Genre Recasting

Change in a genre was a bit confusing at the beginning of this assignment, but when I changed the tone of the voice in my head, it started to become easier, and I understood that I have to imagine myself as a parent (in my case) to ensure if the information fits for that audience. The process of composing this assignment was not very hard, but it took a little while to figure out how I should address my message. I have included the main points or key arguments of the topic in the infographics. I tried to have as much as less text, because for some people a lot of text equals a lot of reading, and they are more unlikely to read all that text. Also, by having just the main points and less text I was able to address my purpose and encourage my audience to teach a second or third language to their little ones as early as possible, so they receive all the benefits that come from it. The difference from research project was having less text and more visual content, because informal audience may feel unable to understand due to the use of specific language format used in research report, or they might want to imagine or have a better visual picture. I chose this genre, because I thought the parents of young children do not have much time due to looking after their babies, and it will be very helpful and easy access for them to read and enjoy the infographics. For example, they can read these while stand in line at stores or while waiting at the bus station.