Letter to Australian parliamentarians from Dr Rich McLean on 20/02/2023.

I live with a mental illness and a cognitive brain impairment after what was described in clinical notes as a 'fatal' injury that I was revived from certain death.

I have no job no money no car and no access to the law or equality before it.

 I am bankrupt without the resources to sustain a life of any dignity joy or meaning and the extreme basics is nearly impossible.

I have no option but to fight and I am fighting for my life.

If I die trying to have basic needs met then it will be on this hill in this struggle - the sad part is that anyone could end my struggle.

If I die struggling the coroner will need to acknowledge that it was a profound corruption that killed me .

This is a corruption that is explicated with evidence here on this website .

I do suffer from mental illness - but it is not singurlarly that  which may cause me to be sacraficed if I die.

Please hear my plea and set me free; I am not the bad guy.

i am asking for help!

I make this statement today because I am fearful for my life although I have no immediate plans to suicide.

I have already proven that if I died no one would care.

I have already proven that two years on from that tragedy there is a cover up.

I am afraid that because no one cares that I will be incarcerated as 'crazy' or institutionalised when in fact it is society that is crazy.

I am a free man as of 19/03/2023.

However I am afraid that because I have published this site that my freedom will be taken and I am scared of jailtime for the purposes of silencing me.

Many have already silenced me in favour of a system full of public servants who sit in positions of prosperity money and affluence who choose to exploit me rather than admit that they represent a part of the system that is liable formy suffering.

You must understand that the bad guy is not me.

The problem of my life has its roots in psychometric profiling and a stigma and prejudice that has been dealt to me universally and caused me great harm.

That harm has occurred for a long time and is still happening and I want it to stop.

Today I am publishing my story and how it intersects with prominent people in the hope that justice will prevail and that I may be free with a home and enough food and medicine to live a solitary life with my dog and I because I have lost everything else.

It is not much to ask for and I have never survived on much.

Hopefully via triangulating my story with these prominent people my tragic 'fatal' injury that stemmed from a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice will be legered in a meaningful way that will put a stop to my trauma and continued persecution.

I already live at a high level of uncertainty perception wise and to oppress me in this way where I dont know what is happening to me is real or not is a vile apex of victimisation.

Victimisation is against the law.

Please help stop my torture before I potentially lose my life or my freedom.

If I do die from the intelligent design of destitution  in my further oppression then the writing is now on the wall that it was not mentall illness explicitly that took me...

But it was the result of a very conscious and politicised scapegoating from people institutions organisations and Government agencies including prominent key political stakeholders with enormous influence who have refused to intervene.

I am begging a single person to intervene.

Please help me live a simple life so that I may give what I am capable of again as I have proven in the past.

I will forgive you all.

To do otherwise now that this is published in the public domain will be a further human tragedy and human sacrifice in which no one entity or person is innocent.

Those people that ask for help should get it.

I am asking for help. I have for a long time.

Dr Rich McLean-free man as of 19/03/2023 and political scapegoat suicide survivor artist author and advocate.

My name is Cathy Freeman. 

The police came to my house and kicked in the front door in a way which violatedmy democratic rights to privacy. I wish to make a complaint. just kidding - the police would never intentionally kick in my door and leave it broken hanging open because I am Cathy Freeman. They did it to Rich Mclean though. That is pure and simplethe ethical dillemah tat Rich finds himself in.

What is expected for any normal person in terms of human rights access to the law and procedural fairness absolutely does not apply to Rich Mclean.

Let's reframe that. 

My name is Cathy Freeman and the above is a picture of me having dropped acid with Rich Mclean at his house in 2004.

Rich Mclean is posting the photo of me because people live storied lives and now my story is intertwined with Rich's story that we have universally ignored. By posting the pic of me and the story Rich is more likely to have his injustices solved. That is because i am Cathy Freeman and I have privileges of an olympic champion and unlike Rich people care if i have dropped acid.

I know Rich means me no harm and after all it is a part of the human condition to experiment with mind altering substances as we have done throughout the ages an embedded in human culture.

