDIS and other service systems and non-government and community-based supports to create seamless delivery of supports to NDIS participants;

I.        support the principles of interoperability with other service systems by

sharing information and data to the greatest extent possible to support the effective integration of the Scheme and jointly monitor outcomes, subject to privacy and other confidentiality requirements;

m.   support the development of a robust and comprehensive disability services market;

n. support the NDIA's implementation of Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) by promoting collaboration and partnership with local communities and other service systems to create greater inclusivity and accessibility of people with disability; and






o. provide access to other services provided by the Commonwealth and Victoria to all people with disability residing in Victoria, in accordance with the agreed responsibilities of all governments.


The NDIS and other service systems


12. The NDIS operates alongside other service systems in accordance with the APTOS. All governments have agreed that the guiding principles outlined in the APTOS will be used to determine the funding and delivery responsibilities of the NDIS; and that the interactions of the NDIS with other systems will reinforce the obligations of other service delivery systems to improve the lives of people with disability, in line with the National Disability Strategy.


13. The service decisions regarding support for NDIS participants made by the NDIA and other service systems, in line with the principles in the APTOS, should be implemented in a consistent manner. To support this, the NDIA will continue to publish all Operational Guidelines that guide decision making about funding supports for NDIS participants.


14. The APTOS may be amended from time to time. Recognising that changes to the APTOS impact the NDIS and other service systems; any changes to the APTOS will be undertaken through a collaborative and jointly agreed process between the Commonwealth and all states and territories and will be agreed by COAG.



Part 4 - Governance


Ministerial Council


15. The NDIS is established by the NDIS Act and as outlined in Part 5 of the NDIS Act the NDIS is overseen by a Ministerial Council. The NDIS Act defines the Ministerial Council as being designated by COAG as having responsibility for the NDIS, and as being subject to COAG guidance for Ministerial Councils.


16. The Ministerial Council consists of the Commonwealth and all states and territories, and currently comprises Ministers with responsibility for disability and Treasury portfolios.


17. The Ministerial Council is supported by a Senior Officials Working Group (SOWG), chaired by the Commonwealth.


18. Representatives from the NDIA and the NDIS Commission will attend Ministerial Council and SOWG meetings as required.


19. Under the NDIS Act, the Ministerial Council may make recommendations to COAG about NDIS policy matters or issues that arise under the NDIS Act or that respond to a scheduled review of the operation of the NDIS Act. The Ministerial Council provides an annual report lo COAG and other reports as requested.







Working with the National Disability Insurance Agency


20. The NOIA is an independent statutory agency, whose role, as set out in the NDIS Act, is to deliver the NDIS and manage the financial sustainability of the NDIS, and to develop the sector, build community awareness and undertake data collection and research relating to disabilities.


21. The Parties may work with the NDIA to consider and resolve bilateral matters relating to the operation of the NDIS. This will be supported by agreed local and state-level governance arrangements which bring together the relevant parties and the NDIA. Unresolved matters could be escalated to the relevant Ministers or First Ministers,

or where they have multilateral relevance, the Ministerial Council - or relevant officials' bodies.


22. The Parties will establish governance arrangements for oversight of the NDIS in Victoria from 1 July 2019, as outlined in the Tripartite Agreement Governing Operating Protocols for the NDIS between the NDIA, the Victorian Government and the Commonwealth Government.


23. The Parties agree to the establishment of a Victorian Executive Steering Committee (ESC). The Parties agree the Victorian ESC should comprise senior representatives from Commonwealth and Victorian agencies and the NOIA.


24. The Parties agree to the establishment of a Victorian NDIS Community Advisory Council as set out in the Tripartite Agreement Governing Operating Protocols for the NDIS between the NDIA, the Victorian Government and the Commonwealth Government.


25. The Parties agree to review and assess the operation of the Tripartite Agreement Governing Operating Protocols for the NDIS between the NDIA, the Victorian Government and the Commonwealth Government biannually, with the first review to commence no later than June 2021.


26.  Under the NDIS Act, the Commonwealth Minister, as chair of the Ministerial Council and with all states' and territories' agreement, can:

a. give directions, by legislative instrument, to the NDIA about the performance of its functions; and

b. provide strategic guidance to the NDIA Board.


Working with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission


27. The NOIS Commission is an independent statutory agency, whose role, as set out in the NDIS Act, is to provide functions relating to the quality and safety of services provided to people with disability, register and oversee the operation of NDIS providers and manage and resolve complaints about NDIS providers.


28. The Parties may work with the NDIS Commission to consider and resolve bilateral matters relating to the operation of the NDIS. This may be supported by agreed







governance arrangements which bring together the relevant parties and the NDIS Commission. Unresolved matters could be escalated to the relevant Ministers or First Ministers, or where they have multilateral relevance, the Ministerial Council - or relevant officials' bodies.


Consultation processes on the NDIS Act and legislative instruments


29. Where consultation is required in relation to a proposed change to the NDIS Act, or a new or existing instrument made under it, the following process will be followed:

a. contact at officer level between the Commonwealth and affected jurisdictions;

b. SOWG consideration of a proposed multilateral change;

c. if there is an unintended impact on a jurisdiction the Commonwealth should be notified within 14 calendar days of SOWG consideration;

d. where there is an unintended impact, the Commonwealth will work with that jurisdiction to remove or minimise it;

e. if the process outlined in (c) or (d) above occurs and it results in redrafting, the Commonwealth will recirculate the proposed change to SOWG for agreement within five working days;

f.  the process outlined in (c), (d) and (e) above may occur more than once;

g. if there is no unintended impact notified under (c) above or, where there is such an impact, when the process in (c) (d) and (e) above has occurred, the Commonwealth Minister or, where delegated, the NDIS Commissioner, will write to jurisdictional Ministers about the proposed change and request a response within 28 calendar days of the letter being sent; and

h. the Commonwealth Minister, or NDIS Commissioner, will not make the proposed change before the 28 calendar days in (g) above has expired.


30. Where a proposed change to the NDIS Act, or an instrument made under it, requires formal agreement of a jurisdiction, a majority of jurisdictions, or all jurisdictions:

a. the processes outlined in 29(a) to (h) will be followed; and

b. if a jurisdiction has not responded within the 28 calendar day period indicated in the Commonwealth Minister's or NDIS Commissioner's letter, the jurisdiction is deemed to have agreed the proposed change; unless

c. the jurisdiction has notified the Commonwealth in writing within the 28 calendar day period that its formal agreement requires a formal decision, in which case:

i.   the notification by the jurisdiction in writing includes the date by which the decision will be made;

ii.   the notified decision date in (i) above is within 90 calendar days since the date the Commonwealth Minister's or NDIS Commissioner's letter was sent;

iii.   the jurisdiction notifies the Commonwealth of its decision within two working days of this specified date; and

iv.   if the Commonwealth has not been notified of the decision, within two working days of the notified date, the jurisdiction will be deemed to have agreed.







Part 5 - NDIS Quality and Safeguarding


31.  The NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, agreed by COAG, outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments in relation to ensuring high quality supports and safe environments for NDIS participants.


Guiding Principles


32.  All governments share a common goal of ensuring appropriate quality and safeguarding arrangements are in place for people with disability under the NDIS, in line with the following principles:

a. protect and prevent participants from experiencing harm arising from poor

quality or unsafe supports or services;

b. avoid regulatory gaps and enable NDIS participants to make seamless transitions across jurisdictional regulatory boundaries;

c. embed best practice in safeguarding arrangements across agencies;

d. consult on decisions that might reasonably be expected to impact other parties; and

e. implement information sharing arrangements to ensure the success of

quality and safeguarding arrangements.


Roles and Responsibilities

33.  The Commonwealth is giving effect to its key obligations under the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework through the establishment of the NDIS Commission.


34.  The Commonwealth, through the NDIS Commission, will be responsible for:

a. registration and regulation of NDIS providers, including practice standards;

b. compliance monitoring, investigation and enforcement action;

c. responding to complaints and reportable incidents, including abuse or neglect of a person with disability;

d. national policy settings for the screening of workers;

e. national oversight in relation to behaviour support and monitoring the use of restrictive practices within the NDIS with the aim of reducing and eliminating such practices, and assisting all state and territories to move towards greater consistency around authorisation and consent


f.  monitoring and overseeing the NDIS market; and

g. facilitating information sharing arrangements between the NDIS Commission, the NOIA and all slates and territories and other Commonwealth regulatory bodies.


35. The NDIS Commission will also regulate supports and services provided outside the NDIS in certain circumstances, where a program or provider is prescribed by the NDIS rules, including the Commonwealth Continuity of Support Program for people with disability aged 65 and over (and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 and over).








36.  The Parties agree that other existing Commonwealth and Victorian quality and safeguarding arrangements will continue:

a. for services for people with a disability delivered through service systems

outside the NDIS;

b. for matters which fall outside the jurisdiction of the NDIS Commission;

c. to cover all existing clients that have not transitioned to the NDIS; and

d. to cover all in-kind supports, which do not fall under the remit of the NDIS Commission because they are not funded under the NDIS Act.


37.  The Parties agree that universal complaints and redress mechanisms, including police, fair trading bodies, professional and industry bodies, consumer protection laws, tenancy protection laws and other regulatory and complaints systems, will continue to be available to both NDIS participants and people with disability outside the NDIS.


38.  Consistent with the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, Victoria is responsible for policy and any related legislation, the authorisation arrangements for restrictive practices in Victoria and the operational aspects of worker screening, including the operation of state-based worker screening units.


39.  The roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth and Victoria in relation to worker screening will be outlined in the Intergovernmental Agreement on Worker Screening.


Transitional Arrangements


40.  Transitional arrangements for Quality and Safeguarding are outlined in Schedule B of this Agreement.


Part 6 - NDIS Market and Workforce Development


Guiding Principles


41.  The Parties are committed to an NDIS delivered through an open market where:

a. people with disability exercise choice and control to access reasonable and necessary supports;

b. diverse and sustainable providers offer a full range of quality supports

wherever people live;

c. workers with appropriate skills deliver quality supports using a person­ centred approach;

d. prices are monitored to support value for money for participants and

Scheme sustainability, and decisions about price controls or deregulation are informed by evidence about the functioning of the market;

e. the sharing of high-quality and timely market intelligence is promoted by all agencies to the greatest extent possible;

f.  governments adhere to principles of competitive neutrality when offering or providing supports to people with disability; and







g. the market is monitored and regulated, and receives support and intervention as necessary to ensure it delivers in the interests of participants.


