Torture and my FOI requests

These peoples responses will be asked for:

Debbie Morgan, Steve Iasonidis, Attorney General

Plus framed by this piece of writing I demand my FOI from:

The state and federal police, ASIO, Comcare, AAT, AFCA, AHRC, The health Department, The office of prime minister and cabinet, 

I am being tortured. It is not ok. This morning 11/03/2023 I decided to write on the torture that is occurring to me.

It’s fitting for a faggot rapist pedophile to be tortured, don’t you think? …everyone can get on board and no one would intervene if the dirty cunt was suffering now would they? Rich Mclean has a PhD too - a smart cunt… we will take him down a peg or two.  It’s a difficult place to be in for me to garner some traction politically and as someone profiled and scapegoated. My personal life has become public. So lets shine a light on the private undertakings of public people. So let’s do the unthinkable and unpack it from the base line shall we?

The higher I climb into this corrupt world of Australian politics as pertains to the victimisation of my person and try and oppose it the greater the oppression and the greater the stakes.

Disability law in this country says a disabled person of which I am one must have equality before the law and access to it. How is it possible that in 49 years I have never had one to take one of my many justice issues over the line to be compensated?

If someone gives you a gift and you don’t want it - it’s still the persons who’s giving it. Likewise I have chosen not to accept things people think or say or do in my life. But the collateral damage to my life is now so brutal that I need speak about what has been gifted to me… in audio projections, in gossip, in my victimisation, my oppression, my torture, my being redacted prosperity, me being discriminated against, me being taken advantage of, me having the sanctity of life removed, me being experimented on, me being vilified, me being set up to fail, me being identified as a person of interest politically, and my treatment by all agencies and statutory authorities in the Government that sing to the tune of ‘don’t let him have any money!’

Yesterday a didgeridoo was playing outside my window.  It would have been quite ordinary except that it didgeridoo’s the word ‘pedophile!’ Todays didgeridoo sang the word ‘Morgan’ followed in quick succession by a police siren out the front in the street or across the fences. Just the ticket to denote that it was indeed meant for me. But was it in my head? Was it real? Did he fall or was he pushed?

My neurosis over the years has been centred around having sex with Debbie Morgan at the local police break up when I was nineteen, being gay and coming to terms with that, and later in life the fact that the government are rigidly opposed to me supporting my catastrophic character assassination and scapegoating which is akin to torture for me and a vile victimisation.

Its hard to distinguish what’s real and what’s not… especially framed by the blurred lines of imagination and psychosis when in fact I lived at a highest level of uncertainty anyway. To then not just ignore me but intentionally confuse me is abhorrent. This is when the critical mass of ignoring me is factually proven to be a wilful victimisation of me where harm is maliciously intended to me and that is dealt both personally and politically and from right across the board… my life becomes the story of a scapegoat.

Bobby is the best player and was to become team captain. But Rogers dad was on the committee and had a lot of power - so Roger became team captain. There was another contender - George was by far the best player… but in the months before he was caught stealing. Thats why he never became captain - and the whole committee and the club supported this because it was public knowledge.

My difficulties in life in an allegorical way to George’s story could be numerous prejudices judgements stigmas and shames lumped with me:

I fucked her, I’m mad, I’m a poofter,  I’m a druggo, I’m too clever, I wrote about it in a book. Its hard to prove those prejudices and for which I am judged are behind why I have never had justice. You were not fired - its just the way the roster fell.

Think about that again once this news article gets published on my life weeks before:

One thing I know there was never a caveat written into law in this country stating that I will never have a lawyer and I will never get any prosperity that overturns all other reasonable and rational human rights law this country has but so far thats been the case.

But as soon as I am identified at Victoria Legal Aid I never get a shoe-in. The big lawyer companies have all unanimously rejected me - even after sustaining a ‘fatal’ self inflicted injury inside a public hospital from prolonged systemic oppression and vilification and additionally family violence where they had a duty of care and from which I have a cognitive brain impairment… You couldn’t make it up.

Facts are that the charter of human rights and human rights of a person with a disability are not being upheld nor observed in my equity and equality when it comes to me and legal representation and that the charter underpins all laws in this country. 

The Attorney General knows it he is a lawyer - yet even he refuses speak to me or acknowledge me. He oversees the ombudsman - where my public interest disclosure sits waiting to be shelved in a political way. He also oversees AHRC where a not so impartial decision cost me 1.5 million dollars. He also oversees AFCA where as a free citizen of a democracy - I am banned. Thats cost me about 2 million dollars. He also oversees Comcare and the AAT. Thats where my workcover issue sits and it is doomed to fail. What about the police and ASIO?

Likewise at my workcover hearing in three weeks - I have no lawyer and Kate Watson now acts outside her remit as a person bound by the charter when she forces it to go ahead. She is a lawyer who is defending the Governments decision and has also worked in the Government - this battle is inequitable its unfair unbalanced and doomed from to fail. It is also illegal for any public official and especially a lawyer to act outside the charter of human rights for people with a disability and that includes me having access to my own lawyer. Its not my fault I can’t get a lawyer… I have tried. Its going ahead and I am going to lose probably $600000 or a TPD claim. They are arguing that I am not an employee for the purposes of work cover and the SRC act. This is despite the ndis commission stating:

Under the NDIS Commission, a worker is anyone who is employed or otherwise engaged to provide NDIS supports and services to people with disability. Workers can be paid or unpaid, and can be people who are self-employed, employees, contractors, consultants, and volunteers.

If liability cannot be ascertained in a work cover case in Victoria legislation states that it becomes the ministers duty to make payment within 21 days because it becomes a liability of the agency.

You would think that to solve this financial impasse I could simply write to the work place minister which I did to no response. Ou would think then it would be easy to get my lawyer John Boyle to demand a response from him - but he does not. No matter what I do I cannot get it over the line.

(Send a letter registered post).

How can I demand the work place minister respond to my observation of the legislation and his responsibility towards me?

How can I demand a lawyer?

How can I speak to the attorney general or get him acknowledge me?

Police have always been my oppressors ever since that fateful night of losing my virginity and my epic life long poofter bashing (they could do more damage that way, you see), and I have never been able to report crime to them.

Hospital say im psychotic for ‘beleiving’’ these things and the Government medicates me for these ‘delusions.’

Kate Watson from government lawyer

Steve Iasonidis asio and iris -

The point is never let rich have money.

No one will take responsibility for the victimisation that literally killed me. …and lets be fair, if I died - who would care? I already did - and not a tear was shed. The police are not responsible for the entire contents of my home destroyed. Comcare are not responsible for me not getting a lawyer. The hospital are not responsible for my suicide - they saved me. The NDIS centrelink the community care team I’m now medicated by are not required to find me a home. My mother is not responsible that I am broke. Sane australia are not responsible for matters of politics. Micron 21 are not liable for destroying my business - I was conspiratorial. It is not the remit of VOCAT to compensate me for being violently beaten up - I was the attacker. Its not the remit of the redress scheme to compensate me for being sexualised as a child because these things take time. Its ok for every friend to say I need to ‘live within my means’ and not lend me money - but they have a job and rights of normal citizens. Its ok AFCA banned me - I was a threat. Work safe banned me too for the same reason and thats a good an ‘out’ as any. It is not the fault of Allen and Unwin that my reputation be ruined - they were advancing my writing career. Its not The Age’s fault that I don’t work there any more…its just how the roster fell. Not one doctor or psychiatrist is accountable for my harm - it was me who is troublesome… because I am mad. 

I have tried in vain to get justice with every person institution agency or politician but its impossible. 

The FOI’s framed by this letter will shed the light. It will save my life.