I understand Rich posted this to draw attention to his plight in which he believes if he does not make a stand or be acknowledged in a way which protects him politically that results in simply having enough to exist financially he may kill himself from profound victimisation although he has no plans right now.

I think its important to listen to Richs story. 

What can we do in order to make a solution for Rich? 

I understand he is a person whos privacy has become public and his public life has affected his privacy. I aslo understand that he suffers from mental illness and in order to organise his thoughts and make sure that what he experiences in life is real - that he has innocuously recorded things in order to validate them.

This is a method to reality check that his perceptions are true and accurate.

Rich already lives at a high level of uncertianty because of tricks his mind plays on him. To then persecute him systemically in a way which further causes him profound detriment non acknowledgement and confusion is a cruelblow that Australia has orchestrated upon him.

My name is Mark Dreyfus Attorney General of Australia.

I know who Dr Rich Mclean is, because he has emailed me dozens of times protesting his victimisation that he says was the causation of his suicide in which he was revived from certain death. 

I know Dr Mclean is a real person because he has emailed me a picture of him and I at the marriage equality day in 2017 before I was attorney general of this country and it is evident that I have met him.

I categorically refuse to acknowledge Dr Rich Mclean and his emails. 

This is because it will without question expose the tyranny of the Australian Government that has underpinned the persecution of Dr Mclean and the psychometric profiling and public and private victimisation and vilification which likely caused his death.

As the Attorney-General I am a lawyer and I have the role of principal legal adviser to the Commonwealth government. it is my primary responsibility of the Attorney-General is to protect, preserve and promote the rule of law. That is of course unless it applies to Dr Rich Mclean who we treat differently to everyone else in a way that victimises him and massively reduces his liklihood of ever having his injustices acknowledged. Politically we are aware that Dr Mclean is suffering terribly and politically this amounts to torture, discrimination, victimisation, exploitation, removing the sanctity of life and removing any legal avenue for him and consciously redacting his property and his prosperity.

Even though it is within the remit of the role of the Attorney General to intervene in the prosecution of certian cases that are controversial in nature it is my role to protect and advise the government on issues of national security.

I won't reply because Dr Mclean will make us all culpable. Rich knows that I and all public officials have security clearances that give us access to psychometric profilling of individuals including him.

Lucky for us he is going to forgive us all.

My name is Russell Ball a wealthy and omnipotent influential lawyer who informs Government policy and advises the commonwealth ombudsman

Dr Rich is a failed whistleblower at the commonwealth ombudsman protesting his own death. I represented a malpractice case in which Dr john Whitaker was recorded acting unethically to Rich Mclean and with disregard to his safety which down the line resulted in Dr Mclean's near fataloverdose.

 I was instrumental in making it so that Mclean was seen as an extortionist and also the bad guy in a political way. I was pivotal in silencing Dr McLean's damming evidence at HCC, MHCC, The Police, Victorian Inspectorate, IBAC, AHPRA (where I have extensive colleagues and affiliations), NHPOPC and The Ombudsman where I have enormous influence.

Now that Dr Rich Mclean has exposed my enormous potential to silence evidence before a court and act in a silent and cowardly way from afar in order to conspire to never have his complaint acknowledged, I guess I will have to eat my hat.

My name is Tim Gos from AFCA

My name is Tony Riddell returned SAS commander

I unwittingly gave Dr McLean a raft of evidence that will likely destroy my security clearance with the Australian government.

I understand that Rich has had to publish this recording taken of me detailing both mine and his profoundinjustice because he feels at risk of death.

After all I did not stick up for Rich when he asked formy help so he owes menothing.

I understand that Rich wishes me well and that Rich hopes that as a side effect of his whistleblowing I too will gain protections that will go further to support my interests of my marriage and career.

I understand that Rich will be sacraficed in death and I suggest to him to get some charity and give up on justice.

I now understand that Rich has been forced to publish the storied way we connected and that it is Rich's hope that I will gain someprotections from the same Government tyranny that I have fought and am fighting as a soldier who has fought for this country as an explouted pawn to be used.