42. The Parties acknowledge:

a. that reform of the disability support market and workforce is ongoing; and

b. the role of consumers, providers and workers in building a mature NDIS market.


43. The Parties agree to:

a. continue to support NDIS market reform through their respective education, training and regulatory systems;

b. forge connections to other relevant sectors (for example, health and aged care); and

c. support innovation in the disability support market, either directly or by not impeding innovation in the market.


Roles and Responsibilities


44. In the context of the Roles and Responsibilities for developing the NDIS Market and Workforce agreed by the Ministerial Council, Victoria agrees to be responsible for:

a. working with the Commonwealth to support the implementation of market intervention and maintaining critical supports;

b. facilitating the sharing of relevant market intelligence from state-based agencies to inform effective market oversight of the disability support sector; and

c. working with the Commonwealth to develop an NDIS workforce with appropriate skills and capabilities to deliver safe and quality supports and meet expected workforce growth requirements.


45. In the context of the Roles and Responsibilities for developing the NDIS Market and Workforce agreed by the Ministerial Council, the Commonwealth agrees to be responsible for:

a. engaging in good faith to develop, consider and implement market policies, strategies and actions to mitigate entrenched or systemic market risks;

b. implementing market monitoring and regulation to protect participant interests and support market sustainability, competition, and viability;

c. monitoring the impact of pricing policies on the disability support sector and advising Victoria on risks and opportunities for price deregulation; and

d. working with Victoria, and other states and territories to develop a NDIS workforce with appropriate skills and capabilities to deliver safe and quality supports and meet expected workforce growth requirements.


46.  The Parties agree to share responsibility for consulting with stakeholders and partners to inform advice to governments about entrenched or systemic market risks (including in particular sub-markets or geographies), their severity and likely impacts.








47. The Parties agree to work collaboratively with all jurisdictions, the NDIS Commission and the NDIA to consider approaches to improve the effective operation of the market for NDIS services, including consideration of pricing practices for improved transparency on price settings, pricing principles for market and workforce development, and pricing governance (including exploration of options for independent pricing and pathways to deregulation), market confidence, capacity building and depth, flexibility of the market to innovate and meet participants' needs, and consumer choice and regulation for quality and safety.



Part 7 - NDIS Performance Reporting


48. Under the NDIS Act, the NDIA will provide the following levels of reporting about NDIS performance.


Annual Report


49. An annual report, which summarises the performance and operations of the NDIA as required by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and the NDIS Act.


50. The annual report may also present the actions, initiatives and key performance indicators on the implementation and management of the NDIS against targets set out in the Commonwealth's Portfolio Budget Statements and the NDIA's Corporate Plan.


Quarterly NOIA Performance Reporting


51. The NDIA Board will report quarterly to the Ministerial Council on aspects of operational performance that contribute to the achievement of outcomes for the NDIS.


52. This information will be provided at the national level, and also disaggregated to the level of individual jurisdictions, and include information that relates to either or both of the following in the period to which the report relates:

a. participants in each jurisdiction; and

b. funding or provision of supports by the NDIA in relation to each jurisdiction.


53. Reporting at this level is designed to provide jurisdictions with the information they require to meet their own individual accountability requirements, especially in the budget-reporting context, and to enable Victoria to monitor the impact of the NDIS on its population and service system.







NDIS Performance Reporting Framework


54. The Parties agree to work collaboratively through COAG, the Ministerial Council and with the ND/A to establish and develop over time a robust Performance Reporting Framework to comprehensively monitor the performance and governance of the NDIS against its goals, as stated in the NDIS Act.


55.  The Parties agree that the NDIS Performance Reporting Framework (including any reporting obligations) will be included as a Schedule to this Agreement once the NDIS Performance Framework has been endorsed by SOWG and the Ministerial Council.


NDIS Activity in Jurisdictions


56. The ND/A must also give a Commonwealth, State or Territory Minister who is a member of the Ministerial Council additional information when requested by that Minister about:

a. expenditure, relating to a particular host jurisdiction, of money received by the ND/A from the Commonwealth or that host jurisdiction; or

b. activities of the ND/A relating to that jurisdiction.



Part 8 - Funding Arrangements


57. The NDIS Act provides for the payment of NDIS financial contributions by the Commonwealth and the states and territories. This Agreement sets out the detail of agreed funding arrangements and payments to be made to the ND/A.


58.  The Parties agree to contribute to the NDIS in accordance with Schedule A of this Agreement.


59.  The Parties agree that contributions made to the ND/A from the Commonwealth and Victoria towards participant supports in Victoria that are not expended in a financial year will remain with the NOIA for participant supports, general supports, ND/A working capital and/or a NDIS Reserve Fund.


60.  The Parties agree to establish a NDIS Reserve Fund, from 1 July 2019. The objectives of the Reserve Fund are to improve participant outcomes and manage scheme sustainability on insurance principles by using the Reserve Fund to manage the lifetime risk of participant costs.


61.  The Reserve Fund will be built from accumulated cash in the Scheme. No governments are expected to make additional payments to the Reserve Fund. Actuarial and economic analysis will inform advice to governments about the development and optimal level of the Reserve Fund. The actuarial and economic analysis will be peer-reviewed.







62.  The Ministerial Council will consider the broad policy and design parameters of the Reserve Fund, including the overall purpose and use of the Reserve Fund, the optimal level of reserves and reporting requirements.

a. If agreement cannot be reached or the confirmation of members' commitment is not given by the Ministerial Council by December 2019, the Parties will consider alternative arrangements for a reserve.


Transitional Arrangements


63.  The Parties agree that Victoria's contribution to the NDIS may be temporarily adjusted in accordance with Schedule B of this Agreement.



Part 9 - Reviews and variations


Review of the operation of the Agreement


64.  The Parties agree to commission a review no later than the end of 2023 that will assess the operation of this Agreement.


65.  The review of the operation of this Agreement may take into account outcomes of the legislative review of the NDIS Act, to be commissioned by the Ministerial Council in or after 2021.


Reviews of NDIS Costs


66.  The Parties agree to the Ministerial Council separately commissioning an independent review of NDIS costs in 2023 and 2028 and, thereafter,

as commissioned by the Ministerial Council. This will include consideration of the parameters and terms of reference of the review.


67.  As members of the Ministerial Council, states and territories will have a role in setting the parameters and terms of reference of the review.


68.  The reviews should examine the following issues:

a. sustainability of the NDIS, including costs and achievement of participant outcomes and the effectiveness of !LC;

b. cost pressures, including wages pressures;

c. the NDIA's operational costs;

d. efficiencies within the Scheme;

e. whether there has been any service and financial impact, positive or negative, on other service systems; and

f. the most appropriate levers to manage financial risks and any cost pressures.


69.  Each review should also address any additional issues relevant at the time of the review.







70. The Parties commit to consider the outcomes of the reviews in respect of this Agreement.


71. The outcomes of the reviews will also be considered by the Ministerial Council and reported to COAG.


Variation to the Agreement


72.  In the event the Commonwealth offers terms that are more favourable in subsequent bilateral agreements with other jurisdictions, these will also be made available to Victoria, if Victoria makes such a request and the request relates to substantial financial and governance arrangements and/or policy settings. The Parties agree to negotiate appropriate amendments to this Agreement to give effect to any changes, including from when any changes come into effect, recognising that if subclause (b) was invoked all relevant plans would need to be reviewed and cash supports removed where participants agreed to use the in-kind supports. The Parties agree that this provision excludes:

a. the quantum of the Victorian contribution, including the provision of

cash and in-kind contribution and escalation rate; and

b. Victoria's in-kind funding cap and the values and phase-out deadlines agreed for the in-kind funded supports listed in Schedule B, except that if the Commonwealth agrees with another jurisdiction that ii can receive time-limited in-kind recognition for its Taxi User Subsidy Scheme, (the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program in Victoria), this will also be offered to Victoria.


73.  This Agreement and Schedule A to this Agreement may only be amended with the agreement of relevant First Ministers. This will include an amendment to

Schedule A following reallocation of Victoria's contributions in 2023 and every five years thereafter.


74.  Schedules B, C, D and E to this Agreement may be amended or revoked, and new Schedules added, with the agreement of the Commonwealth Minister and the Victorian First Minister or, where delegated, the relevant Victorian Minister.


Part 10 - Process for Resolution of Disputes under this Agreement


75.  Any Party may give notice to other Parties of a dispute under this Agreement.


76. Officials of relevant Parties will attempt to resolve any dispute bilaterally in the first instance, then if not resolved, escalate through the relevant Ministers and First Ministers.


77.  If the dispute relates to a common multilateral provision of the Agreement, and Victoria and the Commonwealth agree, it could also be escalated through relevant multilateral officials groups, and if necessary, the Ministerial Council and COAG.







The Parties have confirmed their commitment to this agreement as follows:



Signcd,J, i1r r111d Oil  beltnlf of the Co11111101zwealtl1 of J\ ustmlia by


t ll 0/l   \_/

The 'Honourable Scott Morrison MP

Prime Mini ster of the Commonwealth of Australia





Sih111ed for mid on beltalf of lire Stnle of Viclorin by







Schedule A. Financial Contributions


Victoria financial contributions


1. Victoria will contribute $2,586 million in 2019-20.


2. The $2,586 million includes a $65 million Budget Neutral Adjustment as a result of changes to Commonwealth and State roles and responsibilities under Schedule F of the 2011 National Health Reform Agreement. The Budget Neutral Adjustment will be escalated at 3.5 per cent per annum.


3. The remaining contribution of $2,522 million in 2019-20 will be escalated by

4.0 per cent per annum to account for inflation and population changes.

a. The escalation rate may be reassessed by the Parties following each independent review of NDIS costs.

b. Table 1 outlines Victoria's financial contribution each year from 2019-20 to

















4. Victoria's contribution will contribute to participant supports, including:

a. individualised support packages for scheme participants; and

b. Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) and other general supports as described by section 13(2) of the NDIS Act.


5. Victoria's cash contributions will be made in advance, within the first two working days of each quarter, following receipt of an invoice from the NDIA.


6. Victoria's cash contributions will be adjusted to take into account end of transition arrangements and in-kind funding contributions, as outlined in Schedule B.



