I Submitted a whistleblower statement to the Commonwealth Ombudsman PID on 27/02/2023 to oppose the victimisation and total redaction of any prosperity that caused me to attempt suicide in feb 2021. I've made it public so in case mark dreyfus rules its non acknowledgement I at least have evidence I tried to live.

It was rejected.

A message for the Ombudsmans office to please respond to the following three people: John Boyle jboyle@mdlaw.com.au, Miranda Holt: Miranda@guidestar.au, Belinda Brady: Belinda.Brady@imha.vic.gov.au 

I made a www.righttoknow.org post that urges a response:  https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/acknowledge_dr_rich_mcleans_pid#outgoing-19956

Rich's PAY ID is 0400639248. 

Please help me. 

Its an investment you will get back...it may save a life.

My situation is not entirely my own character flaw or weakness in my resolve nor my inability to make things happen. I made plenty happen...the last thing I want to make happen is to stop this torture before I am killed by the oppression again. It is not sufficient to say 'we have no money' 'I'm not a lawyer' or 'what can i do?' when you are blessed with an equality and an equity that I am robbed of. Stand up for me!

27 FEBRUARY 2023. Dr Barran Dodger barrandodger@gmail.com  Read The Scapegoat - Introduction (Dodger 2023). Dear Commonwealth Ombudsman:  Please see attached bibliography (In apple format in EndNote). Failing to respond and acknowledge this PID will cause even more harm than has already occurred and may even kill me so please kindly acknowledge my solution (Mclean 2023). The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Government) provides support and protection to persons who make disclosures under the Act.  I have identified the support and protection I seek (mclean 2023). I make this disclosure under great duress, angst and mental degradation and overwhelming dismissive buearocracy.  I am afraid it will fall over because the attorney generals office refuse to acknowledge my calls or emails and send me to the ombudsman (Naidoo 2021, Mclean 2023). I cannot go on like this with even IGIS protecting the family violence my former partner enacts upon me in its financial control (IGIS 2021). 

I beg of you to accept my valid PID and disclosable conduct of this disclosable conduct which is NOT ok  (McLean 2023). I can provide all the evidence for all of it. I need immediate relief from further oppression victimisation and the torture of my life. I’m not perfect I’ve made mistakes and I’m a sinner. I’ve apologised but I will do it again (Mclean 2023). Remember I did all this advocacy for for others (McLean) off my own bat and I love people and the earth even though I’ve been let down. My life is no longer physically possible, economically sustainable or financially viable in the current political/social climate and intervention from the Ombudsman is essential in order to save my life. This oppression has left me damaged with a brain impairment  (Chew 2023) after an injury deemed ‘fatal’ (mercy 2021) occurred inside Weribee mercy hospital in which they owed a duty of care.

Please have a heart… This conspiracy for which I admit I play a part has taken my reputation, my job, my insurances, my rights, my settlements, my equality before the law and access to it. It’s taken my freedom, my possessions, my memory, my health. It’s taken my friends and family because in frustration I’ve been needy of or attacked those that ‘help’ but often in my heart not enough for allowing this beast to literally kill me from which I was revived. I have been set up fail, incarcerated, discriminated against, violated, beaten up , viciously attacked, sexualised as a child, rejected, inspected , investigated, exploited and denied the agency to complain. Then when I did find the courage to complain I was victimised for it and suffered detriment in all ways.

I offer this solution (Mclean 2023). It will let me live. Please acknowledge it because I can’t keep suffering this life in an inequitable unfair and unbalanced way in which I am the bad guy and scapegoat. I’m literally fighting a cast of thousands of public officials - I know that I’ll be sacrificed - killed - before liability is admitted. Then mental illness and drugs can be blamed and everyone will be off the hook. Let’s face it no one cares if I die because I did and was revived and I was the only one that opposed my oppression that caused it. But you don’t need to admit liability.

Disclosable conduct:  Every public official is bound to act within the charter of human rights. It’s not brave or courageous to reject someone like me. You know who IS brave under the circumstances and duress? ME! I compiled a list of what’s not ok and what is the disclosable conduct I am reporting (McLean 2023). It’s not right and it’s also not legal. It’s disclosable conduct. 

I have proven a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. I have no access to the law.  The attorney general rejects me as does every other Government department, My human rights destroyed, This elongated financial abuse led me to a ‘fatal’ injury and another cover up with the hospital, I have death threats, I’ve been attacked by Government thugs inside a hospital, Run over by a car, My dog injured, I can’t go to police and so far rejected whistleblower, My possessions destroyed, I’ve had no access to the law thats meaningful proportionate to my situation, Framed by a powerful lawyer Russell Ball who advises Government policy (partners 2018), Rejected by parliamentarians, My business destroyed, my electronic identity in my email destroyed, I’m treated with contempt, I have been robbed systemically intentionally and maliciously with intentions to cause harm. The harm came and then it was covered up. The harm is still occurring after my possessions were destroyed overseen by the hospital caring for me and the police protecting me.


Why I can make a PID: Introduction.

To lose your home in a fire.

The engagement

Holding on to dear life


My previous truce didn’t work

I’ve pissed off at least two powerful people.


Attorney General who oversees Ombudsman

Disability discrimination

Fearing I’ll be sacrificed

Prejudicing me


family violence is not ok

Systemic corruption

THE SOLUTION (Mclean 2023)



Why I can make a PID: Introduction.

I can legally make this PID  statement to be investigated because I was a service provider under a Commonwealth contract  (Head 2019) and a DSS Government employee login (DSS` 2019).  The term ‘employee’ proves I am an employee or worker for the purposes of workcover which is denied for me at ComCare and AAT. It is within the work cover ministers remit that if liability cannot be established within 21 days it is their responsibility but he and my lawyer refuse to ledger the issue or respond tract on my behalf to quantify a response.  Michaelia Cash refused to intervene when I guessed the AAT was doomed after I lost at AFCA and AHRC. After years of no legal representation and profound detriment I finally wrote to the Australian legal bar who declined to respond to this email that also was ignored by DDLC, MHCC, MHLC, Justice Connect, Victorian LegalAid and The Law Institute of Victoria (McLean 2022). I am a Human Rights award winning author (Mclean 2002) and artist, now experiencing a nightmare that I could never conceive was even possible to a middle class white male in Australia.

To lose your home in a fire.

Some people have lost their homes to fire and that is a tragedy. I lost my home and all its contents because of a conscious and planned malice. It is evil. It is systemic and it is intelligent it is conscious and it is also intended. To cause me harm and this victimisation is abhorrent and against the law. It is dealt to me via proxy of other bodies whereby any issue I had fell outside the remit of the agency I protested at. This has been the demonstrable sin of my suffering through Government tyranny. In February in 2023 the contents of my home were taken to the tip by my landlord Hung Ho and overseen by the community mental health team and hospital that supposedly cared for me. In addition the police who are supposed to care for citizens and have a duty of care to account forest stolen or damaged goods refused to intervene when the contents of my life - everything I owned earned and cherished was destroyed with impunity. After they had finished with the untidy business of my life in which I had been the victim of an intelligently designed vagrancy, Weribee Mercy Hospital rejected me into a homeless shelter. All I had with me was an old phone, the clothes my back and a small brown paper bag of ill fitting tshirts given to me in my two month hospitalisation. It was more so a method to silence me as an outspoken political prisoner.