I understand that Rich understands that fundamentally we are both fighting the same beast and I understand that Richs decision to publish was not taken lightly and that Rich ultimately wishes protection for me in all ways.

My name is Liz Lindsberg from the Australian human Rights Commission

Dear honourable members of Australian Parliament,

Your response to this letter needs to be acknowledged and will be published below.

The goal of this letter is to get my basic needs met and save my life.It is also to acknowledge the stigma prejudice and shame of public officials whos preference is to sacrifice me as a bad apple rather than acknowledge the actual problem which is the bad barrel makers which is the genesis and supporting structure of my role as a scapegoat. As a scapegoat I have no one nothing barely food no equality before the lawor access to the law and universally exploited to the point of death and its cover up. You cannot make this up.

It demonstrates that I as Dr Rich Mclean am not an equal and equiatable member of Australian society with the same opportunities prospects and protections as any average citizen. Then again I am not an average citizen because prior to my destruction I am unusual in that I have a public profile and addittionally have spoken with my heart with tremendous courage and brutal honesty all over this country from warnambook to Dubbo to Parliament house in Canberra, key note presentations in Sydney and Melbourne and appearing on local state and national radio as a truth speaker and a truth seeker.

The links are clickable:

Some people have lost their homes to fire and that is a tragedy. I lost my home and all its contents because of a conscious and planned malice. It is systemic and it is intelligent it is conscious and it is also intended. To cause me harm and this victimisation is abhorrent and against the law.

It is dealt to me via proxy of other bodies whereby any issue I had fell outside the remit of the agency I protested at.

It is evil.

In February in 2023 the contents of my home were taken to the tip by my landlord Hung Ho and overseen by the community mental health team and hospital that supposedly cared for me . In addition the police who are supposed to care for citizens and have a duty of care to account forest stolen or damaged goods refused to intervene when the contents of my life - everything I owned earned and cherished was destroyed with impunity.

After they had finished with the untidy business of my life in which I had been the victim of an intelligently designed vagrancy, Weribee Mercy Hospital rejected me into a homeless shelter.

All I had with me was an old phone, the clothes my back and a small brown paper bag of ill fitting tshirts given to me in my two month hospitalisation. It was more so a method to silence me as an outspoken political prisoner.

I also wish to say early on:

Every day I continue to suffer is another day family violence wins. This is dealt by my former partner Steve Iasonidis who owes me a fair legal and equitable settlement after a five year relationship in which we were engaged to be married and in which he exploited me. He earned 30-40000 at Apple and ASIO and allowed me to spend my nest egg of a TPD claim for mental illness. He feathered his million dollar superannuation and sold another home for 1.2 million and as the final insult he claimed a ‘carers’ pension as I was on a disability pension. (Yes thats fraud - sue me), as I suffer from schizophrenia. Whilst he did nothing for anyone except for money, I dedicatedly Masters of Education degree to examining our lives and raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital whilst on a mere pension.

This profound financial abuse is a form family violence and supported by The police, Centrelink, The Tax Office, and the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet who refuse my FOI. Any agency could value that the relationship existed but they don’t.

 AGIS who investigate ASIO and their employees also tow the party line not to intervene and he threatens to kill both me but my dog first. My application for an AVI was thrown out even though he admitted to being present murders and manipulate me in all ways including at the end of our relationship that he threatened toil his own dog soI would take it into my care as he flew off to his next victim.

 This rejection of fact is indeed a Government tyranny and maliciously elongated by design and cleverly not acknowledged in any official way from authorities.

To be clear what is your position on this 2011 video in which I give Steve Iasonidis the engagement ring and is it possible for you to deny the relationship and our engagement existed? That video is below on this page.

Can I ask for clarification on how you will in light of this fact address  agencies mentioned that have been an apologist for Mr iasonidis at the expense of my non acknowledgement of a just settlement.

The purpose of my letter and email today is  to request a commitment to an action from any parliamentarian that will subvert in a finite and immediate way to solve the issue of my poverty and the victimisation proven in this email.