Commonwealth contributions


7. The Commonwealth will continue to project the future cost of the NDIS, informed by each independent review of NDIS costs.


a. The Commonwealth will continue to project costs informed by Productivity Commission estimates until the next independent review of NDIS costs in 2023;

b. The Commonwealth will continue to project NDIA administration, ILC and participant supports costs on a national basis.






8. The Commonwealth will be responsible for the balance of all NDIS costs, taking into account the financial contributions from Victoria, and will fully provision for all Commonwealth financial contributions.


9. The Commonwealth confirms its contribution will be consistent with the Heads of Agreement signed between Victoria and the Commonwealth on 4 May 2013.The actual amount spent in each jurisdiction will depend on the number of participants and the cost of the NDIS in that jurisdiction. To give effect to this:

a. the Commonwealth commits to using an average package cost of no less than

$43,324 per participant in Victoria as the basis of the Commonwealth contribution in Victoria until the next independent review of NDIS costs. The average package cost will be indexed by the Commonwealth's floating escalation rate until the next independent review of NDIS costs;

b. The Commonwealth's contribution will be adjusted according to participant numbers and costs;

c. The Commonwealth's contribution will not be comprised of nor adjusted due to accumulated cash in the NDIA arising from the implementation of the Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth and Victoria for Transition to a NDIS;

d. After taking into account the financial contributions from Victoria, the Commonwealth will be fully responsible for ensuring the NDIA has adequate funding to meet all participant costs and cash flow requirements.


10.  The Commonwealth will contribute to other general supports as described in the NDIS Act, including ILC investments for the benefit of all Victorians with disability.


11.  The Commonwealth's cash contributions will be made in advance, within the first two working days of each quarter, following receipt of an invoice from the NDIA.


12.  In addition, under the NDIS Act, the NDIA must respond to a request by a host jurisdiction Ministers for information about:

a. expenditure of money received by the NDIA from that jurisdiction; or

b. expenditure, relating to that jurisdiction, of money received by the NDIA from the Commonwealth; or

c. activities of the NDIA relating to that jurisdiction.


13.  The Commonwealth agrees to provide regular reports on actual NDIS expenditure in Victoria, noting this is currently reported in NDIA annual reports.




Reallocation of Victoria's contributions


14.  A net neutral reallocation of all state and territory contributions will occur from

1 July 2023 and every five years thereafter, in line with each state's and territory's share of the total national population as per the most recent Census data at the time. This Schedule will be amended in 2023 and every five years thereafter to reflect the reallocation.


15.  State population shares will be taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics measure

3101.0 - Australian Demographic Statistics.







16. State population shares will be taken from the December data from the year that each Census was undertaken (i.e. the first data used will be December 2021 Census data).


17. When a reallocation occurs, the total quantum of baseline state and territory financial contributions to the NDIS in a financial year will be considered as a single figure. This figure will then be divided based upon the updated share of national population residing in each state and territory.


18. This reallocation will result in increased contributions from states and territories whose share of the national population has grown, and reduced contributions from states and territories whose share of the national population has fallen, at the time of reallocation.


The National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS)


19. The minimum benchmarks are outlined in the COAG Decision Regulation Impact Statements - Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations for motor vehicle or workplace accidents. Victoria is considered to meet the minimum benchmarks as at 1 March 2019.


20. Victoria will make additional contributions to the NDIS if Victoria's motor vehicle or workplace insurance schemes are below nationally agreed minimum benchmarks, or any revised minimum benchmarks subsequently amended by the Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations. The Commonwealth will agree with states and territories a process to verify that minimum benchmarks continue to be met.


21. The amount of any additional contributions from Victoria under Clause 20 in this Schedule will be the cost of the NDIS plan, and agreed administration costs, provided to a person in the NDIS.


22. Victoria and the Commonwealth will continue to assess the feasibility of a NIIS for catastrophic general accidents in good faith, through the Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations.


23. The Commonwealth and Victoria may continue negotiations, through the Standing Council on Federal Financial Relations, on coverage for no fault catastrophic medical treatment accidents, following a decision by COAG in 2017 to not proceed with the medical injury stream of the NIIS at this time.







Schedule B. Transitional Provisions


End of transition arrangements


1. Remaining transition funding mechanism payments will be in addition to Victoria's NDIS contributions made under this Agreement. The arrears nature of the transition funding mechanism means that payment(s) for the final period of transition from Victoria will be made during the first year of the full Scheme funding arrangements.



2. If the transition of existing Victoria disability clients into the NDIS is not complete by 30 June 2019, the Parties agree to apply a temporary discount to Victoria's financial contribution, for nine months until 31 March 2020.


3. The discount will include:

a. $6.869 million per month for the reasonable fixed costs associated with continuing to support existing Victorian disability clients, applied in arrears on a monthly basis until the month following the final plan approval for the remaining existing clients; and

b. a per person amount for service delivery costs associated with the client cohorts in Table 2, applied in arrears following plan approval, for all existing active Victorian disability clients for whom:

i.     a final access decision has not yet been made but who ultimately go on to meet access requirements; or

ii.     an eligible access decision has been made and they do not yet have an approved plan.


4. The adjustment per person for service delivery costs will be equal to one-twelfth of costs identified in Table 2, multiplied by the number of months from 30 June 2019 until the mid-point of the month of plan approval, up to the agreed temporary discount period. The NOIA will calculate the amount on a per person basis in the month following plan approval and apply the adjustment to the next invoice.



Client Cohort


Hiqh cost clients


Medium cost clients

$42 160

Low cost clients



5. If the number of existing Victorian clients that have NDIS eligibility confirmed but do not have an approved plan is greater than 750 at 31 March 2020, the Parties agree to apply a temporary discount to Victoria's financial contribution for an additional three months until 30 June 2020.


6. If applied, this temporary discount will be consistent with arrangements set out in Clauses 3a, 3b and 4 of Schedule B.








7. A decision will be made about Schedule B Clause 5 in January 2020. The number of Victorian clients that will not transition to the NDIS by 31 March 2020 will be estimated in January 2020 informed by a full assessment by the Parties and the NOIA.


8. If the number of existing Victorian clients that have NDIS eligibility confirmed but do not have an approved plan is greater than 750 at 30 June 2020, the Parties agree to negotiate a further temporary discount to Victoria's financial contribution, based on the arrangements set out in clauses 3b and 4 of Schedule B (the fixed costs in clause 3a would not apply).


9. A decision will be made about Schedule B Clause 8 in April 2020. The number of Victorian clients that will not transition to the NDIS by 30 June 2020 will be estimated in April 2020 informed by a full assessment by the Parties and the NDIA.


10.  Victoria will develop a list of the existing disability clients yet to transition as at

30 June 2019 based on data received from the NDIA for that period. Each existing disability client will be allocated to a client cohort in Table 2 to be used for the purposes of calculating the per person amount for service delivery.


11.  This list will be sent to the NDIA for agreement and a de-identified version to the Department of Social Services for information by 31 July 2019. The list cannot be revised after 31 July 2019.


12.  Any discount will be applied in arrears on a future invoice, based on the end-month client status report submitted to Victoria by the NOIA.


In-kind funding contributions


13.  The Parties agree to phase out in-kind funding contributions. Exceptional circumstances have been agreed between the Parties to apply an in-kind funding offset for the defined supports identified in Table 3. These in-kind supports have been assessed on the basis they:

a. do not contravene section 17A of the NDIS Act in relation to participant's exercising choice and control;

b. do not constrain the development of a NDIS support market;

c. adhere to principles of competitive neutrality;

d. allow the in-kind supports and amounts to be included in participant plans; and

will be calculated using the NDIA price for sup



I am literally beaten up inside a hospital I had already died in and revived by a Government thug.  Later when released the police would run me out of town and the offender would be in the room next door.bAlso that next day - I am run down in the street by an out of control car and both my dog and I are injured.bThey knew I couldn’t stop - otherwise Id be locked in hospital. My lawyer said did I have a number plate because it may have been the police who ran me down. That makes me feel safe.


The Disability Discrimination Legal Centre can’t seem to help even when I explain it


They will kill me 

I mean...

You could try and rob part of an evil cohort...

Orb even kill me...but I say that fasting is a skill and a great benefit to health Kindly


Hi brook and cat you wholesome person 

She is a senior lawyer for the Government and informs government policy I notice that she is really scraping the bottom of the barrel

You say:

‘Hi Alison 

Let me know if the below if allright’ 

You recently received an email from Kate Watson -a high ranking lawyer who is a 25 

year advocate for a particular section of Government insurance 

The intonation is - Kate has asked for evidence to demonstrate that I indeed, am not registered on being’s the system’ ‘Involved in the SAP as the system and 

includes salary, leave and other payroll information’ 

This is to support her part in the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in order to destroy me - it worked - I was dead - but even though I have a brain injury now, (which work safe and Comcare are large contributors to), I have enough to complete 

this email. 

It is exposing the hypocrisy and the vicious and conscious slander and libel of me, and the catastrophic character assassination that has seen my death (I was revived) - 

then its further cover up. The maliciousness is systemic through local State and 

Government agencies. 

You see, Kate is a soul-less wench prostituting herself with all the soul depth of a 

credit card. 

You just played right into what she’s trying to do. That is: 

Trying to prove that for the purposes of the SRC act, I am not eligible for Workers 

Compensation via National insurer, Comcare. 

In fact, I have been framed, and you are unknowingly playing a game which has 

catastrophic consequences for Kate. 

That is because I have suffered a psychological injury because of my work, and that I 

have been framed. 

This is in no way more evident than as a formerly celebrated nationally human rights awarded autobiographer and human rights campaigner, who spent 25 + years advocating g for marginalised people with altruism, and having spoken in Parliament to Dubbo to Warnambool to Montreal, all the radio and TV stations etc (and also has a wikipedia page after him, for my role as an illustrator and artist for both ’The Herald Sun and ’The age’, I have been labelled with many mental health. 


That includes serious illnesses however I persevered and I attained my PhD. 

Clearly I would be on the national registry, having had personal rejections from such people as Greg hunt, MP Linda Reynolds, MP Dan Andrews, Latham, Bandt, and 

many more. 

In fact, a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice is evident through the rejection of my FOIfrom the Office Of Prime Minister and cabinet, after at first identifying, 

obviously that my records were voluminous’ and ‘complex’ and would require time. 

Then a complete 180 and I don’t even exist. 

Thats strange, considering my former partner was present at a murder, embezzled 1.2 million dollars in an offshore tax haven and that he owes me half a million 


Also weird because the national health minister Greg hunt silenced evidence that 

could be heard before a court. 

