
In this final course reflection and eportfolio, you will establish what you have learned about writing this term through completing each of the assignments. Each assignment required you to work on different aspects of the five course learning outcomes. In this final reflection, you will describe how each assignment led to your development as a writer. The eportfolio is the repository of samples of your work that you can use to support your assertions about your learning. On a new page in your Google Site called “Final Course Reflection,” write paragraphs that address each of the course outcomes:

Rhetorical knowledge: How do purpose and audience inform your work as a writer? You should discuss how the audience and purpose changed with each assignment. Select one assignment that best shows how you use the ideas of audience and purpose as a writer.

Critical thinking, reading, and writing: How do you use critical thinking and reading as a writer? Describe how you have used analysis and synthesis to create each assignment.

Processes: What reading and writing processes do you use? Describe how you generated ideas as well as revised and edited your writing?

Conventions: Describe the different formats you created this semester. How did the format influence your work as a writer? How do you edit your work?

Electronic environment: Describe how you found the information you used in your writing. Discuss how you determined this information was appropriate for your purpose and audience. Explain how you use features of Microsoft Word and Google Sites as a writer.


Introduction - Purpose, Audience, Thesis tell that I'm ready for the next English course (2089).

Body - Learning outcomes with evidence.

Conclusion -

end the reflective essay with whether was the semester successful or not.