This is so I can live simply in a humble home with a yard have a car and computer with my dog in tow and have enough food and medicine. It is not much to ask for.

The other purpose to my letter is that of an acknowledgement of my suffering and my detriments that are financial and in terms of both my democratic rights as a citizen of this country to have access to the law and additionally the heath problems that have manifested as a result of my tyrannical abuse the side effects of detrimental health that poverty has bought me.

To follow on from that stated that purpose:

It will be evident if I do die as I have decided on this hill that the problem was you and the system and not me or any mental illness. This alone should be enough for a forced intervention in my catastophic character assassination for a political intervention.

What is already demonstrable is that my curse has manifested as a systemic malicious intelligent and conscious movement to destroy me. It exists in people individuals public officials lawyers and Government agencies. A person cannot be expected to go on existing on this planet or in antipodean society;

But thats what befalls a scapegoat. I have been attacked by proxy and had important attributes to life censored from my existence. That is all money consciously and maliciously redacted, access to the law removed, employment damaged beyond compare and fired, to have a business operation that was not maliciously destroyed, be discriminated against, be taken advantage of and had the sanctity of life removed.

I am not an ordinary Australian with the designated privileges a free person has in a democracy .

I have been an intensely personal and public person in my life and it is complicated with my public profile as an author artist and advocate and it mixes with peoples reactions to me in a political way.

The purpose of this letter to Australian parliamentarians also is to demonstrate a victimisation  of me and have that acknowledged in a way that is tangible.

This has categorically character assassinated and literally killed me as well but I lived. 

Victimisation is against the law and it is important that Parliamentarians acknowledge the evidence on this email and act to stamp out my further distress and detriment in all spheres of my life.


My questions to you that provokes a critical and a certain and urgent response is:

Can I please ask for more information or clarification on your position of this letter?

Can I please request a commitment to the specific action of intervening to avoid my destruction despair and distress and live simply in a home with whistleblower protections with enough provisions and freedoms for basic life.

To do otherwise is to elongate an already proven conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The rationale for my request is that I have nothing and no one and life is not tenable nor possible to be without prosperity.

It is simply not ok that recipients of this email as parliamentarians don’t respond or can’t acknowledge what is  summarised in this letter.

It is not ok that by your non action that I may simply die neglect.

It is not ok that the facts of the evidence contained in this email is not acknowledged to examined by your office as the evidence of what I state in this email.

It is not ok that a profound victimisation has happened and is still occurring and not do anything about it. 

I cannot accept that I will not get a response that will offer a finite and immediate solution to my literal torture and conscious redaction of all and any prosperity.

My issue is complex and I am aware that no one wants to ‘dirty their hands’ with my business and it is difficult for people to cross the floor politically against their overlords of Government agencies. Additionally I provide ways you can intervene without damaging yourselves via any association with me.

My position overall is that as a scapegoat.

I live at a high level of uncertainty and I am already prone to reading into things. There is no peace no home no job and no rest. There is barely joy as the character assassination has brutalised every family member and friendships because I attack them for allowing my destruction to happen and they wont act in order to relive me of the thing in my life that was robbed from me - money.

My position comes matter of fact and with forgiveness.

Much harm is presently happening to me.

People could intervene but they don’t.

As a rule of thumb people don’t know what to do or worse, they know exactly what to do and they are apologists for evil and my destruction or otherwise judgemental about drugs sex money or any other thing like the stigmas of mental illness or the shame of child sexual abuse. It is not my shame to have.

I am a unique person for my perceptions and knowledge and this is why I have become the sacraficial lamb and that it is me who is identified as a ‘bad apple’ when it is a collective effort to self preserve that the system is one that is to blame. Apparent bad apples get sacrificed but the bad barrel makers get protection. That is because the system that keeps society in place is full of people in positions of money and political privilege and the dont want anyone upsetting the apple cart in order to damage their own comfort. Its easier to throw a scapegoat under the bus.

This is a rule of thumb for me in life.

I am burdened now great harm was meant for and came to me and still is. I am regretful there has been some collateral damage in my campaign but I still am not causing harm to anyone physically like it is to me and have only acted to protect myself.