The engagement (See video above)

Holding on to dear life

I am currently grasping to any strand of sensibility and hope that I can attach to. Whilst not one person can be held accountable for my traumas, systemic failures of public health policy along with medical professionals derelict of duty of care has brought me to this ongoing agony. I recognise that to this point, my behaviour, language and peaceful protest may have been instrumental in the situation and interpreted as confrontational. I am a forthright and direct person. I am cognisant enough to realise that once a starts to gather speed, it becomes a perpetual force that consumes everything in it’s path. No matter what the initial cause was for the tragedy that is growing after now having reached a critical mass and affecting me on an exponential level paramount to torture. I could not report my own torture to the NDIS, Police, Hospital, friend or family member nor my homelessness to Sheena Jack from HCF or Jacquelyn Symes from parliament. Because my identity was treated with such gaslighting and contempt I changed my name to Barran Dodger and it is from that identity I emailed every single parliamentarian with zero response.


My previous truce didn’t work

I offered a truce to the Government (McLean 2021) regarding my oppression. Charan Naidoo representing attorney general Mark Dreyfus’ office refers me to the Ombudsman (Naidoo 2021) rejecting any responsibility. His office still refuses to acknowledge me (Mclean 2023). At first the OAIC said my FOI of the OPMC was too ‘voluminous’  (OAIC 2022) then rejected it (Gartman 2022).  The Ombudsman’s own literature states defines a complaint an implied or express statement of dissatisfaction where a response is sought is reasonably to expected and legally required and this is such a complaint worthy to qualify for a PID.

I’ve pissed off at least two powerful people. 

The profound victimisation and economic disadvantage I have suffered from Steve Iasonidis‘ rejection of a settlement in which we were engaged to be married and in which lived together (Estate) and in which he exploited me (Badenoch 2020) underpins it.  I have also been framed by Russell Ball who is influential on Government policy (partners 2018) and acted to silence evidence (whittaker 2017) that was due before a court for malpractice but never heard has caused me profound damage.  I attempted to gain justice after years of oppression. I requested my FOI from the OPMC to unravel the reason behind it but they cite I ‘don’t exist’ (Gartman 2022). But I’ve spoken all over this country (McLean) in a courageous advocacy. Rejecting my FOI elongated the family abuse and massive potential financial detriment I suffered and illustrates systemic corruption. It would have revealed my public role and corruption at AFCA, AHRC, Police, and Attorney General. It would have revealed the psychometric profiling of me Tony Riddell speaks of in this candid recording (Riddell 2022). I would reveal I was engaged to former ASIO employee Steve Iasonidis. Riddell reveals the methodology of government tyranny that aims to sacrifice me. I had to reverse engineer this gas lighting from humble beginnings at local levels to the very top.


I will provide evidence to come from HCC, MHCC, The Police, IBAC, The Victorian Inspectorate,The Ombudsman that evidence has been silenced. Now I am infamous and cannot even go to legal aid (Mclean 2023). I am not an equal citizen in this country because I haven’t legal representation resulting in my release from vagrancy. A disabled person having no representation is in spite of Australia being a  signatory to (nations Convention of human rights for people with a disability) which states I must have equality before the law and access to it. I don’t and I demand it. Currently I have been discriminated against, I am exploited, I have had the sanctity life removed, and I have had my property and my prosperity redacted. In addition I have no equality before the law or access to it. To illustrate this I wrote to the Governing body of all lawyers detailing my universal rejection from dozens of enquiries and received zero response (McLean 2022). It’s no surprise I am psychometrically profiled as Tony Riddell says (Riddell 2022) and rejected any help from Victoria Legal Aid (Mclean 2023).

Attorney General who oversees Ombudsman

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus refuses to acknowledge me (Mclean 2023). It is now demonstrable that my ‘fatal’ injury (mercy 2021) resulting in my brain impairment (Chew 2023) was the result of Government torture. The hospital owes me a duty of care and a settlement and this needs to be immediately acknowledged. I have cared for human rights in my advocacy (McLean) and spoken all over this country and what I have given on a personal level is way out of proportion for what I have received.

Disability discrimination

The Disability Discrimination act (1992) forbids discrimination on the basis of disability but when my autobiography (Mclean 2002) was published I was vilified publicly by Sunday Herald Sun (Editor 2002) and within three weeks lost my job at The Age. I was a marked man again from that point. The victimisation I have suffered systemically in this document is palpable. The legal definition of victimisation is when someone “subjects or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment”. The definition of ‘detriment’ can be non-economic loss economic loss physical injury or impairment including psychiatric injury. I have suffered all three.  The list of potential financial detriments that were intentionally redacted from me over time in a political way is formidably large at over twenty million dollars (Mclean 2023). According to The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s own charter the response to this document  must be respectful, impartial, confidential, transparent, procedurally fair, accessible and responsive. My hope for an immediate outcome which will cease my torture is clearly noted (McLean 2023). I don’t expect much more than what a person is dignified to have. Already my applications to the CDDC scheme have been ignored.

Fearing I’ll be sacrificed

On 16th Sept 22 my PID was rejected (.officer 2022). But this PID includes disclosable issues including a contravention of the law, systemic corruption, conspiracy perverting the course of justice, maladministration, an abuse of public trust, wastage of public money, and conduct that is a danger to health, safety or the environment. Tony Riddell who is is only one of three people in Australia with his clearance of counter terrorism and risk management detailed to me ‘psychometric profiling’ that is utilised by The Government in order to destroy people.  He detailed how they ‘sacrifice bad apples’ rather thank blame the ‘bad barrels makers’ (Riddell 2022). I knew I’d be destroyed with further demonic style victimisation and further character assassination if I didn’t make a stand.

Prejudicing me

Dr Horgan praised my dexamphetamine (Horgan 2016) which I had an amazing life on and then would not prescribe it after my suicide. Weribee Mercy detail the cessation of my Dex as the cause for my suicide attempt (Health 2021). It is clear I have used street drugs to mimic the effect but salt water clinic refuse to prescribe it. This is malpractice. I demand the script. Under the guise of government/legislative procedures and policies, those who have sympathised with my struggles are quickly stymied and silenced by the lack of resources, information they can share with me or personal reason to prejudice me from the public domain.  They can also prejudice me from the private or professional domain as Dr Horgan has done.