But as the GP’s lawyer was Russel Ball ofBall and partners, a powerful man who informs Government policy and sits on the legal bar, its no wonder I would not find 


Thats because of a catastrophic character assassination, for which I have evidence of he slandered me to HCC MHCC APRRA NHPOPC and IVAC and The Victorian 


This preposterous movement to aid and abet my death, and set me up to kill via 

proxy ended in my ‘fatal’ suicide in Weribee Mercy Hospital in Feb 2021, 

In 15 months, since losing the entirety off my blood, and being found unresponsive with no observable pulse and revived from certain death, I was resuscitated from 

certain death. 

Fifteen months on Kate and The AAT are going against the charter of human rights fort people with a disability in that I don’t understand what the issue is - and 

additionally I have suffered incredible detriment 

AHRC - over a million

AFCA - over 1-2 million

HCF - 75000 (and I caught CEO Sheena jack overseeing fraud) 

The people complicit with covering up the that part of initial complaint with the GP 


Jack CEO Jack Heath, MP Greg hunt, HCC, MHCC, NHPOPC, The Police, IBAC, 

The Victorian Inspectorate and many many others. 

The reach of former partner Steve Stefen Stefan Iasonidis influence is so strong - and connections with wealthy people at ASIO, that gave him a ’slap on the wrist’ fin 

exchange for jail time for a 1.2 million dollar tax fraud. amplified by the libel and slander Mr Ball imposed on me to internal Government agencies, as an extortionist which I only found out about until after the 


Nothing is further from the truth. 

At the same time, I gifted back $100000 to a person who gave me the cash ‘in 


My values are ethics morals and equality and equity. 

I am a free man.

That is actually the law which Ms Watson is abusing as her positioning a legal point. 

And she feels like she can do whatever she wants doesn’t she? Tsk tsk thats not possible. 

It states I must have access before the law, and I do not. 

I deserve dignity prosperity and have human value attached to me and the value of 

human worth and sentience. 

Member Ferrell also acknowledged I am’s a disadvantage’ as if that were not 

obvious anyway,for having no food, and additionally no representation. 

The charter of human rights of people with a disability was ratified by the 

Government in 2008. 

That is because the Government having comes far in their deceit of protecting the rich powerful and political, is too late to admit they killed me then framed me then the Government condoned it as ’nothing to see’ and covered it up hoping to aid 

and abet my death via vagrancy. 

I offered finance minister Birmingham an atonement of the millions in detriment, but 

he actually intelligently and consciously rejected me. 

Allmy prosecution needs in the federal circuit court of Australia - is for my prosecution to demonstrate that 3 or more people participated in causing detriment 

- or acted via omission to pervert the course of justice. 

It was for the sake of a monthly wage. I even offered forgiveness - that the mental health team would not have to admit that they were wrong and misdiagnosed me. The Dr on duty, Dr Kimar, I was a patient of 13 years earlier, and he knows of the 

threat of violence my former partner had over me. 

...and that he admitted to being present last a murder. (Amongst other things).

In fact the release notes say that I am neither ‘delusional’ nor ‘psychotic and ‘grossly 

aware’ and zero psychosis was identified. 

I am attaching some evidence for the benefit of Ms Watson,who although she thinks she is untouchable, and that as a person with no food or medical care medication or 

home, she will hopefully kill me before the case is run. 

This is lower that shark poo. 

She is acting in resonance with a broader picture to render me bereft of money. Thats because even though I have been maliciously rendered a pauper and suffered 

a legitimate work place injury, 

If I get money, find a maverick lawyer, I will leave her and the rest of sinners with her behind hanging wide open with the wind whistling ‘rich woz here’ in the breeze with additions of ‘Its comfortable working for the government and the steak is good’ 

and further ‘I love how evil protects the privileged' 

That goes for the thousands of other people bound by the charter of human rights 

who as public officials cannot act outside of that law. 

They have all broken the law. To demonstrate the detriment: 

I am homeless

I have no food money nor care

I have cancer and no oncologist

Mental health issues and no psychologist 

A Magistrate ruled my own child sexual abuse case as ‘doomed to fail’. Work safe did not advocate for me, what a shame 

PaulFowler is the old boss and a lawyer at Comcare 

That is because this is a war to destroy - and pitiful people have believed the libel 

(Not in 15 months after I was rejected from the hospital after ‘killing myself’ from 

Government systemic oppression) 

Paul Fowler at Comcare rejected me under a part of legislation of the SRC act - and 

he even has the diagnosis wrong. 

I wrote to the attorney general and pointed this out, and the setting up total multi 

millions in detriment from AHRC and Peter Fisher and Tim Gos at AFCA 

They watched me burn with delaying and denying and offering the 4 week limit they 

had to get a determination against their own policy 

The attorney general identified me as needing welfare - a sent me to the sane 

helpline or lifeline 

and slander or paid by forces to destroy me. 

The do this via allegorically attributing distress from nobody and no food and no help care or worth - with’ mental illness’, when in fact it is a political game of cat and 

mouse that renders me a political prisoner and a scapegoat 

It is an abhorrent victimisation of a human rights advocate who spent their lives 

helping others 

They have actually destroyed me financially and still trying to aid and abet my death 

via robbing me of prosperity. 

Recently I have been evicted, and the NDIA will not fondly housing 9although they can), and condone me to housing service DHHS, or DFFS, and they have already 

rejected my application stating they donut provide housing options. 

In addition MP Reynolds condones my vagrancy

Greg hunt believes ‘having nothing to eat’ is not a health issue -its for the NDIA 

The case can still be heard

So can the rest ofmy story

Thats because money is not my current. Truth is. Abd secular ethics beyond religion. 

I am a banned whistleblower at 




The Commonwealth Ombudsman 

The matter of the original Dr’s case is still open - because he is not even registered 

with AHPRA nor has he a valid ABN as a sole trader 

To heighten this further, Steve Stefen Stefan, goers under numerous aliases to which I have the evidence and also the differing ABN’s he goers under to avoid 

further incarceration and avoid taxation issues. 

The federal Police have blocked me from their servers, so has Comcare and the 

federal circuit court and the family court 

I am banned from reporting to plolice I cannot get a lawyer

I am a rejected whistleblower 

Additionally I have failed cases with 



TheCommonwealth Ombudsman Fair Work


Every legal firm you can think of

Vic police

Fair work commission

The Australian medical Review Board Monash Law

Reporting violent crime 

So framed am I - that I cannot report: 



Tax Fraud

Tax evasion

Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice Drugging


Theft of car

Theft of phone 

...our many other crimes 


Framed by the broader picture, and the fact that I have a services Australia profile and that I received advance payments for covid and that the NDIA says explicitly on 

its website: 

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent government body that will work to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services, and strengthen the skills and knowledge of workers, providers 

and participants across Australia. 

The NDIS Commission is now operating in all states and territories. 

Who is a worker? 

My name is Dr Rich Mclean - a human rights warrior truth speaker and seeker. 

The office of prime minister and cabinet now say ...I don’t exist. 


Dr Rich Mclean 

On 12 May 2022, at 11:49, Julie Phillips <> wrote:

Dear Rich

I have explained as many ways as I can, that we cannot help you. I’m sorry but I will not be responding to further emails about this.

Kind regards


Kind regards 

Under the NDIS Commission, a worker is anyone who is employed or otherwise engaged to provide NDIS supports and services to people with disability. Workers can be paid or unpaid, and can be people who are self-employed, employees, 

contractors, consultants, and volunteers. 

She is bound to fail, and eat her words and own her deception at the expense of 

the human value and dignity of me. 

How do you fellow that you have played into the desperate trickery of Ms Kate 

Watson to further the heinous victimisation of an innocent man? 

With this catastrophic amount of slander libel and scapegoating - its enough to 

make you want to kill yourself, wouldn’t you think? 


This email and any attachments transmitted with it are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient or person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, you are prohibited from disclosing, copying or using the information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please inform us by email reply and delete the message and attached documents. 

Please consider the environment before printing this email. 

From: Rich Mclean <> Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2022 6:23 PM

To: Julie Phillips <>

Subject: Re: Legal assistancr 

How are you so sure to reject me if I have not explained the breadth of the movement to kill me (and did) then cover it up 

You are (sorry for language) a further stick in the faggot that has and is the elongated oppression of me 

Lease can you give me the opportunity to explain? Rm

I’m out and about



Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


Sent from my iPhone 

On 11 May 2022, at 12:20, Julie Phillips <> wrote: 

No Rich, these are not issues we are funded to deal with. As I said, we are only funded for claims under the Equal Opportunity Act and Disability Discrimination Act. The the issues you are complaining of don’t fall under those Acts 

Thanks Julie 

Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


This email and any attachments transmitted with it are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient or person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, you are prohibited from disclosing, copying or using the information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please inform us by email reply and delete the message and attached documents. 

Please consider the environment before printing this email. 

From: Rich Mclean <> Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:11 PM 


To: Julie Phillips <>

Cc: Rich Mclean <> Subject: Re: Legal assistancr 

Does the funding agreement include: 

1, The fact I suffered a ‘fatal’ injury (attempted suicide) in Weribee mercy hospital 15 months ago

2. Then was left for dead

3. Then was denied medication 

4. That I am a nationally known figure but I have been character assassinated

5. That I have no food

6. That I have no home (Im squatting g) 

7. I cannot afford rentor medication and I have a dog to feed :-( 

There simply must be someone in the world that has compassion for me andisnot already turned against me through misinformation, libel or slander 

Ive even done a personal plea 

This a personal plea to finds and colleagues. Please watch this video. 

Imsorry for the complexity but this is why your hands are tied: 

Victory looks like a single parliamentarian crossing the floor on Dr McLean systemic injustice and the catastrophic intelligently designed persecution and vile victimisation of him 

The second version of victory looks like me 


ledgering the entirety of parliamearians omitted this and via doing so easily demonstrated for my prosecution to prove beyond doubt a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. 

The third option is - this kills me because I can’t go back. 

The Government can’t admit fault. 

I applied through the CDDC scheme - universally ignored. 

The office of prime minister and cabinet done even say I exist. 


This email is regarding a former celebrated public health advocate and mental health campaigner, artist, author, former illustrator for The Age and The Herald Sun, Former Allied health professional and registered therapeutic support who worked for the NDIZ/A, and PhD graduate Dr Rich Mclean. 