Whilst harm is still happening to me - I wish no physical harm on anyone and that is the difference.

So what will an outcome this letter mean to me and others?

I’m glad you asked.

It will mean from that I will have the prosperity in order to have a simple home with my dog a car computer and enough medication and food olive. I do not presently have this and my life is untenable. 

For others - maybe they will have to own up to acting of ill will toward me but its still not going to harm them and if there is any malpractice or settlements that is what insurance is for.

Any money outside of a simple life for my dog and I will be channelled to my trust fund www.barrandodger.com to create measurable tangible meaningful experiences for Australia’s most marginalised voiceless and misunderstood.

Thats a good outcome for vulnerable people and me.

For the system that created and held the capacity for damage - they will have to front up to their own sin.

I’ll forgive them.

Describe your interest in the issue and any relevant credentials. Include questions that provoke a response. Ask for more information or clarification on your MP's position. Request a commitment to a specific action, and give a rationale for your request.

Are you able to intervene in this conspiracy to pervert the course of justice?

Thats what it is. I prove that in this email and I demonstrate it with facts of this email with attachments.

Its a vile victimisation of me and it is malicious it is conscious and it is intentional and it is political.

It also goes against the charter of human rights for a person with a disability which states that I:

I have neither and Mark Dreyfus wont return my many emails.

The state of my life is not just bad luck and nor is it a character flaw or weakness in me.

 I believe a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice is happening and I wish for it to stop or I will be dead. The only way for it to stop is for me to prove it and I need to go to the high court to do this.

I am next to homelessness and was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 20 ADHD and following a suicide attempt that was deemed lethal inside Weribee Mercy Hospital in which they had a duty of care have just received evidence that I have a cognitive brain impairment.

The cognitive decline is something I have noticed and after the suicide attempt which was the result of me being set up to fail and powerful key political stakeholders acting maliciously to destroy me. In short it was not mental illness that was the causation of my ‘fatal’ injury it was a conspiracy and the fact that harm was meant for me and I could not carry the burden of that hard nor could I remain happy when the world had witnessed by scapegoating and refused to intervene.

I believe I may die if there is no traction on my issues  because you cannot survive without money - and I have none because it has been consciously and maliciously redacted from from many sources and I provide evidence in this email.

I have no lawyer to make a settlement on my many issues of compensation settlements work cover and insurances and additionally I have no equality before the law or access to the law. I am a failed whistleblower at ASIC APRA AFSA and The Commonwealth Ombudsman and my PID’s have been ignored or rejected.

I am now banned at AFCA for threatening to name staff and this is not sufficient because I was naming them because thee was a conspiracy and this was a fact. I am a democratic citizen of this country and I deserve to be treated fairly when it comes to statutory government authorities that are essential in providing dispute resolution for financial issues. It is illegal to identify one single person and set thump to fail and then ban them when they want to speak up about it.

Every Government department is staffed by public officials and every authority has a panel of lawyers and litigation. It is not sufficient that I as a person diagnosed with schizophrenia and a brain injury and isolated via scapegoating that I be singled out and victimised by powerful Government authorities.

Every public service official has to abide by the charter of human rights and be decent and every single public servant I have spoken to or emailed has acted on the side of my financial destruction my inequality before the law and additionally the shame prejudice and stigma of mental illness because I have a public profile in Australia as someone who has suffered psychotic illness.

I campaigned against all those negative traits to do with emotions and reactions to people with mental illness and it has now become something I am vilified for such as this defamatory piece in The Herald Sun.

I believe there is a better way ahead than to victimise me and aid and abet my death via coercive financial control and Government psychometrics profiling.

This is the hill I die on.

