

  • Children
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Government agencies


  • Problem
  • Perspective
  • Propose a solution
  • State the benefits


  1. Identify stakeholders
  2. Document needs
  3. Analyze their influence/interest
  4. Manage stakeholders expectation
  5. Take action
  6. Review and repeat

My solution is that parents should speak their native language only, even if their children answer in English.

Effects are that children will learn both languages at the same time without any confusion.

Often, parents of the bilingual children believe that learning two languages at the same time is too difficult to handle but that's not true, and they do not support that their children should learn another language at early age.

Learning two languages

ENGL 1001 UCBA. (2018). Survey on Benefits of Multilingualism. [In class survey].

In a survey of 11 students at a University of Cincinnati Blue Ash, I found that majority think multilingualism is a serious issue them and for American society as well. The majority of them know only two to four multilingual people, and they think it is moderate to learn another language. Also, they suggested the benefits of multilingualism such as, communication with more diverse groups, opening lines of communication with mono-linguistic people and better job opportunities.