Bluntly, Dr Rich Mclean has been catastrophically character assassinated\, set up to fail having been maimed shamed and blamed victimised and vilified to coerce his suicide 9deemed 'fatal', then whitewashed in the same manner of oppression that led him to that point of utter tragedy. 

Further, the Government oppression he can prove, his former partner an ASIO agent on the run, and the police and systemic Government corruption, including Judges, Magistrates, Public Officials, Politicians and even the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet, is the same kind of oppression that was a massive contributor to his suicide attempt in Werribee Mercy Hospital in Feb 


Years of systemic oppression and the trauma of unacknowledged sexual abuse and shame and stigma for having a 'mental illness, and also being non-heterosexual normative, and admitting to drug use and blatantly honest regretful (but not illegal) sex, in his human rights, awarded autobiography, then further his distress at a friends suicide and a cover-up of evidence in a medical malpractice case whitewashed led him to this tragedy. 

He has been so successfully intelligently and elaborately framed, that not one person rose a pen in defiance of his suicide attempt, or his mistreatment, and instead of justice, people see illness. 

The tragedy was deemed by the FOI from Werribee Mercy hospital as ‘a fatal injury’, and ‘; a lethal attempt.’ And he was accidentally found with no observable pulse and revived from unquestionably certain death. 

Since then, the Government has not managed to kill him as favourable to holding to account the systems of oppression that denied him justice and the plications who silenced evidence before a court that was legal tender utterly whitewashed. 

Dr Mclean's story has been lived in silence - but he blows the whistle and has been blowing the whistle for over a year since his tragedy - in defence of his human dignity - yet sadly the systems of systemic Government oppression was emboldened by his existing and fighting an impossible battle of odds. 

A year has passed since the tragedy, and despite being on leave already for an injury sustained at work and amplified by a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, he was put on jobseeker. 

His business was destroyed. He fought long and hard but systemic organisations covered it up and he has been banned blacklisted and 

scapegoated excluded and his very human dignity crushed at the hands of hundreds of pawns, paid by the Government as public officials to tow the party line to duo one thing: that is...attack him via proxy via systemic Government agencies and blur his reality with gaslighting until he gives up - and either kills himself via the over year-long struggle in abject poverty - or he will be framed with criminality that he has never committed sold as half-truths for even his family to reject him by. 

Since that tragedy, he has been identified and vilified as an ‘illness’ and never as a ‘sentient person’ and has been sectioned by the Mental health act another two times, where they intelligently presumed illness when it was abject poverty that has ensconced him. 

The system sees someone to silence. 

The mental health industry identifies a sick person. 

His friends and family reject him as a problem and with prejudice. 

Not one person is willing to dirty their hands with the ethical dilemmas and the dirty business of Dr Rich Mclean. 

Dr Mclean fights to this day, utterly catastrophically character assassinated and scapegoated, malnourished, living in deficit for over a year without so much the dignity of a neurologist or even a psychologist. 

He does not have enough food, he has singularly tried his best to oppose these forces that dominate his life despite a mountain of factual evidence he has collected. 

He lives alone with his dog, he learned he has cancer, he needs a dentist, clothing, human decency and his very dignity and worth. 

He is owed millions upon millions of detriment that have been oppressed and in hindsight had him setups to fail from the start 

in a manner of a prejudicial lying to his face and the delay defers deny Mosel of the systemic movements capacity to intelligently place Dr Mclean at great risk, not only of suicide but of starvation, homelessness, no medicine or barely healthcare. 

...but he is not dead.

...and you can’t take his soul. 

Dr McLean may be homeless and hungry and have intensely personal problems and an utter charade of neglect thrust upon him over years and years for his brave vulnerability, and now he speaks through this letter, addressed to every parliamentarian in the country. 

Someone, somewhere, must cross the floor for Dr Mclean. 

He cannot go to the police, he cannot get a lawyer, he cannot summon his former partner, convince his family his sexual abuse needed to be validated, and he cannot be a 

whistleblower at IBAC or ASIC or APRA or the Commonwealth Ombudsman. 

Utterly systemically oppressed and owed millions upon millions in detriment, he has taken to a life of simplicity and hedonism and it is way too late for the Government to admit he was set up to fail that massively contributed to his ‘death’, which was then condoned by the Ombudsman, and law enforcement and not a single person uttered a complaint about it. 

It is too late for Dr Mclean to go back, to work, as he has a brain injury that has never even been acknowledged. 

There is only one way out: That is a non- acknowledgement from the Government of the literal torture brutally dealt with Dr Mclean - and Dr Mclean has already forgiven then, and offered not the money he is owed, but a simple monthly wage to be free from observation surveillance and death threats at his unlovable home in Footscray. 

The Government has denied it via a systemic act of omission, which in the high court, will be proven by any prosecution to be vile victimisation and an absurd conspiracy to manslaughter and perverting the course of justice, further after the fact...the oppression was heightened as Dr Mclean was set up to fail in a nihilistic quest for human dignity and worth free from a detriment designed to maim shame blame and further rob then kill. 

Victory, or death. 

As a parliamentarian of public office, you are regarded as a public official. 

As such, you carry obligations to human rights law, and additionally need to act within the charter of human rights for people with a disability. 


That is entrenched in federal legislation of this country and ratified in 2008. 

I ask you to act bound by that legal and political obligation with the evidence contained in this email and additionally act with compassion understanding and without prejudice or the influence of libel and slander which has left me to rot. 

Under that foundation of law, you cannot deny or via any act of omission conspire to silence or victimise someone. 

It is illegal to cause or contribute to the further detriment in any way. 

To ignore this email would be adding to the already proven conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, and abhorrent victimisation of one singular person, me, Dr Rich Mclean. 

I have become aware that to protect those 

with reputations money power and privilege, the modus operandi is to keep me broke and close to poverty with no acknowledgeable power opinion or avenue of complaint. 

This is so I cannot blow the whistle on my oppressors which now have encapsulated the entirety of The Australian Government, originating at my former partner, an ASIO agent, Steve Stefan Stefen Stefan’s Stefanos Iasonidis, and other origins of this systemic vile victimisation & oppression such as my valid and legal and just complaint about malpractice in which I begged for atonement and reluctantly went to AHPRA because the evidence shows I did not want anything to happen in detriment to Dr John Whitaker. 

(To this day though, it seems Dr Jon Whitaker, has no active ABN as a sole trader and it was cancelled in 2012). 

I made a valid and legal complaint against Dr Whitaker, for medical malpractice that led to my overdose because I was isolated doing a 

PhD framed by global catastrophic risks, (I guess I am never one to do things by halves), and I was immensely grief-stricken by my dear friend Nathan Turnley’s Suicide. 

Dr Whitaker’s lawyer, Mr ball of Ball and Partners, a very powerful agent in the medical and legal fields, without me knowing, framed me as an extortionist internally to Government agencies that was never acknowledged to me and I only was made aware of after I reviewed some of the heavily redacted FOI from AHPRA. 

That libel and slander were utilised in an internal government way that was inequitable and unbalanced in its power, way and never acknowledged to me or in a public way, that was until AFTER I survived my suicide attempt via me acquiring the FOI from AHPRA, who had also banned me from contacting them. 

The HCC, AHPRA, The Police, NHPOPC, IBAC, The Victorian Inspectorate, the 

Maribyrnong Criminal Investigations unit or indeed The federal Ombudsman, MHCC or AHRC and others all internally digested this offensive slur, to which I object. 

At the same time this was happening, a man I used to rent off gifted me $100000 - I bought a t-shirt and some crystals, some Tibetan prayer flags and some nag champs incense, and continued my PhD. He contacted me weeks later, stating it was a mistake, as voices told him to do it and he was actually in a psychiatric facility. 

I simply have it back because that is what is right and what is equitable and fair, I have never explored anyone for money, I have never raped anyone, I am not a pedophile, nor do I have sex with dogs, in direct opposition to what I have evidence that I have been framed with to actively desecrate my character. 

Because of this, I have nothing to lose. 

That’s why I again blow the whistle on corruption in this email which is based on pure fact that anyone may witness. 

Collectively this data could never possibly be acknowledged as anything but a movement to destroy me. 

The systemic Government oppression that attacked me over years has its roots in already ingrained prejudices held in society and every day people and intelligently designed to isolate Dr Mcleam, 

It assaulted me brutally and with legal impunity in a financial way through professional bodies and statutory authorities and institutions. 

Years and years...of torment. 

It is only able to be acknowledged now in the present. 

Because it is proven I was framed to aid and abet my death - my opposition to the rejection of the world attempt at suicide was fatal and happened in a public institution. 

That’s when the Government whitewashed it, framed me by my very blond family and friends - and then...then things got worse as the deny delay defer model was systemically applied to elongate my vagrancy and put me, a twice at least suicide survivor, air greater risk of extinguishing myself before any public official, pedophile, tax thief, narcism, or public office was held to account, including and up to the attorney general the finance minister the NDIA minister the health minister and the office of the prime minister and cabinet. 

They have refused to provide the FOI I legally requested of them to discover the essence behind this murderous conspiracy to render me a neutral vagrant in my own democracy. 

They rejected it until my birthday this year. 

April then8th, 2022. 

I have no time to link in all the evidence - but it is forthcoming and mostly available on a website I designed in defence of my every sentence and in defence of the contempt for my wealth and health and that opposes any shred of dignity. 

Scapegoats often see the world in a very unique way, they can be deluded, but in the is revealed the true nature of the beast. 

Madness in individuals is rare, but in society, it is the norm 

I could keep begging my oppressors tan the government to atone my detriment in all manner of ways in psychological injury, a systemic oppressions that has notably been isolating but made me question my sanity, and like a desperate Stockholm syndrome, beg and beg and beg as they utilise the same old tactics of ostracisation rejection neglect 


oppression and then familiar deny delay defer and ignore. 

It is pointless. 

‘That is why I must now stand up for myself as a person of worth and sentience, and collectively take the entire federal government and all of the thousands of pawns paid to keep me void of prosperity and dignity and equality before the law and conspired in a conscious malicious and intentional way to kill via proxy. 

It is not the path I wanted but the obstacle is the path. 

I have atoned apologised and gently persuaded a lot of people for a mere acknowledgement of worth. 

Because that is utterly rejected - I will turn this countryside down in the high court. 

I warn you they will frame me with a 

‘factional’ crime I have not committed to silence me - but you can't take my soul, and I am content in that I gave my best and did all I could with thin the capacity I had, and in that, I am at peace. 