I was happy creating and studying and as soon as people wed me money my persecution began and I was vilified. Here is a black SUV profiling my home in 2021 (richmcleanart 2021). With the benefit of hindsight we are now learning that the decisions made by senior public health officials was far from ideal (Hunt 2020). Consequentially, benefitting the people that had more money and were not scapegoats easy to exploit. I’ve been vulnerable and with low incomes and poverty has affected my health.  A Magistrate rejected my AVI (FOI/2022/045 2021) when I attempted to gain access to a settlement from Iasonidis. I knew he would kill me because he admitted to me being at murders and I was scared. The Government protects him by the OPM refusing my FOI (Gartman 2022). ASIC reject my FOI telling me to call police (Bianchi 2022).  Given meagre supports I am capable of amazing things (McLean 2020). Greg Hunt - silenced evidence  in the wWhittaker case (Hunt 2020). A screen snapshot of my business website (McLean 2017) www.richmclean.com.au. My business website that Micron 21 destroyed (Braunegg 2021) . They did it with impunity and the telecommunications industry ombudsman covered it up as well as SFBEO. It was registered at ASIC and they allowed it to be destroyed.  Grindr user tells me Steve wants my husky ‘dead’ (User 2021) because he was found to have embezzled a million dollars. I cannot report the death threat to police.  Neuropsychological exam demonstrates (Chew 2023) the damage the demonstrated oppression has caused in my cognitive brain impairment. I write to Michaelia Cash (Mclean 2020) with no intervention.  OPMC - refused my FOI (OAIC 2022) which is in itself unlawful. Tim Gos - AFCA - set me up (evidence to come).  Liz Lindsberg - Free kicked a 1.5million dollar deal in a way not impartial (evidence to come),  AFCA head - Banned me. Work safe Minister - banned me. Simon Birmingham - finance.gov Rejected my CDDC scheme. Paul Fowler - rejected my workcover at ComCare on two different reasons. Workcover sent it to ComCare and Paul Fowler was the old boss at worksafe. Thats called corruption. APRA - Rejected whistleblower. AFSA - rejected Whistleblower. Steve Iasonidis - A former public service official who exploited me in his personal life (caputo 2011). Head of AGIS - Did not investigate and protected Steve Iasonidis. Head of ASIO - David Irvine - He supported Steves exploitation of me. I actually committed Centrelink fraud for even having a pension. Michaelia Cash - refused to intervene in AFCA AHRC and ComCare / AAT. Russell Ball - framed me as an extortionist and destroyed my access to the law. Head of  Weribee Mercy - James Lye - Covered up settlement for damage to me whilst under their care. Salt Water clinic - did the same.  Dr David Horgan - praised dexamphetamine then rejected me-thats malpractice.  ASIC, APRA, AFSA, The Commonwealth Ombudsman I have been a failed whistleblower until now.  Because of Russell Ball my evidence was silenced by the heads of these agencies: (name) HCC, (name), MHCC, (name) The police including Christopher Roberts, (Sue) IBAC, (name) The Victorian Inspectorate, (name) AHPRA, (name) NHPOPC, (name) The Ombudsman - Ben Calder. Attorney General Victoria refused to respond to me. Deborah Glass refused to respond.  Micron 21 - James Braunegg maliciously destroyed my business and website and with it my digital identity (Braunegg 2021). Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman protected the destruction of my business.  So did Small Business and Family Industry Ombudsman. This Government abuse is demonstrable and damaged me and I suffered what was deemed a ‘fatal’ injury inside Weribee mercy (mercy 2021) for which I have a brain impairment (Chew 2023). My heart ceased due to lack of blood (Health 2021). A hospital owes a duty of care whilst in their custody. The apology was abuse. Show me the money.  I am banned at AFCA to Jeffrie Tricka where I lost over 2 million dollars (Ennis 2022). They knew I was in financial distress . They were supposed to come to determinations for marginalised people within 4 weeks (AFCA 2019).  HCF refused to pay workcover refused to pay. Mr Iasonidis incarcerated me rejecting a settlement and I could not get a lawyer. My AVI on him was denied (FOI/2022/045 2021). I lost over 1.5million in financial detriment at AHRC. I am a failed whistleblower at ASIC APRA AFSA and formerly Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Family violence is not ok

I am under family violence from Mr Steve Iasonidis (caputo 2011) who enacts coercive financial control bye refusing a settlement and threatening to kill my dog (User 2021). IGIS refuse to investigate the his actions from the five year relationship in which we were engaged to be married and he exploited my nest egg. I applied for an IVO but it was rejected (FOI/2022/045 2021). He received a carers pension for being with me and earned upwards of $30000 a month whilst I was on a pension. I was living off a TPD insurance from Health Super for which I was paid one unit of $83000 but I had 8 units of cover. The Government refuse to acknowledge the relationship. I became ill in Feb 2021 (Moore) from an unfavourable sexual abuse case where I was the victim. I also knew I had been framed. The magistrate threw it out as ‘doomed’ to fail. My HCF income assist rejected. My workcover rejected. Work Safe have banned me. 

Systemic corruption

Paul Fowler was the old boss at worksafe who sent me to ComCare where he rejected me. This is corruption. I was contracted to work only inn Victoria under a statutory agency of Vic. First it was for reason (x) then they rejected it because of (y). I have a Government employee login. Bill Shorten refuses to get back to me. Member Purnell and Kate Watson acted outside the remit of the charter of human rights when they delayed my payment and rejected it. HCC, MHCC, Victorian Inspectorate, The Police, IBAC, The Ombudsman, AHPRA and NHPOPC failed to intervene both in original malpractice by Dr Whittaker in which his neglect led to my overdose. I had acquired a recording of the malpractice which was for the reason of checking my reality because my perceptions have been unreliable. It was innocuously taken and this was silenced universally. His lawyer Russell Ball intervened in agencies and acted to harm me. He informs the ombudsman (partners 2018) where I am a failed whistleblower and advises the Government on policy. After my suicide attempt I discovered the FOI from HCC which detailed Russell Ball framing me as an extortionist and this is why I had failed for so long and this demonstrates the harm this man caused me.

THE SOLUTION (Mclean 2023)


Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

1992, D. D. A.

AFCA (2019).

Badenoch, R. (2020). "Steve Iasonidis lawyer rejects me."

Bianchi, A. (2022). ASIC reject my FOI and PID. ASIC.

Braunegg, J. (2021). R. Mclean.

caputo, C. (2011). Rich Mclean Gives Steve Iasonidis the engagement ring. youtube, Rich Mclean.

Chew, M. (2023). CONFIDENTIAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT. Footscray, Weribee Mercy Hospital: 7.

Dodger, B. (2023). Introcuction: The Scapegoat.

DSS` (2019).

Editor, R. M. (2002). MY DESCENT INTO MADNESS. Herald Sun, Sunday Herald Sun.

Ennis, D. (2022). AFCA.

Estate, B. a. S. R.

FOI/2022/045, O. r. R. A. r. (2021). Magistrates court rejection of AVI. M. court.

Gartman, P. (2022). Rejection of FYIfrom OPM ‘doesn’t exist’. O. o. P. M. Cabinet.

Government Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

Head, G. (2019). N. Q. a. s. Commission. Melbourne.

Health, M. m. (2021). FOI Request.

Horgan, D. d. (2016). Dr Horgan praises dexamphetamine.

Hunt, G. (2020).

IGIS, r. (2021).