When I die; the coroners report will detail that indeed a profound victimisation has occurred to me that has identified me, pathologised me, blamed me, victimised me, vilified me, literally murdered me, only for the world to forsake me as a scapegoat. It is a difficult road. The evidence presented with this public page testifies with facts a demonstratable victimisation which is sacraficing me as 'the bad apple' when it is actually the system protecting the bad apple barrel makers in which me as a victim will be killed. They do it because they are public servants in positions of political privilege and they are comfortable withtheir Government appointed lives and money. It is far easier to throw me under the bus than to acknowledge that as parliamentarians and public servants you are reluctant to dirty your hands with the business of Dr Rich Mclean.

But the following video details the reason you must now act.

I know you won't listen to me and I know you will ignore me.

But you wont ignore the candid confessions of Tony Riddel who works within Government opposing its corruption. He has 35000 twitter followers and nineteen million pings a year on his socialmedia. He is one of only three people in Australia to hold a security counter terrorism clearance at his level and is a returned SAS soldier denied his compensations for serving this country. I have published this in the public domain on this very page below as a mechanism to draw attention to my own plight and I pray that he forgives me. If not - its not like I owe him anything he too like the rest of society categorically rejected me.

In this recording for which is another reason I demand whistleblower protections and protections for Tony as well, he details some stunning revelations that are political issues and need addressing as a matter of political discourse and solutions. 

As a person who feels I am at risk of imminent death by self harm as the result of scapegoating, I urge parliamentarians to consider the following points that were candidly exposed:

Firstly he details 'psychometric profiling' which is indicative of the way I have been framed and set up to fail for so long at the following organisations statuatory agencies companies and Government Organisations:

HCC, MHCC, The Police, IBAC, The Victorian Inspectoate, NHPOPC, AHPRA, The Commonwealth Ombudsman, the Office of prime Minister and Cabinet, The AAT, ComCare, The Australian legal bar, The office of Small Business and Family Ombudsman, The telecommunications industry ombudsman, The Federal police, ASIO, IGIS, Weribee Mercy Hospital, SANE Australia, The ABC, The Age, The Herald Sun, ASIC, APRA, AFSA, The Commonwealth Ombudsman, The Tax office, Centrelink, IBAC, The Australian Human Rights Commission, The Australian Financial Complaints Authority,

Mr Riddley details that millions of dollars of fines written by apparent qualified police officers were in fact written by officers not qualified or officially sworn in.This is an abuse of the publics trust and a reason for my whistleblower protection as i used to have a Government login to my employee ID at The Department of Social Services which is indicative I am able to make a PID.  The reason for the corruption was because there was a proxy stand in on the day of their accrediation to cover up the fact that it was known that they would not be legitimate officers. Mr Riddell describes this as 'cartel' stuff and it will open the door for a parliamentary inquiry into police and the Australian public deserve to know that millions of dollars of fines and demerit points dealt to victorian members of the public were in fact never legal.

Mr Riddell details that a commander in the SAS special forces that it was his job to stop Australian soldiers 'killing people' which of course is the afterthought and reaction to the fact that Australian soldiers have killed civilians of war torn countries. 

Mr Riddell describes himself as an 'empath' when pressed on the question of 'sociopath' or 'empath' and I belive this to be true and have no questions doubting the authenticity of his claims made to me as he was not aware he was being recorded and we connected on an intellectual level.

Mr Riddley details corruption at the highest levels of the NDIS including 32 billion of misappropriated funds in his role as an investigator into the corruption across the board. This includes 'holes' inthe system by which fraudulent entities 'pinged' the NDIS of $1 over ten million times which is indicative of profound security breaches causing detriment of the public purse via fraudulent activity.


My conversation with Tony Riddell

I give my former partner Steve Iasonidis the engagement ring in 2007

I make a desperate plea to the Govenor generals office. They tell me to email in the concern and I will be acknowledged. I send them this video and it is ignored.

This is the FOI from Weribee mercy Hospital. It details that my suicide attempt was 'lethal.'

This is an email fromMicron21 in which they destroyed my 20 year long website and all emails and addittionally my email and digital identity which is a political assassination of my character. They did it with impunity. Its like being the overarching ruler for www.telstra.com and deletingthat website. Obviously there would be outrage and it would not be possible to destroy a domain name and all its data. But when it is me - it is absolutely possible and they did it with impunity.