The jig is up.

The whistle has been down. 

I need the public support now - whilst I try and live a simple life free from death threats and regain my detriment - I will be giving 70% of the millions upon millions owed to me to charity. 

It's never been about money.

It's been about freedom from oppression. 

I am faced with a nearly impossible challenge - and I need the public to acknowledge my well-published and publicise life at to support me with food and housing. 


With my marred brain, my stubborn determination and my addictions and my labels and my beautiful mistakes and my clear conscience and ultimately my utterly fiercely determined resilience... watch me now as I turn this fucking country upside down. 

...and in the process the louder I am the greater the hammer will fall. 

It is my archetypal duty to prove beyond doubt the hypocrisy of society and the unique sane troubled and brutalised pure strength of my existence and existence. 

That is - Until I am killed - which is what happens to the lover's truth-seekers the Avant guards and the forward thinkers and the ones who see unique perspectives and the people that accelerate society before time. 

They’re universally historically victim-blamed, called mad, marred framed punished incarcerated or killed. 

It all happened to me already.

So what are you going to do about it? 

Currently, the following describes my situation, I have: 

No food

No medication

No advocacy

I have been exploited

I have been taken advantage of

I have unwittingly been tortured - virtually tortured

I do not have equitable access to the law

I do not have access to any lawyer (I have tried)

I have been universally ignored as one individual by many MP’s and people of Public Office

I have been rejected from and banned from reporting criminality to the police 

In hindsight, I have been set-up to fail again and again

I have been scapegoated as a lone victim of immense and catastrophic proportions 

I had my online business ruined with impunity The AAT rejected the human rights charter of equity before the law even today after I pointed out the injustice of not following the charter of human rights for people with a disability 

I am unrepresented in matters at a high level of Government office

This representation reflects many million dollars of detriment 

I have been universally gaslighted/rejected by many MP’s

It violates the charter of human rights of a person with a disability 

The list of people and MP’s includes but not limited to: 

MP Greg hunt MP Birmingham 

MP Reynolds

MP Adam Bandt

MP Daniel Andrews

MP Social Services Minister Foley MP Katie Hall

MP Adam Bandt


MP Michael cash (and she also acts as the Attorney General) 

The Attorney General oversees the portfolios of the following, which in hindsight, I have lost an enormous amount of money and provable detriment to. The Attorney General knew about this because I emailed her begging to intervene. But like a=many other people, instead of acknowledging my human dignity and my legal rights and my obvious justice issues, and despite me detailing to her that I need justice, not welfare, she directed me to the lifeline. 

This was via a proxy of an un-named and unsigned proxy from her office that de- 

identified her in the quest to protect what I have already stated. 

AFCA: This statutory authority is under legislation supposed to come to determinations for vulnerable people within four weeks, according to their website. Mine took over two years. The conscious and malicious and oppressive intention to leave me bereft of prosperity both before and after my suicide attempt in Werribee mercy hospital is clear. Tim Goss and Peter Fisher oversaw this conspiracy to render me a vagrant and refused - even when I begged them - to come to the overdue determinations. They blackmailed me not to contact them, due to me ‘threatening to blow the whistle’, and them accusing me of ‘being conspiratorial’, which I was within my rights to assess. I recorded Tim Gos, gaslighting my obvious pleas for justice, and published tit, and my cases were dropped immediately. This was signed off by (name) in an email dated (date). 


AHRC They agreed to conciliate between a super company and me for the rejection of TPD and income protection, only just before the agreed conciliation, Liz Lindberg free kicked the reviewable amount to the opposite side (being the superannuation company), losing me what I now could have claimed as a TPD and further income protection in the manner of 1+ million dollars. 

I don’t know why it is I’ve ended up here, but in hindsight, after I was literally oppressed to the point of suicide in a public hospital, and then have the Government condone it as ‘nothing to see’, I reflect with immense clarity. 

I will be proving the omissions from all members of parliament as a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in the high court should this email not suffice as evidence enough to prove the motion to oppress and deny me any prosperity and frame me as a rapist, extortionist, pedophile, dog f&cker and worse. 

There seem to be zero limits to defending the money of the powerful and the reputations of those in the public eye and the privilege of the following individuals I have come to be aware through reverse engineering are protected in opposition to my being rendered an infamous and homeless neutered refugee and failed whistleblower in my own country with whistleblower rights and a democracy where I can have an equal opportunity before the law, the ability to express myself elf however I would like, the freedom to an opinion and the human dignity of having a home, freedom from death threats and oppression vilification and victimisation. 

Mr Steve Iasonidis. 

Dr John Whittaker. 

All manner of obliteration of my character in political assassination can be identified in the pivotal point of my autobiography, for which I received SANE Australia’s ‘Boo of the year’, and was awarded a ‘Human rights award, non- fiction category’, in the 2003 Human rights awards. 

I am utterly exploited via my book - the autobiography ‘recovered, Not Cured, a journey through schizophrenia’ - it was a brave and pro-feminist book, that was non- heterosexual normative, spoke for the rights of young women, a warning to young men, and a champion of an honest discussion for life in the 90s as an as yet unacknowledged survivor of sexual abuse, and a courageous account of what I now call ‘non-ordinary reality, and drug use and abuse. 

I have successfully utilised the structure and the merit of scholarship in a PhD study to attempt to reverse the discrimination and the stigma that has been embedded in my life for many years. 

I now see ‘psychosis’ as ‘; non-ordinary reality, and I re-rendered the quote from William Burroughs - ‘A Paranoid schizophrenic is a person who just found out what’s going on, and additionally that ‘Madness in individuals is rare, but in society, it is the norm’. 

It was peer-reviewed and acknowledged by a panel of academic professors, and it was granted a pass from a panel of professional scholars that acknowledge my critical thought and value my vision of seeing the world through a lens of holistic shamanism instead of one of psychiatry. 

This has not stopped me from being 

prejudiced in so many ways after a lifelong battle uphill from which I did not know I have such resilience, such power, such importance, and utter luck of being revived from certain death, only to fight on with a marred brain in this email for the very simple dignity to exist without systemic government oppression... that had already without my knowledge ended up in elaborately massively contributing to my suicide. 

The evidence remains in what came after that - an elaborate and deeply personal and abhorrent prejudice that exploited already- existing prejudices ingrained within society to turn every single person and family member against me amplified by half-truths that are believable in earnest. 

This is the work; of a narcissist who is running scared at being exposed, and a catastrophic private hell for myself, in which yes I turned to drugs and I believe have been reverse set up in a way that will either damage me more or render me utterly 

powerless within society now that I have lost the trust of my friends my family and my colleagues in a catastrophic character assassination that has been conscious malicious and intentional. 

I believe this has been to destroy me and additionally cause not only my detriment but deny the justice of my detriment and as a two or three-time suicide survivor, aid and abet my death via proxy attacks on my prosperity via Government agencies, and the writing is on the wall. 

Systemic government oppression & victimisation led to my suicide I was miraculously discovered with zero observable pulse and revived - in Werribee mercy Hospital, in Feb 2021. 

It was deemed ‘a lethal attempt’ and ‘a fatal injury’, in the FOI documents that I had to fight for and was heavily redacted by both 

Mercy Hospital, one of the many public and statutory agencies that banned me until this day, and additionally the OAIC and additionally a criminal conspiracy that I begged police to bear witness to but failed miserably. 

In my oppression, I have been locked up twice in the same hospital’ the same place I had successfully suicided, due to Government systemic oppression and additionally the prejudice of my family and the overarching tones of the Federal Government, with thousands of pawns all acting as one under the same auspice to deny delay and defer me justice. 

It is something I have had to reverse engineer over years to uncover the true sources of my persecution. 

In hindsight, it was because I have been framed: 

My Steve Stefen Stefan Stefanos Stefanos Iasonidis. 

He was an employee of ASIO. 

I have an acquired brain injury, that has never been diagnosed nor acknowledged from that tragedy. I was found accidentally, with no observable pulse, no blood and unresponsive. I have complained about my numb feet since that tragedy. 

If I have numb feet, imagine what has is done to my brain? ...I have noticed. Research shows and I have observed that my memory is affected profoundly. 

I was hospitalised recently, entering the community again on 29.03.2021. 

Although my family has rejected me, the 

psychiatrists found that I am not unwell, nor a risk to anyone else. 

Hence I was set free...despite the police entering my home, where I am squatting, with my spare keys. 

This is against the law. After all, people identify me with ‘Illness’ and not ‘justice’. 

I use drugs. Big deal

I love sex. Big deal.

I have been reverse ‘framed’ and set up to fail. 


Because my former partner owes me over $500000 for which I am ostracised from achieving justice. 

This is not a welfare issue it is a justice issue. 

Although welfare at this point, until my victory comes, is welcomed...because I have no food, I cannot report to the police, and I 

cannot be a whistleblower. 

I am the most famous catastrophically gaslighted and character assassinated this Government has been since Ned Kelly 

I have been labelled with many diagnoses of ‘mental illness.’ 

The following have ignored my pleas for justice, and as public officials, like you, they are bound d by the human rights charter of people with a disability. 

They have allocated by denying deferring or delaying...that is because to do otherwise would upend this Government. 

It is easier to exploit and reject and kill one person, than for the whole government to be held accountable for its acts of omission. 

MP Birmingham the finance minister did not 

react to my detriment of compensation for the CDDC scheme. 

MP Reynolds (NDIS/A) refused to explain why it is over 50 of my invoices have not been paid which attacks me via proxy financially, or, why I don’t have a local area coordinator, or why the Brotherhood of St Lawrence has rejected me. 

MP Greg hunt silenced evidence permissible before a court I have now realised and has not responded to me recently begging him for help. His secretary, a public official, confirmed to me he would not call me back. 

MP Social Services Minister Martin Foley rejected me with silence, an omission that sees me also without food or dignity or human value, and starving squatting awaiting my fate but a fate that I avoid with the publication of this email 

MP and Attorney General Michael Cash refused to intervene when I begged her to 

intervene in corruption

I lost over 1 million at AHRC 

I lost over 1-2 million at AFCA - in addition to this, 

The Government has now identified me as someone to withhold their FOI from the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet despite them knowing who I am. 

They have rejected it until the 8th of April. (My Birthday). 