McLean, D. R. (2017). "www.richmclean.com.au."

McLean, D. R. (2020). "A Splice of my Life."

McLean, R. "Advocacy."

Mclean, R. (2002). Recovered not cured a journey through schizophrenia, Allen and Unwin.

Mclean, R. (2020). Dr Mclean writes to Michaelia Cash.

McLean, R. (2021). I offer a truce to the Attorney General and the Government.

McLean, R. (2022).

McLean, R. (2022). Dr Mclean writes to Australian Legal bar.

McLean, R. (2023). 25.03.2023 immediate outcomesto the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and victimisation.pdf.

Mclean, R. (2023). 25.03.2023 potential financial detriments not paid or rejected for dr ich mclean.

Mclean, R. (2023). I call Attorney General’s office and am rejected.

Mclean, R. (2023). "I offer a solution to the impasse."

McLean, R. (2023). "It is NOT ok that the following things have happened. It details the public servants of disclosable conduct:."

mclean, r. (2023). "support and protections."

Mclean, R. (2023). What happens when I call Victoria legal aid. Youtube, Rich Mclean.

mercy, W. (2021). "Hospital notes cite injury as ‘fatal’."

Naidoo, C. (2021). "Charan naidoo representing Mrk Dreyfus refers me to the Ombudsman."

nations, u. (Convention of human rights for people with a disability).

OAIC (2022). Dr Mclean’s FOI from OPM was ‘too voluminous’ and needed an extension. OAIC. Australia.

officer, J. A. (2022). PID-2022-100021. C. Ombudsman. Commonwealth Ombudsman.

partners, B. (2018). "Ball and Partners selfdescribed responsibilities and qualities." 2022.

richmcleanart (2021). "A black SUV investigates my house." https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChbYg6fBw5K/.

Riddell, B. D. a. T. (2022). YouTube.

Riddell, B. D. a. T. (2022). barran Dodger meets Tony Riddell former SAS commander. YouTube.

User, G. (2021).

whittaker, r. m. d. (2017).

This paragraph below is why Australia can no longer be a home for me and I can't believe I am typing this but I am appealing for other countries to take me in where I can seek asylum from being a political prisoner as a 'free citizen' of this country... That is because I am a scapegoat in this country -an infamous vagrant - and have no rights as an ordinary citizen deserving of services. I have no equality before the law nor access to any that has releasedmefrom financial bondage and homelessness. Furthermore, I have nothing since they destroyed my possessions and no one and no where to be and no way to do anything. Its just impossible.

The office of prime Minister refuse my FOI. I am banned at AFCA. Iam rejected my workcover at ComCare and the AAT. A powerful Government lawyer Kate watson defends the Government inside Government agencies. I am brain damaged from my suicide attempt. There is no compensation norapology.Not a tear was shed when i died thats a fact. I have been stitched up publically. My reputation is ruined. I'm nowrejected my ELR and PLR lending rights for my autobiography that won so many awards and also exploited me. My posessions have been destroyed by the Police and The Hospital whilst i was trapped i there. I would kill myself in a second if it were not for my dog. I can't work. My world is already uncertain with its perceptions and now with the conspiracy - whispers outside my window could be them. Phone and computer hacked. Business destroyed. All Government agencies oppose me. Not one person has my back. I am fighting a cast of tens of thousands.no amount of begging for food or money will suffice.

I can't believe I am typing this but I am going to appeal for other countries to take me in where I can seek asylum from being a political prisoner and a scapegoat. I am apparently a 'free citizen' of this country... that is categorically incorrect.

That is because I am a scapegoat in this country - intelligently redacted all prosperity to be rendered a penniless infamous vagrant!

I have no rights as an ordinary citizen deserving of services. I have no equality before the law nor access to any that has released me from financial bondage and homelessness. Furthermore, I have nothing since they destroyed my possessions. I have no one and no where to be and no way to do anything. Its just impossible.

For God sakes please help me in the interim. PayID 0400639248.

I've no job, no rights, no access to meaningful law that creates a difference, no food, no booze, barely a home, nomoney, now no business,no website,my memory marred and my mind damaged. This is it. If I dont make a plea somewhere - this will kill me. I alreadyknow there won'tbe tears as per the past but to save a life?

The dalai lama said if you get the most unlikable person and look intensely at them there will be something you lke.

What doyou like about me?

Is it enough to give me a fighting chance at existing?

I am an artist.

Please let me seek asylum.

I am sure once settled I can contribute to your society as a Dr of Philosophy and an artist and again make something of this life against already insurmountable opposition.

...against all odds in my life.

Please intervene to stop this persecution.

i aren't the bad guy.

Dr Rich Mclean, (close to death in desperation this 05/03/2023).

Dr Rich Mclean's vagrancy is less about 'mental illness' and more about family violence and financial control backed and elongated by Government victimisation and psychometric profiling.

Dr McLean has not got the same rights as an Australian that an every day person has... He is rejected normal standard insurances that you would be entitled to. 

He has never been able to get a lawyer - ever - who carries a claim to fruition.

It goes to the top - he is rejected his FOI from the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet, which would have revealed millions in detriment by being banned at AFCA and rejected not one but two workcover cases. His failed case at AHRC and his former millionaire partner who worked for ASIO.

It would revealan unusual life of being a well known advocate who has spoken across this country - but that is now overshadowed by him not being able to go to police and the vilification of his poverty dressed up as 'mental illness.'

It would alsoshowthat this prolonged systemic abuse has led him to suicide; that it was deemed 'fatal' and he was accidently found and revived from death. ...only to have the tragedy covered up and never a settlement nor apology received.

Dr McLean now lives in poverty with a cognitive brain impairment. The date is 05/03/2023. He has not enough food. Invest in his justice and help him by PayID 0400639248. The promise is there that this is an investment in his survival and something you will get back when his eventual settlements occur. (And then some!). You can ask his lawyer about it jboyle@mdlaw.com.au  Grateful for any support.

These facts that have happened to me in this list are NOT ok! (Dropdown).

It is NOT ok the Attorney general refuses to acknowledge me regarding corruption at AHRC AFCA ComCare and AAT and The Ombudsman.

It is NOT ok the OPMC refusemy FOI request.

It is NOT ok I cannot report crime to police.

It is NOT ok I was banned at AFCA as a democratic citizen costing me millions.

It is NOT ok that AHRC free kick an apparently 'impartial' settlement worth over 1.5 million dollars to the opposition.

It s NOT ok my entire contents of everything I ever owned located in my home were taken to the tip and destroyed whilst i was a prisoner of a psychiatric hospital.

It is NOT ok  I was then rejected to a homeless shelter with just a brown paper bag, and that Weribee Mercy Hospital and the Footscray Police oversaw that.

It is NOT ok that I have lost money at: WorkCover, ComCare, AAT, AHRC, AFCA, former partner settlement, HCF, other insurance, lost revenue from my business website being destroyed, my ELR and PLR payments stopped, my CopyrightCouncil royalties stoppes, as did Allen and Unwin, my iBooks lost their acconts, ACCC, (any lawyer).