They have now got a 25 years of experience ed lawyer Kate Wilson 

to defend a work cover case in which I called the member Pernell as corrupt as they didn’t Give the agency of equality before the law 

They know I am framed and cannot go to the police cant be a whistleblower and am framed by prejudice against my family and friends. They acted with impunity after I called the member out for not acting within the charter of human rights for people with a disability and spent me this email which I do not understand 

The HCF and the AFCA and WorkSafe and Work Cover have waited and watched as I live in abject poverty to aid and abet my death by suicide as a twice suicide survivor 

They hope the utter inequity imbalance and unfair legal advantage they have will save them from justice and my death and poverty will delay the obvious issue for the High Court of Australia. 

I have appealed to the public to help me but so far it has been unsuccessful. 

That is because I am framed with ‘faction’, half-truths that I have been exploited with - mere slander and libel that my family my friends and my closest allies have been convinced as true. 

I have done nothing wrong. 

and also the loss of millions of dollars I had reverse-engineered over years. 

I was set up to fail - and I suffered detriment to this: 

AHRC Over 1 million for a case in which I was denied TPD and income assistance. 

AFCA Over 1.5 million - I blew the whistle on Tim Gos and Peter Fisher who did not come to determinations within four weeks as legislated, but nearly two years. They watched as I was distressed after being framed in two VOCAT cases, rendering my important work 

with the NDIS illegitimate, because I was character assassinated. 

My complaints were neutralised, under The Attorney Generals' portfolio, and like all, saw illness, not justice or a responsibility to act - and sent me to lifeline. 

Comcare - They rejected my work cover case because of legislation I don’t understand. Paul Fowler ultimately rejected me, and work safe refused to help with my appeal at ComCare. As it turns out Paul Fowler was the old head at Work Safe. 

ASIC - Accepted my bankruptcy when I needn't have gone bankrupt. They said ‘I failed’ to recuperate money, when in fact, I was denied it via a movement to oppress me and attack me via proxy financially. 

APRA Failed Whistleblower 

AAT: They were setting me up to fail. Today (30.03.2022), I refused to be unrepresented 

against the Government which has Kate Wilson, a 25 year experienced lawyer to further exploit me in an inequitable and unfair fight in which I had been set up to fail. I abandoned the directions hearing knowing full well I would fail - and I called out how they are unethical and breaking the law, and denying me access to litigation. 

Michaela Cash was aware of all this and she condoned this work cover loss (1+ million) which is now up in the air. 

Former Partner and finance Steve Iasonidis (11/12/1972) was an ASIO agent and owes me a $500000 settlement from our 5+ year relationship. Everywhere I went there was an excuse for me not to go forward, or I was stopped dead in my tracks. 

Just before I was incarcerated by my family in Werribee Mercy psychiatric hospital in Feb 2021, I called out that he owes me that detriment and is hiding and I blew the whistle 

on that he confessed to me he was present at murder and dealt cocaine for which he went to drug rehab. He used money from the sale of cocaine to buy a home in Abbottsford in 2010, but he invested it in a tax haven and was caught by ASIO, and they issued him a fine. A ‘mystery’ respondent’ replied angrily on the website thusly: 

I was desperate to survive, as HCF my insurer used delay deny defer tactics not to pay me my income assistance. It has been a year and over since I ceased work and despite me catching them out with fraudulent documents concealing what they owe me and threatening CEO Sheena Jack with legal action, they too know I am rendered a neutral refugee. 

HCF owe me $75000 and conspired with AFCA who witnessed me become unwell, and also after my suicide they blackmailed me not to contact them, because I was ‘conspiratorial’, and threatened to blow the whistle. 

There is a conspiracy behind a valid malpractice case of $3-50000 owing to me. 

I am a neurodiverse person who has had psychiatric labels categorised to me, and have an acquired ABI from a 'fatal' suicide the Government condoned as; nothing to see’ by ben Calder and The Federal Ombudsman. For a whole year since that happened, I cannot feel my feet. Imagine what it has done to my brain. 

Currently, I have no: 

Food, Money, I'm squatting, not enough medication, the right to exist, human dignity, I am victimised and vilified, scapegoated, oppressed for years and years, (still going and gaining ground), exploited, discriminated, tortured, publicly humiliated, robbed, raped, character assassinated, drugged, treated with contempt, banned from police although they harass me, and left to die. 

My family has abandoned me

My father says he cannot help and my mother says 'watch yourself the NDIS will look after you be nice to them'

They both went to my child's sexual abusers funeral two days after I had suicided in what the FOI calls 'Fatal in jury', the result of Government oppression 

My sister? 'You're a drug and schizo and get the f*ck out of our lives'

My brother? 'You don't live within your got f&cking problems' 

The 'delay defer deny' model from the Government is fatally flawed. 

Since my suicide attempt, I was put on JobSeeker whilst I was still already on leave from work, and I could not. 

I have lived on 22k per year and my rent was 18.5K of that which is not enough to even exist with a shred of dignity. 

I am not suicidal and I am not a risk to myself. This was proven when I was framed with mental illness - which was poverty and distress imposed on me by oppressive government forces. 

I was oppressed by the police and again the saltwater clinic because of man prejudiced parents who never saw justice - they saw illness. 

This is the arm of the hospital I complained against for the suicide and abandonment of duty of care and its opposition to the charter of human rights in that I utilised agreed illegal contraband to oppose living in my distress of being framed. 

That hospital had already rejected me and I was no longer on their books. 

Saltwater clinic in Footscray is the arm of the hospital of Werribee mercy hospital, they 

then conspired to act together in my poverty dressed up as illness to incarcerate me again by my sister whom I had not seen in a year, and my parents and I were forced to submit to their authority via the mental health act. 

I changed my name and forbid them any control over my life - but it did not stop them from incarcerating me a third time. 

My family are simple prejudiced and homophobic people who are all xenophobes and feel I have shamed them so I think that is also why they punish me. 

The complexities of me having a gay relationship and being sexually abused and having a ‘mental illness are too much for them to comprehend. 

I offered atonement to the CEO Dave Stevenson for the abrupt and unexpected ‘fatality’, from which I was found ‘extraordinarily by accident with no observable pulse’, and revived. 

He refused a mere acknowledgement that the tragedy happened, and told me to sue him directly. He is absolutely and utterly aware, as seemingly everyone is aware: 

detriment from MP 

Birmingham through exceptional circumstances and he condones my vagrancy 

I have not got a local area coordinator for the NDIS/A and in fact, have utterly no supports 

The attorney general Michael Cash responded to my email begging her to intervene in corruption in which in hindsight I lost: 

1+ million from AHRC 1-2+ million from AFCA 

75000 from HCF who labelled distress at work 'a prior illness' when in fact: 

I lost two VOCAT cases I was entitled to: 

1. I was a violent affray whereby apart from video evidence the FOI from police redacted I was innocent 

2. My childhood sexual abuse case whereby the magistrate waited until it was too late to appeal then wrote me I was 'doomed to fail' 

3. I was not believed because I was framed as an extortionist by a GP's lawyer as an extortionist for a valid and legal complaint 

A malicious and systemic conspiracy has robbed me of my job my reputation every cent and justice in every respect, oh and millions of dollars and my very human worth catastrophically character assassinating me 

I will no longer be society or anyone's scapegoat. 

I demand whistleblower protection Freedom from being sued

Freedom to pursue litigation for all of my justice issues. 

I demand a home free from death threats that is livable non-traceable

Freedom from this systemic government oppression 

Freedom from victimisation and

Food, medication and basic needs met. 

The Government is now suing me

The Prime Minister and Cabinets office is delaying my FOI which may have revealed why it is the way it is

All My FOIs have been deferred by OAIC 

After all, it is my art is life and life is art. 

In addition, I am in Victoria and it is not an offence to record a conversation for the surveillance act 1999 in this state; I have had to preserve my sanity and my last shreds of human value. 

Furthermore - you don't know me. 

Government pawns believe libel and slander and deny my justice and dignity paid by the Government to tow the party line to oppress and victimise me. 

I think that is the cowardice of the privileged. 

It is a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. 

I however am resilient and powerful, and there are thousands of weak sheeple complicit in this. The poor character of all your behalf. 

Now, unless a parliamentarian intervenes, I will need to go to the Supreme Court. 

In the meantime, please advise how I will pay my 5 months behind rent and eat and have dignity. 

I love my dog, a husky and I’d do anything to just live a simple life free from oppression. 

I'm hungry, I’m squatting, I am a Dr and a 25+ year advocate for those more marginalised than me. 

Please help me? 

What are you waiting for? Dr Rich Mclean 

I believe I will be framed with a crime I have not committed that will be ‘faction’ half fact half fiction and that I will be incarcerated anyway. 

I have no choice but to keep going.

After all, no one can take my gentle soul. 

Is where you can find out about my advocacy and altruism and art writing PhD and other creative things 

Is the place that holds the entirety of the proof contained in this email. 

I beg of you if you could simply atone me a 


suitable home free from persecution with a monthly wage, whilst the Government works out the detriment, I will let it rest. 

Otherwise, I have no other way of moving forward unless I can access justice in the Supreme Court. 

I need to eat whilst that happens. :-( 

On 11 May 2022, at 11:50, Julie Phillips <> wrote: 

Hi Rich-no need to apologise. We are often very frustrated too, because we would like to help people with disabilities more, but are not allowed to work outside our funding agreement. All the best Kind regards



Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We 

acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial 

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From: Rich Mclean <> Sent: Tuesday, 10 May 2022 4:49 PM

To: Julie Phillips <>

Subject: Re: Legal assistancr 

Hi Julie

I’m saddened you can’t help me

I’ve fallen between the cracks

I do t mean to be angry

But this oppression literally killed me

Then I survived and I was dumped

I’m owed millions and millions in detriment Because I’ve never had a lawyer

Because I was framed and character assassinated Now I’m squatting

Near vagrancy 


occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our 

respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


Without food or medication

I’m sure somewhere I’m being discriminated against I get wound up with one thing

And cone across all prickly

And no one helps me


I’m out and about Whistleblower Sent from my iPhone 

On 10 May 2022, at 11:55, Julie Phillips <> wrote: 

Dear Mr Maclean

We are not funded for, and are not allowed to make complaints under the Charter, unless there is already a discrimination complaint that we are working on.

As I have said before, we have no experience in workcover, and are not allowed to work in this area.

We are not a law firm that helps people with disabilities.

We are law firm that helps people with disabilities who have complaints under the Equal Opportunity Act or Disability Discrimination Act.

I’m sorry we cannot help you.