It is NOT ok that my public profile has now intertwined with a very private one and I am victimised and vilified.

It s NOT ok that I have not enough food or medicine and that i suffered what was deemed a 'fatal' injury inside a public hosptal and be revived from death and that tragedy covered up.

It is NOT ok I suffer what is now described as a cognitive brain impairment from an injury sustained whilst under duty of care at weribee Mercy hospital.

It is NOT ok I was also beaten up and had my nose broken inside that hospital - a Government thug broke my nose so I disabled him because it was him or me.

It is NOT ok that I am under surveillance.

it is NOT ok that micron21 maliciously destroyed my online identity my digital identity and my online business www.richmclean.com.au and all its backups and emails. 

It is NOT ok that i am alrady tortured with some mental health concerns and I am further systemiclly oppressed victimised vilified and exploited as an already vulnerable person who has literally been tortured.

What is the definition of victimisation?

When we talk about a person being victimised, it means they’re being treated badly or unfairly because they have made a complaint about discrimination, sexual harassment or racial and religious vilification, it is believed they intend to make a complaint, or they’ve helped someone else to make a complaint.

The legal definition of victimisation is when someone “subjects or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment”.

What are the types of detriment?

There are three types of detriment:

Victimisation is against the law.

The world wanted me when I spoke bravely about mentalillness... they saw mecoming. I was totally taken advantageof and furtherlived a life of exploitation and victimisation and vilification.

Dr Richard McLean has been a fierce advocate and has presented at the following places and events over thirty years: (Dropdown)

Dr Mclean advocated against shame stigma and prejudice for most of his life. He has spoken from Parliament House in Canberra to The school of religious and philosophical studies in Montreal Canada. He has travelled the Australian continent speaking at local state and federal levels including Dubbo to Warnambool to Canberra Sydney and Melbourne. Here is a list of places he has spoken:


Radio National 'Life Matters' program. Julie McCrossin-ABC, Triple J- Youth Network, Rachel Kerr (National), Tricia Duffield on Radio 2SM, Sydney, Martin Powley for ABC Gold & Sunshine Coasts, QLD, Fiona Sewell for ABC Radio Adelaide, Statewide afternoons, James Valentine for ABC Radio 702, Phillip Brady & Bruce Mansfield on Radio 3AW ‘Nightline’, John Weeks from Spectrum FM Radio, Stateline on ABC TV, Good Morning Australia with Steve Leidman, for 'Compulsive Executions' exhibition and book launch. Pieta O'Shaughnessy on Curtin Radio (Perth), Tony Wilson for Triple R (Melb), Felicity Biggins on Radio 2NUR in Newcastle, Video interview with Frankie Fathers, Reuters TV (International), ABC National, AM Program, Channel 31 News. JOY FM, The Today show with Steve Liedman, Mar 05, Radio National-Life Matters-Art and Psychosis, RRR-Schizophrenia, Local Radio, and ABC Regional, Dubbo, Two Panel interviews with students, McGill University, Montreal.


'Rider of the storm', The Age, Michael Winkler, 'My Descent Into Madness'-Herald Sun, MCV-Reviewer, The Sydney Morning Herald - Reviewer Anne Deveson, www.eclinicalpsychiatrynews.com about psychosis and art, Possible presentation on SBS's 'Masterpiece' program about art and mental illness, Sydney Morning Herald, Mental Health hits the Political Frontline.'


Recovered, Not Cured Book Launch-Artholes Gallery, Fitzroy, art exhibition, Mental Health Reseach Institute-To researchers and biochemists, Forensicare, Fairfield-To inpatients and social workers/ psychologists, Early Prevention Psychosis (EPPIC)-To consumer groups, Presentation for Australian Centre for Youth Literature (ACYL) -To librarians and school teachers, Presentation for Australian Centre for Youth Literature (ACYL)-To 500 high school students, Baw Baw youth Network-To social workers and youth planners, Richmond Fellowship- Warnambool.-To consumers and their families, More talks to consumers at EPPIC, Royal Melbourne Hospital-with MHRI-'Psychosis and Cannabis' forum, St Andrew's Market-Mental Health Week, Forensicare, Thomas

Embling Hospital, Mental Health Week, Presentation on autobiographical writing for high scvhool students at The State Library, Australian Centre for Youth Literature (AYCL) (All in 2003,04), Carer Consultant Group, North West Mental Health, Parliament House, Canberra, for 'SANE's Guide To Electoral Offices’, Personal clients, McGill University-Montreal, Paragraphe Bookstore-Montreal, Douglas Hospital-Montreal, Article for www.eclinicalpsychiatrynews.com about psychosis and art, Review in www.world-schizophrenia.org hard copy Mail-out, USA and Canada, Guest speaker for the exhibition: www.artagainststigma.org (Sydney, May 05) adv

This is his whistleblwer statement for the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 27/02/2023

27 FEBRUARY 2023. Dr Barran Dodger barrandodger@gmail.com  Read The Scapegoat - Introduction (Dodger 2023). Dear Commonwealth Ombudsman:  Please see attached bibliography (In apple format in EndNote). Failing to respond and acknowledge this PID will cause even more harm than has already occurred and may even kill me so please kindly acknowledge my solution (Mclean 2023). The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Government) provides support and protection to persons who make disclosures under the Act.  I have identified the support and protection I seek (mclean 2023). I make this disclosure under great duress, angst and mental degradation and overwhelming dismissive buearocracy.  I am afraid it will fall over because the attorney generals office refuse to acknowledge my calls or emails and send me to the ombudsman (Naidoo 2021, Mclean 2023). I cannot go on like this with even IGIS protecting the family violence my former partner enacts upon me in its financial control (IGIS 2021). 

I beg of you to accept my valid PID and disclosable conduct of this disclosable conduct which is NOT ok  (McLean 2023). I can provide all the evidence for all of it. I need immediate relief from further oppression victimisation and the torture of my life. I’m not perfect I’ve made mistakes and I’m a sinner. I’ve apologised but I will do it again (Mclean 2023). Remember I did all this advocacy for for others (McLean) off my own bat and I love people and the earth even though I’ve been let down. My life is no longer physically possible, economically sustainable or financially viable in the current political/social climate and intervention from the Ombudsman is essential in order to save my life. This oppression has left me damaged with a brain impairment  (Chew 2023) after an injury deemed ‘fatal’ (mercy 2021) occurred inside Weribee mercy hospital in which they owed a duty of care.

Please have a heart… This conspiracy for which I admit I play a part has taken my reputation, my job, my insurances, my rights, my settlements, my equality before the law and access to it. It’s taken my freedom, my possessions, my memory, my health. It’s taken my friends and family because in frustration I’ve been needy of or attacked those that ‘help’ but often in my heart not enough for allowing this beast to literally kill me from which I was revived. I have been set up fail, incarcerated, discriminated against, violated, beaten up , viciously attacked, sexualised as a child, rejected, inspected , investigated, exploited and denied the agency to complain. Then when I did find the courage to complain I was victimised for it and suffered detriment in all ways.

I offer this solution (Mclean 2023). It will let me live. Please acknowledge it because I can’t keep suffering this life in an inequitable unfair and unbalanced way in which I am the bad guy and scapegoat. I’m literally fighting a cast of thousands of public officials - I know that I’ll be sacrificed - killed - before liability is admitted. Then mental illness and drugs can be blamed and everyone will be off the hook. Let’s face it no one cares if I die because I did and was revived and I was the only one that opposed my oppression that caused it. But you don’t need to admit liability.

Disclosable conduct:  Every public official is bound to act within the charter of human rights. It’s not brave or courageous to reject someone like me. You know who IS brave under the circumstances and duress? ME! I compiled a list of what’s not ok and what is the disclosable conduct I am reporting (McLean 2023). It’s not right and it’s also not legal. It’s disclosable conduct. 

I have proven a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. I have no access to the law.  The attorney general rejects me as does every other Government department, My human rights destroyed, This elongated financial abuse led me to a ‘fatal’ injury and another cover up with the hospital, I have death threats, I’ve been attacked by Government thugs inside a hospital, Run over by a car, My dog injured, I can’t go to police and so far rejected whistleblower, My possessions destroyed, I’ve had no access to the law thats meaningful proportionate to my situation, Framed by a powerful lawyer Russell Ball who advises Government policy (partners 2018), Rejected by parliamentarians, My business destroyed, my electronic identity in my email destroyed, I’m treated with contempt, I have been robbed systemically intentionally and maliciously with intentions to cause harm. The harm came and then it was covered up. The harm is still occurring after my possessions were destroyed overseen by the hospital caring for me and the police protecting me.


Why I can make a PID: Introduction.

To lose your home in a fire.

The engagement

Holding on to dear life


My previous truce didn’t work

I’ve pissed off at least two powerful people.


Attorney General who oversees Ombudsman

Disability discrimination

Fearing I’ll be sacrificed

Prejudicing me


family violence is not ok

Systemic corruption

THE SOLUTION (Mclean 2023)



Why I can make a PID: Introduction.

I can legally make this PID  statement to be investigated because I was a service provider under a Commonwealth contract  (Head 2019) and a DSS Government employee login (DSS` 2019).  The term ‘employee’ proves I am an employee or worker for the purposes of workcover which is denied for me at ComCare and AAT. It is within the work cover ministers remit that if liability cannot be established within 21 days it is their responsibility but he and my lawyer refuse to ledger the issue or respond tract on my behalf to quantify a response.  Michaelia Cash refused to intervene when I guessed the AAT was doomed after I lost at AFCA and AHRC. After years of no legal representation and profound detriment I finally wrote to the Australian legal bar who declined to respond to this email that also was ignored by DDLC, MHCC, MHLC, Justice Connect, Victorian LegalAid and The Law Institute of Victoria (McLean 2022). I am a Human Rights award winning author (Mclean 2002) and artist, now experiencing a nightmare that I could never conceive was even possible to a middle class white male in Australia.

To lose your home in a fire.

Some people have lost their homes to fire and that is a tragedy. I lost my home and all its contents because of a conscious and planned malice. It is evil. It is systemic and it is intelligent it is conscious and it is also intended. To cause me harm and this victimisation is abhorrent and against the law. It is dealt to me via proxy of other bodies whereby any issue I had fell outside the remit of the agency I protested at. This has been the demonstrable sin of my suffering through Government tyranny. In February in 2023 the contents of my home were taken to the tip by my landlord Hung Ho and overseen by the community mental health team and hospital that supposedly cared for me. In addition the police who are supposed to care for citizens and have a duty of care to account forest stolen or damaged goods refused to intervene when the contents of my life - everything I owned earned and cherished was destroyed with impunity. After they had finished with the untidy business of my life in which I had been the victim of an intelligently designed vagrancy, Weribee Mercy Hospital rejected me into a homeless shelter. All I had with me was an old phone, the clothes my back and a small brown paper bag of ill fitting tshirts given to me in my two month hospitalisation. It was more so a method to silence me as an outspoken political prisoner.

The engagement (See video above)

Holding on to dear life

I am currently grasping to any strand of sensibility and hope that I can attach to. Whilst not one person can be held accountable for my traumas, systemic failures of public health policy along with medical professionals derelict of duty of care has brought me to this ongoing agony. I recognise that to this point, my behaviour, language and peaceful protest may have been instrumental in the situation and interpreted as confrontational. I am a forthright and direct person. I am cognisant enough to realise that once a starts to gather speed, it becomes a perpetual force that consumes everything in it’s path. No matter what the initial cause was for the tragedy that is growing after now having reached a critical mass and affecting me on an exponential level paramount to torture. I could not report my own torture to the NDIS, Police, Hospital, friend or family member nor my homelessness to Sheena Jack from HCF or Jacquelyn Symes from parliament. Because my identity was treated with such gaslighting and contempt I changed my name to Barran Dodger and it is from that identity I emailed every single parliamentarian with zero response.


My previous truce didn’t work

I offered a truce to the Government (McLean 2021) regarding my oppression. Charan Naidoo representing attorney general Mark Dreyfus’ office refers me to the Ombudsman (Naidoo 2021) rejecting any responsibility. His office still refuses to acknowledge me (Mclean 2023). At first the OAIC said my FOI of the OPMC was too ‘voluminous’  (OAIC 2022) then rejected it (Gartman 2022).  The Ombudsman’s own literature states defines a complaint an implied or express statement of dissatisfaction where a response is sought is reasonably to expected and legally required and this is such a complaint worthy to qualify for a PID.

I’ve pissed off at least two powerful people. 

The profound victimisation and economic disadvantage I have suffered from Steve Iasonidis‘ rejection of a settlement in which we were engaged to be married and in which lived together (Estate) and in which he exploited me (Badenoch 2020) underpins it.  I have also been framed by Russell Ball who is influential on Government policy (partners 2018) and acted to silence evidence (whittaker 2017) that was due before a court for malpractice but never heard has caused me profound damage.  I attempted to gain justice after years of oppression. I requested my FOI from the OPMC to unravel the reason behind it but they cite I ‘don’t exist’ (Gartman 2022). But I’ve spoken all over this country (McLean) in a courageous advocacy. Rejecting my FOI elongated the family abuse and massive potential financial detriment I suffered and illustrates systemic corruption. It would have revealed my public role and corruption at AFCA, AHRC, Police, and Attorney General. It would have revealed the psychometric profiling of me Tony Riddell speaks of in this candid recording (Riddell 2022). I would reveal I was engaged to former ASIO employee Steve Iasonidis. Riddell reveals the methodology of government tyranny that aims to sacrifice me. I had to reverse engineer this gas lighting from humble beginnings at local levels to the very top.


I will provide evidence to come from HCC, MHCC, The Police, IBAC, The Victorian Inspectorate,The Ombudsman that evidence has been silenced. Now I am infamous and cannot even go to legal aid (Mclean 2023). I am not an equal citizen in this country because I haven’t legal representation resulting in my release from vagrancy. A disabled person having no representation is in spite of Australia being a  signatory to (nations Convention of human rights for people with a disability) which states I must have equality before the law and access to it. I don’t and I demand it. Currently I have been discriminated against, I am exploited, I have had the sanctity life removed, and I have had my property and my prosperity redacted. In addition I have no equality before the law or access to it. To illustrate this I wrote to the Governing body of all lawyers detailing my universal rejection from dozens of enquiries and received zero response (McLean 2022). It’s no surprise I am psychometrically profiled as Tony Riddell says (Riddell 2022) and rejected any help from Victoria Legal Aid (Mclean 2023).

Attorney General who oversees Ombudsman

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus refuses to acknowledge me (Mclean 2023). It is now demonstrable that my ‘fatal’ injury (mercy 2021) resulting in my brain impairment (Chew 2023) was the result of Government torture. The hospital owes me a duty of care and a settlement and this needs to be immediately acknowledged. I have cared for human rights in my advocacy (McLean) and spoken all over this country and what I have given on a personal level is way out of proportion for what I have received.

Disability discrimination

The Disability Discrimination act (1992) forbids discrimination on the basis of disability but when my autobiography (Mclean 2002) was published I was vilified publicly by Sunday Herald Sun (Editor 2002) and within three weeks lost my job at The Age. I was a marked man again from that point. The victimisation I have suffered systemically in this document is palpable. The legal definition of victimisation is when someone “subjects or threatens to subject the other person to any detriment”. The definition of ‘detriment’ can be non-economic loss economic loss physical injury or impairment including psychiatric injury. I have suffered all three.  The list of potential financial detriments that were intentionally redacted from me over time in a political way is formidably large at over twenty million dollars (Mclean 2023). According to The Commonwealth Ombudsman’s own charter the response to this document  must be respectful, impartial, confidential, transparent, procedurally fair, accessible and responsive. My hope for an immediate outcome which will cease my torture is clearly noted (McLean 2023). I don’t expect much more than what a person is dignified to have. Already my applications to the CDDC scheme have been ignored.

Fearing I’ll be sacrificed

On 16th Sept 22 my PID was rejected (.officer 2022). But this PID includes disclosable issues including a contravention of the law, systemic corruption, conspiracy perverting the course of justice, maladministration, an abuse of public trust, wastage of public money, and conduct that is a danger to health, safety or the environment. Tony Riddell who is is only one of three people in Australia with his clearance of counter terrorism and risk management detailed to me ‘psychometric profiling’ that is utilised by The Government in order to destroy people.  He detailed how they ‘sacrifice bad apples’ rather thank blame the ‘bad barrels makers’ (Riddell 2022). I knew I’d be destroyed with further demonic style victimisation and further character assassination if I didn’t make a stand.

Prejudicing me

Dr Horgan praised my dexamphetamine (Horgan 2016) which I had an amazing life on and then would not prescribe it after my suicide. Weribee Mercy detail the cessation of my Dex as the cause for my suicide attempt (Health 2021). It is clear I have used street drugs to mimic the effect but salt water clinic refuse to prescribe it. This is malpractice. I demand the script. Under the guise of government/legislative procedures and policies, those who have sympathised with my struggles are quickly stymied and silenced by the lack of resources, information they can share with me or personal reason to prejudice me from the public domain.  They can also prejudice me from the private or professional domain as Dr Horgan has done.


I was happy creating and studying and as soon as people wed me money my persecution began and I was vilified. Here is a black SUV profiling my home in 2021 (richmcleanart 2021). With the benefit of hindsight we are now learning that the decisions made by senior public health officials was far from ideal (Hunt 2020). Consequentially, benefitting the people that had more money and were not scapegoats easy to exploit. I’ve been vulnerable and with low incomes and poverty has affected my health.  A Magistrate rejected my AVI (FOI/2022/045 2021) when I attempted to gain access to a settlement from Iasonidis. I knew he would kill me because he admitted to me being at murders and I was scared. The Government protects him by the OPM refusing my FOI (Gartman 2022). ASIC reject my FOI telling me to call police (Bianchi 2022).  Given meagre supports I am capable of amazing things (McLean 2020). Greg Hunt - silenced evidence  in the wWhittaker case (Hunt 2020). A screen snapshot of my business website (McLean 2017) www.richmclean.com.au. My business website that Micron 21 destroyed (Braunegg 2021) . They did it with impunity and the telecommunications industry ombudsman covered it up as well as SFBEO. It was registered at ASIC and they allowed it to be destroyed.  Grindr user tells me Steve wants my husky ‘dead’ (User 2021) because he was found to have embezzled a million dollars. I cannot report the death threat to police.  Neuropsychological exam demonstrates (Chew 2023) the damage the demonstrated oppression has caused in my cognitive brain impairment. I write to Michaelia Cash (Mclean 2020) with no intervention.  OPMC - refused my FOI (OAIC 2022) which is in itself unlawful. Tim Gos - AFCA - set me up (evidence to come).  Liz Lindsberg - Free kicked a 1.5million dollar deal in a way not impartial (evidence to come),  AFCA head - Banned me. Work safe Minister - banned me. Simon Birmingham - finance.gov Rejected my CDDC scheme. Paul Fowler - rejected my workcover at ComCare on two different reasons. Workcover sent it to ComCare and Paul Fowler was the old boss at worksafe. Thats called corruption. APRA - Rejected whistleblower. AFSA - rejected Whistleblower. Steve Iasonidis - A former public service official who exploited me in his personal life (caputo 2011). Head of AGIS - Did not investigate and protected Steve Iasonidis. Head of ASIO - David Irvine - He supported Steves exploitation of me. I actually committed Centrelink fraud for even having a pension. Michaelia Cash - refused to intervene in AFCA AHRC and ComCare / AAT. Russell Ball - framed me as an extortionist and destroyed my access to the law. Head of  Weribee Mercy - James Lye - Covered up settlement for damage to me whilst under their care. Salt Water clinic - did the same.  Dr David Horgan - praised dexamphetamine then rejected me-thats malpractice.  ASIC, APRA, AFSA, The Commonwealth Ombudsman I have been a failed whistleblower until now.  Because of Russell Ball my evidence was silenced by the heads of these agencies: (name) HCC, (name), MHCC, (name) The police including Christopher Roberts, (Sue) IBAC, (name) The Victorian Inspectorate, (name) AHPRA, (name) NHPOPC, (name) The Ombudsman - Ben Calder. Attorney General Victoria refused to respond to me. Deborah Glass refused to respond.  Micron 21 - James Braunegg maliciously destroyed my business and website and with it my digital identity (Braunegg 2021). Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman protected the destruction of my business.  So did Small Business and Family Industry Ombudsman. This Government abuse is demonstrable and damaged me and I suffered what was deemed a ‘fatal’ injury inside Weribee mercy (mercy 2021) for which I have a brain impairment (Chew 2023). My heart ceased due to lack of blood (Health 2021). A hospital owes a duty of care whilst in their custody. The apology was abuse. Show me the money.  I am banned at AFCA to Jeffrie Tricka where I lost over 2 million dollars (Ennis 2022). They knew I was in financial distress . They were supposed to come to determinations for marginalised people within 4 weeks (AFCA 2019).  HCF refused to pay workcover refused to pay. Mr Iasonidis incarcerated me rejecting a settlement and I could not get a lawyer. My AVI on him was denied (FOI/2022/045 2021). I lost over 1.5million in financial detriment at AHRC. I am a failed whistleblower at ASIC APRA AFSA and formerly Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Family violence is not ok

I am under family violence from Mr Steve Iasonidis (caputo 2011) who enacts coercive financial control bye refusing a settlement and threatening to kill my dog (User 2021). IGIS refuse to investigate the his actions from the five year relationship in which we were engaged to be married and he exploited my nest egg. I applied for an IVO but it was rejected (FOI/2022/045 2021). He received a carers pension for being with me and earned upwards of $30000 a month whilst I was on a pension. I was living off a TPD insurance from Health Super for which I was paid one unit of $83000 but I had 8 units of cover. The Government refuse to acknowledge the relationship. I became ill in Feb 2021 (Moore) from an unfavourable sexual abuse case where I was the victim. I also knew I had been framed. The magistrate threw it out as ‘doomed’ to fail. My HCF income assist rejected. My workcover rejected. Work Safe have banned me. 

Systemic corruption

Paul Fowler was the old boss at worksafe who sent me to ComCare where he rejected me. This is corruption. I was contracted to work only inn Victoria under a statutory agency of Vic. First it was for reason (x) then they rejected it because of (y). I have a Government employee login. Bill Shorten refuses to get back to me. Member Purnell and Kate Watson acted outside the remit of the charter of human rights when they delayed my payment and rejected it. HCC, MHCC, Victorian Inspectorate, The Police, IBAC, The Ombudsman, AHPRA and NHPOPC failed to intervene both in original malpractice by Dr Whittaker in which his neglect led to my overdose. I had acquired a recording of the malpractice which was for the reason of checking my reality because my perceptions have been unreliable. It was innocuously taken and this was silenced universally. His lawyer Russell Ball intervened in agencies and acted to harm me. He informs the ombudsman (partners 2018) where I am a failed whistleblower and advises the Government on policy. After my suicide attempt I discovered the FOI from HCC which detailed Russell Ball framing me as an extortionist and this is why I had failed for so long and this demonstrates the harm this man caused me.

THE SOLUTION (Mclean 2023)


Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

1992, D. D. A.

AFCA (2019).

Badenoch, R. (2020). "Steve Iasonidis lawyer rejects me."

Bianchi, A. (2022). ASIC reject my FOI and PID. ASIC.

Braunegg, J. (2021). R. Mclean.

caputo, C. (2011). Rich Mclean Gives Steve Iasonidis the engagement ring. youtube, Rich Mclean.

Chew, M. (2023). CONFIDENTIAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT. Footscray, Weribee Mercy Hospital: 7.

Dodger, B. (2023). Introcuction: The Scapegoat.

DSS` (2019).

Editor, R. M. (2002). MY DESCENT INTO MADNESS. Herald Sun, Sunday Herald Sun.

Ennis, D. (2022). AFCA.

Estate, B. a. S. R.

FOI/2022/045, O. r. R. A. r. (2021). Magistrates court rejection of AVI. M. court.

Gartman, P. (2022). Rejection of FYIfrom OPM ‘doesn’t exist’. O. o. P. M. Cabinet.

Government Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

Head, G. (2019). N. Q. a. s. Commission. Melbourne.

Health, M. m. (2021). FOI Request.

Horgan, D. d. (2016). Dr Horgan praises dexamphetamine.

Hunt, G. (2020).

IGIS, r. (2021).

McLean, D. R. (2017). "www.richmclean.com.au."

McLean, D. R. (2020). "A Splice of my Life."

McLean, R. "Advocacy."

Mclean, R. (2002). Recovered not cured a journey through schizophrenia, Allen and Unwin.

Mclean, R. (2020). Dr Mclean writes to Michaelia Cash.

McLean, R. (2021). I offer a truce to the Attorney General and the Government.

McLean, R. (2022).

McLean, R. (2022). Dr Mclean writes to Australian Legal bar.

McLean, R. (2023). 25.03.2023 immediate outcomesto the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and victimisation.pdf.

Mclean, R. (2023). 25.03.2023 potential financial detriments not paid or rejected for dr ich mclean.

Mclean, R. (2023). I call Attorney General’s office and am rejected.

Mclean, R. (2023). "I offer a solution to the impasse."

McLean, R. (2023). "It is NOT ok that the following things have happened. It details the public servants of disclosable conduct:."

mclean, r. (2023). "support and protections."

Mclean, R. (2023). What happens when I call Victoria legal aid. Youtube, Rich Mclean.

mercy, W. (2021). "Hospital notes cite injury as ‘fatal’."

Naidoo, C. (2021). "Charan naidoo representing Mrk Dreyfus refers me to the Ombudsman."

nations, u. (Convention of human rights for people with a disability).

OAIC (2022). Dr Mclean’s FOI from OPM was ‘too voluminous’ and needed an extension. OAIC. Australia.

officer, J. A. (2022). PID-2022-100021. C. Ombudsman. Commonwealth Ombudsman.

partners, B. (2018). "Ball and Partners selfdescribed responsibilities and qualities." 2022.

richmcleanart (2021). "A black SUV investigates my house." https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChbYg6fBw5K/.

Riddell, B. D. a. T. (2022). YouTube.

Riddell, B. D. a. T. (2022). barran Dodger meets Tony Riddell former SAS commander. YouTube.

User, G. (2021).

whittaker, r. m. d. (2017).

These videos demonstrate the malice with which I am treated because these people could solve my suffering and financial destitution at any time.

Rich Mclean gives his former partner Steve Iasonidis his engagemen ring in 2011.

Rich McLean meets Tony Riddell - one of only three people with his security clearance and he describes how i will be 'sacraficed' ie: killed.

The oppression, financial abuse and family violence as well as being exploited for apparently being 'crazy', led him to suicide inside weribee mercy hospital. 

There is no compensation nor apology nor recourse. He nowlives with a slight cognitive impairment which affects his ability to organise and remember things. Its an oppression that keeps on burdening him via intelligently redacting all prosperity in order to harm him.

In Nov 2022 the police came to his home wheere he was squatting and kicked inthe door and took him to a hospital. He stayed for over two months. Whilst he was trapped there the very hospital he was in ovwersaw with the police his landlord take everything at his home he ever owned and took it to the tip. 

The hospital rejected him to a homelessness shelter with the clotheson his back and a brown paper bag.

He continues to be financially abused by his former partner which is a form of family violence that is elongated by the Prime Ministers office' rejection of his FOI.

That wouldeasily detail the relationship and therefore the detriment and the violence and other major systemic corruption issues.

Rich's PAY ID is 0400639248. 

Please help me. 

Its an investment you will get back.