Kind regards



Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


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From: Rich Mclean <> Sent: Sunday, 8 May 2022 7:42 PM

To: Julie Phillips <>

Cc: Rich Mclean <> Subject: Re: Legal assistancr 



I was literally murdered via Government systemic oppression 

I can’t go to police

I have no access to litigation or equality before the law And I can’t be a whistleblower 


Please provide a solicitor to: 

Stand up for the charter of human rights for people with a disability ratified by the Government in2008 

Because my work cover claim is going to a hearing

In which I will predictably lose my work cover and TPD 

Additionally I cannot get a lawyer to oppose the abandonment of duty of care that was my ‘fatal;’ suicide in Weribee mercy hospital over a year ago 

It is law via the charter I must have acce3ss to the law. I have a disability and you are the DDLS

I live in poverty squatting with no food

I have cancer too, and I can’t get a drs appointment 

I have a brain injury and I have been denied a neurologist 

I have multiple labels of mental illness and don’t have a non biased health provider or advocate 

Please do not sign up to the publicly displayed dialogue of people who hacemacted of ill will to deny me justice 

Dr Rich Mclean 

On 6 May 2022, at 08:27, Julie Phillips <> wrote: 


Dear Mr Maclean

I will not be referring you to a solicitor unless you can give me the details of an action falling under the Equal Opportunity Act or the Disability Discrimination Act. We are not funded to assist people in relation to NDIS matters, Work safe and AAT. We have never assisted people with disabilities in these matters and are not allowed to.

Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


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From: Rich Mclean <> Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 6:31 PM

To: Julie Phillips <>

Cc: Rich Mclean <> Subject: Re: Legal assistancr 

Hello Julie. 


It is essential to refer me to a solicitor. 

Are you obviously aware of the charter of human rights for people with a disability? 

The charter of human rights of people with a disability that was ratified by the Government in 2008 states: 



• • • • 

• • 

months after my work injury and framing, and go without food dignity or care. 

Any public official is forbidden to act outside this charter and is obligated to follow it. 

Therefore I want you to follow up urgently own this - otherwise it caused IMMEDIATE detriment. 

I must have equality before the 

I must have access to the law Free from discrimination

Free from exploitation Freedom from being deprived 

of liberty 

Never be deprived of property 


Not be the subject of torture This is clearly not happening, as I am squatting 15 


2. NDIS 

I have not yet received my workers compensation from my role at NDIS 

Work Safe contradicted themselves many times - but insisted my insurer was ComCare 

Comcare conspired to delay deny and defer - a Government mantra that led to destitution’ 

Sadly I attempted suicide within the hospital and it was deemed ‘fatal’ from the FOI, but I was found and revived 

I need help because of the permanent damage it has on my memory and thoughts 

Paul Fowler was the boss at Comcare that ultimately rejected me 

Paul Fowler was the old boss - and a lawyer - at Work Safe 

This is corruption and a conflict of 


‘ the Government, having systemically oppressed me ... 

Now has a 25 year experienced lawyer specialising in Comcare and the SRC act to brutalise me in Kate Wilson 

Additionally The Government is suing me PLUS 

4. NDIS - Work Safe - Comcare - AAT - I am unrepresented every step of the way. 

My case is now before the AAT for a decision by a member 

because of my injury and suicide attempt in which the rejection of prosperity was intelligently designed and I was may now be a TPD of not just general work cover 

That is a matter of an incredible lump sum 

however this is breaking the law, because a public official must not act outside the bounds of: 

If that were not bad enough... 

The collective evidence on this website renders unequivocal proof many public officials have acted or made an omission; and they did so to pervert the course of justice in terms of rendering a single victim - me - powerless with no agency nor prosperity. 

It is a systemic vile victimisation, and a conspiracy too pervert the course of justice. It is 


also a disability discrimination issue and an abuse of the human rights charter. 

Thats because I am worth theoretically many millions of dollars in compensation and detriment via the miscalculations and errors and pure corruption of systemic Government agencies. In preference to owning their collective scapegoating that has caused harm and detriment and would damage their public and personal positions of privilege and power and money - they would rather victimise neutralise and dispose of me. 

I can’t go to police,

I can’t get a lawyer, and

I can’t be a whistleblower. 

Where I call federal police to report this broad movement that has rendered me a vagrant - 

while I am actually still on the phone, they patronisingly send the local police do a ‘welfare’ check. This is intimidating as it is frustrating. The gaslighting is something that has achieved a broad status within police PSA’s and many statutory authorities and politicians. 

Its too late for the Government to admit they victimised a man to death then whitewashed it. Likewise I can’t go back to a life where I have not been framed and catastrophically character assassinated, vilified victimised and desecrated his reputation and life in ruins. 

Framing me, exploiting me, and the un-Godly vile systemic Government victimisation; and the intelligent design of my prosperity been robbed of me; has rendered me a homeless infamous innocuous vagrant. 

I have no voice, no rights, no human worth, nor dignity bestowed upon me. 

I have zero access to litigation or equality before 

the law as ratified by The Australian Government as a signatory to The Human Rights of people with a Disability. 

I have been tortured by a society that believed the half truths related as slander and libel, in order to isolate and prejudice me - even kill me. 

And they did. 

The elongated over years systemic oppression and neglect along with malpractice, defined and was the causation of my suicide attempt that was deemed ‘fatal’ in the FOI from mercy hospital. 

That same resonance of oppression that is ingrained not only within government but the innate prejudice of people - then went ahead and covered it up and discarded of me. 

That was in February 2021 - its now the 5th of march 2022 and I’ve lived in abject poverty since. Currently I am squatting, a shell of a home that I can’t afford to bluntly exist in. 

As of today I am just sitting here a free man typing - but they’re watching. And waiting - and they have convinced the world to witness it occurring 

without intervening. Further the existing impolite prejudices within people are amplified by libel and slander, and small minds believe gossip, but as a collective consciousness...this catastrophic character assassination moves official Government employees in positions of power and privilege to reject, omit, defer, delay and deny any traction for the ever expanding injustices that aid and abet my death. 

Life can be hard, for anyone, yet especially as someone who is catastrophically victim blamed for wanting to die and being framed as an extortionist, a rapist, a pedophile and other gross lies. 

It forces people like Julie Phillips, The manager of the disability discrimination legal service, to then in irony reject Dr Mclean a lawyer. 


She says ‘IF REQUIRED’ I will refer a solicitor. 

What will she do now that I have called her out, predicting she will disappoint me in the continuing thousands of sticks in the collective faggot that has all but destroyed me? 

Over to you, Julie! You hav two options. 

1. Assign a solicitor for traction to urgent justice otherwise great detriment has and IS occurring. 

2. ‘Its too complex’ or ‘Outside our remit’ or ’Not what we usually deal with’ or ‘We are only a small organisation’ or ‘You should give these people a call...' 

How do you want to be remembered? Kindly


On 5 May 2022, at 13:17, Julie Phillips <> wrote: 

Dear Mr Maclean

If required, I will allocate your query to a solicitor, but at the moment I can’t see where you’ve identified a discrimination matter. Can you please confirm exactly which of the matters you raised in your previous email, you believe falls under the Equal Opportunity Act or the Disability Discrimination Act? 


Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin 

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From: Barran Dodger <> Sent: Wednesday, 4 May 2022 10:04 PM

To: Julie Phillips <>

Cc: Barran Dodger <> Subject: Re: Legal assistancr 

Dear Julie Phillips / Manager

Why has this gone to you the manager?

I have issues under both acts if you may indulge me. 

I am afraid the MHLC is acting with intentional omission They don’t answer. 

I cannot go to police, get legal help, (including you evidently), or be a 

Surely you would deal with any issue if had to do with disability 

discrimination under either of those acts. 

‘Delay Deny Defer’ is the mantra and also ‘Outside the area of our 


I know I am framed - but realistically I have a mental illness and an acquired brain injury and additionally just to put a cherry on top, 


nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We 

acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 



In fact - this movement you are just one stick in the faggot of oppression that has already murdered me, (only manslaughter 

because I was found and revived from certain death),. 

I kindly ask your assistance again, and to not resonate with the reins you have obviously been given to consciously reject, omit = even just 

plainly gaslight me. 

I have no home money or food

Thanks for reconsidering

If I am under investigation I need to know

If you have been tapped on the shoulder I need to know why and who Thanks


On 4 May 2022, at 1:22 pm, Julie Phillips <> wrote: 

Dear Mr Maclean

Thank you for your email. 

Our service assisst people who have actions under the Equal Opportunity Act or the Disability Discrimination Act. We do not deal with robberies, WorkCover, the AAT and complaints about medical treatment. 


May I suggest you contact the Mental Health Legal Service MHLC – Mental Health Legal Centre – Providing free legal services to Victorian mental health consumers

72-82 Errol Street,

North Melbourne VIC 8006 

Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm Phone: (03) 9629 4422


Postal Address 


PO Box 495, 

Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


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From: Barran Dodger <> Sent: Tuesday, 3 May 2022 6:41 PM

To: Placido Belardo <> Subject: I need a lawyer 

Hello DDLS

I need a lawyer to help with my disability issues 


Can you please email me back?

I’ve been robbed

I’m also the victim of the mental health system

And I need someone to help appeal at the AAT with work cover Dude 


I was 

Now I’m an oppressed refugee in my own democracy a rejected Whistleblower famed to character assassination 

An avoidable overdose, a valid complaint, then framed, blamed, maimed, systemically oppressed, victimised to the point of a “fatal” suicide with “lethal” consequences 

It was covered up, I was rejected, denied healthcare and further oppressed and persecuted in abject poverty as they isolated me and 


watched; waiting for me to die by my own hand before justice 

A conspiracy to aid and abet my death and vagrancy; it worked 

Yet I’m alive and live in hope for a life of giving again, and freedom from persecution & Government tyranny 

“Victory or death! The shame is not mine to possess; it’s yours. The blood is already on your collective hands!” 

Kind regards 

Julie Phillips / Manager 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service

c/o Ross House Association, Inc. 2nd Flr, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne, 3000 VIC

Ph: 03 9654 8644 / Fax: 03 9639 7422 / Country: 1300 882 872 

Disability Discrimination Legal Service is based on the lands of the Kulin nation, always and forever the home of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge that our work takes place on lands that are under colonial occupation and that Kulin Nation sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to Kulin Nation elders, past, present and future, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People 


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My PID to the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 04/08/2022 just before I was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital